Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1074: Emergency military situation

Wu Ningtao wanted to turn over the three brands together, but without the courage to say it, he managed to resolve the contradiction. If he produces another moth, then he will have his good fruit to eat.

Xun Xiaopo Temple moved to Jizo City.

The Undead Fire Phoenix also has her own palace, the Phoenix Palace.

Wu Ningtao returned to the small ruined temple and refined the love energy collected from the undead fire phoenix into a **** crystal. Then he stayed in the small broken temple to study his mark of creation, and occasionally took out a little spiritual material to resurrect it with the force of creation.

Although his power of creation is very weak, it is also stronger than Nanmen Xunxian. For the same dead branch, Nanmen Xunxian can at most let the dead branch germinate and flower, and he can't let the dead branch bear fruit. He tried several times and failed, but he could do it.

However, no matter how he cultivates, he can only improve his proficiency and not make the power of creation stronger. He tried to introduce that trace of creation into spiritual power, or to introduce spiritual power into the seal of creation, but ended in failure.

After all, it is the power of God, and even the spiritual power of Tianxian like him has fallen by 100,000 miles.

After several exercises, Ning Tao was exhausted physically and mentally, and ended the practice.

He looked at the body of the Sunburst King, and thoughtfully said: "Senior, Xunzudan is related to that great creation, how do you know that this power of creation is not the power of ordinary gods, this is creation The power of life, if you want to kill without absolute power, you will leave this great fortune to Xunxian, will it not be as simple as giving me a wife and giving your daughter a dowry? "

只有 What happened to that year was only known by Ji Sunxing, but he was lying here now, motionless.

The maggot said, "Ning Aiqing, why are you distressed, you have already got that great fortune, and you have married the adoptive daughter of the Sun King, these are all good things in heaven, why aren't you happy?"

Wu Ningtao said, "If I am happy, what am I doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Ning Aiqing, you are an immortal king of the Sunless Dynasty. You can flip through the three brands together. Why have you fallen to the point where 朕 is here to chat with 朕?" Zuji said.

Ning Tao said uneasily: "Turn your heads together. They just knew each other today. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to sleep together? Besides, Fire Phoenix's temper is very irritable. If he doesn't pay attention, he will get angry and hurt Xunxian and Zi Han is not good. "

Ascaris II said: "This is also the case. The Phoenix is ​​a **** and beast with the same name as the dragon. Non-gods cannot control it. Ning Aiqing, you are already riding a super-standard."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

Ascaris II also said: "I am still simpler than Ning Aiqing. Your Tianci bed has already slept six people."

话题 This topic is far away.

Wu Ningtao shifted the topic: "Yes, you read so many books and ate so many people, you should have a lot of ideas in your head ..."

He did not wait for Ning Tao to finish speaking, and Zhe Er interrupted him. "Ning Aiqing, this busy lady can't help. If Sister Huang is angry and burns this little temple with a torch, you will definitely not help him."

Ning Tao was a little speechless: "Where did you want to go? The idea that I made you think about was the mark of creation. I got that great creation. But at present, only dead branches can sprout. What's the use? Think, are there any spells or things that can use the power of creation? "

"You can think about this 朕 ..." Zuji closed her eyes.

Footsteps came from outside the knock gate.

With a slight movement of his nose, Ning Tao knew who came, and it was his female disciple Song Qingyin. There was something strange in his mind. She wasn't sleeping in the bed so late, what was she doing here?

"Master, the disciples have something to see." Song Qingyin's voice came.

Wu Ningtao said, "Come in."

The door of the small broken temple opened automatically.

Yan Song Qingyin walked in from the door, and in a tight leather coat, all the lines of the body were clearly visible. Under the light, it gives people an exhilarating beauty.

After all, she ’s a master. Ning Tao was embarrassed to read more and asked, “Lightly, what are you doing?”

Qi Song Qingyin bowed to the ground: "Master, just received the secret report from Bai Shun, the army of Heaven and Earth appeared in the southwest border town, and has not yet crossed the border, but the problem is very serious."

Ji Baishun, that is the essence of the Shenhe regiment, is the fairy of the Shenhe regiment's intelligence system. After the Jizo Gate collapsed and Wei Ying left, he also became the chief intelligence officer of the Sun Dynasty, responsible for collecting intelligence on Fanxiandi and the surrounding areas.

Wu Ningtao said, "Let's get up and talk."

Ji Song Qingyin stood up, and Yu Guang at the corner of his eye glanced at the body of Jixing Xingjun next to Sanshengding, a little scared.

Wu Ningtao said: "Don't be afraid, he is dead and won't hurt you."

Wu Song Qingyin nodded, and then added a sentence: "The disciples are not afraid."

Wu Ningtao said, "Tell me about Bai Shun's intelligence. Did he send it personally, or did he send it?"

Song Qingyin said: "It was sent by his flying crane. Zhixianer and Shenhe Regiment were already on their way back. Day did not dare to rush, it is estimated that it will take two days to return. Other teams are also coming. Hurry up, the time to return is uncertain. "

Wu Ningtao frowned slightly: "These guys, are they coming back to King Qin, I will soon die when the dynasty is just established?"

