Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1130: The Secret of the Cold Star Family

The undead fire phoenix attacked with a phoenix, smashing the house to eat and eat, Jin Jinzang and Bailong were attracted to join the battle.

What's the point of smashing a house?

Killing the heavens and eating the heavens are interesting.

And, that's the city's main mansion, there must be many treasures!

So the square became a slaughterhouse.

The battle lasted for only a moment of Ayaka.

The incomplete corpses were lying on the square of the Cold Star City, and the blue blood stained the square's floor like a blue cloth.

Quite a few people have not even been able to leave the body, and most of them have entered the belly of Bailong.貔貅 Jinzang also ate some, but it was more picky, only eating the hearts and brains of the private soldiers of the Hanxing family, so most of the incomplete corpses on the square were left by it.

Undead Phoenix's men have no corpses, only gray. Her killings are usually a funeral and a cremation package.


Ready to ride the flying sword, Leithward fell to the ground from the air, covered with blood, and only a piece of skin on his left leg was attached to his leg.

Ning Tao stepped on Raisward's chest.

Raisward's face was ashes. He thought he knew Ning Tao well and grasped Ning Tao's weaknesses, but now he only discovered that he was wrong.

"Godfather, a few pregnant women have died," Fox Ji said.

"Grandfather, most of them have been saved." Humei said.

This time to rescue the hostages, the two fox spirits played a very important role. Without their messy fox fairy demon fog, I am afraid that more people will die.

Several pregnant women died, all of them were dead.

However, this is also a matter of no means.

Ning Tao could not give up the ransacking of the Cold Star City because of these hostages of the slave slaves. He cultivated Tiandao. He never negotiated with the wicked, nor compromised with the wicked.

In addition, only a small part of the slaves were caught by Raisward. Even if all the rescue failures were killed, there would still be more slaves rescued by the Shenhe regiment. Then between ten individuals and a hundred people, he will always choose the latter.

Ning Tao said, "Take them to a safe place. I'm afraid Zhixian is almost there."

"Good godfather." Humei answered very simply and obediently.

Ning Tao's gaze returned to Raisward's body, and his voice was cold. "I want to hit me with a pregnant woman. You, the master of the city, really can do it. I killed so many evil people. You are definitely the best of them. What do you think I'll give you? "

"You ... if you kill me, your conflict with Heaven will not be resolved ..." Raisward is still fighting for his last glimmer of hope, "I am the Heavenly Goddess of Heaven, even if the Heavenly King wants to kill me ... will also go through the trial of the Heavenly Mission ... "

Ning Tao beckoned, "Leaflet, Fanxian, come here for a while."

Ye Fanxian and Ye Guigen came over. The brothers and sisters were covered with blue blood, and there were a lot of breaks on their clothes, but the blue and red blood leaked out of the wound.

Brother and sister were very brave in the fighting just now.

The brothers and sisters came to Ning Tao's side and looked at Raisward, who was stepped on by Ning Tao's feet, his eyes were very complicated.

This man is the father of their beloved mother and their grandfather. However, this is the man who killed their father and mother and even blatantly insulted them as a hybrid.

How can such a demon be a grandfather?

However, he did.

Ning Tao said, "This man is right at my feet. Am I going to kill him, or are you going to kill him?"

"I ..." Ye Guigen's heart was chaotic.

Ye Fanxian opened the bowstring in his hand, and the arrow on the bowstring pointed at Raisward's head.

"Hybrid! Do you dare to kill me? I'm your grandfather!" Raiswart exclaimed. "Only Tiandaohui is qualified to determine my life and death. A hybrid like you is not worthy!"

Ye Fanxian shouted, "I want to kill you!"

However, his hand holding the bowstring could not be released.

In the past, he had dreamed more than once **** the person in front of him, but when it was time for him to start, he realized that he couldn't.

It is easy to kill Raisward, but the identity of this person will be burned into his soul like a brand, becoming a shadow that he can't get rid of all his life.

Ning Tao reached out and patted Ye Fanxian's shoulder. "Okay, I know. I can understand you. Let me take care of this."

"Your Majesty the Immortal, I'm really useless." Ye Fanxian looked pained.

Ning Tao said, "Your parents have educated you into kind people. Although this person has a deep hatred against you, he is your grandfather. No matter who you kill him, I am afraid that he will be tortured for the rest of his life. Let's go down. "

Ye Fanxian was silent for a moment, and summoned the courage to say, "His Majesty the King, I ... I will watch this man die."

"I will stay, too," Ye Guigen said.

Although he couldn't kill him by himself, watching this man die in pain, this can also release the hatred that has accumulated in their hearts for many years.

