Chapter 134: Red Earth Continent Chaos! The arrival of the Yagi Great Serpent!.



Walking on the road, Qingming chuckled with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Suzuka, you seem to be very puzzled, very surprised why I made such a choice, right?” ”

Suzuka Gozen did not deny it, but nodded and said, “Indeed, it is a strange feeling!” For youkai, weakness is to obediently submit, but you are giving the fish-people a chance, as if you are willing to help the fish-people grow. 92。 ”

Qingming said very gently: “It is undeniable to say! I gave the Fishmen such a chance, but do you think that according to the character of the Fishpeople, they will be very honest when they really grow up? Or rather! This race is actually a very deformed race. ”


Suzuka Gozen nodded and said, “Not bad!” The fish-people are full of greed and madness, but also full of arrogance that the weak should not exist, in their eyes, as if all people are not their opponents, this is a very strange feeling, normally, such a situation does not appear in the weak. ”


Qingming smiled;

“Good! This is the problem of the fish-people, the fish-people themselves have a huge problem, and when such a race has power, they will naturally gradually go crazy, and according to the calculation of time, such a time will probably come in five years, and at that time, the development of Wano Country will also be to a very terrifying level. ”

“It is undeniable that the development speed of Wano Country is very fast, and with your help and support, the future of Wano Country will become stronger and stronger. Absolutely can not underestimate this world, the Elbaf Giant Country back then, with eighteen giants, the power of each giant, is an invincible existence, and such a power, the final result is still the curtain. ”


“If you want to fight the whole world by yourself, there is still a very big problem, and in this world, if there is an arrogant and powerful inhuman country, what do you think will be 287?”

Qingming’s smile was very rich, even unusually gentle, without any fluctuations in the palm of his hand because he regarded the entire fish-people clan as a puppet, as if all this was as simple as eating and drinking.

Suzuka Gozen seemed to shake his head with a hint of ridicule, “Qingming, you are really dangerous!” Sure enough, humans are a group of dangerous creatures, and although monsters are terrifying, they are indeed too simple. ”

Qingming smiled and said, “This is a very normal thing, for me, except for you, Wano Country is my hometown, this is the obsession left by my clan, otherwise!” I’m not interested in Wano Kuni, but no matter what, since I have accepted these duties, I can’t just give up, otherwise! It’s uncomfortable. ”



Haruaki and Suzuka Gozen communicated casually, and the figures of the two people also gradually drifted apart, under the night, all the Shikijin’s eyes were flashing with scarlet light, as originally said, they are not human beings at all, for these so-called sympathy? It’s a pointless thing at all! They have no sympathy at all! All but endless indifference and indifference.


“Your Majesty!”

Otohime looked at Neptune and said softly, “Lord Qingming… What the hell is he trying to do? ”

Seriously, Otohime is really very dazed, even unclear, doing this is of any benefit to Qingming, it should be said! Isn’t that something that doesn’t do anything good?

Neptune shook his head and said, “I don’t know if there are any benefits, but one thing I do know is!” This is the best opportunity and the only opportunity for Fishman Island, and only by seizing this opportunity can everything be solved, if you can’t seize this opportunity. ”

Shake your head deeply! Neptune knew that these things were not something he could change, and no matter what Qingming’s thoughts were, this was the only chance for the fish-people, and because of this, he had to accept it.


Neptune knew very well that when Qingming wanted to let his family participate in the world conference, he had actually proved that he was just a knife in Qingming’s hand, and this knife was naturally not a problem as long as he controlled it well.


Know to know, but such an opportunity, Neptune must not miss, otherwise, the future fish-people are still dark, and it will never be something that can be changed, this is what Neptune knows.

Truly! Qingming’s actions are like a double-edged sword, but this double-edged sword is very well controlled, even said! This sword does not need to be controlled by itself, because it cannot be swallowed back on itself!!!

…… Rumble!


The endless roar exploded madly, and the corner of the Yagi big snake’s mouth with a smile was gradually spreading in the dark, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was so thick, he finally saw everything he wanted to see.

