Chapter 167: For Wano Country! You really don’t know anything!.

Night is falling.



“It’s enjoyable!”

Ibaraki boy gulped down his wine, and the whole person narrowed his eyes comfortably, which was really cool! It’s just a comfortable takeoff, for the ghost clan, drinking, fighting, this is the favorite thing, no matter any ghost clan is the same, and the same is true of the Ibaraki boy.


Looking at the appearance of the Ibaraki boy, but Genraitsu looked at it very unpleasantly, anyway! I have always looked at you unhappy, I can only say that Yuan Lai Guang and Dajiang Shan are really like wronged families, obviously there is nothing to do, but both sides just look at each other unpleasantly, this feeling is also quite wonderful.

Of course.

No matter what, Yuan Lai Guang’s look, Ibaraki boy is full of indifference, anyway! For the ghost clan, as long as you drink, then you are naturally too lazy to pay attention to these things.


Unfolding the folding fan, shaking the folding fan in his hand slightly, Qingming looked into the distance slightly, and said softly: “Hanabiao Roll, do you think that if the other party has an idea, then when will he make a move?” ”

“What time…”

When Hanamaki heard Qingming’s inquiry, he also thought a little, indeed! According to He, the other party did intend to make a move against Qingming, as for whether this news is true or not? Theoretically, Tsuru seems to have no need to deceive Qingming, after all, such a joke is simply meaningless.

And after a little thought, the 21st volume of flowers and birds said: “When dawn is about to dawn, it is also the time when people’s will is weakest, and this time, perhaps, will be the most appropriate thing, after all!” Shooting when the person’s will is weakest can produce the best results. ”


Qingming just nodded slightly, shook the folding fan in his hand and didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be thinking about something, for Qingming, the next thing is the most interesting thing.


A smile emerged, looking into the distance with a clear and interesting look, trouble? Seriously! Qingming doesn’t care about trouble at all, and even on the contrary, Qingming is afraid that you won’t come looking for trouble.

After all!

Looking for trouble again and again, the enemy who shoots every day, although it is very annoying, but this is not a trouble, as long as you shoot a little, then it is easy to deal with it, but another method is completely different, after all! One thing you have to know is that if the person who is hidden in the shadows, looking for an opportunity, suddenly strikes at a critical time, then the trouble caused is the greatest, or even fatal, and because of this, this is the most important thing.


Exhaling a cloudy breath slightly, Qingming whispered softly: “Then, next, let me see how your strength is, don’t let me down!” After all, if everything ends like this, it seems to be quite boring. ”


A smile emerged, Qingming stood with his hands in his hands, quietly looking into the distance, there was only endless calm in his eyes, but the faint eyes were not full of disdain at all? No!

Qingming will not have any disdain, this is true for any opponent, Qingming is not such a person, on the contrary, Qingming is a very gentle person, but! Qingming remained calm, after all, when there is absolute confidence, then is there anything to be nervous about?

It doesn’t seem like it’s necessary at all, since I have enough self-confidence, then! No matter what kind of preparation you have, in fact, it is just a meaningless thing, in this case, then the result is already in front of you, and everything that follows has long become meaningless.

Qingming stood with his hands in his hands, quietly looking into the distance, his expression full of calm.


Afar! Gurgle gradually emerges with bubbles, and a large submarine is located under the deep sea, so say! The technology of this world is indeed very interesting, not only with submarines, fish and other weapons, but there is no simple technology such as mobile phones, perhaps this is a completely partial development!

At this moment, in the submarine, several figures have gathered together. Flower, Adam, Odin, Lexay, Tom, Jerry!

A total of six, these six are almost the top people in the world, to put it bluntly, they represent the apex of this world, there is absolutely nothing wrong with such a statement, but these six gathered together, at this moment, it seems to be discussing something.

Adam smiled and said gently, “This is a very good opportunity!” Black Carbon Haruaki is above, it seems that there are not many people following him, dispose of him, and the business of Wano Country, we can divide it equally. ”


A wisp of blue smoke spat out, and the flower said very calmly: “It’s really a pity!” However, this time, the concubine body will not participate in it, and the country of flowers does not need this arms business, so it does not plan to participate in it. ”

Flowers opened their mouths to withdraw from this action, she is a very smart person, and because she is a smart person, so flowers can see very clearly, but also see very clearly! Black Carbon Qingming this man, simply can’t deal with it, this man is very terrifying, obviously just a meeting.

