Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1192: Can't beat

The moment the lightning struck down, it struck Ning Tao's body, and the electric octopus was usually wrapped around him.

It wasn't that he didn't pretend to hide, but that he couldn't hide at all. No one could get past lightning, not even him.

However, there is no difference between hitting and dodging.

The electric mang was led into the ground and disappeared in a blink of an eye, but Ning Tao didn't even drop a hair on her body, let alone a scar.

He is an authentic Tianxian who came up from the world, and the lightning summoned by the true dragon couldn't be compared with the lightning that he suffered when he crossed the city.

Xi'er rushed out of the temple, glaring at the real dragon hovering over the island and yelled, "You long worm, you dare to discharge electricity to me, Tiger Lang, don't you want to live?"

That Zhenlong's voice was suppressed: "It turns out that there is still a sharp little white tiger. I didn't expect you to be with a fairy. I blush for your grandparents!"

When Xi'er grabbed her waist, the beastwoman's hammer appeared in her hand. She pointed at the true dragon with a hammer and said, "Rely on the old and sell the old, how dare you say something? I'll kill you!"

The real dragon snorted, and the wind swelled in the sky. Countless lightnings were swimming around it, as if it was forming a net of heaven and earth.

It is true that it really disdains to argue with a small white tiger like Xi'er.

It's a big move in the making.

Bai Long also stepped out of the temple. Although there was no obvious fear on his face, his legs felt a little trembling.

In front of Zhenlong, this product is really a bit shy.

But you can't blame him. He is a dragon, and others are true dragons. It's not the difference between Li Zhi and Li Gui. If he wants his customer service to be afraid, unless Ning Tao and Xi'er kill Zhenlong for a half, it will be difficult for him to get out of the psychological shadow left by that dragon.

Xi'er is about to throw the hammer off her hand, but Ning Tao grabbed her mighty fist: "Not in a hurry."

Xi'er stared at the true dragon, a little unwilling, but she still wanted to listen to Ning Tao's words. After all, it is already his tiger.

Ning Tao leaped forward, and when the body was volleyed, a golden auspicious cloud appeared at his feet, carrying him slowly rising.

Tianxian driving auspicious clouds, Xiangyun has also become the standard configuration of Tianxian, but ordinary Tianxian driving are pure white auspicious clouds. The golden auspicious cloud is the standard of the gods!

The look of the true dragon suddenly changed: "How can you control the golden clouds?"

Ning Tao said calmly: "Everything is possible, why can't I control the golden clouds."

The real dragon's eyes were like a torch, and he took a glance at the silk silk step on Ning Tao's feet, and suddenly snorted, "It turned out that I drove the cloud by using a device, and intentionally dyed the cloud golden. It ’s kind of small, but there was no golden cloud, but it was intentionally dyed golden. "

Ning Tao: "..."

Stained golden clouds?

Of course, this is not the case. Ning Tao can drive the cloud without walking in the footsteps, but he is too lazy to learn that pretending spell. But he did not expect to be spotted by this real dragon, and said that he was dyed.

What is it called?

This is called pretending not to erode the grass.

Zhenlong's eyes disdain, the shock just now disappeared long ago. It ’s nothing more than a fairy. If you really want it to look at Ning Tao, Xier, and Bailong, it ’s just Baihu Xier. Ning Tao is a dreg, and it ’s a little “affiliated with it” Therefore, Bailong is the **** in the slag.

Suddenly, Ning Tao felt that he was not forced enough. He wanted to get out of his god's aperture, but he couldn't get it out. Only when he touched the last barrier just now did the aura of God emerge, and now he is not in that state.

He is not a true **** after all.

However, who hasn't had a time to pretend to fail?

Ning Tao did not take the mockery of Zhenlong to heart, he smiled lightly: "Senior, you are a real dragon, how can you be escorted by the same day? My men did not provoke you, but you seriously injured him, and even wanted to kill Fuck him, don't you think you've gone a little too far? Also, we didn't come to you, but you came here, and summoned lightning to bomb me without saying a word, shouldn't you give me an explanation? ? "

True Dragon did not respond.

It has no interest in speaking with Ning Tao.

Ning Tao no longer said anything, and seemed to be independent.

In his heart, he did have the plot of the dragon. He was in awe of the real dragon, so he was commensurate with his predecessors. But this is a courtesy, then a soldier, he said what he wanted to say, and then do whatever he wants.

The dragon tail of the true dragon suddenly swept over.

The dragon tail, two or three hundred meters long, with dimensions of dozens of meters, the scene was like a section of a steel city wall swept over.

"Old thief, you are crazy!" Xi'er cursed, her voice had not yet fallen, she had jumped into the sky, and Lingguang blasted away. The flirtatious woman had disappeared, and a prairie came out through the air. Even stronger white tiger.

However, before Xier's shot was taken, Ning Tao's right hand was violently waved out, Lei Gong's hammer flew out of the hand, suddenly disappeared, then penetrated through the air, hitting directly on Zhenlong's forehead.


Electric man flying!

