
There are still immortal people in the temple. As soon as Ning Tao returns, Zoji Er closes the temple door, and then lets the immortal people in the temple quickly enter the open door to the endless forest beast tribe. .

"Ning Aiqing, who is this celestial woman?" Zhe Er stared at Daenerys, her little eyes full of curious light.

Daenerys also gnawed at the worm.

One can only talk about the magic instrument Ding, her curiosity at this moment is stronger than that of Zuji.

Ning Tao said: "Her name is Daenerys, the daughter of Eli Saba, the elder of the Holy Legion. I went to Fengxian Mountain and arrested her."

Zeng Er's worm's face showed a strange smile: "Ning Aiqing is really a thunderous method. Just now, there is a little more love energy in Dingli. It was originally collected from this fairy."

Ning Tao froze suddenly: "What do you ... say?"

Zhe Er spread out a pair of short hands: "Xun said that there was a little more love energy in Dingli just now, shouldn't Ning Aiqing know more than Xun?"

Ning Tao's gaze moved to Daenerys for a moment.

Nima, you yelled at Lao Tzu for being a pig. When you watched pigs, you actually produced the most beautiful energy in the world!

He wanted to leave things behind, but didn't expect things to get so complicated.

One thing he thought of was Stockholm Syndrome.

The victim fell in love with the killer or became dependent.

This is the strangest disease.

Isn't she suffering from that kind of illness?

Daenerys also glared at Ning Tao, with obvious hatred in her eyes.

Feeling the hatred and anger in her body, Ning Tao's heart was relieved. It shouldn't be Stockholm Syndrome, and if it does, he won't be able to fight it. He wanted her to hate him, the more he hated it, because only then could he treat her correctly.

Ning Tao looked at Daenerys, Daenerys looked at Ning Tao, and Zong Er looked at Ning Tao and Daenerys.

"Haha! I understand." Zoji Er laughed wretchedly. "Ning Aiqing, rest assured, I will keep it secret for you. You know it, you know it, and the third person doesn't."

Ning Tao coughed dryly: "Well, I'll take her back first, you continue to transfer the immortal people."

"Junzhe," said Zhe Er, "not much. It can be transferred before dawn."

"Transfer?" Daenerys flashed a suspicious light in his eyes and tentatively said, "Where are you going to transfer the fairy people?"

Zhe Er faintly said, "You are not yet the mother of your grandmother, and you will not say much. You will serve your grandmother Ning Aiqing well. This will be the greatest fortune you will ever get."

Daenerys stared at the second insect: "What are you talking about? What else is your favorite energy?"

Zerg smiled: "Hey, I think you know very well."

Daenerys said, "Here is the temple. Are you the magic weapon of the Sun King?"

Worm smiled and said nothing.

Ning Tao used the Trinity Tripod as a magic weapon, fighting Phillips and True Dragon Polon, Daenerys was not present, and this shameful thing Phillips would certainly not pass to the Holy Legion through intelligence, so It was normal for her not to know.

"Come and tell me." Daenerys looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao picked up the large Japanese gourd that was placed in the temple, then grabbed Daenerys' arm, strode back under the lock wall, opened a door of convenience, and pulled her in.

Zhe Er opened the door of the temple again and yelled, "God's people, come in now."

The immortal people gathered in front of the temple rushed to the temple.

There will soon be a war here. Even people who are reluctant to stay home will not want to stay here after knowing so many Tucheng villages.

Behind the door of convenience is Feng

Undead Fire Phoenix's room in the Phoenix Palace.

The undead phoenix is ​​floating in the void, sitting cross-legged in a meditating posture, the body is burning with the phoenix phoenix, and the golden runes on her skin flow like ant colonies in her skin, bringing a little mysterious and sacred to her skin Beauty.

When Ning Tao pulled in Daenerys, Undead Phoenix opened her eyes.

Ning Tao said, "Beloved wife, I am back."

The undead phoenix ended the practice and landed on both feet, greeted barefoot: "Feng Lang, I was worried about you. I went to the place where my two daughters lived and asked, they said that you went to Fengxian Mountain to investigate the enemy's situation. I chase After a while, but didn't catch up with you. I thought you had opened the door of convenience and I couldn't catch up with you, so I came back ... 咦 Who is this heavenly woman? "

You are so big, do you see it now?

Her eyes were only her Feng Lang.

Ning Tao released Daenerys' hand and took the hand of Undead Fire Phoenix: "She's the daughter of Elisabba. I caught her and brought her back."

"Elisaba's daughter?" A fierce light flashed through the phoenix's eyes.

Daenerys suddenly became tense.

"She is a very valuable hostage," Ning Tao said.

He knows Undead Fire Phoenix better than anyone else, just a glance, he knew that Undead Fire Phoenix wanted to kill Daenerys, so he quickly reminded her and broke her thoughts.

"Can't kill?"

Ning Tao shook his head: "Can't kill."

Undead Fire Phoenix's face showed a disappointed expression: "Then let her die."

Daenerys was relieved.

