Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1015: eat human

Qingyun Mountain shouted and stopped, and the people on his side stopped, ready to retreat.


Ning Tao pulled out a gun, combined the gun and man, and shot through the fifth sword fairy.

You just shout and stop?

Do you think you are watching TV and holding the remote control in your hand?

The gun tipped in the flesh and stabbed A spider.

A spider cuts his own silk and jumps back hard, exclaiming, "My husband saves me!"

Her husband is already a hundred meters away.

If Feijian has six gears and throttle, then Qingyunshan's Feijian is above sixth gear, and his feet have reached the fuel tank.

The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the calamity is about to fly.

There were also two sword immortals who fled with Qingyun Mountain. Their Jiuyou Sword Formation was like a square dance in front of real people. It was purely a joke, and one person was killed five. Don't run now, wait for death?


The flesh shot into A's abdomen.

Still can't hide.

The flare energy field of the gun in the flesh came over, and the range of 100 meters was like a quagmire.

Ning Tao drew back his hand, and the flesh shot was drawn from A spider's abdomen, and blood was flowing like a spring.

"Are you ... Tianxian?" A spider's eyes were full of panic and unwillingness.

Ning Tao said: "Did the person who sent you the information not tell you?"

"Abominable ... wow!" A spider spit out blood without saying a word.

Zoji Er exclaimed: "Don't waste it! Little lady, come to the bowl of the uncle!"

The tripod of Sansheng Ding's mouth trembled, and suddenly produced a horrible sucking force, pulling A spider to fly to Dingkou.

A spider was seriously injured and was in the energy field of gunfire in the flesh. She could not resist it at all. After struggling a few times, he was sucked into the Sansheng Ding.

Sanshengding is the size of a washbasin, and it can't hold an adult woman at all. But when A spider was sucked to the edge of Ding's mouth, her body was squeezed into a ball, and then pulled into Ding.

Faintly, a loud scream came from Dingli, but after that, there was no movement.

The spider's body became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the Trinity.

The whole process Ning Tao saw in his eyes, and his heart was also shocked and chilling. He killed countless people, but never killed anyone. However, Zhe Er cannibalism was the first time he started killing, and as a highly-educated celestial being, he had difficulty accepting cannibalism.

However, it was only a brief feeling.

He is a human, but Worm II is not. Worm II is an instrumental spirit. It feels similar to eating chicken and duck.

There is nothing unacceptable to think about it this way.

"Master, those three guys have run away, I'll go after them!" Ji Jinzang said.

If it weren't for South Gate Xunxian and Song Qingyin sitting on its back, it would have caught up with Qingyun Mountain and those two sword immortals.

Ning Tao said: "You stay to protect the mother, I will chase."

He flung his gun and flew away.

It ’s dark when it ’s dark.

Ning Tao captured the odor remaining in the air, and soon locked the direction in which the three sword immortals escaped, and accelerated his pursuit.

"Zhong Er, you just ate that spider essence ... what did it feel like?" Ning Tao was really curious about this and couldn't help asking.

The bug face on Sansheng Ding opened his eyes, and Ding's voice came out of Ding Li: "I feel so good, the meat is delicious and succulent, especially the breast meat, soft and boneless, flexible ... "

Really **** is a hooligan!

Zeng Er is still beeping and beeping: "I ate the spider essence, I feel more powerful, and I have some flesh ..."


Ning Tao could not help interrupting his words: "You say you have some flesh on you?"

He subconsciously stunned the Sansheng Tripod, but he didn't see any flesh at all.

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, the invisible, maybe one or two cells. This is the ability of the fine jade tripod. You have to eat more meat, and this tripod will evolve into a flesh temple tripod. I thought about it, this tripod has three legs, and he took two legs and one tripod chicken. What do you think of Ning Aiqing? "

Ning Tao: "..."

Zhe Er is still saying, "In the future, when He completes this evolution, He puts the town monument on the ground, and gives it a hole! He also has the good and evil tripod, He also puts it on the ground. Make a hole in the back! "

I can't talk this day.

The crime of hooliganism in this goods has been substantiated.

A night breeze blew, and the locked smell became thick.

Ning Tao looked up. The front was empty and there was no back view of Jianxian Yujian flying. His nose moved, then he lowered his gun and flew down.

In a valley.

"Let's run away!" Qing Yunshan said, "Be sure to tell the host what happened here, that undead person is a god!"

"Damn!" An immortal Jianjian looked, "I must cut off the head of the messenger as a night pot when I go back!"

Another Jianxian gritted his teeth and said, "That guy killed five of our brothers, and the fairy grows up your fairy companion. We must report this revenge! When we come back, the army of Jizo Gate will flatten Fengshan Everyone on the mountain must be buried! "

Qing Yunshan said in a deep voice: "Chou must report, but now the most important thing is to go back and report. You two go to the north, one to the west, and I go to the south. This is the safest way."

The two sword fairies looked at each other, then nodded.

"Take care!" Qing Yunshan arched his hand and pulled out the flying sword.

But at this time, one person fell from the sky.

For immortal marksmanship, seven strokes in one, flying out of heaven!

When the three sword immortals in the valley noticed it, Ning Tao was only a few dozen meters above their heads.

