Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 295 The ruthless team’s siege

The Prince of Mistagon is back!

The news quickly spread among the legions.

Due to some unknown reasons, His Royal Highness the Prince disappeared for many years, and the King has always wanted to find his child.

Now that I finally received the news, I naturally couldn't do nothing, so the Second Demon Team sent a large number of troops to find the target.

As everyone knows, this is actually a trap set by the enemy, and the so-called prince is just a lifelike human skin mask.

By the time Erza reacted, a large number of ambushes had already appeared around her.

When she learned the truth, she could no longer suppress the anger in her heart.

Taking out her magic tool spear, she looked at the people in front of her coldly: "Very good, very good. It seems that the past few years have not taught you to behave well."

If you dare to take the initiative to attack the regular army, I will kill them all no matter what today.

Due to the poverty of magic power, most magicians are in a long-term state of magic power loss.

Without the bonus of magic equipment, it would not be able to exert much strength at all, and the second magic team is the main force of the kingdom, and each soldier is equipped with appropriate weapons and equipment.

As long as you withstand a wave of enemy attacks, you can easily get rid of this group of people.

"Magic tools." Fang Bo stared at the standard weapons, and his heart gradually felt hot.

After coming to Edras for so many days, he probably figured out the truth about these weapons.

To put it bluntly, they are some equipment that stores "magic power" and can activate special effects without consuming the user's power.

The function is relatively similar to his human puppet.

So Fang Bo was wondering if he could research this technology?

Everything else was easy to talk about. He wanted to know what the energy core was that drove these weapons.

If it can be done, perhaps the endurance of the human puppet can be greatly improved.

Golden ripples slowly emerged. Due to the existence of negative status, Fang Bo did not have the luxury of using too many treasures at once.

In addition to the invisible Shadow Moon Fork, he also summoned three additional puppets, which consumed just a little of his mental power.

Seeing this, Lucy waved her whip and immediately rushed towards the enemy camp: "Brothers, the war has begun!!!"

Erza also issued an order to annihilate the enemy, and members of both sides were fighting together in an instant.

Martial Saint’s hegemonic body!

Yun Chang Puppet was the first to rush into the enemy formation, directly activate the characteristics, and came up with a very visually stunning unparalleled mowing.

No matter who the opponent is, it can't shake its body. The blue dragon and tiger in Yanyue are full of wind, and they continue to chop off heads one after another.

Among all people, its enemy-killing efficiency ranks first, and it is still far ahead.

The only pity is that the energy value is too low, and it will not last long before it has to stop, otherwise it will be able to kill the so-called second demon team on its own.

After whining for a while, the human puppet who lost the Martial Saint Hegemony immediately stopped eating, which made the surrounding soldiers collectively heave a collective sigh of relief.

"It's not working anymore!"

"Go on, kill the enemy quickly."

"Don't let it recover."

But before they could take action, the human puppet turned into specks of golden light and disappeared.

Instead, there were a large number of sand and iron spikes falling from the sky.

Magnetic Escape·Sand and Iron Boundary Technique!

After a round of AOE output, Yuan Yi Zero immediately rushed into the enemy group and started harvesting remaining blood.

Fang Bo was very knowledgeable when it came to dealing with miscellaneous soldiers, and he eliminated nearly half of the enemy soldiers in a short time.

Of course, the enemy's counterattack was also sharp, and all three puppets used in the attack were beaten back into the treasure house.

Even the energy shield of his cloak was destroyed by a round of concentrated fire. If he hadn't used the Flying Thunder God to transfer his body, he might have been at risk of being killed instantly by the enemy.

"It's so dangerous, it's so dangerous." Fang Bo came to the rear of the enemy group, summoned four more treasures and shot them forward.

Then a six-pointed star rose from the ground, and soon a group of large spiders with terrifying auras appeared.

The shikigami summons the new bride!

The first six big snake spiders that appeared collectively activated the blood rage, and their speed instantly increased by a large amount, like six red lightning bolts that penetrated the enemy's formation.

Then, the remaining third-order ghost spiders rushed out one after another, preparing to encircle and harvest the remaining soldiers.

With Luo Xinfu personally commanding them, these soldiers have basically entered a countdown to total annihilation.

"Asshole!!!" Erza was furious. She didn't expect this guy's methods to be so powerful.

I originally thought of wearing it down until the enemy couldn't hold on anymore, but in the blink of an eye, I was almost wiped out by them.

"You are all going to die here today."

Light particle gun!

The light bombs came like raindrops, and almost no one except Darren could react.

Instantly activating Susanoo, while protecting the enemy from attacks, she also did not forget to protect the little bean curd beside her.

"I'm here too." Yaoyao took out her big hammer and suddenly activated her special form.

In the blink of an eye, she transformed from a little lolita into a sexy lady with a horn on her forehead.

After the enemy's attack was over, Yaoyao and other powerful plot players attacked the enemy.

"Hmph, I don't know what to say." Erza instantly switched weapons and swung a shot at the oncoming people.

Explosive gun!

The violent explosion submerged everyone, and only two figures rushed out from the intense heat.

On one side is Natsu, who is not afraid of flames, and on the other side is Dachi Yao, who endures the pain and charges.

"You must accumulate enough damage, otherwise you won't be able to get the box." Knowing that this was a critical period, she could only rush towards the enemy in front of her.

With the crazy spinning like a top, she activated the only attack skill she currently has.

Seeing this, Erza subconsciously jumped into the air. No one was willing to resist this violent attack head-on.

"It's not over yet." Yaoyao activated a certain equipment effect, and her whole body rushed straight into the sky like a sensor bomb.


