Chapter 172: Calm? Just the beginning!.


“Young master!”

Ibaraki Boy and Minamoto Yorimitsu have also returned home, and the two lead the ghost army back to the ghost ship.


Ibaraki laughed boldly, “It’s really enjoyable!” Enjoyable! But ah! Qingming, such an opponent is simply not enough! Is there a stronger opponent? Lao Tzu’s favorite thing is to tear such an opponent with his own hands! ”


Qingming said with a smile on his face;

“Rest assured, a more suitable opponent will appear soon, but! At that time, if you lose Ibaraki, it will be ugly! ”


Ibaraki boy said disdainfully;

“Do you look down on Uncle Ben? What goods will Uncle Ben lose to? At that time, Uncle Ben will let you see how powerful the ghost clan really is”

Qingming just smiled and shook his head, though! Although Ibaraki is arrogant in his mouth, he is vigilant enough in his heart, although he likes to fight and drink as a ghost, but he is definitely not a completely brainless person, otherwise, Ibaraki boy would not have been able to come up with the idea of becoming a beauty.

This is Ibaraki boy, a man who has inherited everything from the Oni Clan, but who is calm enough for the owner.


Yuan Laiguang just shook his head lightly and said, “The strong in this world are not weak at all, Ibaraki boy, it’s better for you to pay attention, after all!” If you die, it is quite troublesome to trouble the young master to resurrect you. ”



“What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t 21 right?!”

Listening to the quarrel between Minamoto and Ibaraki, Qingming smiled and shook his head, anyway, he was used to it, the personalities of these two people are like this, although Genraiguo only inherited the inheritance of Minamoto Laiguang! But, how to say it! Although it is only inherited, there must still be something, especially for the dislike of the ghost clan.

And if Ibaraki boy can like Minamoto Laiguang, it will be even more outrageous, so say! A thousand words come together, in fact, it is still that problem, although it is very simple to say, but! Actually?! It’s not that easy at all.

As Adam knew, the root of the country of Wano is Qingming, but as long as there is any problem with Qingming, then the result? In fact, it is already a self-evident thing!

“It’s back!”

Qingming ignored the two people, but indifferently gave the order, with Qingming’s order, the ghost ship unfolded its own terrifying speed and went straight into the distance, located on the ghost ship, Hana Bird Roll looked at the two people who were arguing, and said interestingly: “Seriously!” If there was no Lord Qingming, I am afraid that the entire Wano Country would have been chaotic into a pot of porridge, right? ”

“It won’t!”

Demon Dao Ji calmly shook his head and said, “If there is no Lord Qingming, all of us will not appear here, then everything is meaningless.” ”


Listening to the words of the demon Dao Ji, Hanamaki chuckled and shook his head, although this statement is not particularly good, but if you think about it a little, you will find that this statement is actually the most true statement, this is the truth! If it weren’t for Qingming, everyone would have died, and there wouldn’t be so many things now, and everything would have been completely different long ago.

Smiling and shaking his head, Hana Tori watched everything in front of him quietly, and whispered softly: “It is precisely because of your existence Lord Qingming that we can be born again!” This feeling is really a completely different feeling! ”

Shaking her head gently, Hana Tori Roll did not continue to say anything, she did not plan to continue to do anything, but wanted to complete her scroll, all she had to do was to complete her picture scroll and let her picture scroll end, which is what Hana Bird Roll wanted to do the most.

She has to complete her scroll and transform step by step, so that she can better help Lord Qingming, which is what Hanamaki wants to do.

Demon Dao Ji! Flower and bird rolls! Snow Girl!

The three of them are almost the first gods who became Lord Qingming, as for the beaver, the white wolf? They have no way to transform, there is no way to say something, and now that Demon Dao Ji and Snow Girl have already transformed and awakened, only themselves are left, and Hanamaki still has some urgent feelings, and still wants to complete the transformation quickly.

Of course!

All this is not an important thing.


Standing aside, the snow girl who has transformed from a girl to an elegant royal sister still remains cold, as if she has no emotion, this is the character of the snow girl, no matter at any time, almost such a character.