The distance of tens of meters, the speed of sound, in fact, the blink of an eye has passed.


A sword fairy was penetrated by a shot from the head, and the whole body was torn apart!

The flare of the gun in the meat also exploded at that instant, covering a range of 100 meters!

Qingyun Mountain dare to love fighting, desperately rushed out of the flare energy.


Behind him came the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh.

The second sword fairy covered her chest and blood spewed. Without waiting for him to fall to the ground, San Sheng Ding sucked him away. His body, Xianjinjia and Feijian were all cast into the Trinity.

Ning Tao couldn't help frowning, this guy Zhe Er is not only a hooligan, but also an out-and-out foodie.

Qingyun Mountain stopped, he stopped running.

He fled here from Fengxian Mountain, and said it was a hundred miles away, but he couldn't escape Ning Tao's pursuit. He just let the two sword immortals separate and fled. The real motive was just to use those two men to attract Ning Tao to hunt down those two men and create a chance for himself to escape.

Now Jiuyou Sword Fairy is the only one left of him. Even if Ning Tao let him a hundred miles now, he can't escape.

Ning Tao walked towards Qingyun Mountain with a shot in the flesh.

Qing Yunshan turned around, and the flying sword in his hand also returned the sheath, his face was calm: "You won."

Ning Tao stopped. "What then?"

Qingyunshan said lightly: "Tianxian like you should have a bigger stage, go with me to Dizangmen, I promise you to enjoy endless prosperity and wealth, we can provide you with any kind of spiritual material . Your position in Jizo Gate is second only to the gatekeeper, and more than 10,000 people per true person. "

"Who is your master?"

Qingyun Mountain arched his hand as a tribute: "Mutiantian, Daozhao Jizo. He is just like your celestial being."

Mu Mentian, His Holiness of the Tibetans, Ning Tao remembered the name: "I will fight with your home, and who will win?"

Qing Yunshan said: "With martial arts, within one hundred strokes, my landlord will take your life. With the method of fighting, my family landlord will take your life in a hunch of incense."

The martial arts hundred moves may seem to take a long time, but in fact it will only be shorter, because in the realm of Tianxian, one hundred moves can be made in one minute. In other words, in the case of martial arts, the lord of the Tibetan possession has the power to crush him. As for the time of Fa Dou Yi Xiang, I'm afraid it was a conservative estimate given by the rogue insect II, but it was not the opponent of Mu Men Tian.

Ning Tao didn't say a word, and there was no expression on his face.

However, Zhe Er came out with a sentence: "You silly, you will die if you don't brag? Ning Aiqing Nai's general who protects the country, as long as a single order, hundreds of millions of immortal soldiers will flatten your Jizo ! "

Hundreds of millions of immortal soldiers?

I really have to send it out, I'm afraid it has to be helped by its master Nanmen Xunxian.

"You ... are you bragging, right?" For the usual, Qingyunshan probably already pulled out his sword and chopped people, but this time knowing that Zonger was bragging, but he remained polite.

Zeng Er snorted coldly: "Bold madman, how dare you say that you are bragging! I want to eat you!"

Void shuddered.

There was a black and white mist suddenly appearing in the Trinity Tribe. Once it came out, if there was a strong wind blowing, the valley was enveloped in a blink of an eye.

The mist is fragrant, very fragrant and fragrant.

Standing in front of Ning Tao's eyes was not Qingyun Mountain with immortal style, but the south gate of the Great Beauty Xian without a robe.

"Ninglang, you come to open the door." Nanmen Xunxian's arms moved, his voice seemed to be soaked in honey, soft and sweet ~ ~ He closed his eyes and opened all the hallucinations when he opened it again. All disappeared.

Then he saw Qingyun Mountain and stayed.

Qing Yunshan raised his arms high, his emotions were extremely excited: "Who else? Who else! Mother's dregs, dare to fight with Ben Xian, this is your end!"

"Zhong Er, does he think he has killed me?" Ning Tao asked.

Zhe Er said: "It looks like the illusion is born from the heart. What illusions he has is only he knows."

Fortunately, otherwise, Ning Tao will have a headache or not to consider killing Ding Mingkou.

Qingyun Mountain suddenly stepped on a stone, and that stone burst.

"Ma'am, did you see that? I'm revenge for you! For this husband to cramp and peel this guy, and to break up the corpse!" Qing Yunshan became more and more excited, one foot on the gravel!

Ning Tao sighed, and just coaxed him to go to Jizomen to be a person under 10,000 people. Now he has exposed his ugly face. Is there any trust between this fairy and the fairy?

"Ning Aiqing, hold up, I'll eat him!" Said Zuji.

Ning Tao threw the Sansheng Ding in the past.

Help in the past?

Fly better.

Qingyun Mountain was squeezed into a round ball, and then sucked into the Sansheng Tripod.

"Who else, who else ..."

This is Qing Yunshan's last will. Until he died, he was still so excited that the world was invincible.

Sansheng Ding jumped back and forth.

Suddenly, Ning Tao remembered something and said, "Zhong Er, I think of one thing ..."

"What's the matter? Ning Aiqing despite playing."

Ning Tao said: "You have eaten three people. There must be **** in the stomach of these three people. How did you handle it?"

Bug II: "..."

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