Chapter 143: Come! The City of the Wheel of the Sun!.

Suzuka Gozen expressed doubts about Qingming’s arrangement, of course, not to question Qingming, Suzuka Gozen is very clear, since Qingming agreed, then it will definitely be done, about credibility and aspects, Haruaki is absolutely undoubted, because of this, Suzuka Gozen will feel doubtful.

Qingming opened his mouth to explain: “The situation on Fishman Island, as the news of Hachinos spreads, I’m afraid!” There are no more people who dare to make a move against Fishman Island, not to mention, you know, the situation of Fishman Island is very special, no one will make a move against Fishman Island until no one can make a move against Wano Country and defeat Wano Country. ”


Suzuka Gozen nodded, making this clear, and Haruaki continued to explain: “In addition, Cicada Maru and Kanjuro have arrived, and they have brought people from the ghost soldier group to teach Fishman Island, and at the same time!” Will also be responsible for temporarily guarding Fishman Island, Kanjuro needs to grow, and it takes a long time to grow, in the country of Wanoko, the exercise obtained is actually of little significance, in the outside can be more promoted. ”

“So it is!”

Suzuka Gozen nodded in understanding, “In that case!” Qingming, are you planning to return to Wano Country next? ”

Qingming nodded and said, “It’s indeed time for me to return to Wano Country, Suzuka, do you have anything to go?” ”

“Great Voyage!”

“No wind belt!”

“Empty island!”

“Even say…”

Suzuka Gozen raised his head, looked deeply into the distance, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Of course I want to see it!” Look at this whole sea, for the sea country, if it is impossible to conquer the sea, then can it still be called a sea country? ”

“Huh, hehe”

Qingming chuckled, “It’s really a distant target!” So! Suzuka, you have to work hard, because this is a very difficult goal, if you are not careful, you can’t do it, or rather! This sea will not be so easy to conquer. ”

“It used to be done! So now, the same can be done! ”

Dayue Maru walked step by step, with a proud look in his eyes, and said confidently: “In the past, Mount Suzuka was able to make all the sea demons above the entire sea willingly obedient, so now it can also be done!” ”

Daitake Maru has absolute self-confidence, that deep confidence from the soul, once upon a time, the sea country could conquer all the sea monsters above the entire sea, and when attacking Heiankyo, it was those obedient obedient who took the lead, now! The same can make this sea feel the power of the sea country.


Qingming said approvingly: “Then! I’m just waiting to see, I’m looking forward to the future of the sea country! Perhaps, in the future, it will be the sea country that reigns on the sea. ”

Seriously! This is not very likely, the strength of the sea country is very strong, but if you want to really be able to do which step, you need Tiger to grow, you need Suzuka Gozen and Daitake Maru to grow up, this is the most important, in addition, want the sea country to dominate this sea? It’s not that easy!

This world will always be like this, only power is the most important, and the sea country is a force with the possibility to stand at the apex of the sea, and this power belongs to the country of Wano.. The ghost ship gradually left Fishman Island, and Qingming squinted his eyes quietly and whispered softly: “Sea Country!” If he becomes the overlord of this sea, will he take away Roger’s status as One Piece? ”

“After all!”

“If it is the current Roger Pirates, it will not be the opponent of the sea country, but! For the position of One Piece, it is not that it can be done simply by strength, and the person who can go to Lovedrew is very unique! ”

Seriously, this place is not that you really have enough strength to go, but you need special circumstances, which is a very important thing for Lovedru, and because of this, this thing is very important to go to Lovedru.


Exhaling a cloudy breath slightly, Qingming quietly looked into the distance, his expression was very calm, and it was time to return to Wano Country! The speed of the ghost ship is fast!

It should be said!

The speed of the ghost ship is so fast that it only takes a day or two to return to Wano Country, and as for the waterfall? That was not a problem at all, the ghost ship floated directly, rushed up the waterfall and returned to Wano Country, and with the return of Qingming, the atmosphere of the entire Wano Country seemed to be different all of a sudden.

This! It’s really not a joke, the entire Wano Country, Haruaki is the absolute root, is the absolute core, if Haruaki is not in the situation, then the feeling of the entire Wano Country is different, only Haruaki is located in the Wano Country, then it will bring a huge difference.

“Lord Qingming!”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada and Bei Mi Hu quickly greeted them, Black Carbon Twilight Cicada looked at Qingming, but also very nervous, this time the ghost ship landed in the rabbit bowl, and the two people naturally came quickly.