For such a situation, it is also a very normal thing, the snow girl tilted her head, looked at Qingming, but a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, the whole person flashed, turned into a snowflake, and it had already fallen on Qingming’s body.


Qingming stopped, looked at the snowflakes floating around him, and smiled gently, without saying anything more, since the snow girl did this, then of course it was the best thing.

Qingming continued to walk towards the distance! Syllable!

…. Syllable!

Adam walked back to a small island step by step, his eyes were full of calm, although Tom and Jerry said that they were very dissatisfied, but after all, the loss of the two people was just some assassination forces, not anything at all.

What about Adam?

Adam lost the devil troops, one of the elite troops of Adam’s kingdom, such a loss, for Adam, people did not say anything, if the two of them continued to say something! That was very embarrassing, and because of this, the two also closed their mouths and did not intend to say anything.


A wisp of green smoke spat out, and the flower said very calmly: “Adam, the concubine body has already lost in the first place, with your strength, it is not an easy thing to dispose of Wano Country, not to mention!” If the man Black Carbon Qingming is really so easy to deal with, it is very interesting. ”


Adam nodded approvingly: “I also found this problem, this man is indeed very powerful, and very special, and!” This man is very strong, since this is the case, then the future will be handled in other ways, for the time being! It’s not a rush. ”


Just as Adam said, the crowd agreed. Black carbon sunshine!

Wano Kuni!

The forces led by this man really have extremely strong power, and they want to deal with it well? This is not an easy task! In that case, there is always a better opportunity to be found in the future, and what exactly is this opportunity? In fact, this is a thing that needs to be done in the slightest, but it is definitely not something that needs to be urgent!

There is no need to be eager, and there is no need to be too serious, just deal with it slowly over time! Everyone thinks like this, and it’s definitely not a rush.

Not to mention!

For them, the rise of Wano Country, although it is said that there will be one more person to share the cake, but this cake is indeed huge enough, even if they are many people are enough, what else? This is a meaningless thing! If you make a casual move, then the price you pay is the most troublesome thing, so say! Many things are not as simple as they seem, but need to be seriously considered.

After all!

The country of Wano is located in the new world and they have no big connection, but has a huge connection with the kingdom of Adam, which is the biggest trouble! They are the real people with a conflict of interest, such a result! Isn’t it also a matter of course?


With a cloudy breath, Adam smiled and said, “Everyone! I left first, this matter, the future is being dealt with! ”


With a smile, Adam also left, and with Adam’s departure, everyone also left separately, so far! These big men have also returned to their own countries or their own forces, respectively, but this is the most terrible thing.

Or rather!

Their status, no matter what they do, is a very scary thing.


Blunt la la slowly sailed with the ship, and Adam stood on the boat, his eyes were full of calm, and his 630 mouth had a faint smile, that kind of fury! That powerlessness! That kind of madness! It’s as if it’s all disappeared without a trace, everything! It’s as if it never happened, and that’s the most terrifying.

It is not a dangerous thing for a person to reveal everything about himself, but quite the opposite! Hiding everything, this man is the most dangerous thing, if this is really the case, this person’s heart is the most terrible, the most dangerous, and the most terrifying.

“Your Majesty!”

The guard respectfully came over, bowed slightly, and said respectfully: “The people who should be disposed of have already been disposed of, it’s just!” If you abandon the devil troops in this way, will the loss be too great? ”

The guards are also very hesitant, no matter what, the devil army is the most elite army in the Adam Kingdom, and just abandon this most elite army, so the damage caused is really too great, right?

Adam said very calmly;

“Michael, you know, if you can’t obedient troops! Then keeping it will become a huge trouble, the devil, this guy, already has more and more ideas, of course! He has always been in contact with other people, and if that is the case, then dispose of him. ”


No one thought that Adam’s treatment of the devil force was really what he wanted to dispose of himself, which was the most shocking thing, the devil force did have the idea of external contact, he wanted to continue to expand, but it was controlled by Adam.

And now, this unit has been disposed of by Adam! In other words, everything that is displayed is shown by Adam, which is the most terrifying point, this man named Adam, the terrifying side, is the most frightening.

So calm, so quiet, like a poisonous snake, hiding everything about yourself, this is the most terrifying essence!

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