Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 255 Meeting the BOSS behind the scenes, Fang Bo’s life experience!

On the transport plane, the members of the ruthless team set off.

Using his superb hypnosis skills, Fang Bo successfully obtained information about the base.

After learning that there was no bomb on the plane and that the organizer had really prepared a luncheon, Fang Bo's expression was somewhat strange.

"What are you doing, are you really planning to turn a fight into friendship?"

Such a weird arrangement obviously did not come from the hands of the reincarnators. The only explanation is that it came from the arrangement of clone zero.

He has not forgotten that Lukar once tried to form an alliance with himself on behalf of the other party.

The boss's rebellion is a foregone conclusion, and the problem now is not knowing what to do at the orphanage.

Did you fuck Igniz with Clone Zero?

Or are they actually unaware of all this?

This strange lunch seemed to vaguely explain some problems.

At least he personally believes that the group of reincarnations are absolutely eager to kill them and will not deliberately pull out these little tricks.

"Maybe, I can take advantage of it a little bit." Fang Bo started to have bad thoughts again.

The transport plane arrived at its destination soon, and the ruthless team slowly walked into the base in front of them amid flowers and applause.

Not only Fang Bo, but also the other three people felt a little weird, and the other party's behavior didn't seem like they were risking their lives.

"Don't be careless." Kusanagi Kyo reminded in a deep voice.

Ever since he took back the title of King of Fighters, the hostility in him has almost disappeared.

Even his personal title has changed from "Clone Zero" to "Noble Young Master of Flame", and he seems to have completely become "King" from the inside out.

Unfortunately, the three people traveling with him each had their own ideas, and Kusanagi Kyo's reminder was completely regarded as fart by them.

"Don't summon the shikigami yet." Fang Bo did not release Luo Xinfu immediately. He did not want to show his hostility too obviously for the time being.

Maybe, we can still see a wonderful scene of fighting in a nest today.

Soon, everyone arrived at the central area of ​​the base.

This used to be a Gnaku, but now it was transformed into a banquet base by Clone Zero.

It's just that the clone soldiers lined up neatly on both sides and the reincarnations sneering around them didn't seem so friendly.

"Welcome." Jason's smile was full of teasing, as if he was watching a prey slowly step into a trap.

Maybe he was too happy and didn't notice the gloomy look on Clone Zero's face.

Fortunately, Fang Bo noticed it, which strengthened his inner speculation.

The two sides, who looked disharmonious in front of them, actually had completely inconsistent positions.

There was indeed something good to watch today.

Jason, who took the spotlight, still stood there and boasted, with the three Seraphs always standing behind him.

"To be honest, you gave me too many surprises, but unfortunately they will all end today."

After dancing heartily, the man seemed to suddenly remember something, and the sarcasm in his smile became even stronger.

"Everyone is so happy today, why don't I reveal a little secret."

Hearing this, Constantine, who had always been silent, suddenly interrupted him: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and solve it."

It's a pity that he only has the title of God's Chosen One and does not have a high status in terms of authority.

They couldn't even mobilize the three Seraphs behind them, let alone order their masters.

"No, no, no, you must say it." He stretched out his hand to summon a soldier, and Jason reached out and stroked his neck.

As the palms of the hands exerted little pressure, the clone soldiers soon died due to excessive suffocation.

The appearance of this scene made Kusanagi Kyo's face completely gloomy, and even the clone Zero behind could not help but secretly clenched his fists.

They are all clones, so they naturally feel particularly empathetic.

"Look, these sad soldiers have no past, no future, no family, and no memory." As he spoke, Jason slowly focused his eyes on Fang Bo: "No. 7, don't you think this is the case?" Does it look like you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the eyes of the audience were focused on him.

This time, even Goenitz's eyes fluctuated slightly, and her mouth moved slightly as if she wanted to say something.

"Hahaha." The man suddenly laughed, his tone full of the satisfaction of achieving his wish: "Hey, you have never thought about this problem, right? That would be really stupid."

"As a child who was kidnapped to an orphanage, is this what your memory tells you, right?"

Staring at the silent young man, Jason's smile was full of malice, and his words came straight like a knife: "Stop fantasizing, No. 7, you are just a clone produced in the laboratory, and you are not the same as those here. These soldiers are no different."

"You have no parents, no brothers and sisters. You were born alone in the laboratory, and you will die alone here today."

"This is your fate."

As the cruel truth was revealed, a deathly silence fell in the hall.

Jason was the only one smiling. He was so happy that he even clapped his hands unconsciously: "Here, let me introduce you to someone."

"Constantine, you must know him." Pointing to the silent Chosen One, Jason revealed another fact: "But there is one thing you definitely don't know. You were actually born in the same place as him. experiment."

"That's enough." Don Standing interrupted the other party, frowning and said: "End this quickly, don't let everyone enjoy your stupid performance."

"As for him." As he spoke, the Chosen One looked over, his eyes filled with the sense of superiority belonging to a superior: "He is just a failure, is such a person worthy of being compared with me?"

The two sang and harmonized, perfectly interpreting their proud posture.

