Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1071: Dameihuang's wedding dress

All beginnings are hard.

Hard work pays off.

as long as you try very hard, you can achieve anything.

The **** Yaochi ripples ...

The holy ritual ended in less than a joss stick.

Wu Ningtao also wanted to be better, but his strength was not allowed.

Da Meihuang is not something he can manage easily, and the magical heat is the obstacle he can't overcome. He was like a popsicle, which was supposed to be in the refrigerator, but was put in the steamer by mistake.

Everything is still.

Sui Ningtao was suspended in the **** Yaochi, and he felt like he was a cow, pulling a plow and plowing dozens of acres of land, so tired that he didn't even want to move.


Suddenly his brain vibrated for a moment, very strange feeling.

He was surprised to find that before the opening of the Tianshu, the runes that had disappeared on his skin and then disappeared one by one, and flickered on his skin.

移 He glanced at the big beautiful phoenix next to her, and she was the same, with runes flashing all over her.

He opened his mouth and asked what was happening to her, but at that moment, the tide of mysterious energy contained in the Scarlet Yaochi generally came to him and poured into his body. Those runes absorbed that energy frantically, and a strong burning sensation appeared all over him. That feeling, every rune is like a soldering iron, you must burn the rune to his body!

"Ah-" Ning Tao could not help but roar.

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "Feng Lang forbearance, this is his legacy!"

Hit him, of course, the bad old man who is not Sun Xingjun.

Xun's natural middleman of good and evil does not have a natural rune. This is his heritage, but the way is a bit weird and difficult to accept.

One rune after another burned on Ning Tao's body, then disappeared. But it didn't really disappear. Every time one disappeared, one appeared in Ning Tao's mind. At the same time, that divine energy also emerged in his soul, trying to awaken his mark of creation.

I don't know how long it has passed, everything is still.

The blood-colored Yaochi is no longer blood-colored, it has become golden, and in the sky, it shines like a pool of golden soup.

Jain's **** divine energy was absorbed by him and Damei Huang.

There is no rune on Wu Ningtao's body, and her skin is still fair and clean. Everything that just happened is like an illusion.

一 With a movement in his heart, the consciousness entered the inner world and went straight to the soul.

A piece of golden light rushed head-on, with a mysterious mark suspended in the deep golden light.

The mark of reincarnation has fully emerged.

He entered the soul of Nanxun Xunxian and observed her mark of creation. Now looking at his own seal of fortune, he found that his seal of fortune is far more complicated than the seal of fortune of Nanmen Xunxian, and the breath of divinity is stronger.

A trace of mysterious and divine energy entangled his mark of creation, which could not be parsed, but did not need to be parsed.

That is the power of creation!

His mark of good fortune emerged, and brought a little force of good fortune. There are reasons for the good mark of good fortune to fully appear, and also the reason of the inheritance of the Sun King.

"Feng Lang." Undead Fire Phoenix reached out and held Ning Tao's hand and said excitedly, "Have you got that great fortune?"

Wu Ningtao nodded his head. At this moment, he had a feeling that could not be described with words. It was extremely beautiful.

The undead phoenix wades over and holds Ning Tao in his arms: "I'm so happy."

Uh ...

The sound of bones.

Ning Tao didn't feel any pain this time, and the Seal of Fortune fully appeared. He found that the toughness and strength of his bones were much better than before. This change in her phoenix embraced all of a sudden.

He did not wait for Ning Tao to give a voice reminder, and the undead phoenix released Ning Tao and said awkwardly, "I ... forgot."

Ning Tao embraced her in his arms in turn and said in a warm voice: "Love wife, thank you. Without you, the mark of my good fortune can't emerge. Although that great fortune is on me, I can't get it. "

The undead fire phoenix had a happy smile on his face.

Sometimes you don't need love for a long time.

"Take me to see him." Ning Tao said.

"Come with me." Undead Fire Phoenix took Ning Tao's hand and went to the deep water.

The two men's bodies were submerged in golden pool water, and then they walked down the gentle **** of Yaochi. In the realm of the two, the entire skin can breathe, even without breathing. This golden pool of water is not an obstacle to breathing, nor can it cover the eyes of the two.

I walked down the gentle **** for about a hundred meters and reached the bottom of the pool.

The body of Xun Jun Xingjun is at the bottom of the pool.

He looked like the remnant soul he had seen, exuding a golden halo all over him, just like the light of a Buddha on a god.

Undead fire worship.

Wu Ningtao also worshiped.

Aside from nothing else, just the great fortune that the Sun King has given him is worthy of worship. What's more, Dameihuang regards He Ri Xing Jun as his father, and He Ri Xing Jun is also regarded as his half-old husband, and he should even worship.

After Xun worshiped, Undead Fire Phoenix said, "Feng Lang, do you want to take away the body of the Sunburst King?"

Wu Ningtao thought for a moment before saying, "Let ’s take it away when we leave, and put it in my temple."

