Chapter 115: The Impact of Mount Suzuka on Heian-kyo.

Yagi Great Snake, Suzuka Gozen, what are they doing? Qingming is not clear, but he also does not care, everyone has their own hidden things, this is not a strange thing, Qingming has not gone deeper into it, all this is the idea of talking about it clearly, when things should be said, naturally it will be said, this is not a problem.

Back in Heiankyo, Qingming immediately felt the difference in Heiankyo, maybe ordinary people can’t feel it at all, but the 1-style gods naturally noticed that as soon as Qingming returned to the palace, the Shiki gods had already arrived at the palace.

“Lord Qingming!”

Sky Evil Ghost F4 walked into the palace, everyone was smiling, a drunken look, obviously, another time to drink too much, Sky Evil Ghost F4 this year is in hard work, and when the New Year is about to be celebrated, Qingming also gave them a holiday, and they went to play happily.

Looking at the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4, Qingming chuckled and ridiculed: “It seems that you guys have drunk too much again!” ”

Midori shook his head and said, “Lord Qingming, don’t worry!” Even if we drink too much, as long as it is your order, we can absolutely complete it, and there will be no problems. ”

“That’s right!”

“That’s right!”

Listening to the voice of the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4 one after another, Qingming smiled and shook his head, and did not say anything, after all! I am very serious about these children, each of them is so good, every child is so hard and hardworking, in this case, how can I do that kind of thing that makes these children unhappy?

Don’t believe them? No!

Qingming has never disbelieved them, for every child is very convincing, but also very clear, these children are very good children, they are working hard every day, hard to become stronger, just to be able to help themselves, if you don’t want to believe these children, isn’t it a very shameful thing?

“Lord Qingming!”

“Lord Qingming!”

Lantern fire and Tang paper umbrella demon, both of them obediently lowered their heads, Tang umbrella paper demon also broke through their own limits under the leadership of the heavenly evil ghost F4, as the appearance of the royal sister Tang paper umbrella demon with lantern fire, obediently knelt and sat down, quietly waiting for something.

Qingming swept over the six people and asked, “Have you also noticed the change in Heiankyo?” ”


Green, yellow, red, green and other heavenly evil ghosts F4 were stunned, and Hong scratched his head and said embarrassedly: “What is that!” We just came to see, and we didn’t notice anything unusual! Lord Qingming, is something going on? ”

“Huh, hehe”

Listening to the words of these four little guys, Qingming shook his head helplessly and said, “But really, I thought that you were aware of the problem, and the result was simply to see the excitement?” ”

“Hee hee hee ~~~”

The four little guys were all laughing awkwardly, while the Tang Paper Umbrella Demon tilted his head, as if it was Yamato Fuzi, and said gently: “Lord Qingming, the concubine is just going home with a lantern fire, after all!” The concubine finally found her way home. ”

Tang Paper Umbrella Demon is also Fu Fu God, and her birth is very tortuous, she is a treasure inherited from a poor family, from grandpa to grandpa, to father, to grandson, but in the end, the whole family was slaughtered by bandits, and served revenge, Tang Paper Umbrella Demon killed all the robbers, since then, although she completed her revenge, but Tang Paper Umbrella Demon can never find the way home again, the way home completely disappeared.

From that moment on, Tang Paper Umbrella Demon became a monster floating in the world, she has been looking for a way back home, until she was summoned by Lord Qingming, she once again had her own home, from that moment on, Tang Paper Umbrella Demon did not want to lose her home again.

Qingming said gently: “If you like it, it’s good at home, no matter what time, it will always be waiting for you at home, this will not change at all!” ”

Tang Paper Umbrella Demon respectfully lowered his head and said, “Yes!” Lord Haruaki! ”

“Lord Qingming!”

At this moment, the voice of the white wolf came, she walked into the room quickly with Yingcao, looked at the six people who had gathered here and was stunned, and then said solemnly: “Lord Qingming, there has been a change in Heianjing, and the spiritual power of the entire Heianjing seems to have increased a lot!” Moreover, these spiritual powers…”

Qingming said gently: “I know, I know, okay, white wolf, you don’t need to be so nervous, wait a minute, I’m telling you okay.” ”


The white wolf sat down obediently with Yingcao, and Yingcao said cutely: “Lord Qingming!” ”

Qingming said gently, “Yingcao, what do you think of the country of Wano Land?” ”

Yingcao is very shy, and very cute, she is like a cute child, obediently shrinking behind the white wolf, very well-behaved and timid, and said softly: “Lord Qingming, I am really happy!” Wano Country is a very good country, here, no one laughs at Yingcao, and everyone has a very good relationship with Yingcao. ”


Qingming nodded very gently, although Yingcao has not weak demon power, it is not weak in terms of strength, but! I don’t simply hope that Yingcao can participate in these things, the reason is very simple, Yingcao this child is too simple, let Yingcao participate in these things, it is not a good thing, let this child grow up slowly, this is the best thing.

