Chapter 132: Qingming arrives at Fishman Island! Neptune’s gift!.

What is the evaluation of the sea country by the outside world? I’m sorry! Fishman Island is not clear, because the current Fishman Island is really hot, and even said, everyone is very nervous, including Neptune and Otohime, although they are the king and princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, but at this moment the expressions of both of them are very solemn.


A real big man has come to the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the king of Wano Country! Black carbon sunshine! This former member of the Locks Pirate Group, now the king of Wano Country, in a short period of time, has developed Wano Country from a closed country to a top country in the world, although it is not called a superpower, but everyone knows that it is just a matter of title, but in terms of strength, Wano Country is definitely a possession-like strength, which is undoubted.

The strength of the entire Wano Kingdom is absolutely undoubted, and such a character has come to the Dragon Palace Kingdom, for the impact of the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom, as long as they are not idiots, they know how huge it is, especially if the sea country that shelters the Dragon Palace Kingdom now is only Qingming’s subordinates, in this way, it is understood, this is the boss of his own boss, does such a status need to be said?

Gurgling with bubbles, the ghost ship slowly arrived at Fishman Island, and Qingming stood on the deck, naturally saw the ghost ship located on Fishman Island, which was the ship of Suzuka Gozen, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Qingming chuckled: “It’s really Suzuka’s character, I didn’t leave at all!” ”

Qingming knows what kind of character Suzuka Gozen is, either don’t do it or do it, then there is no need to say more21, Suzuka Gozen will definitely do the best, this is Suzuka Gozen’s character, it has always been so.


As the ghost boat slowly docked, Qingming looked at the figure standing on the shore in front of Suzuka Gozen, and a smile appeared, chuckling: “Suzuka, I didn’t expect that you would make such a big trouble in such a short time!” ”

Suzuka Gozen also smiled and said, “These are just some small things, in my eyes, the silver axe is not a strong person, let alone a strong person!” Qingming, you are coming very fast! I thought it would take a while for you to come over. ”

Qingming shook his head and said, “The matter of Hachinos’s treasure is purely a joke of Captain Locks, there is no treasure at all, but!” ”

“The matter of Hachinos is indeed quite annoying, even if the Locks Pirates have been destroyed, but there are still some things that those people should touch, and they need to pay a huge price for it.”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Qingming and Suzuka Gozen looked at each other and smiled! At the same time, he chuckled, a smile was very rich, and this is the character of two people, no matter at any time, these two people are such a character.

It’s just that!

Outsiders listening to the conversation between these two people, but they can feel a shivering feeling, it is too terrifying, these two people, one will take the silver axe pirate group seriously at all, and the other will slaughter the entire Hachinos lightly, is this the strong man above this sea?

This moment!

Neptune, Otohime and his wife are very panicked, seriously! Such a strong person shelters Fishman Island, which is a good thing for Fishman Island, but at the same time, there is also this thing that makes people panic, the other party is too strong, such a strong person is not controllable at all, and in such a situation, then what will be the result? In fact, it is already a self-evident thing

“Lord Qingming!”

Tiger came over, looked at Qingming, respectfully lowered his head, his expression was very respectful, not a joke, this is real respect from the heart, actually! All Shikijin is summoned by Haruaki, and the same is true of Tiger, although Tiger was given the power by Suzuka Gozen and became a youkai, he is still controlled by Haruaki in the palm of his hand, every move, or in other words, the whole person’s life is controlled by Haruaki in the palm of his hand.


Qingming looked at Tiger smiling and nodding, and said gently: “Tiger, there is no need to be so nervous, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, for me, it’s like family, and….. Go and replace that flag of the sea country with the flag of Wano Country! Since Suzuka made such a choice, she chose to shelter Fishman Island, then Fishman Island should be sheltered by Wano Country. ”



Tiger hurriedly lowered his head, his whole person forcibly endured the dripping tears, and his whole body was trembling with excitement, it was really good! He is really very afraid, to be honest, the conversation between Lord Suzuka Gozen and Lord Haruaki can be heard, and the relationship between the two is more like relatives, brother and sister! Sibling! This is a very appropriate description.

But they are really just outsiders! For these outsiders, Lord Qingming is willing to shelter Fishman Island, then of course it is the best thing, just! What Tiger didn’t know was that when he actually became a youkai, Haruaki already considered him a part of the late Wano Country.