"That's all right, let's go up," said Undead Phoenix.

Wu Ningtao nodded, followed the undead fire phoenix and left the bottom of Yaochi's pool, then landed.

The two returned to the cave of the undead volcano.

The undead fire phoenix ignited hundreds of fires in the cave, and the fire crystals in the cave filled the fire, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

Wu Ningtao released the Xianshi pot and a pile of melons and fruits from the Japanese gourd, and cooked hot pot for Dameihuang.

The undead fire Phoenix rejoices: "I didn't expect my Fenglang would cook anything. What kind of pot is this stone pot?"

"This is the Xianshi pot, which can gather the heaven and earth aura, and improve the quality of the spiritual material." Ning Tao, while cooking the hot pot with the Samadhi fire, spoke to the undead fire phoenix. ? "

Undead Fire Phoenix shook his head: "No."

"Have you been to Shenshan?"

The undead fire phoenix then shook his head: "A mountain cannot be reached by gods, how can I go up. The gods become gods and need to survive the scourge of God. Is that the end of life or death?"

"Tianxianchengshen still want to cross the gods?" Ning Tao was surprised for the first time.

The undead fire phoenix said: "Of course, I couldn't hear the Sun Xingjun said that the **** robbery was terrible. This time I also got good fortune. I guess I will face the **** robbery someday."

Su Ningtao suddenly thought of something, and then said, "So, I don't see the mountain now, right?"

"Should be," said Undead Phoenix.

Wu Ningtao thoughtfully said: "Everyone says that God Mountain is in the sky of the immortal world, but the non-God is not visible, the non-God cannot go up, it is difficult

Is it not in this space, in another space? "

"I don't understand," said Undead Phoenix.

Wu Ningtao himself said: "No wonder I flew down above Shenxian Mountain in Shenxu last time. No matter how I fly, I can't see the fairyland."

Undead Fire Phoenix said in surprise: "Feng Lang, have you been to Shenshan?"

Wu Ningtao said: "I was brought up by the Good and Evil Ding, but it is only a mountain in a god's fair. Everything in the god's fair is just a shadow, not a real god."

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "I know that tripod, it is the artifact of the Sun King, very powerful."

Wu Ningtao said, "It wants to be a god, and it also wants to kill me. I don't know where it is now."

The golden eyes of the undead fire phoenix suddenly revealed a fierce light: "Dare to kill me Fenglang, I smash it!"

The two talked about each other. Although both husband and wife had the facts, it was time for them to understand each other and cultivate their feelings.

In Ning Tao's feeling, Da Meihuang is extremely simple, and once it is confirmed, it will not change. What she cares most is to worry about his Fenglang changing his heart, and once she feels that he has changed his heart, she immediately ignites and is ready to murder her husband. The rest, she didn't care. He said he had several wives, and she was too lazy to ask her name.

The Xianxian food pot and hot pot were cooked, and the undead fire phoenix reached out to fish for food, and the hot soup had no effect on her. When I ate this, I ate a smile and couldn't stop: "Feng Lang, what you cook is delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious thing."

Phoenix is ​​a beast of God, and it cannot escape the temptation of a fairy pot.

Wu Ningtao smiled and said, "You like to eat, then cook it for you every day for your husband."

The undead fire phoenix leaned her head on Ning Tao's shoulder, her eyes full of happiness and intoxication.

Sui Ningtao suddenly remembered something, and said, "Love your wife, we must leave here after dark and make a suit for your husband."

If she went out like this, he wouldn't lose blood!

Undead Fire Phoenix lifted her head from Ning Tao's shoulders and stared straight at Ning Tao ~ ~ Ning Tao rushed to say before she spoke: "It's together, not me alone , I haven't changed my mind. "

The undead phoenix nodded his head: "Phoenix and Phoenix have always been amphibious and double-flying. If you leave here, I will naturally follow you. However, I don't need your spirits, I have feathers."

"Shang Yu?" Ning Tao was curious.

The undead fire phoenix got up, came to the bed of fire crystal stone, reached out and pushed the stone bed away, revealing a dark grid. She reached down and lifted up a long skirt woven by Phoenix feathers. The long skirt came out with a magnificent brilliance, radiant and gorgeous.

She put Yu Shang on her body, elegant and generous.

I do n’t know why, Ning Tao still likes and gets used to what she was just now, and she always feels pain and happiness when she pays tribute to her.

The undead fire phoenix returned to Ning Tao's side: "Each time the bath fire is reborn, I will drop the phoenix feathers, and I will make them into clothes and wait for you."

"what do you mean……"

"This is my wedding dress," said Undead Phoenix.

She made a circle, and the pieces of phoenix feathers trembled lightly, and the magnificent energy luster left a brilliance of brilliance in the void, which was heartbreakingly beautiful. But the most beautiful are those invincible long legs.

Wu Ningtao got up and walked towards her.

This time he didn't want to hold back.

He wants to take the initiative.

Also, you must find the face of Fenglang ...

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