“Lord Qingming!”

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji, Hana Tori Roll, and the New Lady all came to the room, looking at the many gods in the room and also sat down, Hana Bird Roll said softly: “Lord Qingming, is the change in Heiankyo because of your affairs?” ”

Qingming smiled and nodded, “Yes!” I summoned Mount Suzuka, and with the arrival of Mount Suzuka, it really brought great changes to the whole of Heian-kyo. ”

“Sure enough!”

“So it is!”


Many gods nodded, they understood what was going on, and the reason was very simple! Suddenly, Heianjing’s spiritual power seemed to have skyrocketed, not only that, but Heianjing’s dragon vein was also frantically improving, as if it had absorbed some perfect tonic pill, and such a thing seemed to be a good thing, but! Sometimes, if it’s not clear, it’s not a good thing.

After all!

In that world of ghosts and ghosts, if there is no benefit to absorb such a thing, it is not necessarily a good thing! After all, what those monsters do is a lot of things.


“So, there’s no need to be nervous, it’s just that the arrival of Mt. Suzuka has brought great changes to Heian-kyo.”

Listening to Qingming’s introduction, everyone nodded, and Qingming’s heart was thinking about something, obviously! It’s no joke that everything is connected into a whole, but a real connection into a whole.

If Heian-kyo is the fundamental core, then with the arrival of Mount Suzuka, the improvement of Heian-kyo has been brought about, then is it said! Mt. Suzuka is already a part.

··· Ask for flowers…


Qingming said darkly: “When Heiankyo is truly improved again and again, thus ushering in a transformation, what will Heiankyo at that time, or the entire Wano Country, transform into what?” ”


“It’s really something to look forward to!”

A smile appeared in Qingming, when all this has reached this step, things may become very interesting, what will Heian-kyo be like at that time? Qingming is very much looking forward to it!

I have gradually understood that Heian-kyo, Suzuka-san, and the future may appear in the city of Nikkei, Oeyama, Tengu-noyama, and so on! These are all part of everything, and as all this emerges, it may bring great changes to the entire Wano Country, and at that time, the Wano Country will change dramatically, and perhaps the Wano Country should not be called Wano Country, it is something else.

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji looked at Qingming and said softly, “You better take a little rest!” It’s not early, the New Year is coming soon, and if you continue to be so busy, it will be a very busy thing for you! ”

Qingming smiled and nodded, “Hmm! Rest assured, the New Year is also coming, and the future of Wano Country, everything is so perfect, I will not be too tired. ”


Demon Dao Ji respectfully lowered his head, and said mildly;

“Alright! If you want to go out and play, the New Year is coming, and the whole Heiankyo is also brightly lit. ”


All the style gods nodded, and looking at the style gods who left one by one, Qingming slowly shook the folding fan in his hand, and a confused smile had appeared in the fox’s eyes, and whispered softly: “Really!” Unconsciously, so many people have gathered around him! Many times, even if you are not interested, you still have to go step by step! ”


A smile emerged, Qingming did not feel that this was not a good thing, on the contrary, for Qingming, this is a very comfortable thing, for himself, these children are the most important, with them growing up step by step, this is not a bad thing.

Wano Kuni!!!

In just two years, it has become a powerful force in the attention of the world, but this is just a starting point for Qingming, what is the future of this sea? I don’t know! I don’t care about it, whether it’s the era of sea thieves, the era of the Four Emperors, or the era of extreme evil, these are not worth mentioning at all for themselves, and all they have to do is to protect the country of Wano is enough.

This country is its own foundation, and these children, their own people, their own people, they are their own root, and as long as they protect these, what does everything that happens in the outside world have to do with themselves? It’s just a meaningless thing.


It has appeared in front of you, everything seems to have been displayed, this is a magnificent scroll, and the owner of the scroll is Qingming, how this scroll is painted, is what Ming should do.

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