In the eyes of many people, Qingming is really very false, but! Qingming is indeed such a person, not false, but a very gentle person, for Qingming, outsiders, then your head will be broken, but for their own people is really very gentle.


Qingming looked at the attribute in front of him, and he was also watching Tiger! Name: Fisher Tiger Grade: SSR Awakening: Awakening Breakthrough: Domineering: ★★★ Overlord Color Domineering [Elementary] Armed Color Domineering [Intermediate] See and Smell Color Domineering [Intermediate]


Qingming couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, Tiger’s potential looks very good! It actually has the potential of the level of the general of the main department, and it is an SSR-level style god, and it will grow up almost the same level as the demon sword Ji and Hanabori Roll in the future, as for whether it can go further? That’s hard to say!


Qingming is also very satisfied with this, no matter what, Tiger can have such potential, it is already very good, and! Without consuming the devil fruit, it is already very good to raise to such a level in one breath, and next, it takes at most 4 devil fruits to cultivate Tiger to the top level.

As a matter of fact!

This is Tiger’s strength and potential, after becoming a monster, and accepting the high-level three-color domineering power taught by Suzuka Gozen, as well as the way to use the demon qi, Tiger is like ushering in a leap forward, the whole person is crazy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this speed of improvement is naturally beyond doubt.

So to speak! Tiger has improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, probably at the level of a commodore, and now he has surpassed the strength of a vice admiral of the naval headquarters, and is a top vice admiral.

At the beginning, Tiger and the beaver fought, the two were still five or five, and now the beaver purely relies on speed and Tiger to fight, which is not a level of strength at all.

“Lord Qingming!”

Neptune and Otohime came over, both very respectful.

Qingming raised his hand and smiled: “Mr. Neptune, Princess Otohime, after all, I came from afar, presumably you should not refuse a banquet, right?” No matter what kind of thing! Let’s discuss it at the banquet. ”



Neptune and Otohime, the husband and wife, really felt, what is the pressure of the strong, obviously Qingqing is such a gentle person, but the courage that is displayed is really frightening, it is too terrifying, this man’s strength, as if it is a devil, no! No! Just like a monster, in a short time, two words, gentle people, but the owner is terrifying… Night falls! Banquet!

Naturally, it unfolded like this, without any hesitation at all, everything Neptune and Otohime could prepare was ready, and the faces of the husband and wife were very respectful, and they did not dare to have any other thoughts.

Qingming had a gentle smile from beginning to end, as if he didn’t pay attention to these things at all, and the feeling of being a superior made the couple feel fearful, and as the banquet 193 gradually seemed to be coming to an end.

Neptune spoke softly, “Lord Qingming!” Thank you very much for sheltering Fishman Island, and I hope you enjoy it! ”

Speaking, Neptune clapped his hands, and a large number of fish-man guards immediately walked up carrying treasure chests one by one, and Neptune said respectfully: “Lord Qingming!” There are a total of 170 devil fruits in it, and each devil fruit has been collected by the fish-people for so many years, and there is no guarantee that it can provide 30 devil fruits every year, but! These are all the stocks on Fishman Island, and I am willing to hand them over to you. ”

Qingming just glanced at the devil fruit, but secretly sighed: “It is worthy of a country like the Dragon Palace Kingdom, in the deep sea, sure enough!” If no one suppresses it, then the power displayed is indeed very terrifying! But….”

Qingming just smiled and shook his head: “This gift, if it is just as a gift, I will accept it, but!” Mr. Neptune, if you want to continue discussing what comes next, I don’t care about these gifts, too! Suzuka shelters Fishman Island because of Tiger, and I shelter Fishman Island because of Suzuka. ”

“Know it next!”

Neptune nodded immediately, while Qingming continued: “Because of this, I give you a chance, not just to shelter Fishman Island, but to give Fishman Island a chance to become stronger, I can help you make Fishman Island stronger, but you, you have to follow my orders, if you want, then this banquet will continue.” ”

“If you don’t want to, nothing will change, I don’t need to leave with these gifts, you can continue to pay 30 devil fruits a year.”

Qingming’s voice slowly fell, and Neptune fell into silence, as if he was thinking, seriously! He was already impressed!!!

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