Even though Erza raised her weapon to block, she was still hit hard by the sledgehammer, and she lost more than forty points of health after falling to the ground.

"Well, the damage is not enough." Yaoyao was furious, took out a magic scroll from her pocket and threw it away.

At the moment when the activation was confirmed, seven dark green rockets suddenly appeared in the sky, arriving in front of the enemy almost in no particular order.

The damage of the scroll was very high, but it was a pity that it still couldn't do anything to the woman in front of him.

Ice Flame Spear!

With a tap of the spear, seven rockets were frozen in mid-air, and using these weapons would not consume Erza's magic power.

This can't help but make Fang Bo become more and more jealous, wishing he could master the relevant manufacturing knowledge immediately.

In the huge melee at the rear, the attack of Ghost Spider and Fairy Tail has gradually gained the upper hand. Before everyone's magic power is exhausted, they can almost annihilate the so-called Kingdom Demon Team here.

Of course, there were only a small number of people at the scene, and the large force should have just received the news at this time.

By the time those people came in force, the corpses of their colleagues would have been cold by now.

"Accurately grasp the enemy's psychology, lure them out and kill them with one strike. I finally understand why you can grow so fast."

Dailan walked out of the team, pondered for a moment, and his eyes suddenly transformed into the shape of a kaleidoscope.

Holding several explosive shurikens, he saw the opportunity and threw them at the enemy head-on.

On the other side, Yaoyao summoned the black lion Kane and rode it towards the powerful captain of the Demon Team.

Seeing this, Erza directly changed the spear, and then slammed the butt of the gun on the ground.

Gravity gun!

In an instant, everyone around them was affected, and the attacks of the two reincarnations also lost their accuracy.

The otherworldly version of Natsu wanted to rush forward, but was stabbed in the abdomen with a single shot, almost dying on the spot.

"Boring resistance." Erza's murderous intention became more and more intense. After a moment's hesitation, she targeted the little girl in her first attack sequence.

Among this group of people, she is the most playful, so I’ll start with you.

"If you want to complain, just blame yourself for why you joined Fairy Tail."

The woman's speed was so fast that she arrived in front of Little Douding in almost the blink of an eye.

It was so fast that she had no time to use the props, and the cold spear had already stabbed her hard.

Sonic Gun·Monster Hunting!

The attack that reaches the speed of sound is indeed very fast, but she is not faster than the Flying Thunder God Technique that can teleport.

The moment the spear was about to pierce Xiao Douding, Fang Bo, who had turned on his nightmare form, successfully appeared and planned to use an energy shield to resist the damage of the spear.

However, not long after the shield was defeated, its durability was not restored enough. It only lasted for a moment before it was instantly pierced by a spear.

Fang Bo was also stabbed, and he had no time to use the second step of defense.

[You are attacked by Erza's sonic gun, causing 358 points of piercing damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 166 health points]


Seeing that he was severely injured, Yaoyao's eyes suddenly turned red.

While ordering the lion to bite the opponent, he took out a certain exquisitely shaped bead from his pocket.

With a squeeze, several energy pieces made of light immediately restrained the woman.

Binding Dao Sixty-One Six-Stand Light Prison!

"Very good." Seeing this, Fang Bo immediately raised his Kusanagi sword high, and the hot red flames began to burn on the sword.

Just due to the influence of the power of nightmare, the color of the flame began to change towards blue and white.

Nightmare Evil Light Slash!

[Your Nightmare Evil Light Slash causes 415 points of critical damage to the target]

The damage is less than expected, probably because the enemy is wearing magic armor.

As the intensity of the battle increases, various high-quality defensive equipment begin to appear frequently.

To be honest, Fang Bo really hates this kind of enemy.

"I must kill you!" Erza spat out blood, and magic power began to flow out without hesitation.

Seeing the speed at which the woman was about to break free from the six-staff light prison, he did not dare to neglect at all, and quickly added a control-type move.

[You cast the Dark Art on Erza, and the mental attributes are being judged, and the characteristics and abilities are being judged]

[Judgment passed, Erza fell into a state of blindness for four seconds]

After successfully controlling the enemy, Fang Bo quickly took out a bottle of blood medicine and poured it into his mouth.

Trauma Repair Fluid: Immediately restores 30% of health, and subsequently restores 20 health every 10 seconds for 2 minutes.

The effect of this thing is very powerful. It instantly adds a full 120 points of health, directly bringing back more than half of the blood that was just lost.

Not to mention, the follow-up results are amazing and the recovery is sustained.

Fang Bo had a premonition that the enemy who had suffered heavy losses was about to fall into a crazy mode, and it would be terrible if he was not alert.


The six-staff light prison was shattered, and Erza, who was blinded, successfully escaped.

Just as he expected, after escaping from the trap, Erza launched a terrifying attack without hesitation.

Exploding Spear·Thousands of Army!

Darren's Susanoo protected the two teammates, but it only lasted for two seconds before being completely shattered by continuous explosions.

"That's enough." She didn't show any disappointment.

Susana's strength also varies from person to person, and with her current mental strength, she cannot exert much effect at all.

Just block for a moment so that your teammates can get out of the enemy's attack range.

Similar to her situation, Fang Bo has not mastered the Flying Thunder God technique yet.

It's okay to fly away by yourself, but it will take some time to bring others with you.

Darren's help was just enough for him to pull Little Douding away from the place.

Standing in the open space dozens of meters away, Fang Bo stared at the woman not far away.

The enemy's HP is at most one-third left, so he has secured this guy's treasure chest today no matter what.

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