Magnolia South District, Mystery Forest Bar.

"...I will consider this matter carefully." The short old man wearing a white hat left his seat.

Watching the other party leave, the blue-haired young man's expression suddenly darkened, and he was no longer as calm and gentle as usual.

"This old guy is too difficult to deal with." He kept mumbling to himself.

Zekeline graduated first in the magic school and later joined the Magic Senate and quickly became one of the powerful members.

Although he seemed to have a perfect resume, few people actually knew that the young man in front of him was just a magical missing person.

The missing body is an existence that is separated from the mother soul and can move freely and even produce unique "consciousness".

He infiltrated the Magic Council in order to activate the "Magic Elf Power" to attack the Tower of Paradise.

This thing is the nuclear bomb of the Fairy Tail world. One shot can wipe out a large town from a long distance. It is definitely the most deadly weapon in the hands of the kingdom.

Of course, he did not do this to destroy the Tower of Paradise, but to use the magic power of the magic wizard to charge it.

Replenish energy for the magic called "R System".

The R system, whose full name is Revive System, is actually a unique resurrection system.

The forbidden magic that can resurrect a dead person by using a living person as a sacrifice, but the process of performing the magic requires a huge amount of energy.

Chiklein's true form is the apparent controller of the Tower of Paradise, Jellal.

An extremely powerful user of celestial magic, he can be called the most terrifying boss in the early stages of the plot.

Naturally, one cannot act rashly when dealing with such a guy.

He poured a glass of wine with some annoyance, and Qikerein sat alone in the corner, drinking sullenly.

He's trying to act like he's troubled by the situation.

Because in Chiklein's explanation, "Jeral" is actually his twin brother. At this moment, he is in total pain when he kills his relatives for the sake of justice.

When lawmakers focus on his suffering, they often miss the obvious.

"Huh?" Qikerein, who was drinking, was slightly startled and looked at the man and woman sitting in front of him.

He smelled something bad coming.

Subconsciously, he took on a guarded posture, but he still maintained the calmness and peace on his face: "You two, someone is sitting here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qikerein suddenly noticed the strange pattern in the woman's eyes.


After an unknown amount of time, Zekeline, no, it should be said that Jellal, who was sitting in the Tower of Paradise, woke up.

Not literally, but he was freed from the witch's control and truly regained his former self-awareness.

When he was very young, children such as Jellal were imprisoned in the Tower of Paradise and suffered inhuman abuse every day.

In order to save his friends, Jellal planned an escape operation, but unfortunately it ended in failure.

He was imprisoned and tortured by the cult, and then he was bewitched by the greatest black mage in history, "Zerf", and he has since become a ruthless villain.

In fact, this "Zerf" is not himself, but an existence pretended by Urrutia, who belongs to the top guild "Devil's Heart" in the Balam Alliance and is known as the leader of the Seven Families of Purgatory.

Darren's illusion just now helped Jellal release Urrutia's control, allowing him to regain his conscious consciousness.


Crushing the armrest of the chair with force, Jellal's anger began to rise rapidly.

His heart began to twitch uncontrollably when he thought of the abuse he had given to his friends over the years.

"You bastard, I will cut you into pieces." The way he gritted his teeth looked particularly ferocious.

After a long time, Jellal finally calmed down and continued the conversation with the man and woman through his thoughts.

"...I understand your demands." Qikerein nodded, seeming to have broken away from the boiling murderous intention.

After all, he is a person with a gentle temperament, and someone with a slightly more violent temper would not be so easy to compromise.

If we should talk about it, we have just talked about it in the illusion space. This is also the best way to prevent the partition wall from having ears.

So after a brief confirmation, Chiklein stood up and left the tavern.

It wasn't until the man stood up and left that Darren looked over with a slightly surprised look: "Is this all right?"

"if not?"

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, Tower of Paradise! 】

[Mission introduction: You have exposed the witch's conspiracy, which is likely to trigger crazy revenge from the other party. 】

[Task requirement: Help Jellal resist the attack of the devil's heart]

[Tip: Don’t underestimate the enemy, gather all the strength you can find]

The ruthless team obtained the first hidden mission in this world.

"Don't rush this matter now." Fang Bo shared the task with his two teammates, then raised his glass and touched it to her gently: "The next thing is the focus."

"you mean?"

"Without the support of Fairy Tail, it is impossible for us to defeat the devil's heart with just our strength."

As new members, there is a visible gap between them and the old people.

In other words, the power's reputation is insufficient and it cannot mobilize too much power.

But without gathering Fairy Tail's high-end combat power, it would be impossible to defeat the devil's heart.

The Tower of Paradise is not Tianlang Island. Under normal circumstances, there will not be so many powerful people there, so Fang Bo can only think of other ways.

For example, using official power to cooperate with the Fairy Tail Guild to complete another obvious hidden task.

"Don't go out in the past few days, maybe something big will happen." After saying that, Fang Bo suddenly smiled: "Speaking of which, Yaoyao gets along well with those people."

