Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 289 The Gate of Hades is coming, the strongest demon END!

The speaker was a man, to be precise, a male creature with golden furry ears and a long tail.

The horrific explosion just now was caused by him.

Jackal, one of the members of the "Nine Ghost Gate" in the Gate of Hades, is a demon transformed from the Book of Zeref.

It was so powerful that even after the Dragon King Festival, Natsu was accidentally knocked unconscious by a jackal.

If it weren't for the protection of the protagonist's halo, he would have died a long time ago. Of course, it is also possible to awaken the Fire Dragon King Igniel hidden in the body in advance.

In addition to his strength, the jackal's temperament is also cruel and violent, which is very consistent with people's definition of a devil.

He once launched an attack on the Magic Council on his own, resulting in the death of all nine council members who were in the meeting, and there were more than a hundred casualties at the scene.

If left unchecked, today's situation is likely to take a turn for the worst.

Seeing the appearance of the jackal, Samsara, who had been in a panic before, instantly calmed down a lot.

"You're finally here." There was some complaint in his tone.

In fact, it's not just Fang Bo who knows how to take advantage of the plot.

The reincarnator established some friendship with the jackal and received a shot right reward after completing a certain hidden task.

In order to help his companions capture the Star Spirits, he asked this plot expert to come to this city with him.

I originally thought that the opportunity was wasted, but unexpectedly, in a twist of events, I and others were actually killed by a single enemy.

Fortunately, the jackal was found, otherwise he might not be able to escape today.

Hearing the complaint in the man's tone, the jackal smiled, waved his hand, and smoothed his hair: "Don't worry, I have been following you secretly."

The other party's attitude was a bit perfunctory, and the reincarnator who had just experienced the threat of life and death was obviously a little angry: "Follow? I didn't come to you for this reason."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen.

He hurriedly looked down and saw that the palm of the jackal had stabbed into his abdomen at some point.



Without giving the other person a chance to say anything more, the jackal smiled and exploded the man into powder.

Fang Bo was not surprised at all.

This golden-haired devil with male characteristics cannot be measured by human values.

When he interacts with plot characters, he always accurately grasps the needs of the other party and highly aligns each other's interests.

Emotions accumulated through just one or two helpings?

The most useless thing in the world is gratitude, because it can turn into negative emotions such as jealousy and resentment at any time.

Not to mention, the other party's transaction partner is still a devil.

No matter in which world, demons have nothing to do with adjectives such as truth, goodness, and beauty.

After getting rid of his companion, the jackal smiled helplessly at him: "Sorry, sorry, this guy is so annoying. He didn't cause any trouble to you."

【Jackal (Nine Ghost Gate)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: Spirit, Agility, Perception]

[Characteristics: Book Demon, Explosive Curse]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Book Demon: The demon born from the Book of Zeref, has the terrifying ability to rise from the dead.

Explosive Curse: An exclusive attack method for demons that can turn everything it touches into bombs.

This is a BOSS that cannot be dealt with at this stage. As a result, Fang Bo's tricks led him to Magnolia.

Now he can only find a way out while dealing with the devil in front of him: "It's okay, it's just a little misunderstanding."

After looking at the corpses on the ground around him, the jackal had a slightly strange expression.

This can be called a misunderstanding. Why does it feel like the human in front of him is more shameless than him?

Some demons were speechless, and for a moment they didn't know how to continue speaking.

He looked around blankly, and finally fixed his gaze on a small grass under Fang Bo's feet.

"I don't like people who step on the lawn." The devil's tone was extremely serious.

Then he waved his hand and detonated a violent explosion in front.

His spells can cause objects to explode on contact, which naturally includes the ubiquitous air.

If it had been anyone else, this air explosion move would have been impossible to guard against. Fortunately, Fang Bo already knew the enemy's abilities.

Seeing that something was wrong in the enemy's eyes, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left the place.


[The bride was attacked by an explosion, causing 358 points of impact damage]

[The damage exceeds the critical value, and the summons is forced to be cancelled! 】

"Will one attack kill him immediately?" Fang Bo's heart tightened, knowing that the enemy might be more terrifying than he thought.

As expected of a ruthless man who could knock out a full-blooded Natsu, the Jackal's destructive power should not be underestimated, and several S-class mages must work together to deal with it.

"I want to create a chance to escape." Pulling his cloak in front of him, Fang Bo began to count the seconds silently.

It takes five seconds to open the treasure house space. If you can survive it, everything will be fine. If you can't, then we'll see you in the next life.

Of course, Fang Bo's methods are much more than that. There are three puppets next to him, staring at the enemy eagerly.

Emperor Guan Sheng rushed forward first, slashing Huashan with his Yanyue Sword in an attempt to split the demon in front of him into two.

However, its Martial Saint Hegemony has already cooled down, and in this state it cannot resist the enemy's spells.

After an explosion, Emperor Guan Sheng turned into a faint golden light and disappeared.

Magnetic Escape·Sand and Iron Boundary Technique!

The Wind Shadow Puppet accumulated its last energy and launched its signature attack, but this material attack could not affect the enemy at all.

After several explosions, everything around him disappeared.

"Interesting things, are you in control of this?" The jackal seemed quite interested.

