Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 992: Faerie King

Those dozens of people had besieged and surrounded Luoxian, Ningtao and Nanmen Xunxian. These dozens of people have flying swords and traditional weapons. What surprised Ning Tao most unexpectedly was that an immortal still held the firearms and weapons in the Shenxu hands, but they were worn out a little and looked like Very old.

The leading man was tall and straight, with a straight face, and a very straightforward temperament. The man wore a suit of animal skin, made of animal skin, fabric, and metal, with dense runes engraved on it. But in terms of the degree of mana dispersion, it is just a general suit, which is not as good as the Tianbao suit that Ning Tao passed through in Xinshou Village.

Ning Tao guessed that he was looking for the dragon son Song Changlong.

Sure enough, just when he guessed this way, Luo Xian rushed to the leading man for a moment, and politely greeted him, "Brother Changlong, haven't seen you for a long time. Did the idiot come to disturb again?"

Song Changlong didn't appreciate it, and said with a cold tone: "No need to make friends, you know our rules here."

Luo Xian was a little embarrassed. With a flick of her finger, the small piece of fairy gold flew to Song Changlong.

Song Changlong reached out to take over and looked at Ning Tao and Nanmen Xunxian: "Who are these two?"

Luo Xian said: "I encountered them when I fled, and I brought them here pitifully."

Song Changlong's brow frowned suddenly.

Ning Tao stunned slightly: "In Xia Ningtao, the road number is not real, this is my wife Nanmen Yu. The road number is not a real person, and I have met the seniors of Changlong."

Husband, real life.

Wife, not real.

This is a perfect match, true couple.

Song Changlong still had that stubborn tone: "Don't be close to me, we have our rules here, one person and one cent, if not, then don't blame our cruelty. In order to keep the secret here, we will kill you. . "

It is also a personal matter to describe the robbery so fresh and refined.

More than a dozen people stared at Ning Tao and Nanmen Xunxian, and those eyes were already evaluating the value of Ning Tao's shabby robbery suit.

Ning Tao glanced at Luo Xian, but the goods didn't make it clear just now, and there were serious suspicions.

But who would survive such a fairyland, who wouldn't treacherous? If measured by the standards of the Tianwai Clinic, I am afraid that there will not be an injustice after killing people here.

Luo Xian didn't mind the questioning in Ning Tao's eyes at all, and said lightly: "Ning Daoyou, quickly take out your spiritual material. The rules here are that there is no immortal gold. Spirit materials are also possible. Willing to accept. "

Ning Tao spread out her palm, and she pushed her spiritually gently, and a group of strong moss held in her palm slowly flew towards Song Changlong.

Song Changlong reached out and grabbed the group of vigorous moss, but his arm was shaken, even a little numb!

This is a deliberate showdown.

It is also a reminder that to get started, you have to measure the price you need to pay.

Song Changlong's expression changed, not because of a mass of strong moss, but because of Ning Tao's strength, and his tone of speech was more polite: "Ning Daoyou, are you just this strong moss? Such a low grade There are many spiritual materials in the rotten valleys, and they are not worth a penny, let alone you are two. "

Ning Tao said: "My husband and I really do n’t have immortal gold, but we are wandering craftsmen. I will repair the magical instruments. If you have broken musical instruments and you have your own spirits, I can help you repair a magical instrument To offset the cost of accommodation. "

The voice fell, and a spirit of fire jumped out of the palm of his right hand, then spread all over his body. That spirit fire also has a chaotic atmosphere, black and white fusion, faintly glowing Jinhui.

This is still dazzling.

A large group of fairies were stunned.

They can also release spiritual fires, but the strongest ones who are good at alchemy are just a big slap. The smallest one is similar to the flame of a candle. Who has ever seen such an immortal!

Ning Tao reached out and wiped in the void.

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