Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 306 Devil’s Heart VS Fairy Tail!

"Ha ha ha ha."

The witch's laughter continued to echo in the uppermost space of the Tower of Paradise.

Even through the sealing card, you can still feel the joy of her laughter: "The president is here, no one of you can escape today."

Taking a hard shot at the surrounding prisons, Urrutia looked at Jellal, who had a peaceful face: "You will soon know what the so-called Holy Ten Magicians are doing in front of President Hades. neither."

"He is the one who has glimpsed the true meaning of the devil and mastered it."

Before Urrutia could boast any more, Xio, who was a little impatient, gave her a silent slap.

"What a noisy woman." As he said that, he looked at Jellal with strange eyes: "You are also very powerful. You can tolerate her for so many years."

".Don't mention this again."

The old face blushed slightly, and Jellal turned around unnaturally, looking up at the huge flying ship in the sky.

"Xiu, let me know and get ready for a fight!"


The Tower of Paradise was once ruled by the Dark Order until Jellal took control and did not choose to disband the Order's combatants.

In terms of the basic strength of the two sides, the difference is not too big. There are religious order soldiers in Paradise, and there are also a lot of magicians cultivated by Devil's Heart.

What really determines the outcome is actually the high-end power of both sides.

If you don't think of a way to defeat Hades, even if you defeat the Seven Familiar of Purgatory, it will be of no use.

Fairy Tail's support has not yet arrived, so he must hold off the enemy as much as possible.

If possible, Jellal would definitely want to defeat the president of the Demonic Heart.

Arriving at the gap at the top of the cliff, Jellal stared at the airship driven by the magic circle.

He understood the principle of capturing the thief first. At the same time, Jellal was very confident in his own strength and had to give it a try no matter what.

"Come on, let me see the power of approaching the abyss of the devil."

The body is slightly tilted, the left hand is touching the ground downward, and the right hand is tilted upward. The extremely terrifying magic power fluctuations are gathering crazily.

True Celestial Magic·Star Collapse!

Black and purple energy gathered in the airship, and soon, a huge meteorite fell from the sky, as if it was going to wipe the entire ocean off the map.

Such a terrifying attack completely frightened the soldiers affiliated with the Devil's Heart.

Only the Seven Families of Purgatory remain unmoved, because they know in their hearts that no one can defeat President Hades.

This is the mage who is said to be closest to Zeref.

"Hey, it seems that the enemy knew our arrival in advance." Zancro's hands ignited with black flames, and he couldn't wait to jump down to fight.

But we still have to wait until the president solves the meteorite, otherwise even he will not be able to survive such an attack.

"Urutia didn't respond. It seems there is a problem at the Tower of Paradise." Hades stood up from his chair, surrounded by a chilling magic wave.

As he raised his palm, a purple seven-fold talisman formation instantly appeared around the meteorite.

"You're a hundred years too young to challenge me."

Super magic·Amaterasu Hyakushi!

This move is so powerful that even Makarov's strongest defensive array, the "Three Pillars", cannot withstand it.

The old Saint Ten was killed instantly, and the new Saint Ten's attacks also had no effect.


There was an earth-shattering explosion from above, and the huge meteorite was directly smashed into powder by Hades' super magic.

When the dust cleared, the airship was still standing intact in the sky.

Seeing this, the magician of the devil's heart immediately burst into loud cheers.

"Long live President Hades!"

"We will be invincible!"

"Devil's Heart is the strongest guild."

"Kill, kill everyone!"

At the top of the Tower of Paradise, Jellal sat on a chair with his eyes closed, preparing to face the biggest test in his life.

If the magic attack fails, then try to fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

As for the soldiers of the Dark Order, they were all a group of extremely vicious people, and he would not feel any pain even if they were all dead.

The only worry is the group of friends, but Jellal believes in everyone's strength.

"Come on, Hades, I will defeat you myself."


"For His Highness Jellal!!!"

The Order's soldiers are fanatical and appear to be more evil than those affiliated with the Demon Heart.

For a moment, the enemy couldn't tell who was the Dark Guild.

"Don't waver." He dodged to the front of the enemy group and kicked several soldiers' necks in an instant.

This is a humanoid goat wearing sunglasses and a black suit.

It is none other than Capricho, one of the Seven Familiar of Purgatory.

Under normal circumstances, it is humans who summon the protoss to fight. In fact, the protoss can summon humans to fight in reverse.

However, the cost of rebelling against Tiangang is not small. The star spirit that forcibly summons humans will eventually be completely integrated with the summoned person.

And it will be led by human consciousness.

As a star spirit of Capricorn, Caplico is such a special being.

It possesses the lost magic "Human Subordination", which can force defeated humans into contracts and summon magic during the battle.

Many human heroes in history have actually secretly signed contracts with it.

This is the horror of lost magic, and also its power as a member of the Seven Families of Purgatory.

Black magic circles emerged around him, and Caplico summoned many well-known magicians belonging to the human camp in one breath.

The members of the sect who had the upper hand just now were completely reduced to fish in the blink of an eye, and could only passively wait for the butcher's knife from the enemy.

Fortunately, strong reinforcements appeared soon, and the person who came was none other than one of Jellal's friends, the mage Miliana who would choose to join Mermaid Eyes in the future.

