Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 267 Return, the treasure chest of the Chosen One!

After a dreamlike trance, Fang Bo reappeared in his little nest.

With a slight snap of his fingers, the surrounding scene immediately changed into the American style of the King of Fighters competition.

[No. 13308 requests to enter your private space]

Ignoring the request, Fang Bo turned to look at the extra room.

If I guessed correctly, Lao Gao should be facing him there.

"Ahem, let's go say hello first." Fang Bo's expression was slightly awkward, because he didn't know what kind of attitude the woman would have.

Was he ecstatic, or was he complaining that he had brought him into such a dangerous world?

Boom, boom, boom!

He knocked lightly on the door and after waiting for a moment, he found that no one seemed to be inside.

"Are you out?"

If you think about it carefully, even if it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to help but go out and take a look.

Anyway, the reincarnation space is absolutely safe, so just let her do whatever she wants.

[Yao Yao: (ω) Brother, why don’t you let me in]

[Fang Bo: I'm busy, don't make trouble. 】

Every time he comes back, this little girl is always the first one to greet him.

A seemingly ordinary conversation could soothe the bloody smell all over his body and completely get rid of his tense mental state.

Lying lazily on the sofa, he casually clicked on the task settlement for this world.

[Story Scene: The King of Fighters 2000]

[Mode: Free Exploration Mode]

[Difficulty: Normal]

[World line distortion: 31.49%]

[Complete rating: SSS]

[Mission reward: 5 attributes, 10 merit points, 2000 plot points]

Looking at the pitiful two thousand plot points, Fang Bo began to think about another thing.

As the world difficulty level increases, the conditions and restrictions in various aspects will be different.

For the same task difficulty, the reward settlement will be greatly improved. In other words, attributes, merits, and plot points will be easier to obtain.

This is why many people can't wait to complete the world promotion mission, because their strength will increase more quickly.

Fang Bo himself doesn't care, but others will inevitably be affected by the real world.

The stronger you are, the better you can protect yourself and your family in reality.

If something happens, there will be no space protection measures there, and the two difficulties versus one difficulty will form an absolute crushing of strength.

Even if you encounter a strong person with an extreme attribute, with the accumulation of miscellaneous equipment, a single attribute can reach around 70 points.

It is almost equivalent to the strength level of a top-notch fighter in the King of Fighters world, and similar to the strength of Terry the Wolf and Ryo Sakazaki the Strongest Dragon.

In the world of Naruto, he is a jounin with outstanding individual abilities.

If he were in the pirate world, he would be a big pirate with a bounty of over 500 million.

Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami and other plot powerhouses have multiple attribute values ​​exceeding 70 points, and a single outstanding attribute can even reach 80-90.

He probably has the combat power of an elite Jonin level, and at the highest level, it will not exceed the limit of Kage level.

Even if they go to the top of the battle, the two of them can still shake a little.

At worst, you can get a chance to show your face, but the impact on the battle situation is basically zero.

If you want to run wild in that kind of place, shadow-level strength is the lowest level standard. If you want to influence the battle situation, you must at least have the combat power of a high-level shadow level.

If he met an expert of this level in reality, let alone others, Fang Bo would be completely crushed, and would be killed instantly without even having a chance to react.

"Fortunately, I don't have to worry about real problems." He couldn't help but sigh.

Name: Fang Bo

No.: 14552

Rank: Major

Merits: 104

Plot points: 31745

Attribute points: 23

Story world: 5

Destiny Token: 9

Affiliated team: Ruthless Team

Title: Fortune Teller, Chunin LV3 (strength +3, agility +3, reputation accumulation speed increased by 30%)

Unknowingly, he has experienced 5 plot worlds, and has accumulated 23 attribute points so far.

No matter whether the next plot world goes well or not, Fang Bo can easily accumulate attribute points that reach the extreme value of the second difficulty level.

Perhaps, he can start to consider the goal of dual attribute extremes.

