Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1042: Seeing unevenness turned around

I walked down the circular road, a family of two and a half walked and stopped, and came in to take a look when they were interested in the shop, and took the opportunity to learn about Jizo City.

"Well, there is a jewelry seller there. Let's go in and see what jewelry you like. I'll buy it for you." Ning Tao set up a jewelry store and thought about giving some gifts to the two ladies, please they.

"I don't need it, our husband and wife, you don't need to give me a gift, just buy it for your sister." Nanmen Xunxian said.

Tang Zixian said, "What can I do, my sister don't, I dare not."

Tong Ningtao said with a smile: "You two are kind and polite all day, is it interesting? Let's go in and see if there is something suitable, we will go if it is not suitable."

He pulled the two ladies from the shop without waiting.

I didn't wait for two and a half for the family, and walked into the shop selling jewellery. The shop suddenly heard the sound of smashing things, and the sound of drinking and scolding.

"We want Xianjin, not these **** you bought!"

"Sir, please allow a few more days. The business has not been very good these days. We can't afford any money," someone begged.

"Damn! Do you think I am doing business with you? How dare you bargain with Lao Tzu!"


With a muffled sound, an old man flew out of the shop door and fell heavily on the street.

Two Xianwus dressed in black fairy armor came out of the shop, one with a beard and a tall figure, neither of them looked like a good person.

Immediately afterwards, an old woman ran out of the door and fell on the old man's body, guarding the old man with her body and crying, "Don't hit him, don't hit him ... he's not healthy, you Hit me ... "

"I'll let you protect him!" Xian Wu, with a beard full of faces, lifted his big feet, and kicked them on the old woman's back.

The old woman screamed in pain, fell out of the old man's body, rolled twice, just before Ning Tao.

Wu Ningtao's eyes flashed a black light instantly. Such evil acts will always be a source of stimulation to him, and it is like a person who is allergic to seafood and encounters seafood. In front of him is evil, which is equivalent to robbing in front of the police.

"Fu Jun." Nanmen Xunxian gently called Ning Tao.

On the other side, Tang Zixian also grasped Ning Tao's hand.

Even a woman knows what is wrong with Ning Tao, but she must not be "ill" at this time.

Wu Ningtao himself knew what the place was. He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. He can't shoot, at least not now, because this is Jizo.

"Look what you see, get away!" The slender Wu Xian pointed at Ning Tao and cursed.

"Adult is angry, let's go now." Tang Zixian said, pulling Ning Tao away.

The face-bearded Xianwu kicked the old man again, and the poor old man spit out blood and passed out.

"Old man ... wow ..." The old woman called her husband, crying, and looked miserable.

At this time, a lot of lively people were surrounded on the street, some were businessmen doing business on this street, some were pedestrians passing by, and they were all ordinary people. They were all very angry, but they were afraid to speak.

With his beard full of face and beard, Xian Wu said aloud, "You guys give it to Lao Tzu.

Listen, this is the end of not paying taxes. After you go back, you have to prepare the money. Do n’t bother me, just hand in the money quickly, hello, I am fine. If you do n’t have money, do n’t blame me! "

"This tax is getting higher and higher, and the taxes paid by Jizo Gate will not even be full. How can this be alive?"

"I paid my taxes two or three years ago and I could barely eat, but now ... oh!"

"Yesterday, the two immortals of the Dixian Group collected taxes next to me. My neighbor's family had a young daughter who was only 16 years old this year. It was really beautiful. As a result, the two beasts lived because of not paying enough taxes. Spoiled ... "

"Damn, sometimes I really want to leave here and find somewhere to live!"

"Leave here to go outside? There are fairy catchers outside, as well as various bandits and robbers. Outside is more dangerous and difficult than here. At least you don't have to worry about fairy catchers and robbers."


There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

This is the status quo of Jizo City. It looks like living and working in peace and contentment, but the immortal people here live a life of exploitation and bullying.

Tang Zixian pulled Ning Tao through the crowd.

Ning Tao's feeling was better until he could not see the two evil immortals and could not hear the voices of the immortal people complaining.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Ning Tao said.

He is now Tianxian, and his control over the balance of good and evil is not comparable to that of the past. Now he can control his blackness without even reading the first sentence of Your Classic.

Tang Zixian let go of Ning Tao's hand and said softly, "Don't blame me. You look so scary just now. I'm really worried that you will take a shot. Do you feel better now?"

Wu Ningtao said: "I feel much better now, let's go down."

The family of two and a half continued to go down.