Song Qingyin said, "Master, do n’t say this. You overthrew the Jizo Gate and established the Sunburst Dynasty. The immortal people of the Immortal Land have finally lived a good life. Our Sunburst Dynasty will last forever. Fairyland. "

Tong Ningtao smiled: "Do you know the name of the small town, and where it is, I will go over it first."

Song Qingyin said: "The town is called Burial Fairy City. It is said to be a feng shui treasure. Many dead fairy people are buried there. Even the immortal king of the Linggu era had a tomb there, so the place is small but famous. The buried fairy city is far away. Even the fastest flying sword, it takes half a month to fly non-stop. I do n’t want you to go alone. You are the fairy king and ca n’t travel at will. If you ... ”

She didn't say the words "three longs and two shorts".

Wu Ningtao said, "Why do I have to fly to the buried fairy city for half a day and night? Worm, can you find the buried fairy city?"

Ascaris II said, "As long as it is a fairyland, there is no place for it to go. Is it going now?"

Without waiting for Ning Tao to speak, Song Qingyin rushed and said, "Master, you must wait until they come back to discuss the military situation before going on. Bai Shun's secret report said that the number of heavenly men's legions is large. If you go alone Too dangerous."

Wu Ningtao was silent for a moment, and asked, "Have this happened before?"

Song Qingyin said: "I don't know about this. After all, I'm just a small place. If it wasn't for the Master's kindness to take me as an apprentice and take me to Jizo City, I'm afraid I can't even come to Jizo City in my life. So, with too much uncertainty, Master would better wait for Zhi Xianer to come back before making a decision, and ... "

"What else?" Ning Tao asked.

Song Qingyin glanced at the bug face on the Trinity Tribe, and it seemed that she did not want Zer Er to hear it. She reached up to Ning Tao's side, put her lips to Ning Tao's ear, and whispered, Let me ask Master, it ’s getting late, when do you ask

Waiting to go back to rest. "

Su Ningtao was immediately embarrassed.

He deliberately hid here, but he did not expect that the most reserved and most immortal Xunxian sent Song Qingyin to call him.

Bian Song Qingyin added a sentence: "When I was passing by Yinyue Palace, Master Tang stopped me and asked me to give Master a message. She asked the Master to go there and talk about something important."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

There are major issues to discuss, it must be a matter of life.

He thought it was over, but Song Qingyin added another sentence: "Master, when I pass by the Phoenix Palace ..."

Wu Ningtao coughed dryly: "You don't need to say anymore, I know, it must be your Master Phoenix who asked you to bring me a message and let me go to her, right?"

Qi Song Qingyin said: "That's not true. Master Fire Phoenix asked me if Master changed his heart, why didn't she go with her?"

"噗!" Ning Tao almost blew out a blood.

Song Qingyin said: "So, the disciples don't think it is more important than the Heavenly Army Corps that buried Xiancheng. The most important inner palace is stable. You must first settle in the outer space, and you may consider it, Master."

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Ning Tao asked her.

Song Qingyin reached Ning Tao's ear again, exhaling hot, and said, "Go to the most hot-tempered Mother Huohuang first, then one hour later to the Nanmen mother, and finally to the mother Tang ... Don't say that it was the idea I gave you, otherwise I would be disgusted by Mother Tang. "

Wu Ningtao smiled bitterly: "Go back, I won't say it was your idea for me."

"Master, the disciples retired." Song Qingyin retreated.

Ning Tao rubbed his ears before rubbing the itching sensation. His eyes fell on Song Qingyin's leather pants, and he secretly said, "This girl disciple is not serious, even Master dares to say something secretly. , The tongue touched the ear of the teacher. "

Zhe Er opened his eyes: "Ning Aiqing, I found the small town on the southwest side where the fairy town was buried, and that place is not only at the junction of the heaven and earth's territory, but also at the fairy land's south without marsh.可以 You can move in immediately. "

Ning Tao looked sad: "I want to go see what ghosts are doing ~ ~ but you also heard that your three main mothers all asked Song Qingyin to come and let me go They said, what should I do? "

He is the immortal king who never puts the throne in his mind. He cares most about his family. Nanmen Xunxian, Tang Zixian and Undead Fire Phoenix are the most important to him.

The worm-face on the Sanshengding Ding also showed a sad look, which also made it difficult.

Wu Ningtao said to himself: "If only I could do the split, then there would be no such distress."

Suddenly opened her eyes wide and said excitedly: "Ning Aiqing, yes, haven't you learned the soft-mother's divine avatar?"

Wu Ningtao said: "I have learned, I have mastered all the rune spells, but I can only divide one finger, what's the use?"

Ascaris II said, "When is that?"

Wu Ningtao said, "Of course it is on the earth."

Zhe Er also said, "Ning Aiqing, you are wrong! You now have that great fortune, the mark of fortune has fully emerged, and the power of fortune, you can make the dead tree spring, you can use the avatar, you try ! "

Su Ningtao suddenly lighted up.

Yes indeed!

At this moment, he is now expensive as a god, and he has to build a temple, as well as the seal of creation and the power of creation. Why not try the avatar of soft heaven sound!

Try it ...

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