Chapter 151: The Inheritance of Genraiguang!


In the confusion, the young man sobered up, looked around with a blank look, seemed to be very confused, did not know what happened, he had a very strange feeling, seemed to be full of differences and confusion, what happened, and what was all about? He doesn’t know very well! But no matter what, he slowly struggled to get up.

“Young master!”

The moment he saw Qingming, he suddenly knelt on the ground, and the whole person was excited;

“Young master! Less Lord! It’s you! It’s so good, young master! Here you are! Here you are! ”

Qingming looked at this awakened teenager, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: “I’m here, rest well, the next thing, no need to be nervous, for you, the next thing is already fine.” ”

“Young master!”

He struggled to get up, excited;

“Young master! Under…..”

Qingming looked at this teenager, but he felt a different fluctuation, and while feeling this fluctuation, he was also stunned, and then looked deeply at the teenager and asked, “What’s your name?” ”

The young man said respectfully, “Young master!” Under the name Black Carbon Lai Guang, it is a person who is separated by the Black Carbon family, sorry! Young Lord, it’s all because we are too weak, and in the end, we still need Young Master you to save us, this…..”

Listening to this teenager’s words, and Suzuka Gozen, Haiming and Demon Dao Ji couldn’t help but turn their heads, Demon Dao Ji, who was not interested in this name at all, was the same at this moment, and she fell into a kind of silence.

How to say it!

For Demon Dao Ji, if it was something else, then Demon Dao Ji would not care at all, but listening to this name, how could Demon Dao Ji not care! This name, for Demon Dao Ji, the meaning is really too different, and even this is the most special meaning of the name!

Demon Dao Ji remained silent, even said, that is, completely silent, she did not expect, that person is also going to recover? Destiny! It will definitely not be just a coincidence, humble and pseudo, Yagi pseudo are all from the people of the Black Carbon clan, in fact, to put it bluntly! If you want to inherit all this, then what you need is the bloodline of the Black Carbon family, otherwise, you are not qualified to inherit the power of the inheritance obtained by Qingming.

This, in fact, everyone has already discovered, Qingming naturally also discovered, humble mihu, false gods, and the inheritance of the source of Lai Light in the hand, these inheritances, each corresponding to the heir of the black carbon family, if one or two is a coincidence, then if the number continues to increase, this number is really not a coincidence, but a solid implementation.


This point, Qing Ming also felt, the people who can inherit these inheritances drawn by himself are all the bloodlines of his own family, and listening to this person with such a similar name, Qing Ming has already understood that he is the inheritor of the source Lai Guang, and! The inheritance that is beating in my heart seems to prove all this.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Qingming said very gently: “In that case, then try to see it, are you willing to have a strong power and inherit this strength?” ”

With Qingming’s inquiry, Black Carbon Lai Guang suddenly raised his head and said almost without hesitation: “Young master!” I am willing, I am willing to inherit this strength and help the young master forever! This is true at all times, no matter what the situation! ”


A smile appeared at the corner of Qingming’s mouth, opened one hand, and said very gently: “Then!” Inherit this strength and go on forever! Let me see, what will be the final result of you, who inherit this strength? ”

A smile emerged, and a wisp of brilliant light bloomed instantly, and with this wisp of light bloomed, it gradually merged into the body of black carbon Lai Guang, and he will inherit everything from the source of Lai Guang.

Buzz~~~ As the light dissipated, the figure that emerged was a gorgeous posture, the elegant figure with a faint smile, as if he didn’t care about all this, a smile was very indifferent, he smiled and bowed slightly: “Young master!” ”

The long white hair is fluttering, this is a figure full of proud posture, no matter at any time, he seems to be full of confidence, and this confidence makes Qingming look at him quietly!

Qingming slowly said, “From today onwards, your name will be Yuan Lai Guang. ”

Yuan Lai Guang bowed slightly and said, “Young Master!” Thank you for your name, though! Although he inherited the inheritance of the Genji in Xia, he will not abandon the surname of the Black Carbon clan, Black Carbon Source Lai Guang, this name is the name of Xia, Qing Shao Lord Chengcheng! ”

Qingming calmly said;


“Thank you young master!”

Yuan Lai Guang respectfully lowered his head, he had accepted this new name, and Qingming looked at Yuan Lai Guang, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, it should be said that for Yuan Lai Guang, such a situation is nothing at all.

