Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 235 A new unit, the fourth-level serpent spider!

"It's over." Jason watched everything calmly, as if the loser had nothing to do with him.

In fact, this operation was indeed a complete failure, and for this reason, a Seraph, who had been cultivated for a long time, was involved.

Someone needs to take responsibility for this, and maybe putting it on the dead gunman would be a good idea.

"Let's go."

Ignoring Goenitz's eyeful gaze, the long-haired woman took out a very beautiful staff.

As the mysterious magic circle rose, the group of people disappeared in front of everyone.

"Space magic?" Fang Bo couldn't help but frown.

He knew that the enemy must have a back-up move, but he didn't expect it to be such a shameless skill.

Sure enough, it was no luck that the orphanage survived to this day. Every move made by these guys had a way out.

After a moment of silence, Fang Bo turned around and walked in the direction of Goenitz.

The female priest was bowing her head in silence, and at her feet lay the body of Seraph Xiaozhai.

"He was a good boy and shouldn't have died here." Goenitz seemed to feel regretful.

As the clone Seraph of the slayer Battosai, Kosai's fighting talent is really nothing to say.

It's a pity that his mechanical body cannot contain the blood of the serpent, otherwise, Goenitz would have wanted to transform him into one of his own people.

"Everything in the world is always like this, and it can never be perfect." As he said that, Fang Bo put his palm on her shoulder.

Before today, I wouldn't have dared to do this even if I wanted to kill him, because it would definitely arouse Baofeng's wrath.

But after today's battle, the two sides already have a "close" relationship, and many things are completely different.

Just as he thought, the woman just frowned slightly and allowed those strange hands to do whatever they wanted on her body.

In fact, Fang Bo just wanted to help her treat her wounds and gain some experience in basic skills.

This thing is a matter of adding up a little. If he absorbs more today, he will spend less plot points when upgrading tomorrow.

[Basic melee experience value +256]

Appreciating the experience points he gained, Fang Bo finally understood the power of the Feitian Sword Style.

Even though he lost the initiative, he fought back hard in the desperate situation surrounded by strong winds, but still caused a lot of damage to Goenitz.

This lethality cannot be underestimated.

He raised his hand to call a ghost spider over, sucked out its life force, and then walked to Olson's side to help him complete the treatment.

The pain he absorbed was a bit excruciating, causing his forehead to be covered with beads of sweat.

"." Looking at the sweat on his friend's forehead, Olson said in a deep voice: "I remember, you seem to have learned the B-level recovery technique?"


". Give it a chance to wash off your skills. I will help you pay attention to the props you need."

After saying that, no matter what he thought, Olson turned around and walked aside to rest by himself.

After everything here was done, the mercenary team finally arrived at the scene.

"Where are the people, where are those bastards from the Sound Nest?" Ralph's roar echoed through the sky.

That bastard killed his own teammate and openly wanted to join in.

The most hateful thing is that he actually regards him as a brother.

At this moment, Ralph was filled with rage and wanted to tear that bastard apart with his own hands.

When he saw that group of people actually running away, he immediately pointed the finger at Fang Bo and his group: "I'm telling you, you have to wait until we arrive before taking action. Are you deaf?"

After hearing this, the eyes of several people instantly became sharp.

Goenitz, in particular, attacked the man without any warning.

Special move·Night Wind!

The wind blade tornado enveloped Ralph, and the howling wind made it impossible for outsiders to get in.

By the time the skill ended, the general of Team Fury had already fallen down dripping with blood.

Facing Xichui Zhilan who had regained all his strength, Ralph simply couldn't get on the stage.

He didn't kill him just because Goenitz saw more interesting toys and had no interest in spending time with him.

Staring into Lianna's eyes, she smiled faintly, and the corners of her mouth were full of sarcasm: "Long time no see, you haven't accepted your fate yet."

"It's you!!!" Liana immediately realized that the person in front of her was her father-killing enemy.

If it hadn't been for her, how could he have lost control and gone berserk, and then killed his parents with his own hands in a state of madness.

I thought I would never have the chance to take revenge, but I didn't expect my enemy to actually appear in front of me.

As for why she was so similar to Mai Shiranui, Liana, who was in extreme emotions, didn't care at all.

There was only one thought in her mind.

He would tear the woman apart in the most cruel and bloody way.

"Ah!!!" After many years, the violent Liana finally appeared again.

[Lianna Hardylan (Blood Rampage)]

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Serpent's blood, dexterous craftsmanship]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

She looks very powerful, but in fact her strength is far inferior to that of Rampage Iori.

Not to mention, facing Baofeng, who has now regained all his strength.

"Don't kill her." Fang Bo reminded in a low voice: "To deal with Yinchao, we need the power of mercenaries."

"Don't worry." Goenitz raised his hand gracefully and easily blocked the attack of the rampaging Lianna.

"How could I bear to kill such a cute little guy?"

Leaning his body as much as possible to avoid some kind of weird thermal weapon used by his opponent, Gonitz put one hand on the ground and swung his leg, and kicked the side of the violent Lianna's face firmly.

There is no need to use the power of the storm, she can crush the opponent through sheer skill alone.

Even the "V-shaped golden saw" that was launched in anger was easily dodged by Goenitz's turning over and jumping.