But the flowers are very clear, this man has terrifying means, you seem that he has no preparation? Huh

“It’s just showing it to you, and if you really think so, that’s the most troublesome thing.”

Because of that!

Flowers chose to quit and did not intend to continue to participate in it, after all! The promotion brought by the country of Wano to the country of flowers is actually a meaningless thing, and Adam has always been very active against the country of flowers. Why?

The reason is very simple, the country of Wano Country, the Kingdom of Adam, and the Kingdom of Elbaf Giants are all located in the new world, and since they are located in the new world, it means that their identity and status with each other are diametrically identical.

And in addition to the Elbaf Giant Country because it is not interested in all this, do you think that if the Kingdom of Wano and the Kingdom of Adam continue to develop, will there be a conflict between the two sides?

In fact, this statement is a very simple thing, the two sides will inevitably clash, and it is a very huge conflict, which is something that does not need to be doubted at all, the conflict between the two sides of them is very huge, because of this, the kingdom of Adam certainly does not want the country of peace to develop.

Instead, he hopes to kill the country of Wano directly in the cradle, if it is the best, then it is to completely kill the kingdom of Adam! This is the best! Best! Best! This is the best outcome, and for others it may be that they don’t know what the outcome will be, but for Adam, it is definitely the best approach.

It’s just a pity!

As time passed, no, to be precise, everyone discovered this matter from the beginning, just! As time went on, everyone was wondering, what will happen next?


It’s definitely a very important thing, and they are all thinking, if Wano Country is so powerful, then continue to shoot at Wano Country, then the price paid is proportional to the income reward? This is a question, and a very serious one.

It turns out that whether it’s proportional or not, it’s someone else’s business, not something Adam needs to think about, and Adam is definitely going to deal with the country of Wano to deal with.


With the withdrawal of the flower, Lexai said even more lightly: “Old man, my age is indeed relatively old, this matter, the old man will not participate in it.” ”

The flowers, the successive launch of Lexai, made Adam’s face more and more ugly, but no matter what! It was absolutely obvious that it was impossible for these two people to continue to participate in it, and Adam did not expect that someone would choose to quit now. Ultimately!

Adam set his sights on Odin and Tom, Jerry three people, Odin is not interested in this at all, Elbaf Giant Country has not been involved in this matter, for Odin, these are meaningless things at all, whether they are aimed at the country of peace or how to say, these have no meaning with their own destruction. 780 got involved on its own? So what exactly is it for?

This is simply a meaningless thing, but as long as they are not idiots, it is very clear that the Elbaf Giant Country is meaningless to the country of Wano and vice versa, the situation of the Elbaf Giant Country is different from others, if the best way is to simply kill each other.

That’s the most appropriate thing, everything else? For the giants, it really makes no sense, and what the current giants need most is to control everything and integrate the entire giants again, which is what the giants need to deal with. Everything else?

No interest!

“What about the two?”

Adam set his sights on Tom and Jerry, the two thought a little, and finally decided to help Adam once, finally! Of the six big men, only three chose to make a move.

Adam, Tom, Jerry, the three shot, did it have an effect on Qingming’s attack? In fact! This matter is really something that no one knows, but it is certain that Qingming’s strength is definitely there.

If you are not sure enough, you may only pay a huge price for it, which is absolutely undoubted.


The corners of his mouth hooked up a smile, everyone’s eyes flashed with different killing intent, and Adam squinted his eyes slightly, he was ready for everything, this is the best opportunity, even said! Adam still dispatched some of the elite forces of Adam’s kingdom.

After all!

Even if Qingming arrives this time, even if he carries an escort, it is impossible to carry more, one! Two! This is absolutely dead, otherwise, the Wano Congress will not be attacked?

Is this Adam’s idea, just for Qingming? Qingming can only tell you! There are some things that you really don’t know, you simply don’t know anything about the strength of Wano Country.

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