He inherited the memory of Yuan Lai Guang, and also inherited Yuan Lai Guang, Qing Ming looked at Yuan Lai Guang slightly, but thought slightly, and then said: “Yuan Lai Guang, after you left the Red Earth Continent, were you directly caught here?” ”


“Young master!”

Yuan Laiguang nodded and said, “Leave from the Red Earth Continent!” Even if there is no stop at all, we have been caught here, and the other party is very familiar with all our traces and understands, and.”

It seemed that something suddenly came to mind, and Yuan Lai Guang’s expression was very serious: “Young master!” There is one thing that you need to deal with well, and I have already learned about it in the country of Wano, right! They want to make a move against Wano Country, and they are ready to do something to Wano Country as long as you leave the country of Wano. ”

Qingming nodded calmly and said, “Okay!” Calm down, I already know things, there is no need to be so nervous. ”


Yuan Laiguang nodded seriously, while Qingming thought secretly: “Sure enough! The other party also shot at Wano Country, then! Let me see, are you well prepared? ”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Qingming wanted to see what the next result would be, or rather! What will happen next, and what will this result represent, it will be an interesting thing!

Qingming’s expression is very calm, quietly holding his hand and looking into the distance, his eyes are very calm, the other party is ready for everything, too! You are also ready for everything, then, let yourself see if the other party is sufficiently prepared, or your own preparation is sufficient, or the power of Wano Country is strong enough.

It seems that everything is so simple, but! This is the fact, the fact that everything is in front of you, try to see well, see what the end result is? And in the end! When all this comes to an end, what will be the result at that time…

Qing Ming stood with his hands in his hands, and whispered softly in his heart: “Since the preparations of both sides have been made, then let’s try it!” Let me see what the end result will be. ”

Haiming brushed his long white beard slightly and said softly, “Lord Suzuka-mae, things seem to have changed differently. ”


Suzuka Gozen naturally knows what Haiming can say, it is the Demon Dao Ji, for the Demon Dao Ji, at this moment she fell into a kind of dazedness, of course, she knew that the source Lai Guang and the former Source Lai Guang had nothing to do with each other, and even said that the two sides were not one person at all.


No matter how you say it, for Demon Dao Ji, these things are simply unacceptable! She saw this man again, the man who had used himself as a weapon and made himself forever in a kind of pain.

And Yuan Laiguang also saw the Demon Dao Ji, Yuan Laiguang came over step by step, and said very calmly: “Demon Dao Ji, through the memory of inheritance, although we said that we met for the first time, but!” I still have to say, long time no see. ”


Demon Dao Ji remained silent, and only after a long time did he say in a deep voice: “It’s been a long time!” ”


Yuan Lai Guang was very calm, looked at the Demon Dao Ji, and said lightly: “You still can’t come out of the past?” ”


Demon Dao Ji’s eyes contained terrifying killing intent, if it weren’t for her reason telling her that the man in front of her was not the Yuan Lai Guang at all, according to Demon Dao Ji’s personality, he would even not hesitate to make a move, this is definitely not a joke!

However, Yuan Lai Guang didn’t seem to care about the possibility that Demon Dao Ji would make a move against him, but instead filled with calm Dao;

“You don’t understand your essence at all, you are the god of the demon knife, and you are not a single life at all, your original meaning of existence is to kill as a weapon, and there is nothing wrong with the meaning you want to pursue or seek, but! Are you really a single life? 2.2”

Yuan Lai Guang’s voice is very indifferent, even said, there is no emotion, just endless calm, making people feel the piercing pain, which makes Qing Ming frown slightly, of course, Qing Ming knows what Yuan Lai Guang means, Yuan Lai Guang inherited the inheritance of Yuan Lai Guang, but he is not really Yuan Lai Guang, but he! At this moment, such a thing was said, in fact, the meaning is already very obvious.

“What do you want to say?”

Demon Dao Ji’s voice was very indifferent, even as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth word by word, and Yuan Lai Guang looked deeply at Demon Dao Ji and said seriously: “Remember your identity!” You are a weapon, you can think of yourself as a complete person, but you have even given up your own essence, and you have also given up everything about yourself. ”

Listening to the cold voice of Yuan Lai Guang, and the demon energy on Demon Dao Ji’s body surged wildly, as if it was about to explode, but the next moment, it was gradually converged, she finally took a deep look at Yuan Lai Guang, and turned her head silently, did not continue to say anything, but her heart was not calm enough, as if she was thinking about something of her own.

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