Nanmen Xunxian sighed and looked a little sad: "Everyone said that the world is a prison, but this world is more like a prison. The immortal world in the ancient times is not like this. The immortals practiced with concentration, and the gods also had compassion, but now ... don't know what happened? "

Wu Ningtao grabbed her hand and comforted softly: "Don't have to be confused, one day we will figure it out."

"Um." Nanmen Xunxian nodded slightly.

It was a while away, and the bottom of Jizo City entered the sight of a family of two and a half. Ning Tao stopped and looked down on the side of the road.

The bottom of Jain Cave is more than ten square kilometers. In the center is the Jizo Palace. The majesty built is not even comparable to the Great Tang Daming Palace he has seen. There are dozens of large and small palaces and numerous houses in the Jizo Palace. During this period, the fairy mist was lingering, and the aura was bleak.

There are large and small magnificent courtyards around the Jiudizang City, one more luxurious and the other more elegant. Those were the residences of the immortal and immortals of the Legion of Jizo.

地 A diji river flows from the west side of Jizo city, crosses Jizo city, and enters the rock wall to the east. The surface of that river is dozens of meters wide, and the current is gentle. There are two streets on each side of the river. There are paintings on the river, and you can hear someone playing music on the paintings.

Wu Ningtao was surprised: "Is that a flower boat?"

子 Tang Zixian smiled slightly: "That's the flower boat. The flowers on the boat are all fairies, do you want to play?"


Yun Tao: "..."

Isn't it silly to ran out of his own land without cultivating it?

Taonanmen Xunxian said gently: "Sister, don't you blame me for not letting you and your husband round the room?"

Tang Zixian said, "Where is my elder sister? How can I blame my elder sister? I especially thank my elder sister for completing my marriage with my husband."

Tao Nanmen Xunxian said: "I have come a bit of a coincidence some days these days, maybe it is bad for you, does my sister have no resentment in her heart?"

哪里 Where did you come by chance!

You just did it on purpose! .

I was embarrassed to ask people if they had any grievances ...

There must be resentment in Tang Zixian's heart, but a good smile appeared on her face: "Where is the elder sister saying this, how can there be resentment in the younger sister's heart? The younger sister's heart is only grateful to the older sister, a little bit resentful No."

Wu Ningtao had a headache, and he smiled bitterly: "Can I plug in?"

"You plug in." Nanmen Xunxian said.

"If you want to plug in." Tang Zixian said.

Wu Ningtao coughed dryly: "Let's go and take a look, then find a place to sit and observe the Jizo Palace."

"Sister please." Tang Zixian said, with a smile on his face.

"Sister please." Nanmen Xunxian said, also a smile.

Wu Ningtao sighed in his heart. What kind of family atmosphere is this?

请 If you go all the way, please invite me, please, please, if you sleep in a bed, please invite me, please, please, what should he do?

He is like the archer who Zhang Gong took an arrow and ready to shoot an arrow. He has opened a full bow, and the arrow is on the string. But you let me let him go, who does he shoot?

The last leg was left behind.

The entrance to the bottom of the valley is guarded by Xianwu and railings are set up. Someone passed in front and paid a ton fee. The man was carrying a large basket of spiritual materials ~ ~ It looked like he was selling spirit materials. Ordinary people at the bottom of the valley can't go at all. If they want to go in, they have to pay a ton fee. Where can ordinary people afford it?

There is a level in the world, but there is also a fairyland, and it is more serious.

Wu Ningtao also prepared Sanxian Gold and went to the checkpoint to pay the money. Xian Wu, who received the money, didn't ask anything, just glanced at Nanmen Xunxian and Tang Zixian. But seeing the mediocre faces of the two girls, they suddenly lost interest and waved for two and a half to enter the family.

After passing the checkpoint, the family walked forward, half covered and the street next to them. The quality of the goods sold in the shops on the street is obviously much better than the above. Ning Tao even saw shops with magical instruments and magical materials. Pedestrians on the streets are also obviously much more upscale and better in temperament. There is no shortage of fairies, beautiful fairies.

Passing by a shop selling musical instruments, Ning Tao couldn't help curiosity and stopped to say to the two ladies: "I don't know what musical instruments are sold in this magical shop, let's go and see."

The two fairies answered and followed Ning Tao into the shop.

There are two people in the shop that sells magical instruments. One looks like the owner and is recommending a musical instrument to the youth. The young man was dressed in white, handsome and handsome, with a flying sword hanging around his waist, and his temperament was extraordinary.

In the fairy world, Feijian is like a luxury car in the world. It is not only a tool for travel, but also a business card that symbolizes status.

青年 This youth is a fairy.

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