Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1029: Empty city plan and plan B

Fengxian Mountain Peak.

"I'm dizzy." Ning Tao looked at the Shenhe Mission in the void with a depressed face. "Our side slaughtered so many animals to perform this play, and arranged songs and dances, busy all day. Why? Are those guys still here? "

Tao Nanmen Xunxian said: "Ning Lang, so the mysterious things are usually not good."

This is obviously not just for Ning Tao.

Tang Zixian heard it, but did not hear it. She was holding the banner of the Shenhe Regiment fluttering in the wind in the void, and frowned slightly: "The wooden gate field actually sent the Divine Crane Regiment, the crane crane, I hear Said that the long name of the **** of the Crane Crane is Li Tianhao, and the Taoist chase Yunzi. In addition, he also has a nickname of Zhixianer, known as the most intelligent person in the fairyland. In this way, our suspect strategy It's no surprise that it doesn't work, that guy is a military wizard. "

Taonan Gate Xunxian faintly said: "I would rather rule all kinds of talents."

Tang Zixian just smiled.

Yun Ningtao said, "Now you only have to implement your plan B."

But Tang Zixian said, "No hurry, Zong Er covers the mountains with fog. Li Tianhao is so suspicious that he might persuade himself to stop attacking Fengxian Mountain by himself."

"Isn't it sooner or later? I think it's better to prepare early." Ning Tao turned back and said, "Lightly, immediately let the people in the mountain hide into the cave, and the cave house under the mountain can also be used."

"Yes, Master." Song Qingyin turned and left.

"Wait." Ning Tao stopped her again.

Song Qingyin said, "What else does Master say?"

Wu Ningtao said, "Will you play the piano?"

Tong Song Qingyin froze for a moment, and said curiously, "Yes, but Master, what do you ask me for?"

Wu Ningtao said, "After arranging people, you can play the piano at the gate of Xunxian Palace."

Wu Song Qingyin's head mist: "Master, you are ..."

Wu Ningtao smiled: "Don't ask, just do what I say."

"Um." Song Qingyin went on.

Tang Zixian said with a smile: "Are you learning Zhuge Liang's empty city plan?"

Ning Tao said: "Don't you say that Li Tianhao is suspicious by nature? The wiser is more suspicious. The more intelligent he is, the heavier he is. If Li Tianhao is as smart as Sima Yi, then he may be confused by the soft piano . "

If you are smart, you are deceived.

如果 If you are not confused, you are not so smart.

If he said this directly to Li Tianhao, Zhixianer would immediately order the Shenhe Mission to retreat fifty miles.

The two sides are so deadlocked.

The heavy fog over Fengxian Mountain is so dazzling that people can't see through it and dare not move rashly.

The soldiers of the Divine Crane Group came under the city, which brought tremendous pressure to Fengxian Mountain.

After being so deadlocked for a while, Nanmen Xunxian broke the silence among the three people: "Yinyue Fairy, you whispered with my husband a few times about your plan B, but I do n’t know, can you tell me? "

She has been on the earth for a while, and she has a lot of opportunities to contact the English alphabet. She also knows what B means. Otherwise, she would never say that word by her nature.

Tang Zixian said with a smile: "My sister wants to know how I dare not say."

姐 This elder sister's call was affectionate and natural, and Nanmen Xunxian was too lazy to correct anything. In her opinion, this fairy of the moon and the moon was iron-hearted and was about to stick to the door, and her face was so thick. What good was she to correct?

Tang Zixian went on to say: "My plan B is ..."

But when she was about to say something, the fairy crane screamed, and the magic crane group suddenly

I launched a charge. Hundreds of sword immortals, hundreds of flying in the sky, no matter what signs!

Ding Ding Dong!

A string sounded.

Yan Song Qingyin started playing the piano.

At the sight of the Divine Crane Corps, he was about to plunge into the dense mist of Fengxian Mountain. Li Tianhao suddenly ordered and everyone returned.

Tong Ningtao said with a smile: "Then Li Tianhao really is as smart as Sima Yi."

The eyes of Xunnanmen Xunxian were full of worship and affection: "My Ninglang is smarter than Li Tianhao."

Wu Ningtao shook his head: "How can I have that Li Tianhao clever, he is suspicious of a wise man."

Xunnanmen Xunxian smiled and said, "You are so wise."

梅 There is Mei Blow on the earth, she is a husband.

She is a nonchalant woman.

I waited for Nanmen to search for immortals, and Tang Zixian intervened and said, "Sister, do you want to know my plan B?"

Tao Nanmen Xunxian said, "Of course, please also tell the Yinyue fairy."

Tang Zixian smiled: "My sister doesn't have to be polite, just call my sister."

Obviously, Taonanmen Xunxian will not be fooled.

Tang Zixian went on to say: "My plan B is that once the suspect's plan does not work, I will use the magic charm of Yingu Town, mix in the crane crane group, assassinate Li Tianhao, or grab him. Of course, this requires the cooperation of Tao. I originally wanted to bring enemies to the grave of the Yin God in the future, and use the magic array there to destroy the enemies, but I did not expect the enemies to be so cunning. Since this is the case, only plan B is used. "

"It turned out to be this way, Yinyue Fairy really is a smart person, then Li Tianhao meets you as a chess match." Nanmen Xunxian said.

