Chapter 213 K'

Subconsciously, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. At that moment, Fang Bo almost attacked directly.

Fortunately, he still has his wits about him and knows that even if a fight breaks out, he is no match for them.

The girl who jumped on his sports car was Kula, a girl who had met once at the Sound Nest Base.

"This car is great." She sat in the passenger seat and stretched out her hand to feel the cool night breeze.

She looks like a young girl full of energy and does not look like a killing weapon created by a terrorist organization.

However, Fang Bo never forgot the opponent's strong performance in the channel.

At least he wouldn't be deceived by the girl's appearance.

Considering the mission he was shouldering, Fang Bo couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Are you here to hunt me down?"

If the girl said yes, he would immediately turn around and jump off the viaduct, never giving the other party a chance to freeze himself.

Compared with Kusanagi Kyo's red flame, Fang Bo actually hates Kula's freezing ability even more.

If he is accidentally frozen and unable to find an opportunity to replenish his blood, he will most likely be taken away by the enemy's combo.

Chi Yan was different. As long as he couldn't be killed instantly, there was always a chance to replenish his health.

Seeing that a horrific car accident was about to happen, the girl simply shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to chase you."

"What about you?"

"Who made your sports car so popular? I couldn't help but jump on it."

In a few words, he successfully avoided a car accident that would have made headlines.

It seemed that Kula was indeed not here to hunt him down, but Fang Bo would not completely believe what he said.

Meeting each other was definitely not by chance, and it was impossible for the Sound Nest Organization to let Kula slip out casually.

Waiting for Fang Bo to look at the rearview mirror, he asked in an uncertain tone: "You didn't run out secretly, did you?"


Kula waved his hand to signal him not to care, and even said plausibly: "Yesterday's enemies are today's friends. Yes, we are friends now."

"." Fang Bo did not express his position, probably because he knew very well that the girl would eventually betray the Sound Nest Organization.

After all, he is a potential ally. It would be great if there is no conflict.

"Hi, my friend." Seeing that he didn't speak, Kula suddenly made a small request that was a little extravagant: "Can you send me here?"

As she spoke, she pointed to a place on the map.

Fang Bo took a look, wasn't this the abandoned factory he was going to?

Is this girl going after Iori Yagami? !

Recalling the plot of The King of Fighters 2000, a person's name suddenly appeared in his mind.

K', the little girl next to me is the protagonist of the plot of hunting down the sound nest.

The reason why the destinations overlap may be because Iori Yagami appeared there not long ago, attracting the attention of the "Anti-Sound Nest" team.

Considering that both parties had the same goals, Fang Bo hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

Press the accelerator hard, and the supercar suddenly roars sharply, accompanied by the girl's cheerful laughter.

In the abandoned factory, a young man with silver-white hair was walking forward with his head lowered.

The slightly hunched body is very oppressive, and the action of putting his hands in his pockets is full of contempt.

It was as if the group of clone soldiers in front of him were not taken seriously by him at all.

This person is the absolute protagonist of the Sound Nest chapter, K', who is known as the most powerful reformer.

The black motorcycle suit is full of texture, and the silver cross keeps swaying left and right as K' moves.

His posture was unruly, and his contempt for the enemy was deeply rooted in his bones.

Even the emotionally indifferent clone troopers couldn't help but feel a little annoyed by the young man's attitude.

"Traitor, today is the day you die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guns began to roar. These are high-tech equipment from the Sound Nest Organization, and their lethality cannot be underestimated.

However, their rate of fire was too slow in K''s eyes, and he easily reached the back of the enemy group in a flash.

The arms wearing red gloves were raised high, and the flames shuttled freely among the enemies like dancing elves.

Special move: Trigger!

"Ah, help!"

"Damn it, why did the fireproof suit fail?!"

"This guy's strength is stronger than recorded in the data."

No matter how unwilling the soldiers were, they were all destined to be burned to death by the flames.

A moment later, the ground was covered with charred corpses, but K' still maintained his cool posture.

Seeing this, a strong man came from a distance. This man was Maxima, a half-human and half-mechanical warrior.

His relationship with K' is like Benimaru and Kusanagi Kyo, they are definitely the best friends.

"K', are you in a bad mood today?" Maxima walked closer and looked at the clone's corpse with sadness in his eyes.

He has no hatred for these puppets. It is the Voice Nest organization that should be eradicated.

Normally, his companion would not be so cruel, but today he probably received some kind of emotional stimulation.

"." K' remained taciturn and had no intention of sharing his thoughts with his companions.

Seeing this, Maxima had no choice but to smile bitterly and stop asking. When he wanted to say something, the guy would naturally speak.

Didi didi!

Suddenly, his alarm system sent a signal, detecting that a high-energy target was rapidly approaching.

The next second, a red supercar directly smashed into the glass of the factory building and stopped in front of everyone with a beautiful horizontal drift.

The naughty Kula jumped out before the car stopped, and landed smoothly with a difficult three-and-a-half-turn spin.

Unfortunately, no one applauded her performance.

Pouting with some dissatisfaction, Kula thought to herself, if they were here, they would definitely praise her.

