Chapter 185: Luming Dayue Maru.



As this terrifying column of qi emerged, long black and white hair was flying, and a bare-chested figure emerged, with a strange and terrifying light flashing in his eyes, that terrifying breath, making people feel endless fear, a huge skeleton hand under him supported the figure of this man.

Ghost King Wine Swallowing Boy! Or rather!

This is the most complete power of the wine swallowing boy, and it is also the initial power of the wine swallowing boy, his whole breath is extremely terrifying, and Qingming feels the strength of the wine swallowing boy at this moment, thinking a little, secretly saying;

“It’s no less than Captain Locks’ strength at all, sure enough! With the awakening of the Great Monster at the level of the Ghost King, it can already reach a level no less than that of Captain Lo and Lux. ”


Qingming didn’t say anything more, but quietly continued to watch the battlefield, his expression was very calm, what will happen next is the most interesting, how will the wine swallowing boy deal with Daiyue Maru?


“Wine swallowing boy!”

Daiyue Maru held the long knife in his hand, but his eyes flashed with an unusually serious look, and his eyes said seriously: “Next!” Go ahead! ”

“Come on!”

The wine swallowing boy took a deep leap and went straight to Daiyue Maru. In an instant!!!

The terrifying power exploded, as if in response to the result of the battle between the two.

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji thought slightly: “The Wine Swallowing Boy showed no mercy to any of his subordinates at all, and directly killed Dayue Maru, won’t this bring any impact?” ”

Qingming shook his head and said, “There won’t be any bad effects, for Dayue Maru, defeat is defeat, death is death, and!” Mount Suzuka and Daitake Maru are very special, and this is not a bad thing for Daitake Maru, or even a good thing. ”

Qingming knew very well that Mount Suzuka and Daitake Maru had actually formed a whole without realizing it. Or rather!

It should be described in other words, Mount Suzuka and Daitake Maru, after so many years, Daitake Maru has become a part, a real part, even the most important part of Mount Suzuka.

Because of this, under such circumstances, over time, the situation in Mt. Suzuka has become completely different from what everyone knows.

It’s not a bad thing that Daitakemaru died, or rather! This should be a good thing, maybe! Under such circumstances, both Daitake Maru and Suzukayama were able to recover and continue to go further, of course! Even if you fail, it doesn’t hurt.


For Daitake Maru, death is death, then resurrection again is over, for many youkai, death is not the end, but can continue to be resurrected, as for those youkai that cannot be resurrected, in fact, there is a problem in itself, or rather! It should be said that they themselves do not want to be resurrected, otherwise, it will not be a difficult thing.

Just like the Lord of Arakawa, is he really dead? He’s dead! But will he be able to be resurrected? OK! He can also be resurrected, but the Lord of Arakawa has not been resurrected, he is quietly waiting, waiting for the growth of Goldfish Ji.

This is a very important thing, Goldfish Ji is like a child, every day is trying to transform, and she is trying to grow up every day, and the Lord of Arakawa wants to see the growth of Goldfish Hime as a child, rather than resurrecting herself.

Their own resurrection will not bring much change, and the real change is the change of their children, a person always has to learn to grow.


Listening to Lord Qingming’s words, Demon Dao Ji bowed slightly, indicating that he was clear, as for everything more? This! Demon Dao Ji is not particularly clear, but! She didn’t particularly care, for Demon Dao Ji, following Lord Qingming’s orders was completely enough.

“Best friend!”

“Huh, hehe”

Ibaraki boy looked at the recovered wine swallowing boy, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, it was really a great joy, his best friend finally recovered, no matter what! It is all to admit that his best friend is finally completely restored.

The wine-swallowing boy smiled casually: “Ibaraki, I have recovered!” Next, it’s time to find your arm back. ”

“My arm?”

Ibaraki shook his head and said very calmly;

“In my arm, there is a special power, that power belongs to the heavens and people, even I am not so easy to control, this is not a good thing.”


Although the ghost arm of the Ibaraki boy has great power, but! Because that special force belonging to heaven and man enters it, but it is not easy to control, or rather! In this way, it should be described as weakening the Ibaraki boy in disguise.

Of course.

These are things that can be dealt with, and it’s not a big problem.


