Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 250 KVS Yagami Temple, the collision of magical skills and magical skills!

Chapter 250 K'VS Iori Yagami, the collision of magical skills and magical skills!

On the ring, the two stood facing each other.

"We meet again." Maxima's tone revealed emotion.

The last time they met, both sides were being chased by members of the Sound Nest Organization. They didn't expect to meet again on the stage of the King of Fighters Tournament so soon.

After a moment of silence, Maxima said in a solemn tone: "According to the investigation, there is likely to be a huge conspiracy in this conference. We must stop the enemy."

The implication is that they need the throne of the King of Fighters, otherwise they will not get the chance to meet Clone Zero.

Of course, no one knows the plan to clone Zero now. This guy is a ruthless person who plans to destroy the sound nest.

To some extent, maybe there is still a chance for cooperation between the two parties, at least the direction needs the help of clone zero to board the helicarrier.

At that time, it will be the decisive battle with the final boss, Igniz.

If the plan goes well, it will not be difficult to defeat Igniz with the three people beside him.

The only variable at present is the group of reincarnations. How Constantine will absorb the power of the serpent is still unknown.

When the chaos begins, you must always pay attention to the actions of these guys.

Seeing that he remained silent, Maxima gave up the idea of ​​persuasion.

Some people are like this. Even though they know the situation is critical, they still can't give up the temptation brought by fame.

Maxima, who was accumulating energy, began to despise his opponent from the bottom of his heart.

As for Fang Bo himself, he doesn't care at all what the other person thinks.

You must get the title of King of Fighters. If possible, try to win as many games as possible.

Although five hundred plot points is not a lot, it is still a considerable amount of gain when accumulated.

If his opponent were K', he might not be able to defeat him even if he was exhausted, but the semi-cyberformed man in front of him was completely different.

[Maxima (semi-reformed man)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, strength, physique]

[Characteristics: Instinct reaction, transforming people]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Instinct reaction: Improves perception of danger and reduces critical damage rate.

Cyborg: HP +200, reduces thermal weapon damage taken.

In terms of strength, he is definitely stronger than the wrestler just now, but it's a pity that this kind of mechanical output opponent Fang Bo doesn't pay attention at all.

When the referee gave the order, a beautiful ice barrier suddenly rose in front of him.

With the blessing of the power of the Noble Phantasm, the crystal clear ice blue light was also mixed with traces of golden light spots.

After doing all this, the enemy opened fire on him as expected.

There was a clicking sound from the arm, and then a dark blue energy cannon was shot out.

Special move: M4 cannon!

No matter how he looked at it, Fang Bo felt a little weird.

Isn’t this a King of Fighters tournament? Don’t you think it’s against the rules to do this?

The energy cannon collided with the ice barrier, causing terrifying energy fluctuations.

As soon as Fang Bo took out the Fengying Puppet, he suddenly felt his heart tightening, and there was a sight from behind that made his hair stand on end.

"." Feeling helpless, he could only give up his plan to continue taking action, and shouted feebly: "Support attack!"

The next second, an unparalleled strong wind swept through the entire venue.

The woman descended like a god, just like the scene when she wreaked havoc on the 96 venue.

Countless people's eyes were focused on her, but Fang Bo silently complained in his heart: "Seven seconds of rescue, you use five seconds to show off, can we deal with the enemy first?"

As if sensing his resentment, Goenitz finally set his sights on his opponent.

"A clown made by Sound Nest."

Before she finished speaking, her figure appeared in front of her opponent, and she easily lifted Maxima up with one hand.

Gate to Hades!

The whirlwind gathered in front of her, inflicting torture and damage on the enemy like a thousand cuts.

The damage was not fatal, but it caused Maxima to lose his ability to fight back for a short time.

Then with a slight raise of his palm, the power of the strong wind sent the reformer out of the ring.

[You get 500 plot points as reward]

Hearing the sound of the space reward meant that Fang Bo easily won the second battle.

Plot points: 18489

After two battles, his current plot point is getting closer and closer to the 20,000 mark.

But the next scene may not be what he can handle.

【K'(The Strongest Transformed Warrior)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Violent instinct, unstable red flames]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Violent Instinct: Greatly improves combat intuition and enhances the impact of emotional changes on strength.

Unstable Red Flame: Can control unstable Red Flame, and its power will change with the ups and downs of emotions.

He is very powerful and is also a super emotional warrior.

The regular fighting ability is similar to Kula, and even Igniz can do it when the mood comes up.

This is K', the absolute protagonist of the Sound Nest chapter.

Blessed by the power of the plot, you might be able to explode at some point and get the effect of doubling your combat power.

Let alone him, no one in the team is 100% sure of winning.

Although Kyoan is strong, they are no longer the protagonists of King of Fighters 2000.

"I am still"

Without any hesitation, Fang Bo chose to surrender despite the boos from the audience.

Just fight the protagonist for a mere 500 plot points. If you don’t know, forget it. Now that you know, why waste your time.

If you have the leisure, you might as well treat the defeated one later to save plot points in the opposite direction.

If you calculate it carefully, you may earn more than you did in the last battle.

"." K' looked at him silently, his dark sunglasses hiding the young man's eyes well.

Waving to his side's player bench, Fang Bo sat down on the ground at the entrance to the emergency exit.