Her physical strength is not strong, and she is a mage who barely escapes the category of soldiers.

However, Miliana's magic is very effective. As long as she is tied up by her cat, she will no longer be able to use magic.

In other words, she is a powerful support, but her one-on-one combat effectiveness is very weak. It would be different if she had a suitable helper.

"Ouch." After a brief stalemate, Miliana was kicked out by the goat.

He rolled on the ground several times and looked seriously injured.

"Oooh, it hurts so much." She felt that she was no match for these magicians.

In fact, Caplico summoned all ruthless characters. At least they were famous genius magicians back then, otherwise they would not be qualified to become its puppets.

Miliana, who takes the auxiliary route, is naturally no match for these guys.

Just as Caplico was about to strike, a low chant suddenly came from the sky.

"O King of Arrivals"

"A mask of flesh and blood, a thing of all things, a thing that flutters high and bears the name of human beings!"

"The heat and strife are turning southward across the sea, moving forward!"

Chapter 31: Red Cannon!

Caplico, who didn't react hastily, was immediately hit by the red cannon, and was injured for the first time since the battle began.

In the sky, a woman holding a big hammer showed a proud smile. The guild emblem on her arm made Miliana wave her hand excitedly: "Hey, you are finally here."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Yu Jieyao fell from the sky, and lightning flashed across the horn on her forehead.

Her ability comes from a certain plot world, and she can usually shrink her body to continuously accumulate strength.

He is a typical explosive player, but his accumulation is limited and he cannot hold back his energy forever.

According to her, the smaller the body size, the more profound the ability is.

The first time it reached her chest, the second time it reached her knees, Yaoyao's ability was constantly improving.

Of course, she would not be able to challenge one of the Seven Families of Purgatory on her own.

"Not here yet?"

Even though the goat Caplico was very weak and ranked at the bottom of the Seven Familia, he was still not a strong person that she could challenge on her own.

Yaoyao showed up first, actually to search for traces of the enemy. The real master was actually still behind.

"Found you!" A familiar voice sounded in the distance.

The next second, the black iron tornado instantly submerged the Capricorn star spirits.

The roar of the iron dragon!

The Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel, appears!

"I'm here to help you too." Miliana stood beside her, holding her own magic rope in her hand.

As long as she finds the right opportunity, she can end the battle in an instant.

Looking at the black lion Kane who suddenly appeared in front of her, Miliana couldn't help but have little stars in her eyes.

"What a mighty cat."

"." Hearing this, Yaoyao gave her a slightly strange look.

She felt that she was off-line enough, why was this girl more serious than her?

Taking out a certain disposable scroll from her pocket, Yu Jieyao and Black Lion rushed towards the enemy, while Gajeel was responsible for blocking the summoned human mage.

"Just defeat it as soon as possible."

Not long after the war started, all members of Fairy Tail successfully arrived at the Paradise Tower.

According to Fang Bo's guidance, everyone went to different locations to find their opponents.

One of the Seven Familiar of Purgatory, Kain Hikaru, who came when he mastered the lost magic, was blocked on the coast by the Mist Gang.

This is a 1V1 duel, and only the winner is qualified to challenge the BOSS-level characters on both sides.

Azuma, one of the Seven Familiar of Purgatory, possesses the lost magic "Arc of the Tree" and is in the upper class among the seven.

The man was very powerful, but unfortunately he met Gildarts who was acting alone.

Uncle Ji wanted to meet Hades for a while, but he didn't expect to meet him halfway. The two sides had already started a fierce battle in a corner of the Paradise Tower.

In terms of magic power, Gildarts has an absolute advantage. However, the enemy's magic is too strange and can be integrated into the earth at will.

It is certainly no problem to win, but it is difficult to completely make the opponent lose their fighting ability.

In other words, Kildas' victory will take time.

On the other side, Zancrow, one of the Seven Families of Purgatory, was accidentally hit by the golden lightning flashing across the sky.

Looking at the man falling from the sky, Zancro seemed to recognize the man's identity instantly.

"Hey, isn't this the president of Fairy Tail? It seems I'm really lucky today, hahahaha."

During the whole process, Laxus remained silent, only the black cloak was swinging violently in the wind.

When the enemy's laughter stopped, he asked calmly: "Are you done?"


Without waiting for any reaction from Zancrow, Laxus was in front of the enemy in an instant.

The Dragon Slayer of Thunder not only has super powerful attack power, but speed is also one of his most advantageous weapons.

At this moment, Zancro suddenly took action, and there was no time to parry.

Jaws of the Brontosaurus!

Focus the thunder dragon's lightning into both fists and slam them into the target.

The ripples formed by the golden thunder continued to spread around, and the violent vibrations caused the entire Paradise Tower to shake slightly.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and only Laxus' black cloak was still swaying in the wind.

Not far in front of him, in a pit as deep as four or five meters, Zancrow, who looked arrogant just now, had lost consciousness.

This seemingly powerful God-Destroying Mage was killed instantly by Laxus with one blow!

The terrifying magic power continued to gather around him. Laxus looked up at the airship and kept mumbling something.

"I will destroy the enemies of my family."

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