But Jason felt a little strange, because the white mouse opposite was too quiet.

It's quiet and even a little eerie.

He had anticipated many situations in advance, except for the scene before him.

Frustrated and decided to give up?

At least Jason didn't think it was like it. This guy would fight to the end no matter what he said.

It's a pity that with so many masters present and countless clone soldiers, even the three plot masters together are no match.

In today's battle, he will make up for his original mistakes and fulfill the organization's long-cherished wish for many years.

Make a god!

Just when he was about to take action, Fang Bo, who had always bowed his head and remained silent, finally spoke.

But he didn't respond to the other party, but looked at the equally silent clone Zero: "Do you still need to cooperate with us now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked. Even the people in the orphanage couldn't help but look surprised.

"What does he mean?" Jason turned to look at the nominal leader.

The two sides looked at each other, and his heart suddenly sank.

In my impression, this clone is a conscientious character who will never frown even if he dedicates himself to the organization.

But now, his eyes are full of wildly growing ambition, and that unruly look is all too familiar.

With a false question on his face, Jason's steps began to retreat slowly without leaving a trace.

He found that something seemed wrong today.

"Damn, what happened?!" Jason roared crazily in his heart.

Why did the situation that was originally a sure-win situation suddenly become like this?

He couldn't understand why a clone would dare betray its creator.

Is it possible that this guy really thinks he can defeat the Sound Nest Organization? !

Suddenly, Jason seemed to have thought of something, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Staring at the man's expressionless face, he asked sternly: "Do you want to use the Zero Cannon?"

"It seems you are not stupid enough yet." This was the first sentence Clone Zero said when everyone entered the hall.

Ignoring the gloomy expressions of the reincarnators, the man looked at Fang Bo, his eyes revealing unstoppable admiration: "I like you very much. Like me, you are a guy who is unwilling to obey fate."

"Join me and become the ruler of this world like me."

The words were sincere, and it seemed as if she was sincerely inviting him to join.

But no matter how you look at it, Clone Zero is not qualified to have the last laugh.

However, Fang Bo would not refuse him, and he still had to rely on him to bring down the Sound Nest Mothership.

At least he can't be killed yet.

"Okay, let's join forces and kill these guys first." Fang Bo looked at everyone in the orphanage, his expression unchanged from the beginning to the end.

He has no time to care about whether or not he can clone humans.

What kind of weirdos are there in the reincarnation space?

Some people transformed their bodies into machines, some turned into orcs, and some were not like humans or ghosts.

None of these guys said anything. At least he still retained his human characteristics.

If you have to live or die like this, your heart will be so fragile.

At that time, it is better to consider how to seize control of Zero Cannon later.

In his mind, as long as the sound nest mothership is fired, the corresponding world mission will inevitably be triggered.

Of course, it would be even better if you could kill those reincarnations. I believe you would get a huge number of plot points.

Faced with his proposal, Clone Zero rejected it with a smile. The reason was simple. Compared with the strong men in the Sound Nest camp, the three people around him were more dangerous.


A slight vibration was heard, and several super-alloy iron doors fell heavily to the ground, completely blocking the road to the outside world.

At this time, Clone Zero finally expressed his thoughts: "You guys go ahead, whoever can survive will be qualified to be my collaborator."

Obviously, he planned to let the two sides fight each other, and then come out to clean up the mess after everyone was killed and maimed.

The idea is good, but the method is too crude, and no one present will be easily fooled.

"Don't do anything?" Clone Zero suddenly laughed.

He clapped his hands gently, and several small doors suddenly opened in the corner of Gnaku.

The clone soldiers who had been ambushing here swarmed out, including Kusanagi Kyo's clones, numbering at least more than two hundred.

"Then you can die here together today."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless bullets were fired towards everyone.

Clone Zero, whose ambitions were greatly expanded, actually included both sides in the attack target at the same time.

Of course, he thought very clearly that it was impossible for both parties to join forces in any case.

When the melee begins, these guys won't be able to stop fighting.

What's more, he doesn't have a trump card.

Just hearing a roar, a huge liquid tank suddenly appeared at the end of the Gnaku, and a man sitting on the throne of the King of Fighters.

"Hey hey hey, we meet again, Goenitz."

The man who lowered his head and remained silent was none other than Lukar, who had disappeared for a long time, but his state at the moment was a little strange.

Fang Bo, who had amazing eyesight, could clearly see that there were several pipes inserted into the opponent's back, constantly absorbing some kind of strange liquid from the liquid tank.

Beside him, the figures of Gulicha Lili and Nightmare Geese appeared one after another.

The existence of the new rival team is Clone Zero's strongest trump card against them.

As for the question of whether it can be defeated.

Maybe that unknown liquid tank is the helper that can fill the gap in strength between them.

After breaking free from the shackles of the pipe, Lukar rushed toward Goenitz like a madman.

"Hmph, I don't know what it is called." The woman raised her hand, and a gust of wind suddenly stirred up in the sealed Gnaku.

She will tell everyone with facts how naive your ideas are.

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