As for the plot points, Fang Bo still has a lot of things that he has not upgraded, not to mention that he now has an extra oil bottle next to him.

Goenitz has not experienced any plot yet and has nothing in his pocket. If he wants to strengthen his attributes, he must pay for it.

As a follower, her strength will be compressed to the point where it is equivalent to Fang Bo.

The equivalent of the main combatant of the Four Emperors suddenly turned into a supernova who had just entered the Grand Line.

If you fight hard, you may not even be able to defeat a Pacifist.

If it is not strengthened properly, Baofeng will not be able to exert its due fighting power.

"That's a lot of money again."

Considering the extra plot point expenditure, Fang Bo could only pray that the Chosen One's box could give him some help.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 15140]

[You get 12852 plot points]

[You get the bloody hand of the Gods]

[You get the Power Orb]

Looking at the items that came out, Fang Bo's mood suddenly became comfortable.

Plot points: 44597

"As expected of you." He could only sigh with emotion.

Forty thousand plot points is definitely an unimaginable amount of money.

Even if part of it had to be given to Goenitz, the rest would be enough for him to complete a wave of strengthening.

The plot points are worth a lot, and the two pieces of equipment are rare and top-notch.

Name: Bloody Hand of the Gods

Level: Myth

Category: Boxing Gloves

Attack power: 22-25

Durability: 250/250

Attribute enhancement: Strength +6, Agility +2

Conditions of use: Strength 30, Constitution 24

Equipment effect: indestructible, only fast

Place of Origin: King of Fighters 97

Equipment evaluation: As long as the attack is strong enough, God will kill you.

Indestructible (passive skill): Convert 10% of the damage value into true damage.

Only quick and unbreakable (passive skill): Shot speed +30%, reducing wind resistance and friction.

Glove-type equipment is not suitable for becoming a Noble Phantasm. You can't just throw things over and hit people.

Rather than leaving it here, it would be better to give it to Lao Gao to use, so that he can at least try to improve the strength of his followers.

Moreover, Goenitz is already good at unarmed attacks, so having this equipment will definitely make him even more powerful.

As for the other piece of equipment, Fang Bo planned to use it for himself.

Name: Power Orb

Level: Legend

Category: Off-hand equipment

Durability: 80/80

Attribute enhancement: Strength +4, Perception +2

Conditions of use: Strength 30, Wisdom 18

Equipment Effect: Strength Saving Throw

Origin: Dungeon and Fighter

Equipment evaluation: With this, I no longer have to worry about being thrown out.

Strength saving throw (passive skill): Gain a huge proportion of attribute bonuses when determining strength, making you more difficult to be restrained, grappled, and thrown.

To equip it, you must take down a weapon, so Fang Bo chose to transform the Wind Shadow Puppet into a Noble Phantasm.

Anyway, it is the output of the turret. Even if he does not have the ability to fight independently, he can still control the magnetic escape.

In essence, there won't be much difference. At most, the timeliness of the battle is slightly worse.

The biggest impact of changing equipment is actually the change in the highest attributes.

Unknowingly, Fang Bo's strongest attribute has changed from spirit to strength. The most important thing is that he can finally pick up the Kusanagi sword to fight.

Equipped with this intermediate artifact, Fang Bo's attributes completely changed.

Life: 390/390 (+200)

Status: healthy

Strength: 41 (+22)

Constitution: 27 (+8)

Agility: 28 (+9)

Spirit: 32 (+13)

Perception: 23 (+4)

Equipment: Kusanagi Sword, Power Orb, Hometown I Can't Return to, Hill's Alchemy Ring, Dragon Bone Ring, Core Protection, Germa Detector Type IV, Memory Armor "Imitate White"

The strength attribute started to be far ahead, and even the agility attribute was about to surpass the spirit.

After all, spiritual attributes are the most difficult to improve, and there are not many equipment that can provide bonuses.

Of course, if the power of nightmare is turned on, Fang Bo's strongest attribute is still his mental attribute.

"Maybe I can try my magic and martial arts skills."