I still refuse to call my sister.

Tang Zixian smiled lightly, and she was not in a hurry. On the earth, she dared to face Ning Tao in front of those tigresses. Wouldn't it have been sooner or later that she was taken down by a south gate looking for fairy?

Ding 咚 ... when ...

Yan Song's light tone continued to play.

However, her piano tone is very monotonous. It would be better if she could play ten ambush or something.

If the Shenhe regiment is afraid to attack tonight, Ning Tao will take the initiative to find their camp tomorrow morning and use the sword of the fairy to kill them.

This is not Tang Zixian's plan A, this is his plan.

At this moment, Li Tianhao suddenly said, "I'm a real person. I know this is just a trick for your suspects. Come out and see, otherwise I will set foot on Fengxian Mountain after a scent of incense!"

His voice is huge, crushing through the fog, deafening!

Wu Ningtao frowned: "This guy is really arrogant, isn't it because of a lot of people? If I have such an army, I **** destroy you!"

"A Tao, are you going to meet him?" Tang Zixian asked.

Wu Ningtao said: "While grinding his spirit first, then, didn't he say about the time of Ayaka, I will go out to see him after a Ayaka."

It took only half an hour to hold a fragrant incense, and during this time it was better to look at that Li Tianhao.

"I'm a real person. I'm a character, but I didn't expect you to be so timid, and I'm ashamed of fighting with an opponent like you." Li Tianhao's voice was overwhelming.

Tong Ningtao smiled and said, "Actually, he tried to use me? Give him a three-point color. He also opened the dyeing room. He really thought he could eat me? Childish."

Tang Zixian suddenly said, "A Tao, I want to ask you a question."

Wu Ningtao said, "What do you want to ask?"

Tang Zixian said, "What I want to ask is ... you came to the fairyland, what is your purpose?"

Tong Ningtao said for a moment before he said, "I don't

I know what you mean. "

Tang Zixian said: "I mean that you are already a fairy, do you want to be a true deity one hundred feet further, or do you want to open up territory and build a kingdom that belongs to you? Or is it a woman you love Looking for a blessed place to live the happy days of envy and immortality? "

This question stopped Ning Tao.

On the earth, he doesn't need to think about any purpose. Every month is a battle of life and death. He must earn enough medical consultation or **** crystal to survive. Now that he has got rid of the good and evil, he has been freed, and he has soared to the immortal world to become a heaven. He may have to face two enemies of good and evil, and town stele, he really didn't think of any other purpose.

Hundred feet go further and become a true god?

建立 Establish your own kingdom in this fairyland?

Alas, he never had such ambitions.

"I think you should know me. I just want to live an ordinary and happy life with my beloved woman. I never thought about what **** I want to become, let alone build a kingdom of my own." Ning Tao said .

"Then you can take me and my sister Nanmen out of here. If you want, you can also bring Song Qingyin." Tang Zixian said, "If you have not become the ideal of the gods, you have not opened up the land to build your own. You do n’t have to face the dangers of your current dynasty. Those immortal people have their own destiny. You have done enough for them. Can you still carry the destiny of so many people? Humanity It's all profitable. If you can't give them food and shelter, and you can't protect them, they won't follow you at all, they will leave you, and some will even betray you. "

有 Is there anything wrong with this?

I have nothing at all.

Although it is awful, loyalty must be against the ear.

Xunnanmen Xunxian stared at Ning Tao, looking forward to his answer. Although she didn't say anything, from her perspective, she actually agreed with Tang Zixian. There are more than a million suffering and suffering people in this fairyland. How can her husband protect so many people alone, and how can he carry so many people's fate?

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I actually want to let go of this burden, UU reading and find you an Xanadu happy happily for the rest of my life. However, I am a natural middleman of good and evil. If I do n’t even take action, what kind of intermediary is good or evil? I do n’t want to think about the future, let me solve the trouble before me. ”

Tang Zixian read two shallow dimples at the corner of his mouth: "I knew you would answer me like this, this is the man I like. Although a bit silly, but silly and cute."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

It ’s embarrassing to find Xianxian in Nannan Gate. A woman says she likes her husband in front of him. Can she feel better? But she was also surprised that she didn't feel angry in the face of such provocations.

The atmosphere between the three was strange.

"Timeless, your time is up!" Li Tianhao's voice came.

Wu Ningtao said, "Find a fairy, come to my mouth."

Tang Zixian: "?"

Taonanmen Xunxian said nothing and turned into a ray of light into Ning Tao's mouth.

The couple fits together.

Tang Zixian was so surprised that he could not shut up: "She ..."

Wu Ningtao said, "Go back and explain to you again. Come with me and meet Li Tianhao.

Tang Zixian nodded.

A cloud of ink smoke flew out of Fengxian Mountain.

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