Before the woman could turn around, she quickly stepped forward and performed an anti-joint technique.

First, he clasped the opponent's arms behind his back, then bent his knees and pushed down, using the inertia to suppress Liana tightly.

The huge gap in strength between the two sides shocked everyone now.

Lianna has always been an unstable factor in the mercenary army, and many people are afraid that no one can control her if she goes berserk.

Therefore, few people would overly stimulate her, for fear that her aunt would destroy their employment base.

But today, in front of everyone, Liana, who was in a state of rage, was completely subdued with three punches and two kicks.

It seems that everything that happened before was to set off the power of this pastor woman.

"Have you had enough trouble?" She pressed the woman down with one knee, as if she was dealing with a disobedient puppy.

Seeing that Liana still refused to surrender, Goenitz couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

Should he recycle the serpent's blood in her body?

Rather than wasting it on her, it would be better to hand it over to a more suitable candidate.

"Cough cough cough."

At this moment, Fang Bo's cough attracted everyone's attention.

Waving his hands to signal the mercenaries not to be impulsive, he walked up to Lao Gao, leaned against her ear and started mumbling.

It can be seen that the woman was somewhat resistant to such a move, but she still listened patiently.

During this period, no one dared to make any unnecessary noise, only the screams of the rampaging Liana continued to sound.

She just kept her mouth shut when she screamed, as if she understood that it would be useless even if she broke her throat.

At some point, she stopped being violent and returned to her usual self.

"Okay." Goenitz nodded and put his hand on the woman's forehead: "I can help you remove the blood of the serpent. From now on, you will have nothing to do with my heavenly clan."

Hearing this, Hadilan, who had always remained silent, finally spoke: "What are the conditions?"

"Assist me to destroy the sound nest, and that little guy, he will become the captain and guide you forward."

The little guy here refers to Olson who is resting on the side.

This guy hasn't found a team yet, so he can join Team Fury to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament, otherwise he won't be able to get involved in the mission of destroying the sound nest.

"Okay." Hadilan was very sensible. He knew that he and others had no choice at all.

For other fighters, thermal weapons are actually very intimidating, but in front of women, their rocket launchers are likely to blow themselves up.

The dimensional strength gap prevented Hadilan from having the courage to resist.

Of course, he doesn't want to start a war immediately. Compared with the members of the Heavenly Kingdom Protoss whose position is unclear, the threat from the Sound Nest Organization is even more terrifying.

What's more, the other party also promised to give Liana her freedom, which is the most important thing.

Seeing that he agreed, Goenitz immediately used his "power" to forcefully remove the serpent's blood from Lianna's body.

【You completely changed Liana's destiny】

[You get a destiny token]

"Today is such a happy day." Fang Bo smiled like a flower and couldn't close his big mouth for a long time.

But he was obviously happy too early, because unexpected good things were yet to come.

Goenitz did not listen to his suggestion and create a so-called traitor in the sound nest. Instead, he threw the drop of the serpent's blood to the bride who was watching from a distance.

"You've always wanted it, haven't you? Eat it."

Seeing this, the ghost mother Yin Ji could not be polite, she immediately opened her mouth and swallowed it into her belly.

Soon she felt the hot breath inside her body and couldn't help but let out a moan that made many people blush.

After picking up the unconscious Lianna, the mercenaries reboarded their transport ship.

This time, Olson will also go with him, and after a little time to get used to it, he will set off to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament.

"See you in South Town."


After everyone left, Xiao Fang and Lao Gao were left looking at each other.

After looking at the ghost mother Yin Ji who kept shouting to herself, the two of them went to find a place to rest.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Xinfu finally consumed that drop of the serpent's blood.

Her own attributes have not changed at all, but she can give birth to a brand new fourth-level soldier, the Serpent Spider.

Through the remaining energy in her body, Luo Xinfu can produce the first fourth-order snake spider for free.

When Fang Bo came to him, he immediately saw a small dark red ghost spider.

[Name: Orochi Spider (Summon)]

[Level: Level 4]

[Health value: 240]

【Strength: 20】

[Physique: 24]

[Agility: 28]

【Spirit: 18】

[Perception: 16]

[Characteristics: Devouring Evolution, Light Body, Blood Rampage]

[Skills: Poison Slash, Rapidity]

Blood Rampage: Speed ​​+20%, attack power plus 5 points of real damage, lasting ten minutes.

Light body: greatly improve flexibility and enhance jumping ability.

Haste: Increases shooting speed by 30%.

That's all for other skills. I didn't expect it to inherit the effect of Blood Rampage.

If the characteristic is turned on, the snake spider has a movement speed equivalent to 34 points of agility attribute.

Many extremely powerful people who dominate the world cannot stack a single attribute to such a high level.

Taking into account factors such as equipment and props, the Orochi Spider may not be able to compete with those with three extreme values, but it should not be a problem to deal with the reincarnators with two extreme values.

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to having a guard with extreme two attributes following Fang Bo at any time.

Oh, maybe more than one.

He reached out and stroked the small body of the big snake spider. He was very satisfied with this evolution reward.

Next, it’s time to claim the rewards from the hidden missions.

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