Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 208 The real and fake Kusanagi Kyo

Kusanagi Castle is somewhat similar to a traditional castle-like building, and the interior is mostly made of stone.

The main body of the castle is the castle tower, which is a tall stone building with a magnificent appearance.

Viewed from the top of the castle tower, the mountains and white clouds in the distance formed a beautiful picture, which made Fang Bo feel much better.

When we landed this morning, a large group of luxury cars were waiting in line at the airport. The current head of the family, Kyo's father, Kusanagi Shibune, had been waiting there since dawn for his son's return.

As a savior, Fang Bo naturally received the highest level of courtesy from Kusanagi City.

The moment he stepped into this foreign land, his camp's reputation reached the level of respect.

[The reputation of Kusanagi Castle reaches respect]

[Faction store opens]

[Unlock item purchase permissions]

[Unlock equipment purchase permissions]

[Unlock combat simulation permissions]

In terms of equipment, they basically revolve around melee combat, and most of them are high-quality equipment with excellent effects.

[Flame Gloves, priced at 2500 plot points]

[Flame Bracers, priced at 1800 plot points]

[Flame Talisman, priced at 1,200 plot points]

Although the number is small, they are the favorites of the melee reincarnators. If that guy Olson sees them, he will be ecstatic.

If you have enough money in your pocket and you don't mind buying two good pieces of equipment for your teammates, you can just charge 30% of the hard work fee afterwards.

It's a pity that he is now strapped for money and no longer has the mental outlook to spend 20,000 plot points.

As for this person, if he has nothing, he will be sick, and if he has nothing, he will have no money. This principle is also applicable in the reincarnation space.

I definitely can’t afford the equipment, so let’s look at the prices of the items.

[Strength Amplifying Potion (Small), priced at 300 plot points]

[Agility Amplification Potion (Small), priced at 300 plot points]

[Fire resistance potion (small), priced at 500 plot points]

[Mastery in unarmed combat, priced at 200 plot points]

[Proficient in grappling, priced at 200 plot points]

Strength Amplifying Potion (Small): Increases strength attribute by 2 points for 5 minutes.

Agility Amplifying Potion (Small): Increases the agility attribute by 2 points for 5 minutes.

Fire resistance potion (small): Increases resistance to fire damage, fire damage -20% damage, lasts for 5 minutes.

Unarmed Combat Mastery: Enhances the combat experience of unarmed combat, and requires basic melee combat MAX to learn.

Mastery of Grappling Techniques: Enhances the combat experience of throwing techniques and combat. It can only be learned after basic grappling MAX.

Since there were still a few bottles of secondary secret medicine in his pocket that were not used, and the effect was much stronger than these two medicines, Fang Bo only had enough to buy one bottle of fire resistance medicine.

There are as many fire users as there are in the King of Fighters world, so there's always a chance this thing will come in handy.

Then he exchanged for unarmed combat proficiency, so that when he returns this time, he can try to enhance his melee combat skills.

In the future, if he learns the art of Flying Thunder God, Fang Bo will be able to use the coordination of his noble phantoms to achieve melee output.

Of course, it would be best to obtain advanced weapon-wielding skills.

The key point is that the Kusanagi clan has been involved in hand-to-hand combat since ancient times. There are no skill scrolls for sale in this area, so they have no choice but to give up.

Plot points: 514

"I'm so poor again."

As for the combat simulation authority, you can select plot characters belonging to Kusanagi Castle for combat training.

It is a way to enhance combat experience.

If there is a chance, Fang Bo can give it a try, but now he is short of money and wishes he could go up and act as a sparring partner for others.

After leaving the majestic castle tower, he planned to walk around to pass the time.

The news of Kyo Kusanagi's return has spread, and his teammates rushed over from Southtown, USA, overnight.

Fang Bo wasn't familiar with those people, so he didn't participate shamelessly.

The purpose of his coming here was not to get familiar with each other, but to get a second hidden mission from Kusanagi Kyo.

Taking out the destiny token in his pocket, Fang Bo kept chanting a name silently in his heart.

Even if it is not used, it still points vaguely in a fixed direction.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that his idea was very feasible.

When he triggered the mission in Nanzhen to find the target person, the target of his search was not "Kusanagi Kyo" but "Kusanagi Kyo Zero".

A perfect clone that is indistinguishable from Kusanagi Kyo in every aspect, even in terms of strength.

The most important thing is that he has the complete memory of himself and completely thinks of himself as Kusanagi Kyo.

That's right, Kyo Kusanagi, who was catching up with friends and waiting for his girlfriend to show up, was actually a clone like Kusanagi No. 1.

Of course, he himself would definitely not admit it, or no one would be willing to accept this reality.

The father, friends, and lovers in his memory are actually the property of others, and he himself is just a technological product with no memory.

This fact is enough to drive any normal person crazy.

If someone tells you at this time, as long as you destroy the Sound Nest Organization and kill your own self, you will be the unique Kusanagi Kyo in the world.

Most people choose to act without hesitation.

So isn’t the hidden mission that Fang Bo was looking forward to coming?

No matter what, he has to raise the five attributes to the extreme state in the King of Fighters world, and then he will try his best to accumulate attribute points and prepare for entering the second difficulty world.

As for the golden main quest that everyone fears, it is nothing in Fang Bo's eyes.

No matter how difficult it is, can it be compared to the world mission of destroying Infinite City and the Sound Nest Organization?

