Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1032: King capture

How many people can you kill at once with so many people?

You only have two hands, but we have thousands of hands!

In the face of such desperation, even other big brothers in heaven must admit it.

However, there was a strange smile in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "Zi Xianer, don't you just rely on many people, do you dare to fight me upright?"

Li Tianhao 讥 laughed and said, "You are dead and I have a chance to win. I will be stupid to fight with you alone?"

Tong Ningtao pumped with his right hand, and the gun was pulled out of the bodies of several sword fairies. Without waiting for him to say a word, a large group of sword immortals swooped up, and the flying sword in his hand greeted him vigorously.

Wu Ningtao blocked his shot with a gun.

Tinker Bell.

Beacon splashed.

"Kill him! Bonus!" Roared Li Tianhao.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave husband. A sword fairy jumped out of the crowd without thinking, and the flying sword in his hand cut to Ning Tao's neck.

He did not wait for his flying sword to cut Ning Tao, and more people rushed up and down.

Everyone wants to kill Ning Tao with his own hands and get a bounty of 10,000 cents. What makes these sword immortals so indifferent is not only the bounty of ten thousand cents, but also the many benefits after killing Ning Tao. For example, fame, gain reuse of Jizo Gate, and set foot on the peak of life ever since!

But ...

The fuller the ideal, the more skinny the reality.

Wu Ningtao stepped back.

Susan Shengding suddenly shocked a sudden, an unexpected energy fluctuation occurred instantly, sucking those sword fairy into the tripod.

The ink-smoke rushed across the temple and instantly filled the temple.

No one can see anyone, they all become blind eyes.

天 Li Tianhao suddenly became tense. He chanted the magic crane flag while chanting.

The flag of Shenhe Banner was dancing, and a piece of Qinghui was sprinkled, which stirred up a strong wind.

However, Shenhe Banner, which had dispelled the fog easily before, was not working this time. No matter it is the strong wind it stirs, or the clear radiance that drops, there is no reaction in the smoke of ink and ink, and it is useless!

"Retreat!" Li Tianhao suddenly realized something and ordered urgently, "Every withdrawal!"

There was a voice of response, but no one could see anyone.

When Li Tianhao turned around to withdraw from the temple, his back suddenly felt a pain. He reached out and grabbed it. He was horrified to find that it was a flying sword that had penetrated into his body. But before he pulled out the flying sword, or sprinted forward to get rid of the flying sword, a rope sleeve was put around his neck. At that moment, he felt that his spiritual power had been imprisoned, and he had no energy.

I was arrested!

But when this thought flashed through his mind, he was unwilling to believe it.

how can that be?

It's not true!

At least dozens of sword immortals surrounded him, protecting him at all times. Even if the real person wanted to kill him, it would not be possible!

Who is he?

He didn't wait for him to understand what was going on, and that rope would hold him back. He grew his mouth to call for help, but the tight rope made him unable to make a sound. He felt like he had hit two people and finally hit a hard object.

That's the Trinity.

Then he heard the voice of a crisp woman: "A Tao, catch him."

He suddenly thought of someone, wasn't Ye Haosu, a scarred face, posing as a woman?

This is a trap!

Why did you rush into this weird hall?

He's so sorry!

He hates it so much!

The sword fairy Xianwu of the Divine Crane Group rushed out of the temple.

"Immortal Lord, what should we do ..." Bai Shun asked Li Tianhao habitually, and suddenly found that Li Tianhao was not among the crowd. He was shocked and shouted, "Where is the Immortal Lord?"

Immortals and immortals of the Crane Crane Group, look at me, I look at you, one by one.

Yeah, where is the Master?

Wu Xianzhu ordered a retreat, but Xianzhu disappeared ...

People who are so exquisite and destined for Master Zhu Xian will not stay in that temple and die after all?

"Immortal Lord!" Bai Shuang rushed to the temple with a sword, and roared, "Kill me with Immortal Lord!"

The immortal Xianwumen of the Divine Crane Corps has just retired. Before taking a breath, he scrambled to rush to the door of the temple.

"Whoever dares to move, I will kill your immortal master!" A man's voice came out of the temple.

The immortals and martial arts of the sacred crane group stopped their bodies again and again, and some of them ran fast and broke the floor tiles.

I did n’t think of anything else, just because the man ’s voice was grayed out, they all knew it!

Then, the immortals and immortals of the Shenhe regiment saw the immortal with a rope around their neck master, and the other end of the rope was tied to a gun in the flesh, and appeared in the temple like a piece of meat. Doorway.

There is also a wonderful fairy next to the real person, who has never seen her, and she is born very well. However, her clothes were so familiar, because she was wearing a black sword armor of the Shenhe regiment.

妙 This wonderful fairy is Tang Zixian who first returned to the Sun Palace, and when Ning Tao and the Shenhe Regiment fought, she came to this temple to carry out her plan B.

Now, her b plan is successful, and it is perfect.

