Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1102: Homicide end

"Where's my sister?" Humei asked.

"She ..." A simple question, Ning Tao didn't know how to answer.

"Is my sister still sleeping?" Hu Mei said with a smile.

Tong Ming knew the answer, but Ning Tao still didn't know how to answer. He was like a gimmick who made a mistake on impulse and didn't know what to do.

He was wronged.

Nothing, not even the related memories.

姐 This brother-in-law is too wronged, right?

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you, why don't you keep your soul and don't talk?" Hu Mei looked curious.

"I'm not ..." Ning Tao wanted to say that I wasn't your brother-in-law, but then his lips changed again, "Meier, I'll ask you something."

Hu Humei came together: "What's the matter?"

"Let's go ... said there." Ning Tao froze around, then walked to a corner.

Wu Humei followed Ning Tao: "Brother-in-law, what are you trying to tell me?"

Wu Ningtao stopped in the corner, staring at Humei, staring silently before saying, "Meier, did you put something in the fox fairy wine you gave me yesterday?"

Hu Humei blinked a little. She winked. "Brother, are you saying that I am taking medicine in the wine?"

"I didn't mean that, I mean ... how could I be drunk?" Ning Tao said.

"It's rare to be drunk once in life, what's wrong with being drunk?" Hu Mei said.

"No, I mean, I don't remember anything when I'm drunk, do you understand what I mean?" Ning Tao was anxious.

Wu Humei shook her head: "I don't understand."

Wu Ningtao: "..."

Wu Humei said with a grin: "Brother-in-law, alcohol can be messy. Are you drunk? What bad things have you done while taking alcohol?"

You called my brother-in-law, do you still ask?

Yuning Tao felt depressed: "I don't remember anything."

"You don't remember anything?" Humei asked.

Yun Ningtao has something to say and doesn't know what to say.

Wu Humei patted Ning Tao's shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, I don't remember this time, I will definitely remember it next time, my sister likes you so much, can she still not give it to you?"

Wu Ningtao didn't want to say anything, he couldn't communicate with the little fox essence.

"Brother-in-law, are you okay, I will go to my sister if you are okay." Humei said.

Wu Ningtao shook his head.

Hu Humei giggled and turned to the stone house.

Sitting on a stalactite, Ning Tao looked down and recalled, he suddenly remembered that strange dream, and then slap his head with a slap: "Ning Tao, Ning Tao, you are a pig! You dare to drink wine, that fox fairy wine is not wine at all, it is fox essence medicine ... "

He took the medicine of fox essence, and then got fox essence ...

He is the victim!

How about this?

Things have happened, facts are facts, and no one can change them.

It ’s like a carpenter nailing a nail, a good piece of mahogany material. Once you nail it, it ’s a pit even if you pull it out, right? Calculate that someone is holding your hammer and hitting the nail, but after all, did you?

"Well ... when she comes out, how should I face her? If she wants me to marry her, what should I do? The mark of good fortune has fully surfaced, and I have a little force of good fortune in case she has What should I do? "Ning Tao's heart was completely confused for a while.

At this moment, Humei and Huji came out.

Wu Ningtao looked away, and two fox spirits were watching him.

Twenty-six eyes are opposite, no one speaks.

The atmosphere is so awkward.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I went to Zhang Luo to rebel, you guys have a good talk." Humei went away, squeezed his eyes at Ning Tao within two steps, the smiley thief was fine.

Jackal Fox still didn't speak, just looked at Ning Tao.

I always have to face it.

Wu Ningtao walked forward daringly, with a cough, and said embarrassingly, "That ... you're awake."

Jackal Fox smiled sweetly.

Aren't you nonsense?

"Are you ... okay?" Ning Tao asked.

The Jackal Fox shook her head.

那个 "Well, last night we ..." Ning Tao couldn't say.

She said: "Let's talk in the house, my sister will have breakfast for you."

Wu Ningtao nodded and followed her into the room.

巨大 The huge joy flower is a bit messy, and the first thing Fox Fox enters the house is to clean up.

Tong Ningtao stood in the room and didn't know what to do or what to say.

Jackal Fox shook her quilt, and a handkerchief fell off.

"A Tao, help me pick it up," said Fox Ji.

Wu Ningtao finally found something to do, and quickly walked over to pick up the handkerchief.

It was a white handkerchief with red marks on the cloth like snow.

Tong Ningtao froze for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Hu Jiji turned around, took the handkerchief from Ning Tao's hand, and then carefully folded it and put it in her arms.

那个 "That, I ..." Ning Tao's stuttering problems haven't been better since she got up to now.

"Sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea." Foxhime went to the window.

There is a stone table next to the window. There is a tea set, a jar for tea, a cup for making tea, and a teapot for boiling water.

Wu Ke Ningtao looked at her legs.

I don't know why, she walked a bit awkwardly.

Wu Ningtao's heart sighed again: "You are a sinner, ah ah!"

I can remember the longest of his depression, let alone feeling.

