At night, Fang Bo came to the deck with a glass of red wine.

Looking at the dark sea, his mood finally gained a moment of peace.

The orphanage is a huge organization, and it would be a lie to say there is no pressure at all.

Olson's plan was good, but the uncertainty in it was too strong, and Fang Bo didn't dare to put all his bets on the other party.

So he resurrected Goenitz, found Yagami Temple, and then went to wake up the sleeping Kusanagi Kyo.

If the action of the small partners fails, the chips in hand are enough to overthrow the Sound Nest organization.

Of course, the enemy cannot just watch them do things, and will definitely try every means to destroy them.

Maybe, it will also attract strong men from the second difficulty world to come.

By spending a certain amount of merit points, reincarnators in high-difficulty worlds can actually "return for a limited time", but there will be more specific restrictions.

For example, attributes are suppressed to the world's extreme, props cannot be used, etc. These are all information obtained from Olson.

He just said that it might happen, but it didn't mean that the enemy would definitely come. As long as their action information was not leaked in advance.

In fact, Fang Bo really wanted to meet the powerful people in the second difficulty world.

The attributes are at the same stage, which means that our side will not be at a disadvantage in terms of hard power.

The only difference lies in skills, but Fang Bo's abilities are obviously far beyond those of others, and may not be inferior to those of the so-called second-difficulty experts.

If you can kill the opponent, the plot points alone will be worth the price of admission.

I heard that the overall reward for the second difficulty level will be greatly increased. If this is the case, it is normal to have 18,000 plot points in your pocket, right?

[Let us introduce the teams in this King of Fighters competition! 】

At this time, the news on the big screen attracted Fang Bo's attention.

Although he is still looking for teammates, many teams have actually completed the registration process.

The Hungry Wolf Team, Terry, Andy, Dongzhang, and Mary.

Team Benimaru, Benimaru, Shingo, Seth, and Lin.

Dragon Tiger Fist Team, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert, Takuma Sakazaki, Joan.

The Super Power Rangers team consists of Zhen Yuan Zhai, Asamiya Athena, Shii Ken Takashi, and Bao.

South Korean team, Kim Ka-pan, Quan Xun, Cai Baoqi, Chen Guokhan.

Team K', K', Maxima, Vanessa, Ramon.

As of now, probably these six teams have completed their registration.

Basically, they are all familiar faces. Occasionally, some newcomers appear but they cannot replace those popular fighters.

For example, the absence of Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami disappointed many netizens. Some even openly criticized the organizers, saying that they were deliberately suppressing popular players from previous years.

Even guests on the cruise ship are discussing the list.

"What, it feels like each King of Fighters tournament is not as good as the last."

"That is to say, I am a die-hard fan of Kyo Kusanagi."

"It's these guys every time. Is there any new popular idol appearing?"

"Well, I think K' is cool. I like his dressing style very much."

"Where's Mai Zhuo, where has my goddess gone?!"

"Why haven't I seen a female fighter team!!!"

Hearing the howls of those old perverts, Fang Bo thought to himself that there would probably be no female fighter team in this King of Fighters competition.

Mai Shiranui became the host body of the storm, and a team without one person could not compete at all.

Speaking of which, since the end of The King of Fighters 97, there have been very few grand events where sixteen teams compete together.

Not counting the female fighter teams that were unable to participate, there were only eight teams in this competition, including the team that Fang Bo wanted to form.

"Team Fury hasn't signed up yet." He couldn't help but think of Olson who was deep in the enemy group.

I don’t know if this guy’s work is going well.


At this moment, a roar suddenly attracted his attention.

With good eyesight, Fang Bo could tell at a glance that the explosion location was the floor where Iori Yagami was located.

"Are these two guys really fighting?"

With a little effort in his steps, he jumped directly to the second deck seven or eight meters high. For him nowadays, this kind of thing is common.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they boarded the second deck, a man in a cloak appeared in front of them.

Before seeing the other party, Fang Bo was not aware that there was anyone here at all.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The man launched the attack without saying a word.

Foreign style·Hang Ax Yang!

A powerful and heavy one-leg slash directly kicked Fang Bo down who had just climbed to the second floor.

The cloaked man was just about to give chase when his expression suddenly changed and he raised his fist and hit the top of his head without thinking.

Hundred Styles·Oniyaki!

As the fist wrapped in red flames rose up, the golden sword that attempted a sneak attack was instantly knocked aside.

However, the cloaked man's moves were already worn out, and he could no longer fight against other weapons while in the air.

The golden Kusanagi sword roared out and instantly pierced the man's chest.

Yanyue Qinglong followed closely behind, tearing a deep bone-visible wound in the man's abdomen.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 71 points of damage to the Kusanagi clone]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 42 points of damage to the Kusanagi clone]

"Clone?" Fang Bo probably understood the identity of the enemy.

Looking at the man who stumbled to the ground, his attention was mainly focused on his appearance.

Although his skin color is a little dull, this person looks almost exactly like Kusanagi Kyo.

There is no doubt that he should be a clone soldier from the Sound Nest organization.