“It’s really fun!”

The Yagi Great Snake whispered softly, “That special power is not like the power of human beings at all, or rather!” That person has become a god, a special god, and things are getting more and more interesting, and the affairs of the Red Earth Continent will become so interesting. ”


The figure of the Yagi Great Snake disappeared in an instant, and the benefits of coming to the Red Earth Continent this time were completely enough, and the rest! There is no longer any meaning, and with the departure of the Yagi Great Serpent, the entire Red Earth Continent is still in such a crazy riot.

And with the departure of the Baqi Great Snake, the fire spread throughout the Red Earth Continent, and for a while, it seemed to completely swallow the Red Earth Continent, and in a short time, it was covering everything.

Cracking sound!

Cracking sound!


“This way!”


“Damn it! The Devil Fruit is gone! What the? ”


Everyone showed a shocked look, and even said that many people were full of disbelief, full of dazed and confused, such a situation is really too weird, how can such a thing happen? Can!

No matter what, this is the case, and even this is the most frightening and terrifying, this is the magnificent red earth continent! And such a place was invaded, and even who the last intruder was, no one found it at all, and the anger had burned uncontrollably.

Look for! Look for!

No matter who it is, you must find the other party and destroy the other party completely! In fact, it is not only the world government that is plundered, but also those who trade on the red earth continent.

To know!

There are actually two ways to the new world, the first is naturally needless to say, that is, to the fishman island 10,000 meters below the deep sea, and the pirates are only a minority after all, most of the people go to the new world through the second road, that is, the red earth continent, they pass on the red earth continent, and over time, in the red earth continent is to establish a trading city, here is almost the safest place, in addition to handing in, there is no need to fear any problems.


The fact is that there is a problem in the Red Earth Continent now, and even after the gold and silver treasures and devil fruits are lost, they still don’t know what happened! Or rather, what is going on, and such a thing is the most terrifying and the most terrifying.

….. Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

With the faint sound of footsteps, and the figures of the five old stars have gradually converged in the room, their faces are not good-looking, how many years? So many years! Few people already dare to provoke the majesty of the five old stars! And today, there are people who dare to provoke again? It’s simply looking for death, which is simply unacceptable.

The curly-haired five old stars said indifferently: “No matter who it is, since the other party has done such a thing, then you have to pay for it!” That’s the price of life! ”


The icy voice sounded, and the curly-haired five old stars said indifferently;

“Since the other party has done such a thing, everything will not be hidden from those devil fruits and so on, find the other party!” Subsequently, dispose of him, and let the three major generals of the army be responsible for this matter! ”


The blonde five old stars nodded approvingly, and then said, “But! Or to screen others, the whole world needs to be searched, no matter anyone! Even those superpowers are also sending people to search, no matter what, since someone has already made preparations, let them see what they represent in this world. ”

There was only endless coldness in their eyes, and for the five old stars, they didn’t mean to show any mercy to their subordinates at all, or even say! The five old stars were filled with only endless killing intent, and they flashed with terrifying light.

For many years! It’s been a very long time, for the five old stars, I don’t know how many years, and in this long time, no one has ever dared to make a move against the world government, everyone is shivering and obedient to the world government, and now anyone dares to make a move against the world government? Very good! Very nice! I don’t know if such arrogance is a good thing! But, whether it’s a good thing or not, since you have done it, then you have to pay for it, and it is a very huge price.

This is something that is absolutely beyond doubt! Since you have done it, then don’t think about what kind of things you will give, let alone! For the world government, this time the matter is humiliating and lost at home, such a loss of face, what is the result? In fact, it is already self-evident!


For their thoughts, the Yagi Great Snake does not care at all, the Yagi Great Snake came only to find something, and these things, he has already found it, naturally, then it is a meaningless thing, for these people’s thoughts, the Yagi Great Snake has left.


Because of this incident, the five old stars have fully exerted the power of this terrifying huge monster, and this terrifying power, from beginning to end, is the most terrifying force.

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