Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1212: Bridegroom

The three-day period is getting closer and closer, and the East Road also transmitted intelligence about the siege of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The three-way pinch will be the decisive battle tomorrow night.

The entire Jizo City was shrouded in an atmosphere of mountain rain.

Except Phoenix Palace.

In the Phoenix Palace, a family of five around a table, eating hot pot while eating Xianxian pot.

The family of five is Ning Tao, Xi'er, Undead Phoenix and two fox spirits. Although the two fox spirits have different identities, they are the same in nature, only separated by a layer of paper.

Daenerys stared at the family of five while eating hot pot, drinking fine wine, and joking. She has n’t eaten for two days, she ’s very hungry, and a little scent can evoke her appetite, not to mention the hot pot cooked by Xianxian.

But it wasn't that Ning Tao didn't give her food, but she didn't even touch the food she gave her.

She was afraid of Ning Tao's poisoning.

He was pitted by the first positive contact, and he was also given that. What a bad thing is such a shameless scum?

"Godfather, she hasn't eaten for two days. Should I give her something to eat?" Humei said.

Ning Tao said: "You don't need to worry about her. She wants to go on a hunger strike."

Humei looked at Daenerys with an unbearable look: "Goddaddy, I look at her so poorly, I'll give her a bowl to pass."

Ning Tao said, "You can go if you want, but I don't think she will eat."

Hu Meisheng filled a bowl of meat and vegetables in front of Daenerys, and said with a smile: "Sister, you can eat something. The hot pot cooked by my godfather is delicious."

Daenerys glanced at Humei and Ning Tao. When looking at Humei, her eyes were normal, but when she moved to Ning Tao, her eyes changed. She wished to eat Ning Tao's meat and drink Ning Tao's blood.

Ning Tao was a little speechless.

One hundred days a couple.

As for such hatred, so much hate?

"Eat, your body matters." Humei said.

Daenerys said coldly, "How do you let me eat with your hands tied?"

Hu Mei smiled and said, "Sister, everyone is a woman. Women are not embarrassed by women. Let me feed you."

Daenerys hesitated, then nodded.

She didn't want to eat it, but the hot pot cooked by this Xianshi pot was too fragrant. She had never smelled such a fragrant food, let alone ate it.

Humei really held chopsticks to feed Daenerys to eat, very gentle and attentive.

Ning Tao was curious about how the little fox spirit was so enthusiastic and had such a good impression on Daenerys, but he didn't want to see it, even when he was eating, Daenerys was staring at him.

"I went to see Elisabeth after dinner. You stay at home for the final pre-war preparations." Ning Tao said while eating hot pot.

Xi'er tilted his head and looked at Ning Tao: "Tiger, don't you take me?"

Ning Tao said: "I guess he is alone tonight. We will be vigilant if we go too much, so stay at home, the enemy is nearby, so I am more at ease in staying in Jizo."

"Be careful then," Xi'er said.

Fudge's eyes were full of worries, and her lips moved, but the words of concern and exhortation were not spoken. She is not the same as Humei. She always keeps in mind her identity as a daughter. Of course, this reminder is only when there are outsiders or a few "goddams".


A muffled sound.

Ning Tao looked around, and then froze on the spot.

Daenerys had fallen to the ground with medicine, and foamed in her mouth, unconscious.

Humei suddenly changed her face, and slap her on Daenerys's grandma, slap her insincerely: "I have long seen you as unpleasant, dare to stare at my godfather, and see that my medicine will not kill you!"

Ning Tao: "..."

Just now the sister called the intimacy, and also said that women do not embarrass women.

I believe you a ghost.

You little fox.

Southwest of Jizo City, an unknown mountain.

Elisabha stood on the highest rock on the mountain, looking up at Jizo City. His expression was dignified, with anger and self-blame in his eyes, and pain and helplessness. It was very complicated.

All he is bearing now is because Ning Tao has kidnapped his daughter, and the one he loves most in his life is his daughter. If Ning Tao agrees, he would even use him to exchange Daenerys back.

He has been waiting here for a long time, but Ning Tao has not appeared yet, and his heart is getting more and more anxious.

"Dani, you must be fine. It's all because your father is bad. I told you to bring me here, but I didn't protect you ... I blame me ..."! Lisaba's mood suddenly got out of control and she slammed herself on the rock.


Huge rocks of at least a hundred tons burst and the rubble flew across.

Void shivered, and a figure emerged through the air.

Here comes Ning Tao.

The thunder hammer is not the most powerful weapon, but it is unique as a means of transportation. Traveling thousands of miles in a flash, even light. However, it cannot fly for as long as light, and its void travel is extremely energy consuming.