[Kusanagi Clone (Assault Type)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength]

[Features: Blood of Kusanagi, mechanical transformation]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Blood of Kusanagi: The blood of the three artifact families flows in his body, and he can use the power of red flames.

Mechanical transformation: The body has been carefully transformed, with strength +3 and constitution +2.

"Sure enough, it's these things." Fang Bo fell to the ground, and golden ripples appeared again above his head.

He could have killed the enemy instantly, but he just wanted to ask for some information.

Now that the identity of the other party is known, there is no need to continue questioning.

"Damn it." The clone Kusanagi Kyo stood up, the angry expression on his face could not hide the fear of death in his heart.

He had a premonition that he might not be a match for this person.

His short life left no memory, and executing orders was all he could use as a clone.

Even if you die, you will fall on the road towards the enemy.

Must-kill·Two hundred and twelve moves·Qin Yueyang!

"go to hell!"

However, the punch failed to land on Fang Bo after all, and he was pierced by countless sharp blades while running.

Looking at the man whose body was covered with treasures, Fang Bo took out a scroll and sealed the clone soldier's body.

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +3]

Considering the strength shown by the clones, there should be more than one attacker this time, otherwise they would really be here to deliver food.

Thinking of this, Fang Bo came up with the idea of ​​grabbing someone's head.

His Heart Steel has not been superimposed yet, and it is when he needs to kill. If he finally encounters a suitable target, he must not miss it.

The only problem at present is that these modified people seem to be able to block his perception of fighting spirit. Unless face to face, Fang Bo cannot capture the enemy's aura.

"What a troublesome bunch."

As he spoke, he activated the suspension acceleration, and his whole body instantly rose into the sky.

The speed attribute has reached the extreme value, and the speed is already terrifying when the flying effect is activated.

In two breaths, Fang Bo arrived at the site of the explosion and saw Iori Yagami, who was wreaking havoc among a group of clones.

These soldiers look almost the same, but they seem to be slightly different from the one just now.

To be on the safe side, Fang Bo still sent an information scan.

【Kusanagi clone (mass production type)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength]

[Features: Blood of Kusanagi, mechanical transformation]

[Threat Assessment: Winning from Weakness]

"Well, it turns out they are still a bunch of inferior products."

Using levitation to accelerate and float in the air, eight vortexes of golden ripples appeared around him.

Ignoring Iori Yagami's expression, the Noble Phantasms turned into golden meteors and rushed downwards.

There is no need to use the puppet technique. With the Noble Phantasm he currently possesses, killing these clones with about 20 points in individual attributes is simply easy and enjoyable.

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +2]

A round of precise strikes directly chopped off the head of a certain unlucky guy on the spot.

Five seconds later, the second round of attacks came as expected, and this time he successfully killed two people.

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +1]

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +2]

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel), has accumulated 12 health points in the current world. 】

As for the other clone soldiers present, they were torn to pieces by the angry Yagami.

"Damn, how could this happen?!" Feeling the anger in his heart, Yagami faced the sea and hit a super-killing secret attack with all his strength.

Purple blue flames penetrated the sky and the earth, lighting up the dark night sky.

This is how he vents his anger.

As for the reason for his anger, it was naturally these Kusanagi Kyo fakes.

There was also a special emotion hidden deep in his heart that even he was not aware of.

The moment he saw the face of the attacker, Iori was almost stunned by the sudden surprise.

But when he discovered the true identity of his enemy, all that joy turned into anger.

After a while, Iori regained his composure and went to find a free room to rest.

Don't worry about what the original owner thought, because all the guests on the floor fled and no one dared to live next door to this madman.

At this time, a breeze blew gently, and Goenitz's figure appeared on the field.

"It seems like you guys are very busy here." As she said that, she kicked the body on the ground hard.

Looking at the same appearance as Kusanagi Kyo, a look of disgust flashed across the woman's face.

Under Fang Bo's stunned gaze, she gently raised her arm, and the sharp wind wrapped all the clones in it.

"Wait a moment."

Before he could stop him, the corpses around him had already been sent into the sea by the strong wind.

"It feels much more refreshing now." After saying that, she turned to look at her teammates and asked with some confusion: "What did you just say you were waiting for?"

"It's okay." Fang Bo sighed, thinking that so much good food was wasted.

The nutritional content of Kusanagi's blood is extraordinary, and it can definitely breed strong ghost spiders. However, the background of a modern city is not suitable for the appearance of a new bride.

At least the cruise ship won't be preparing rooms for a bunch of monsters.

After chatting casually for a few words, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

But after something like this happened, no one could sleep peacefully.

Iori Yagami was thinking about Kusanagi Kyo's situation, and Goenitz finally believed in the ability of the Sound Nest Organization. As for Fang Bo, he was checking and filling in the gaps in his plan.

If you want to trigger the hidden mission, you must study the plot to a certain extent.

Follow the established plot and never think about triggering several high-level tasks in your life.

Therefore, he was thinking about how to get more benefits in the King of Fighters world.

This mission is his attempt to see if he can create more value from ordinary tasks.

After looking at the mission information to rescue the Strongest Fist, a special smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly lay on the bed and fell into sleep.

"The fun games have just begun."

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