Not far away, little Kula slipped over quietly. It seemed that the process of waiting there was boring.

Seeing this, Fang Bo asked calmly: "Aren't you afraid of being seen by people from the sound nest?"

"We're going to rebel anyway, so what if we can't see it."

Triggering that hidden mission means that Kula has decided to officially break away from the Sound Nest Organization, and naturally he is not afraid of any bullshit leader of the organization.

In fact, many people, including her, didn't know that the leader of the Sound Nest organization had been replaced a long time ago.

If the news is exposed, it will definitely arouse the anger of many people.

I believe that not many people would be willing to sincerely serve that kind of maniac who kills his father.

"It'll be good if you wake up." After saying that, Fang Bo ignored him because the battle on the field was about to begin.

If he chooses to surrender, then the second player will naturally step onto the ring.

Kyoan looked at each other, and Yagamian, who had always shown little performance, decided to play in person.

"My eighth master never plays low-end games." Fang Bo lamented.

Yagami'an, who has regained his full strength, is no longer what he used to be. Now he can tear K9999 and Kula apart with his own hands.

As soon as the Destruction Blue Flame came out, it immediately successfully suppressed K's Red Flame.

"Too weak, that's all your consciousness is?" Iori Yagami activated the Ghost Step and approached him at a speed that was no less than the opponent's.

Dodging K''s powerful and heavy whip leg, Yagami's palms grooved and his opponent immediately began to become unstable.

Just like what he said, the fledgling K' was too immature, and his understanding of combat was not at Kyoan's level.

Purple flames burned in his palms, and Iori Yagami unleashed his eight-foot magatama skill.

Super sure kill·One Hundred and Eight Styles·Eight Wine Glasses!

K' was not surprised to be hit. His body seemed to be frozen in time, and even his thinking was completely stagnant.

Maybe in a second, maybe in ten years, K''s mind suddenly showed up with scenes from the past.

That was his life when he was a child. His father and mother lived happily together, as well as his favorite sister Xianla.

Until an accident happened, K's stable and peaceful life was destroyed, and the real culprit behind everything was the Sound Nest Organization.

But he didn't know the truth and foolishly worked for that organization for so many years.

Outside, a wisp of red flame began to billow, seeming to burn out the purple energy surrounding his body.

Iori Yagami noticed that something was abnormal in the situation. He could have killed the opponent immediately, but unexpectedly he chose to wait.

This unexpected move made Kusanagi Kyoto, who chose to watch the game, very puzzled.

[Hey, this girl’s body is about to collapse. 】

[There is no way, she can't be saved. 】

[Give up, extract her DNA and keep it for future use. 】

K', who had lost his memory, watched all this with an expressionless face.

He had no idea that the tortured woman was the only relative he had left in this world.

Fortunately, after receiving the baptism of eight wine glasses, he finally recalled everything that had happened in the past.

Her parents were harmed, and her sister was tortured to death. All of this turned into boundless anger in her heart.


Chi Yan broke through the shackles of the eight wine glasses, and K' seemed to be reborn in the blazing flames.

【K'(potential awakening)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Violent Instinct, Flame of Revenge (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

In just a few seconds, K' completed the most gorgeous transformation.

By the time Iori Yagami reacted, the moving afterimage of the man had already passed through his body.

MAX2's super special move: Crimson Star Road!

In an instant, Yagami suffered unimaginable continuous heavy injuries, which reminded him of what happened in 1997.

Could it be that before he had a decisive battle with Kusanagi Kyo, he would be defeated by this man first?

If Iori was in a normal state, he would have fallen at K's feet at this moment, but after the battle with the Kagura family, his strength has already surpassed the peak.

The power of the serpent's blood began to stir desperately, allowing him to stand up again in the most impossible posture.

The most important thing is that the violent Yagami at this moment still retains his personal will.

"It's not over yet, kid!"

Arriving next to K', Iori Yagami clasped his neck with both hands and lifted him up high.

The next second, purple pillars of flame penetrated the sky and the earth.

The second of the three magical skills: Baptism of Mengyue!

Hearing a clang, Kusanagi Kyo stood up with an ugly face, his eyes fixed on the figure in the Pillar of Blue Flame.

He can't use Mu Shi now, but Iori Yagami's strength is still getting stronger.

Kusanagi Kyo could feel that there seemed to be an insurmountable gap between the two.

This was very difficult for him to accept.

Wisps of black energy began to emerge, and stimulated by the three divine skills, he seemed to undergo some strange changes.

On the field, Iori Yagami let go of his opponent. He did not choose to release the full power of the three divine skills.

He just wanted to defeat the opponent and did not think about killing anyone, otherwise he would have done it when the eight wine glasses froze the man.

"Your awareness is not enough." After leaving one sentence, Iori turned around and walked out of the ring.

After a moment of silence, K', who was seriously injured, chose to abstain, and the ruthless team successfully advanced to the next round.

Since then, the top four teams of this King of Fighters Tournament have been successfully born.

Team Jason, Team Sound Nest, New Enemy Team, Team Ruthless, the next round of battle assignments will be announced later.

Arriving next to Iori Yagami, Fang Bo put his hand on his teammate.

As the best heir of the Bashiqiong family, Iori is also proficient in a variety of martial arts, so Fang Bo's skill selection is not difficult.

[Basic sword skill experience value +674]

"What a serious injury."

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