"Yeah, this kid is very lovable."

Gently shaking the wine glass, Darren looked out the window at the bright moonlight: "In the world of drama, I haven't felt so relaxed and comfortable for a long time."

Putting her breathtakingly beautiful legs across the chair, she looked at her teammates beside her, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

"Sometimes, I really feel that this kind of life is very tiring."

".We have no choice."

Also looking out the window, Fang Bo leaned on the chair, enjoying the moment of tranquility.

Seeing this, Dai Lun sighed in his heart and could only drink in silence one cup after another.

The team's operation went smoothly, but the Fairy Tail Guild was in crisis.


A ball of flame subconsciously appeared in his palm, and Natsu glared at the people in front of him: "Don't even think about taking grandpa away!"

Just now, someone from the Magic Council came and formally submitted documents for the arrest of Makarov, the Ten Great Magicians.

There are really too many reasons, so many that everyone in the guild can't stand them.

What about destroying the construction of towns many times, openly disobeying the orders of the Magic Council, causing damage to various parts of the world during missions, provoking conflicts with other guilds many times, etc.

If it were anyone else, everyone might question the fairness of the arrest warrant. It wouldn't be surprising if the target were Fairy Tail.

Although they have solved many crises along the way, their reputation among the people is mixed. The reason is simply that they do not bear the consequences.

He had a good time fighting, but the damage to the people and the town was irreparable.

In the past, most of the time it was the Magic Council that came to wipe the blame, but now it seems to be reasonable for them to settle the scores after the fall.

Hearing everything explained clearly, even the weak Natsu was speechless.

"Don't worry, we just asked Mr. Makarov to assist in the investigation." The team members wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and finally understood why the seniors were avoiding this job.

The moment the boy burst out with magic power, he thought he would be killed.

"Oh oh oh, I'll never come here again."

Seeing that the team members were about to cry without tears, Makarov laughed and comforted him a few words. Those who didn't know it thought he was the one who came to arrest.

In this way, Fairy Tail's strongest combat power was brought into the Senate headquarters.

This incident had a great impact. After the news spread, many people who were resentful of Fairy Tail began to celebrate.

"Hahaha, this is retribution."

"It looks like they won't be able to bounce around for a few more days."

"Damn it, my house was destroyed last time, they deserve their misfortune."

"Hey, didn't I give you compensation later?"

".Don't talk nonsense, that's the compensation I deserve."

Hearing the comments from the people around him, Laxus' anger could no longer be suppressed.

Golden lightning condensed in the palm of his hand, and he wanted to electrify those bastards into charcoal, but in the end he resisted the urge to do it.

In his opinion, the reason why people talk like this is because grandpa is too weak.

If he becomes the president, he will definitely build Fairy Tail into an iron-blooded army.

No one, including the Magic Council, would dare to disobey the Fairy Tail Guild's will.

Laxus Dolea is an S-class mage from Fairy Tail and the grandson of the guild leader Makarov.

The strength is extremely strong and he is a strong competitor for the strongest magician in Fairy Tail. Of course, for now, the gap between him and the Holy Ten is still a bit big.

However, at the non-Holy Ten level, Laxus is already considered the top magician in the kingdom.

Such a person is certainly qualified to lead Fairy Tail. Whether everyone is willing to believe him or not is another matter.

In fact, Laxus was definitely not the only one who was dissatisfied with the current situation, but due to many reasons, everyone did not express it clearly.

Just like the behavior just now, it is tantamount to a humiliation to the guild, but the guild leader also ordered everyone not to act without authorization.

Even Natsu was furious, let alone the other complicated adults.

Although Laxus was not good at words and was not close to most people, he was keenly aware of this.

"Grandpa was taken away, maybe this is a good opportunity."

Returning to his residence, he planned to summon his Thunder Gods to discuss actions.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, Laxus's expression suddenly changed.


[Laxus Dolea (Dragon Slayer)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Feature: Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

The energy shield holding up the cloak blocked a golden lightning bolt that passed through the door panel.

Fang Bo took a few steps back and looked at the energy durability value that had dropped to the bottom. He was shocked by the terrifying destructive power of the dragon-slaying magic and the fiery temper of this plot master who did whatever he said.

When the smoke cleared and he saw the intruder, Laxus seemed to remember the identity of the intruder in a daze.

"What are you doing secretly here, Jason?"

So what about his companion, Laxus would never let him go without giving him a satisfactory answer.

It wouldn't be possible if he was beaten to death, but it would probably be inevitable if he was beaten severely.

"Can we talk calmly first, Laxus?" Fang Bo raised his hands to show that he meant no harm.

In other words, he is here to help the other party achieve his wish.

"." Seeing his sincere attitude, Laxus found a chair and sat down casually.

"Tell me, I can give you three minutes."

In fact, it didn't take that long for Fang Bo's words to completely interest him.

"Laxus, do you want to be the new president?"

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