Ning Tao collected the thunder hammer, summoned the golden clouds, and then slowly flew over to Elisabeth.

"Elisabbasian is long, sorry for being a little late. I just cooked hot pot for her daughter at home. She hasn't eaten for two days." Ning Tao said the opening remark.

"You better not hurt her!" Elisabah said, biting his teeth.

Ning Tao smiled: "I'm such a polite person, how can I be a reasonable person, how can I hurt your daughter?"

"I'm here alone tonight, and make your offer," Elisabha said.

Ning Tao said: "I came alone, so you don't have to worry about anything, just say something."

Eli Saba said a moment of silence before saying: "I can't promise your condition, you change it."

Ning Tao laughed aloud: "Oh, change a condition? You, Shi Jingjing and Phillips will hit the Jizo City three times tomorrow. You will have more soldiers and more soldiers, and my side is less vulnerable. Destroyed by you. I don't exist anymore, what else do I **** want? "

"You need to get out of here," Elisaba said.

"leave here?"

Elisabah said: "Yes, leave here tonight, I will give you how much money you want, I can even give you boats and people, you go elsewhere and start again. No doubt you will lose in this battle, you Why accompany those immortal people to death? "

Ning Tao said lightly: "Leaving is impossible, I can't do it, so I want you to leave your battlefield with your holy army."

Elisaba's eyes turned cold: "What if I don't?"

Ning Tao shrugged slightly: "I'm sorry, I will kill your daughter."

He is willing to do this evil for the common people of Lixian.

Kill one person and save 10,000 people. Who doesn't go to hell?

"Isn't it time to talk?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I only have this one condition, you have no other choice."

Eli Saba's momentum suddenly increased, and his eyes became extremely cold. His hand grabbed the axe handle of the sky axe around his waist, and the pieces of gravel around him floated without warning.

"Would you like to do it?" Ning Tao said, as soon as he probed, Lei Gonghammer flew out of the Japanese gourd and fell into his hand.

Elisabeth said in a deep voice: "Tonight only one of us can leave here, and I'll give you a fair fight, but you have to let my daughter down."

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

He knew Elisabah's motive.

In Elisaba's view, if he could beat him, there would be no problem holding him for Daenerys.

If he fails, he can trade Daenerys back for himself. In this way, he not only defended his faith, but also preserved his loyalty to the kingdom of heaven.

Poor parents.

Ning Tao sighed: "You made such a decision that I don't want to kill you."

Eli Saba snorted, "Promise me, if I die, then Daenerys is worthless. Please let her go. Can you promise me?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I promise you."

Eli Saba added: "If I defeat you, I won't kill you, I will replace you with my daughter."

Ning Tao felt a complex feeling in his heart.

Why is such an upright person the enemy?

When this idea came up, he was cleared out afterwards. The integrity, loyalty, and love of the man in front of him are only directed at his religion, his kingdom, his daughter, has nothing to do with immortal people. He came all the way through the siege, killing Xianmin was not softened!

Maybe it was because of Daenerys.

I really shouldn't do that.

Men must control their belts.

"Kill!" Eli Saba suddenly yelled, his body flickered, and he immediately reached Ning Tao's body. The open axe in his hand split against Ning Tao's neck.

The axe winds up.

Ning Tao was too lazy to even swing his hand, waving his hand and hitting it with a hammer.


The axe hit the hammer.

The energy shock wave was released from the contact point in all directions, the mountain at the foot trembled violently, the rock broke, and the landslide!

Both Ning Tao and Elisaba were bombed.

Ning Tao flew a distance of more than ten meters, but Eli Saba flew a distance of dozens of meters.

The two have not really played against each other before, this time is the first time they have actually played against each other. Ning Tao's strength is obviously stronger than Eli Saba!

After all, Ning Tao is already expensive as a demigod, and Eli Saba is just a fairy.

However, a life-and-death battle on the battlefield, a small gap in strength, actually does not determine the final result ~ ~ a person's courage, belief and luck are also very critical factors that can influence the final result.

But, Eli Saba never lacked courage and faith.

"Ah-" Eli Saba yelled, his cohesive momentum hanging over his head like a mountain.

Gather gas.


A tremble in the void, an axe of aura condensing flashed in front of Ning Tao.

That axe blade is hundreds of meters long!

Ning Tao smashed it with a hammer.

The electric flash flickered, and the wind blew into the wall.


The sound of an explosion shaking the ground.

The energy shock released by the energy collision will cut off this mountain alive!

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