He took out the Kusanagi sword and made some gestures, and the feeling of flesh and blood came to his mind instantly.

Level 5 proficiency in swordsmanship gives him very skilled swordsmanship, which is no worse than that of the reincarnator at level 2.

If he could meet a few masters of swordsmanship and let him inhale a little bit, I believe he would soon reach the top level in the second difficulty world.

"Speaking of which, there are many swordsman masters in the Fairy Tail world."

That's right, Fang Bo has decided to go to the Fairy Tail world.

The creation of Seraph is just an idea, and there is currently no mature technology to implement it.

Even if we have the ability to produce it in the future, the cost will probably be horribly high.

In a short period of time, it should not be able to replace human puppets.

According to his guess, the Seraphs successfully created are no different from normal people. If they want to be brought into the plot world, they must be accepted as followers.

He has not yet completed the transformation of his bride, so he has no extra merit points to cultivate other followers.

"Fortunately, Gonitz did not consume the merit points, otherwise I would have gone bankrupt."

As for the accumulated merits, he does not plan to consume them at the moment. If possible, Fang Bo would like to complete his destiny of "flesh and blood ascension" in the Fairy Tail world.

He had a hunch that if this second destiny was fulfilled, the value of the ghost mother Yin Ji would definitely be greatly improved.

The units currently produced can only be used for combat. Maybe some ghost spiders with other uses will appear by then.

[No. 13308 requests to enter your private space]

Sighing slightly, Fang Bo casually agreed to the other party's request to enter.

The next second, a familiar voice sounded in the room.

“Big brother~~~”

He raised his head slightly tiredly, but he couldn't see Yaoyao's figure.

His eyes continued to move downward, and finally he saw the little girl with a smile on her face.

"You" Fang Bo was slightly surprised, why is this girl getting shorter and shorter.

It used to be almost up to his chest, but now it seems to be just a little higher than his knees.

He looked like a child of four or five years old at most.

"Hey, I'm pretty good." Yaoyao pinched her waist with both hands, looking very proud.

Although Fang Bo couldn't understand it at all, he still touched her head and praised: "Not bad."

Jumping hard on the sofa, the little girl crossed her legs, picked up the pastries on the table and started eating without any ceremony.

While eating, she also shared her experiences from the previous world.

Finally, Yaoyao made a request with tears in her eyes: "Brother, I also want to join the ruthless team."

She didn't say it clearly, but Fang Bo could clearly feel that Yaoyao didn't seem happy staying with Miss Onmyoji.

He knew Ryuno's temperament well, and the problem should come from those teammates.

But seeing that she didn't want to say more, Fang Bo was very sensible and didn't ask.

"If you have the chance, you can definitely bring Miss Onmyoji here. The Samsara who specializes in summoning is a great teammate."

After agreeing to Yaoyao's request to join the group, Fang Bo instantly checked the team's current information.

Team name: Ruthless people

Level: LV4

Number of members: 6/8

Team Skills: None

Team technology: Cloning technology LV2, puppet production LV1, thermal weapon production LV1, cold weapon repair LV2

Team location: small gathering place

Team warehouse: 200 square meters

Stationed in the world: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, The King of Fighters 2000

Goenitz became his follower and naturally joined the ruthless team by default.

Looking at the level of V4, Fang Bo thought that it seemed that the upgrade was not very fast.

As for team technology, he can completely research the human cloning technology he obtained.

It is said that scientific researchers in the space can be hired, and the specific work will be left to Miss Ninja to handle.

"By the way, when I came here just now, I saw someone fighting in the ring over there." Yaoyao shared the latest news excitedly, and at the end she did not forget to sigh: "The newcomers now are really brave. They just entered Dare to challenge the seniors in the reincarnation space."

Fang Bo nodded subconsciously, as if he was still immersed in his own thoughts.

But the next second, his body suddenly shot up, and he ran out of the house in rapid strides.

"Huh?" Yaoyao was dumbfounded and didn't understand what happened.

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