Zhenlong's head suddenly shifted a bit, and the tail that swept across also lost his consciousness, and Ning Tao's golden color swept away accordingly.

Howling wind howling.

The golden auspicious clouds under Ning Tao's feet were blown away alive!

The stern wind brought by the dragon tail is so powerful. If it was swept by the dragon tail, it would be enough! Don't say what a fairy is, I am afraid that even a mountain drawn by it has to break down! The largest war weapon on earth is an aircraft carrier. In front of it, I am afraid it is a small paper boat. Just the wind and waves that stir can overturn!

But what about that?

Ning Tao wants to drop the dragon today!

With his right hand probing, Leigong Hammer flew back to his hand again, and the golden auspicious cloud under his foot appeared again. There was no need for him to read the magic spell to generate the cloud, only he had to move his thoughts, and he could walk in the clouds. Take him to pretend to fly him.

"Howling!" Xi'er killed, and a pair of tiger claws were shot on the dragon's tail of the true dragon. Her tiger claws could easily tear the fairy's fairy armor, but she could not tear the dragon's scales. Several deep claw marks were left on the dragon scales.

True Dragon's defense is so powerful!

Xi'er is still small, not an "adult" white tiger, it is not enough to repair, and the combat effectiveness naturally cannot reach the peak of the white tiger. But even if she is an "adult" white tiger, she cannot win the true dragon, because the true dragon is the strongest **** beast, and the white tiger is not.

Ke Xi'er angered Zhenlong.

"Look for death!" Zhenlong roared suddenly, the dragon's head suddenly swooped down, a dragon's mouth opened, a hot flame opened its mouth from its blood basin, swept across Ning Tao and Xi'er.

Bai Long finally overcome the fear in his heart, opened his mouth and sprayed, a water column rushed up.

But in a blink of an eye, his water column was evaporated by Zhenlong's dragon flame, and even a trace of water vapor could not be found.

But he also got a little time for Ning Tao and Xi'er.

Ning Tao and Xi'er dodged.

Xi'er stood on Ning Tao's golden auspicious cloud, and her large golden eyes were full of terrifying light. After a brief fight just now, she has realized the gap between her and Zhenlong. If it was a single player, she would explain here today.

Ning Tao also frowned. There were three fights on his side, but he was still dominated by Zhenlong. Naturally, he hasn't tried his best, but this true dragon obviously has some strength. His judgment is that if he fights alone with this true dragon, he will not get any good.

What worries him even more is that most of the true dragons are true dragons in the Kingdom of Heaven camp. Phillips added such a helper. In addition, the two forces of the Holy Army and Shi Jingjing attacked the Jizo City, where the immortal was dangerous. Huh!


Long Yin.

Another group of dragon flames roared.

Not only did not lose the flames of the flames of Sanmai, but the power grid of the sky followed.

"Go!" Ning Tao roared and thought, a golden auspicious cloud flew towards the temple.

When Bai Long saw Ning Tao and Xi'er hiding, he dared to resist, moved at his feet, and flew into the temple door. He actually hid in the temple one step ahead of Ning Tao and Xi'er.



In a horrible blast, Ning Tao's back was split by dozens of lightning bolts, and cracks appeared in the dragon-shaped grass vest, and a short hair was also split upside down, making the smoke smoke.

Xi'er wasn't much better, and his white tiger skin was burnt by Dragon Flames several times. She quickly regained her human form, and then the dragon flame attached to her body was destroyed, but the tiger fur coat was burned out several times, and there were several burns on her body.

Fortunately, he hid in the temple.

The temple door of the temple was closed.

Ning Tao patted Long Yan on his shoulder and gave Xier a subconscious look.

What a shame this battle.

Before this real dragon came, he screamed Xi'er, and Xi'er said that he was the strongest Tiger Lang, how arrogant and proud he was at that time. But now, he was ashamed in front of Xi'er.

It's just a matter of shame.

How to fight this real dragon is the big deal.

The body of thousands of true dragons can not only gather wind and lightning, but also spray dragon flames. Xi'er's tiger claws cannot break its dragon spirit ... Such a perverted natural mana and strength, such a perverted defense, How can I win?

Ning Tao was in deep thought, feeling heavy.

"Tiger, please open the door and call Sister Phoenix over, we slaughtered the arrogant worm!" Xi'er was very angry.

But did not wait for Ning Tao to say a word.



The Mantian Power Grid and the Dragon Flame fell, and the trees on the mountain were instantly burned to ashes, and a piece of rock was also split into powder!

"This place is your burial place today!" Zhenlong's voice was suppressed, it dived down from the sky, and a dragon dragged its tail to the top of the mountain.



A mountain that was one or two kilometers high was cut in half!

This power ~ ~ will only lose the fairy catcher.

The fairy catcher stepped down, not only the mountain will be razed to the ground, the island will be stomped by it!

But why should it be compared with the fairy catcher?

The true dragon is swinging its tail twice.

Lightning and thunder, howling wind howling.

The entire mountain was razed!

In the flames of the dragon flame, a small and ruined temple was revealed.

In the temple, there was a strange smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

ps: Three more today! Thank you brothers for your support!

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