Bian Baishun yelled, "Beastless and shameless! Thanks to you, you are still a divine god, and you have released my master!"

Wu Ningtao was not angry at all. Instead of being angry, his face was full of smiles: "Let your fairy master go, and then we start the war again?"

Bai Shunzhenzhen said eloquently: "It should be so! Are you afraid to spread the word to make people laugh?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I think you have a bad brain. One of your legions hit me, and the siege is a shame. Is n’t it shameful of you? If you catch me, then my People let you let me go, will you let me? I think you are a joke! "

Baishun was speechless.

The division of the king of the Jizo Gate fought against one person in a corps, attacking them in groups, and as a result, the person was not killed, and the immortal master was taken away by that person. If such a thing goes out, it will definitely become the best joke in centuries.

"What conditions do you want to let go of our fairy master?" After a brief silence, Bai Shun calmed down.

Yun Ningtao did not immediately kill Li Tianhao, which shows that there is still room for maneuver in this matter.

Bian Ningtao walked out of the temple carrying Li Tianhao, and Bian Jinzang and Tang Zixian followed him out of the temple. Li Tianhao was hung in the air by a medicine picking rope, his feet could not touch the ground, and a flying sword was tied around his waist, and blood dripped on the ground, the picture was unbearable.

The hearts of the immortals and immortals of the Divine Crane Group are about to break.

This is the smartest man in Fanxiandi!

This is the God of War in Jizo Gate!

This is the dream lover of thousands of girls in Jizo City!

怎么 How can you hang him from a gun like a piece of meat?

Tong Baishun's red eyes were almost bleeding: "Asshole! How dare you treat our fairy master! You are not afraid ..."

Tang Zixian stepped forward suddenly, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the flying sword, and twisted it lightly.

"Oh ..." Li Tianhao twitched in pain, and the cold sweat on his forehead went out one by one.

Tang Zixian said: "You are out of loyalty, and I don't blame you. But it is my man who stands in front of you, and you dare to say an endless word, I will first cut a waist of your fairy master!"

This is so domineering!

Wu Ke Ningtao felt a headache when he heard it, and Nanmen Xunxian was in his mouth, clinging to his tonsil. Tang Zixian said in front of so many people that he was her man, what if she thought he slept with her? She must have had a bad attack right now, but what if she gave him an account after the fall?

However, he is hard to say anything, should he correct her words on such occasions, saying that I am not your man?

"You, what do you want?" The flying sword seemed to be stuck on Baishun himself.

Wu Ningtao put away his messy thoughts and said, "All the flying swords, magic instruments and weapons were unloaded, and they were thrown on the ground, as well as the magic symbols. The magic symbols on your bodies were also pulled out and thrown on the ground."

"It's too much!" Bai Shun's lungs were about to explode.

Hand over the magic weapon, isn't it equivalent to putting the neck on the trowel and letting it be slaughtered?

Ning Tao lowered Li Tianhao, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the flying sword, and said lightly: "Then I will kill your fairy master, and then I will kill you again. How much can I kill? How lucky are you? It may run away, but there is no more crane crane in this world. "

The immortals and immortals of the Divine Crane Corps were sorrowful and indignant, and the atmosphere of sadness shrouded everyone's heart. The magic crane group is their glory and their life. The magic crane group is gone. What is the difference between them living and walking?

Tong Ningtao loosened the sleeve made by the medicinal rope, breathed a breath for Li Tianhao, and then said, "Li Xianzhu, don't you plan to say anything? This is your life, do you want to live or die?"

No one wants to die, but sometimes it depends on whether they live or not!

"Don't listen to him ~ ~ Don't put down your weapons, you go! Let me go!" Roared Li Tianhao.

显然 He obviously did not believe that Ning Tao had played back the people of the Shenhe regiment. Once his people dropped the magic weapon, Ning Tao would definitely start the slaughter!

None of the people in the Crane Crane Group left, and the eyes of many people were wet, and some even shed tears.

The man does not cry easily when he has tears, but it is not when he is sad. What a great boss, would rather protect them if they die!

"Bai Shun, take someone away! You will bring the Crane Crane from now on!" Li Tianhao shouted, "Get out!"

He didn't scream. Fortunately, when he shouted, Bai Shun suddenly threw the flying sword in his hand to the ground.

哐 Dang!

哐 Dang ...

A handful of flying swords, broadswords, spears, and firearms were thrown on the ground, and a number of spells were also thrown on the ground, paving a wide area.

"You ..." Li Tianhao tried to swear, but couldn't swear.

Bai Shun said: "The immortal Lord, the brothers of the Crane Crane Group have vowed that once they join the group, they are brothers living together. How can we leave you alone to escape? Really, we have already told you I did it and let us go! "

At this time, Luoxian, Lu Shouhang, and Song Changlong rushed up with the immortal immortal Xianwu, and began to pick up weapons and spells on the ground without a word. These people come and go fast. The skilful moves and coquettish movements seem to have gone through thousands of drills just to pick things up today.

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