She despised Ning Tao and all the immortal people in the immortal land, but she could not despise the undead phoenix. Nothing else. In the world of heaven and man, the phoenix represents the beast of auspicious auspicious status, which is equal to the god. What does she despise in such a non-godless existence?

Ning Tao said, "I'll leave her to your caretaker. I have to go to the barracks to arrange for her husband."

"Then when will you come back?" Just go back and leave, Undead Fire Phoenix obviously reluctant.

Faced with a smile, Ning Tao said softly, "Go to your husband and tell them about the situation, and then come back."

Undead Phoenix nodded his head: "Well, I'll wait for you to come back to bed."

Ning Tao: "..."

But he nodded.

Although he loves to pet her.

What's more, he felt ashamed.

Before in that small valley, when he was impulsive, he never thought of his wife at home. Now when he thinks of it, he feels guilty and feels sorry for them.

"Then you go, I'll give you a warm quilt," said Undead Fire Phoenix.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Don't keep warm, I'm afraid you burned the bed."

Undead Fire Phoenix gave Ning Tao a glance.

Ning Tao leaned over and stepped on her cheeks.

Undead Phoenix smiled again.

Daenerys looked at Ning Tao with blue eyes full of contempt and contempt.

The look seemed to be saying.

You scum can also marry the Phoenix Girl?

Toad ate the swan meat!

Ning Tao pointed at Daenerys, and said fiercely, "You better be honest with me."

Undead Fire Phoenix said: "Feng Lang, you go, if she is not honest, I will kill her, and then take her body to feed Worm II."

Daenerys shivered.

I don't know why, she is not afraid of Ning Tao, but she is afraid of immortality.

The temple was transferring immortal people, and Ning Tao didn't open the door of convenience. He went out and called the golden auspicious cloud to fly to the military camp.

After three days, the two army of the kingdom of heaven, the army of the army led by the king of the no-bog swamp will be under the city, in this city

There may be a local spy lurking, so important information, he must tell Zhixianer in time.

In the Phoenix Palace.

Undead Fire Phoenix looked at her bed and seemed to be hesitant to warm the quilt. Daenerys was by her side, but she ignored it.

Daenerys hesitated, breaking the silence in the room, biting her head, "I am the maiden of the Temple of Sky."

Undead Fire Phoenix glanced back at her: "You are the maiden of the Temple of Sky. Good. After the war here, I will go to your holy city with my Fenglang, and I will burn your sky **** myself. temple."

How else do you talk to you like you?

Daenerys worked very hard to restrain her emotions, and then said: "You are a noble Phoenix girl, I respect you, your disrespect is not related to my belief, but there is a word I still want Tell you. "

"What do you want to say?"

"He doesn't deserve you at all," Daenerys said.

"Who is he you say?" Undead Fire Phoenix asked.

Daenerys shrugged her shoulders slightly: "Do you have any other men? I said him, he is the Ning Tao, the immortal immortal."

Undead Phoenix turned cold: "What do you mean?"

Daenerys said, "Don't you understand what I mean? You are a noble Phoenix girl, and non-gods can't control it. And he's just an immortal, with a humble identity, he just doesn't deserve you."

Her voice just fell ...


From time to time, the red fist landed on Daenerys's abdomen, Daenerys snorted, and the whole man flew up, bumped heavily against a wall, and then embedded in it.

Undead Fire Phoenix's body flickered, and a punch hit Daenerys' chest.

Her fist was wrapped in a ball of flame, and she was afraid that even a tank would be penetrated by her and burned into molten iron!

Daenerys closed her eyes and shivered.

The fist of Undead Fire Phoenix did not fall on her.

For just two or three seconds, she was really scared.

Undead Fire Phoenix put down his fist: "Feng Lang said that he couldn't kill you, I will spare you, but if you dare to talk nonsense again, I can't control my fist."


The bricks shattered and Daenerys fell to the floor.

Undead Phoenix has turned away, and is too lazy to even look at her.

Daenerys got up from the ground, wiped a trace of blue blood from the corner of her mouth, and called up the courage to say [.]: "What if I say a fact?"

Undead Fire Phoenix turned around and looked at Daenerys coldly: "What fact?"

Daenerys stared straight at the Undead Phoenix, and her eyes were clearly judging how she would react if she said things. Her careful observation soon came to fruition, and then she said, "Your Feng Lang sharpened me."

Immortal Fire Phoenix suddenly stopped.

Daenerys took a deep breath and repeated it again: "I swear to you with the glory of the maiden of the Temple of the Sky, what I said is true, your Feng Lang sharpened me before returning here, and more than once . "

Undead Fire Phoenix was silent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Da Nilith's mouth had a hint of imperceptible smile, and she watched the reaction of Undead Fire Phoenix.

If the relationship between Undead Fire Phoenix and Ning Tao can be differentiated, then the price she paid is worth it!


The daughter has given herself generously for the great cause of the Empire!

Goddess of wisdom!

I gave everything for Taoism!

So excited!

So glorious!

"And then?" Suddenly Phoenix asked suddenly.

Daenerys: "?"

PS: Fifth more, tired to become a dog, old and old ...

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