The fox fox took the tea very skillfully, and then boiled a pot of water with the spiritual fire of his hands.

A cup of spirit tea was handed to Ning Tao.

The fox fox sat at the edge of the petals of Happy Flower and looked at Ning Tao quietly.

Wu Ningtao sipped the tea directly into his mouth regardless of whether the tea in the tea cup was hot or not. He needs to moisten his throat so that he can speak well.

"That ... what happened to us last night?" The tea soup was really useful, and Ning Tao spoke up.

The voice of Jackal Fox is very soft and gentle: "What do you say?"

Wu Ningtao said: "I'm sorry, I don't know the alcoholic nature of that fox immortal, drink a bit more ... I don't know what happened, if I did something that was sorry to you, I apologize to you."

The blink of an eye of the fox fox's fox eyes burst into tears.

Wu Ningtao suddenly panicked: "Xiao Ji, why are you crying? Don't cry, have something to say."

Fox Ji choked and said: "The fox fairy is drunk and not drunk. Last night you drank too much. I sent you back. I was going to leave, but you held me back, and then you ... Uh ... "

Wu Ningtao was stunned.

Am I really a beast?

She continued to say, "This has happened. I thought you would cherish me, but you apologize to me. Can an apology make up for this?"

If an apology can solve the problem, men in this world will probably scramble to be polite.

"What do you say ... what to do?" Ning Tao asked, but he felt redundant when he said this.

Fox Ji looked at Ning Tao with tears in her eyes: "I don't want to enter your house. No matter your woman in the world or the three in fairyland, they all have innate stereotypes about our fox spirits. I am free to get used to it This person also doesn't want to please, nod, and fight with them ... "

Wu Ningtao listened carefully, guessing in his heart.

After a pause, the Foxhound said, "I mean, you'll keep me outside, and afterwards, you come to me every three minutes, and I'm satisfied. You have the door of convenience. , You really have the heart to come here ... You can come here with a convenient excuse, what do you think? "

Wu Ningtao nodded, and his heart was relieved. This solution is the best, he does not have to face Nanmen Xunxian and Tang Zixian and the undead fire phoenix. Especially the undead fire phoenix, if she knew it, she would think that her phoenix had fallen asleep, or that her phoenix had changed heart, and no matter which one would be a bad thing.

As the kingdom of heaven is about to come under pressure, how can this harem be chaotic?

那个 "Well, don't you think I've given you a set, right?" Fox Ji asked suddenly.

I have to recognize the next set.

I thought so, but Ning Tao didn't dare to say it, and said in a hurry, "No, no, it's all my fault."

"No, it's my fault. If I refuse you, there won't be such a thing, but I ... I can't bear to make you feel uncomfortable, more importantly ..." Fox-Ki said only after a moment of silence, " I have liked you very early. "

Tong Ningtao paused for a moment: "When?"

Fox Ji smiled with a smile: "You may not believe it when you say it. That was the time when you climbed the cliff in Wudang Mountain. When you tried to protect those cultivated monks who did not hesitate to fight with me, I quietly fell in love with you. Later ... This feeling became particularly strong before the robbery. I even thought about not going to the robbery and staying with you ... "

Wu Ningtao's heart was touched warmly, and she couldn't help but walked over and sat beside her. His hand crawled away from her hand a little bit on the petals, and then pretended not to have grabbed her hand.

纤 That slim and delicate hand is as soft as boneless.

Poor he has committed such a fatal case now.

Are you right?

This is simply worse than Dou E!

The fox fox Ji leaned forward and snuggled in his arms.

At the beginning, Ning Tao was a little uncomfortable, but she gradually adapted. He still had the heart to sniff her scent, and that scent made him sway.

He suddenly remembered: "Xiao Ji, the scent of fox fairy wine is a bit similar to the scent on you, how is it brewed?"

Pu Jiji pouted with a smile: "It was brewed with my sister's body. UU 看书"

Wu Ningtao's mind was curious: "Brewed from the body?"

还是 For the first time, he heard about winemaking with a good body.

Xi Hu Ji said with a smile: "In fact, it is very simple. My sister and I ate the spirits of winemaking, then brewed in the body with divine magic, and finally secreted from the pores, that is the fox fairy wine."

Wu Ningtao was fully aware.

The magic gift of the fox fox, isn't that the charm?

He dare to drink such a wine!

"In the future, you want to drink, I will brew it for you alone, okay?" Fox's eyes are full of tenderness.

But Ningtao shook her head: "I don't drink, I don't remember anything after drinking, it's boring."

The fox fox chuckled a chuckle, and put it in his ear and said, "Longer to Japan."

Wu Ningtao's heart jumped up and down, and the reaction of swaying spirits became more obvious.

Hu Humei came in from the door, glanced, and said falsely, "Oh, I didn't see anything."

The fox fox rose from Ning Tao's arms, looking serious: "Eat breakfast, let's go to the Great Monument Valley when you are ready."

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