Ning Tao nodded his head, and his eyes fell on Raisward again.

Raisward suddenly realized something, and suddenly became nervous. "You ... don't kill me ... I give you everything."

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth. "You gave me everything? Your life is mine, what else do you have now?"

Raisward said hastily, "I still have ..."

But before he finished speaking, Ning Tao was shot in the flesh.


Cool heart.

Raisward grasped the barrel of the flesh gun with both hands and wanted to push it out of the body, but now he has no strength to pick up a needle, how can he push the flesh gun away?

A sip of blue blood spurted out, and Rathward's hands fell weakly, and his eyes began to fall apart, unable to gather again.

He is rushing to death.

Ye Fanxian and Ye Guigen couldn't help crying.

"Father ... did you see this? The devil is dead, he is dead ... your spirit in heaven can rest ... Father ..." Ye Fanxian threw himself on the ground and threw three heads toward the east.

Ye Guigen also knelt down, choking his head, and choking, "Mom ... my brother and I have come to you ... you should be with your father now ... no one can separate you ..."

The greatest pain in the world is the separation between heaven and man.

"Xiaoye, translate for me." Ning Tao said.

"What does Her Majesty the King want me to translate?" Ye Guigen looked at Ning Tao with tears in his eyes.

Ning Tao said, "What I said."

His eyes returned to normal, and at that instant his Yuanshen left the body and plunged into Raisward's mind.

Raisward's mind was calm, with "photos" one after another, and his memories floated in disorder.

Ning Tao quickly found a memory he was interested in, and then stepped into that memory ...

In the basement of the city's main mansion.

Raisward came under a stone wall, reached out and carved a French seal on the stone wall, then activated it.

The stone wall trembled and slowly descended, this hidden space slowly revealed.

But there was nothing in it, just an empty back room.

Raisward went in and went straight to the opposite stone wall, which had a French seal, which was not the same as the French seal he drew just now.

Raisward bit his own finger and dripped a few drops of blood on that pronunciation.

Kakaka ...

The French seal is activated, the second stone wall sinks slowly, and another hidden secret space is exposed.

Inside the closet are piles of immortal gold, magical materials, and dozens of locked boxes.

This is Raisward's treasure house, which is larger and richer than Burns' treasure house.

Raisward went in and went straight under the wall opposite.

Is there a secret room?

Raisward stuck the bleeding finger against a stone brick.

There was nothing on that stone brick, and it was no different from time elsewhere. But while Raisward's fingers were against the stone brick, the rocky ground beneath his feet suddenly sank.

It was actually an electric "elevator", and it was started with blood and fingerprints.

The rock "elevator" sank for dozens of meters before stopping.

A third secret space appeared.

In this space, there are a lot of equipment that combines rectification and technology, and some of them are fragments of artifacts from the ancient times that were dug out of the soil.

In the middle of the secret room is a celestial ceremonial tripod. Next to the tripod is a woman in a wheelchair who is also a celestial man and looks beautiful. It was just that her calves were cut off with her knees, and her skirt was empty.

Who is this woman?

Raisward went straight to the magic weapon.

Through Raisward's sight, the leader saw something in Ding Zhong, a **** stone with a large head.

At a glance, Ning Tao paused.

There is blue energy flowing in that stone, and there are natural runes flickering in that energy, undulating and fading, just like the stars in the galaxy.

Isn't this the stone from Zhenshen Monument?

Because of more than one contact, Ning Tao recognized it at a glance.

How could there be a stone from the town monument in this history?

I don't understand this question anyhow.

Just then Raisward said, "Arimes, why is there no progress?"

This woman turned out to be Emmys, the mother of Ye Guigen and Ye Fanxian!

She didn't die!

"I've tried my best, but you're too anxious. I need more time."

"As you wish, I hope you will make a little progress the next time I come," Raisward said.

Arimas said, "When can I see my two children?"

"Huh!" Raisward suddenly waved his face and slapped Emiri's face ~ ~ and yelled and cursed. "I never imagined that I would give birth to you as a shameless slut. Until now, You are still thinking about the two hybrids you gave birth to! "

Emiris cried, "They are my children and your grandchildren, can't you be nice to them?"

"Shut up for me! If you irritate me again, I will kill them now, and you never want to see them again!" Raisward grabbed Alyss's hair and said fiercely "So, you better Give me a bit of cleverness and do your research honestly, and I will naturally let you and your mother meet at that time. "

Arimas wept silently.

Raisward unleashed Alames' hair and turned to leave.

This memory ends here.

ps i want to drive ~~~ 啦啦 啦 ~~

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