The wine-swallowing boy smiled and shook his head, and said very calmly: “About this!” Rest assured, these things will be dealt with in the future, it is not a problem, Qingming has a way to deal with it, because of this, these are not a problem. ”


Ibaraki boy also nodded, no matter how, deal with it slowly, of course, it is the best thing, if it can be handled well, of course it is no problem, ghost arm! Although the loss of the ghost arm does not seem to have much impact on Ibaraki Boy except for his strength.


It’s just a feeling, and it still has a very big impact on Ibaraki Boy, which is beyond doubt.


The wine-swallowing boy looked into the distance, and said with a smile;

“The rest of the matter! There is no need to rush for the time being, everything takes time, slowly change, that’s it. ”


Ibaraki laughed proudly and said, “I’ve never been an eager person, rest assured, these things are not something that needs to be rushed, or things that need to be urgent.” ”

“That’s right!”

“That’s right!”

Everyone nodded generously, a smile was emerging, and everyone’s expression was very calm, quietly feeling this difference, a smile appeared at the corner of the mouth, quietly looking into the distance, the expression was very calm, they already knew a lot of changes and differences, and everything that followed would really change differently.

Both of them smiled and looked into the distance, no matter what they said! This is already a new world, and everything that used to be has become completely different, in this case, then everything that was once will not happen again.


The Krakens of the Sea Country are silent at this moment, Daitake Maru died in battle, they all know that Daitake Maru will not really die, and the soul is just back to Mount Suzuka, but even so, they are still silent.

He’s dead!

Defeated! That’s the only result, that’s enough.

…… Mount Suzuka!

And with all the Kraken returning to Mount Suzuka, and Suzuka Gozen is calm;

“You guys go back to rest, I’ll take care of the rest myself.”



Everyone looked at each other, and finally nodded obediently, they also knew that the matter was almost here, no matter what, leave the rest to Lord Suzuka!

Whether the young master is resurrected or further is indeed a matter for them to consider, and it is also a very important thing.

Over time!

Everyone left, and Suzuka Gozen, looking at Haiming who was following behind him, asked calmly: “Haiming, don’t you plan to leave?” ”


Haiming smiled and shook his head, “Suzuka-sama!” The young master is very important to the old man, and the old man certainly wants to see the resurrection of the young master with his own eyes, or…”

Although the latter words were not spoken, the meaning was already very obvious, and for Haiming, it was indeed so! Haiming is the teacher of Daiyue Maru, and it has always been Haiming who has taught Daiyue Maru and helped Daiyue Maru grow step by step, so to speak! If it weren’t for Haiming’s teachings, Daiyue Maru would not have grown to the point where he is today.

But no matter what, everything is in front of you now, how can Haiming not go to see it with his own eyes!

“Let’s go!”


Suzuka Gozen and Kaiming are heading towards the highest part of Mount Suzuka, where, there is an Imperial God Wood, and that Imperial God Wood is also the core of the entire Mount Suzuka, and with the arrival of the two, the roaring revenants let out a crazy roar, these revenants are the dead souls of Mount Suzuka, they are all part of the Soul Mountain, they have no will, no soul, no power. But!

In any case, they are all part of Mount Suzuka, and it seems that something awaits around the Mikagami at this moment, and as the spirits of Daitake Maru appear in the Mikamiki, these souls gradually surround Daitake Maru.

“I know!”

“I know!”

Daitake Maru looked at each soul, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, they were the embodiment of Suzukayama’s will, actually! They all belonged to Mount Suzuka, and Daitakemaru’s soul turned its head and looked at the Mishinki in front of him, and said softly, “Yes!” Indeed, everything is clearly placed here, the result! In the end, the person who couldn’t understand all this turned out to be me! ”


“But what a shame!”

Dayue Maru let out a self-deprecating smile, the whole person slowly stretched out his hand, as if it was gradually integrated into the Imperial God Wood, and the next moment, a demonic energy came out of Daitake Maru’s soul, and the terrifying power seemed to swallow everything, all this! It happened so quickly.

In a short period of time, the terrifying demonic energy that erupted seemed to swallow everything, and it was about to gradually cover everything, and all this was in a short time, and the breath of Daiyue Maru was swallowed by the Imperial God Wood.

Oh, yes!

Migami has been waiting for the arrival of Daitake Maru, but Daitake Maru feels confused because of whether he is qualified to protect Mount Suzuka, but he has never arrived, now! With the arrival of Daitake Maru, Suzukayama truly recognized Daitake Maru.

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