But when he turned his head, he immediately saw the cool motorcycle going away.

"." The devil smiled solemnly, and a terrifying shock wave suddenly erupted from the soles of his feet.

With the help of this reaction force, he caught up with him at a speed that exceeded the flame jet.

"Hey, the fight isn't over yet, where are you going?!"

With one finger pointing, the street in front of him suddenly exploded into countless pieces, and the motorcycle naturally overturned on the side of the road.

But when Cai Lang got closer, he realized that the other party had disappeared right before his eyes.

After closing his eyes and sensing carefully, he suddenly turned his head to the south: "I found you."

His perception ability is very good, which is one of the more outstanding attributes. He can easily detect signs of living creatures within a few kilometers.

The opponent's teleportation ability is a bit tricky, but fortunately the moving distance is limited, so he can follow his breath all the way.

"You can't run away!"

In the center of Magnolia, Fang Bo sat on the ground tiredly.

The nightmare state disappeared and the energy of the Yin Seal was exhausted. In this state, he continued to use the Flying Thunder God Technique, and his mental power had dropped to a dangerous zone.

There is no way, who made Xiaofang not able to learn skills well enough.

It is slow to carve a space mark, it is expensive to perform teleportation, and the limit distance that can be moved is relatively short. These are the three major dilemmas he currently faces.

There is no other way to solve it except to practice it over and over again.

"If the consumption is reduced to 1 point, it may not be impossible to fight the enemy."

After taking a look at his few remaining health points, Fang Bo wanted to randomly pick a lucky passerby.

Summoning a giant requires spending mental energy, which is a bit of a luxury for him now.

Just as he was looking around, the familiar sense of crisis enveloped him again.

Suddenly he looked up and saw that the jackal was rushing toward him like an eagle hunting for prey.

"Damn, the ghost is really lingering." Fang Bo cursed secretly, activated the suspension acceleration and rushed forward.

At present, both his life and spirit have hit rock bottom, and his condition is unprecedentedly bad.

Considering that suspension acceleration is closely related to agility attributes, Fang Bo reluctantly ate the last piece of delicious golden cuisine (all attributes +3).

By the way, drinking a bottle of fire resistance potion (small) can reduce the explosion damage to some extent.

With the increase in attributes, his flying speed can be almost equal to that of a jackal.

Some frustrated enemies began to explode the air in an attempt to interfere with him.

"Bastard!" The jackal finally dropped his disguise and revealed his ferocious side.

Seeing that he could never catch up with him, this guy suddenly stopped and looked at the town below with a ferocious expression.

"If you run away again, I will blow up the whole city."

As if to prove the truth of his words, the jackal landed on the ground and pressed the land of Magnolia with his hands.

Soon, the entire city was enveloped in golden waves.

"Zerf's demons will never die, but you humans are different. Just tremble as much as you want, hahahaha."

Facing the devil's arrogant smile, Fang Bo made the other party's expression completely dull with just one sentence.

"You know, your boss Pluto has deceived everyone. In fact, END is not dead at all, so how can he be resurrected?"

END, the strongest demon from the Book of Zeref, the Gate of Hades exists to resurrect it.

However, they were still alive and kicking and fighting, so there was no need for these demons to be resurrected.

The words "you" were indeed beyond Jackal's expectations.

This is a very confidential matter, and even non-core members don’t know about it. The fact that the other party can reveal it in one go proves some problems.

He wanted to refute, but this sentence successfully awakened some memories from the past.

How many times have everyone wanted to see the so-called strongest demon with their own eyes, even if it was a corpse, they wanted to take a look at it.

But no matter how he asked to see him, he was eventually put off by Pluto for various reasons.

Now that I think about it carefully, it feels like the boss is hiding something.

Wait, he just said END is not dead? !

The jackal finally reacted and quickly removed the magic power that detonated the town. He said in a vicious tone: "Tell me where END is, and maybe I can spare your life."

"I can bring him to see you, no, to see you." Fang Bo continued to speak in an astonishing way, and his look of determination did not look like he was deceiving at all.

In fact, the jackal is not afraid of him deceiving others. As a demon, how could he be deceived by a human being?

After thinking for a while, he felt that he really couldn't continue talking in depth now.

If Pluto really deceived everyone, he would definitely have to find that guy to settle the account.

"Okay, bring END here and I will give you everything you want."

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the strongest demon END! 】

[Mission Introduction: You have exposed Pluto’s conspiracy, and now you need to prove the authenticity of your words. 】

[Task requirement: Find the strongest demon END and bring it to the gate of Hades]

[Tip: Maybe you can start with the legend from 400 years ago]

"Another hidden mission."

Watching the demon at the gate of Hades leave, Fang Bo couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had quick wits, otherwise Magnolia would have been blown up into the sky.

If such a thing really happens, the subsequent plot will be greatly rewritten, and it is not certain whether Fairy Tail can continue to exist.

"I almost lost it." Fang Bo sat on the ground a little tired, looking up at the evil dragon beast that kept moaning.

Facing the Fairy Queen's sharp blade, it was basically powerless to resist, and it was only a few minutes before it was sent back to its hometown.

Anyway, with nothing to do, Fang Bo decided to open the box first to see what the three reincarnations were like.

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