Listening to the noise in the distance, Fang Bo returned to the room with a smile.

Now is not the time to act. People are always very alert during the day. It is best to wait until the dead of night to visit the target.

With the identity of his savior, it is easy to gain the trust of Kusanagi Zero.

As long as you are willing to try, it is not easy to find the direction of the main body.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

The atmosphere in the family training ground was slightly depressing at the moment.

Yabuki Shingo stood there at a loss. Opposite him, Kusanagi Kyounori, the master, had been knocked to the ground.

Naturally, the master and apprentice were overjoyed when they met, and Shingo really wanted to tell his master about his progress over the years.

The best way for fighters to communicate is definitely to fight, so the two sides decided to have a little discussion.

Unexpectedly, less than three minutes into the battle, Kusanagi Kyo was knocked to the ground by Shingo's iron fist.

By the time Shingo came to his senses, the master had already stood up again with a slight stagger.

"Ahem, you're making rapid progress." Kusanagi Kyo tried his best to maintain a normal smile.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was always so depressing. Benimaru, Daemon, and everyone including his father, Kusanagi Shibune, could not help but reveal a trace of sadness in their eyes.

The person in front of him is Kyo Kusanagi, the extremely powerful man who is known as the strongest fist. Even Orochi will be defeated by his iron fist.

Now he can't even defeat his apprentice.

"Damn it." Benimaru cursed in a low voice, feeling a feeling of depression in his heart that he couldn't vent.

Seeing this, Kusanagi Kyo patted his disciple's shoulder in a comforting manner and said, "It's okay. I just haven't recovered yet. I'll be fine after a while of rest."

Seeing his usual smile, everyone finally felt a little relieved.

"King, are you really not going to team up with us?" Benimaru asked.

"Don't you already have teammates?" Kusanagi Kyo shook his head, thought for a moment and said, "Actually, someone has already invited me, but I'm still thinking about it."

After chatting for a while, everyone agreed to meet in Nanzhen and then left together.

"Kyo, don't force yourself too much." After a few words of persuasion, Kusanagi Shibune quickly went to work.

Until everyone left, Kusanagi Kyo's expression turned completely gloomy.

Touching his chest, he kept asking himself what was wrong.

The moment he was knocked down by his apprentice's punch, an impulse to destroy everyone arose in his heart.

The seemingly normal exchanges are actually the result of his hard work in "acting", otherwise his friends would definitely notice something strange about him.

Regarding the strange psychological state, Kusanagi Kyo blamed it entirely on the Sound Nest Organization.

"Oh, it's better not to think about anything. Just take a few days' rest."

His girlfriend Qi Inada Xue will not come over very late. Before that, Jing needs to try to adjust his mentality.

Soon, night fell, and Kusanagi Kyo in the room was preparing to go out to meet his girlfriend.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of prying eyes.

Suddenly turning around, Kusanagi Kyo found that his new friend "Jason" who had saved him was waving hello to him not far away.

【Kusanagi Kyo(???)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, physique, spirit]

[Characteristics: Immortal Red Flame (Legendary),? ? ? 】

[Threat Assessment: Meeting an Enemy]

"The strength has been greatly reduced. No wonder even Yabuki Shingo can't beat him." Fang Bo's eyes remained unchanged, with various thoughts swirling in his mind.

When he came to the young man's side, his expression had become extremely serious.

"If you have time, come with me for a walk outside."

"Uh." Kusanagi Kyo was stunned, but in the end he was too embarrassed to refuse his savior's request.

He knew in his heart that without the help of this new friend, how could those two people take the initiative to rescue him.

Oh, Iori might be able to, but it would be nice if Goenitz didn't take the opportunity to kill him.

Save people?

how could it be possible!

"Go and pick up Xiaoxue later. She won't blame me."

However, at this moment, Kusanagi Kyo did not realize what he was about to face.

When the two of them arrived at the deserted back mountain, Fang Bo looked at the magnificent scene in the distance and said calmly: "How much do you know about the Sound Nest Organization?"

Hearing this, Kusanagi Kyo frowned slightly, and he had already noticed the strangeness in the atmosphere.

After thinking for a moment, he recounted the news he learned.

After a moment, Fang Bo waved his hand and interrupted the other party's speech: "It's too shallow. The sound nest is far more powerful than you think."

"Strength does not refer to absolute power, but to the technology mastered by the enemy."

"Those guys can recombine genetic fragments and create clones that are exactly like you."

Hearing this, Kusanagi Kyo also nodded in agreement. He thought the other party was inviting him to form a team.

Who knew that Jason's next words would immediately make him become distraught.

"Even, the sound nest can implant false memories, making a clone mistakenly think that it is the original body."

Seeing the other party's eyes staring at him, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on Kusanagi Kyo Zero's face.

After a moment, the insecurity on his face disappeared, replaced by a suffocating calm: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple." Fang Bo gently tossed the coin in his hand. At this moment, Fang Bo was like a devil tempting his believers.

"Do you want to know who you really are?"


Hearing the voice of his girlfriend Xiaoyuki, Kusanagi Kyo's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

However, he still resolutely boarded the plane and headed to the map location designated by the man.

He wants to prove that he is the real Kusanagi Kyo.

When everything is settled, he will come back to apologize to his girlfriend in person.

However, maybe even he himself didn't realize that the indifference just now was actually more like an escape.

Once some things are pointed out, it is actually easy to tell whether they are true or false.

It just depends on whether he is willing to admit it.

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