In fact!

Seriously, the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada is eight hands that don’t want Qingming to leave Wano Country, there is no way! This is a very important thing, if Haruaki keeps leaving Wano Country, it will cause huge problems for Wano Country, of course! This is a spiritual problem, and the most important thing is that the black carbon twilight cicada is really afraid of any accident of the young master, it is undeniable! The young master really can’t have accidents! But if there is an accident, it is a troublesome thing.

But no matter what, the fact is so, the young master has finally recovered, everything is intact, in this case, it is the most reassuring thing for the black carbon twilight cicada, but after all, he is not willing to let the young master leave.

Qing Ming said gently: “Mother-in-law Twilight, there is no need to be so nervous, I will not have anything, above this sea, there are very few people who can kill me or hurt me against me, not to mention!” Isn’t there still a follower of the demon sword Ji? ”



The black carbon twilight cicada just nodded repeatedly, but from that meaning, it is very obvious, young master, what you said is right, but the old woman I am still very worried! It is not surprising that the black carbon twilight cicada is so, the black carbon family does not know how long it took, and finally came out such a talented, can be said to be a wizard-like figure, and such a character is finally born If there is an accident, it is a very embarrassing thing.

Or even say! If you can, the black carbon twilight cicada really does not want Qingming to leave, even the slightest possibility of accident is best not to happen, at the beginning, the transaction was personally gone by the young master, and later the black carbon twilight cicada next work, that is, trading with Stucsi, that is, trading with the world government, such a person is very dangerous.

It is most appropriate to be careful, because of this, the black carbon twilight cicada is really very nervous, so nervous from beginning to end, this is really not a joke, but really very worried!

After all!

Is the young man of his own family ambushed by the world government? This is a very important thing! Black Carbon Twilight Cicada really thought about everything, not only because Qingming is a person who helps the revitalization of the Black Carbon family, but also because Qingming is really a child who has grown up watching herself! An old man, watching his juniors grow up, if there is an accident, it is really dead.



Clear and gentle Dao;

“Mother-in-law Twilight, I promise you, if there is nothing very important in the future, I will generally not leave Wano Country, okay?”


The black carbon twilight cicada said gently;

“Young master, the old woman knows your ambitions! I also know everything, but…”

“Forget it!”

“Forget it!”

Black Carbon Twilight shook its head gently, and began to report: “Young master! Cicada Maru and Kanjuro have already led a group of 50,000 ghost soldiers to Fishman Island, if nothing else, it should be possible to arrive in these two days, and the peculiarities of the ghost ship are very special. ”

Qingming has transformed the remaining two ghost ships, there are four ghost ships in total, one is a ghost ship dedicated to Mount Suzuka, one is a ghost ship dedicated to himself, and the remaining two have undergone a lot of transformation, and the space inside has expanded wildly, both of which have been expanded to an extreme, which can accommodate the number of 200,000 people respectively, which is not a problem at all.

Qingming nodded and said, “When I returned, I felt the breath of the ghost ship, and I already knew that the other party went to Fishman Island, and the next few years, if it is not necessary, actually!” It is best for Wano Country to stop here and not continue to expand abroad. ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada asked seriously, “Young Master!” Is there something going on? ”

Qingming said calmly: “In the current world, Wano Country has no way to compete with those top powerhouses, only by waiting for the Yagi Great Snake, Suzuka, and Daitake Maru to grow up, they can do it, before that, more general-level powerhouses, in the eyes of monsters, are not worth mentioning at all, you also know, Captain Locks is powerful.” ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada nodded seriously, it is true, compared to Locks’s strength, general-level? It’s just a joke, the two sides are not a level of strength at all, and even it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no comparison at all, this is the strength of that level.

Of course, while discussing, Qingming put his eyes aside and said with a smile: “Humble Mihu, next, it’s about to start!” ”

Bei Mihu smiled and said, “Lord Qingming! Just like you said, get it next! ”

Beimihu is very calm, even for the summoning of the city of the Nikkei, it is undeniable that the city of the Nikkei is the root of the Humble Wave, it’s just! Humi Hu just inherits everything, not that the true soul is reincarnated, and because of this, it is different.

Summoning Heiankyo and Suzuka Mountain each consumed 20 Devil Fruits, and at this moment summoning the City of the Nikkei is the same, a large amount of energy is frantically dissipated, and Qingming now has exactly 200 Devil Fruits left, and a huge castle has emerged in the rabbit bowl, instantly changing everything!

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