Due to being imprisoned in the laboratory for many years, the fourteen-year-old Kula's mind is actually no different from that of an eight or nine-year-old child.

It seems that she is not as mature as Yaoyao.

Fang Bo, who was about to become the king of children, couldn't help but look at the protagonist of the Sound Nest episode.

【K'(The Strongest Transformed Warrior)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Violent instinct, unstable red flames]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Violent Instinct: Greatly improves combat intuition and enhances the impact of emotional changes on strength.

Unstable Red Flame: Can control unstable Red Flame, and its power will change with the ups and downs of emotions.

Is this the legendary emotional warrior?

Seeing K''s two characteristics, he finally understood why Igniz was knocked down.

He didn't win when he could win, but insisted on stimulating people's emotions step by step. As a result, K''s potential ability was completely exploded.

In Fang Bo's view, Igniz is a typical bad-mouthed person who throws money with the wind and against the wind. Once his mentality collapses, he will drag the whole world into the coffin.

It's really strange that a guy like this can accomplish anything.

He was meditating quietly here, while the ice and fire on the other side were already struggling together.

Under the collision of special moves, it feels as if the entire factory will collapse at any time.

Looking at Maxima who came to him, Fang Bo greeted him politely: "Hi, can you believe it when I say that I am a driver?"

"What do you think?"

"Alas, in today's world, no one believes the truth anymore."

After opening the car door and walking out, Fang Bo said in a very serious tone: "I was lent this car by someone else. Don't let me do anything wrong with it."

"." The man was slightly speechless, but he also felt that the other party's fighting spirit was not very strong.

Not only the driver, but actually even the ice girl Kula didn't fight with all her strength.

The feeling was similar to running an errand.

Having said that, this is not the reason for him to paddle. Regardless of whether he is willing or not, this fight will still have to happen.

"Come on!" Maxima was ready to fight.

[Maxima (semi-reformed man)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, strength, physique]

[Characteristics: Instinct reaction, transforming people]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Instinct reaction: Improves perception of danger and reduces critical damage rate.

Cyborg: HP +200, reduces thermal weapon damage taken.

This cyborg is a typical heavy firepower output, and occasionally can also work as a MT.

Without this frankness, he would not have been able to follow the plot protagonist all the way through the game.

"If you can't kill K', this guy should be fine, right?" Fang Bo remained calm on the surface, but secretly he was thinking about the consequences of killing the opponent.

In a one-on-one situation, his probability of killing Maxima should be quite high. With the sharpness of his Noble Phantasms, he is completely worthy of such a human shield type powerhouse.

The key question is how the protagonist of the plot will react.

If he succeeds, K', who is emotionally stimulated, will definitely increase in strength, and Kula will probably not be his opponent by then.

What's more, he didn't think the girl would fight to the death.

Considering the serious consequences, Fang Bo simply gave up the plan of fighting.

"What, actually I want to find someone"

[The pursuer is approaching, please be prepared to deal with it! 】

Before he could describe his needs, a burst of crazy laughter suddenly sounded from a distance.

Everyone turned around and saw a man in a red cloak striding towards them.

Putting his hand on the glass blocking the road, the next second, dozens of huge floor-to-ceiling windows shattered.

Not for anything else, just because they blocked the man's way.

"finally found you!!!"

The man in the cloak who suddenly appeared was K9999, the reformer from the Sound Nest organization.

Previously in the base, due to the controller in his body, he had no choice but to succumb to the Sound Nest organization.

Will appear here, K9999 received the order to kill the previous batch of intruders.

The battle reported in the news was actually the result of his fight with Iori Yagami.

Judging from the current situation, it seems to be clear who wins and who loses.

Entering the venue carelessly, K9999 looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the old enemy.

In his opinion, killing Fang Bo was just a casual matter, and K' was the real strong enemy who needed all his strength.

K9999's hostility is obvious, and even Maxima on the side is aware of the murderous intention.

Looking at the man who claimed to be the driver, he couldn't help but ask: "It seems that your relationship is not harmonious."

Hearing this, Fang Bo sneered and replied: "You should worry about yourselves now."

Relying on his understanding of K9999, if he runs away now, there is a high probability that this guy will not choose to catch up.

It was not difficult to escape the second pursuit. Fang Bo was just thinking about how to get the maximum benefit.

At this time, the atmosphere in the abandoned factory was very delicate.

First of all, K' and Kula have a hostile relationship.

Secondly, the relationship between K9999 and Kula is not very good. Not long ago, the two sides had a fist fight. I am afraid this matter will not be ignored so easily.

The concrete evidence is that from the moment K9999 appeared, Kula has been glaring at him with hostile eyes.

Rather than saying that the next two sides will fight, it is more likely to turn into a three-party melee.

So the question becomes, which side should Fang Bo choose to join?

Before he could make a decision, slight footsteps came from outside the factory again.

A man dressed as a priest slowly walked into this place of right and wrong.

Of course the visitor was not Goenitz, but a guy whom Fang Bo didn't know at all.

"I have admired your name for a long time." The priest man stared into his eyes, and a thrilling smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Number seven."

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