Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1219: Great victory


Several warships were smashed and broken by Polon. Heavenly warships were like toy ships built by blocks in front of the real dragon.

Polon apparently vented the resentment he received at Zushi to the fleet of heaven.

It is not a shame for God Beasts to surrender in order to save their lives. Whether it is a spirit beast or a beast of God, surrender to the strong is a matter of righteousness. At that time, the Sunstar Jun was able to subdue the Undead Phoenix for the same reason. In the world of spirit beasts and **** beasts, as long as you are stronger than him, everything you say is right.

Zhenlong Polong came into battle, which is definitely a very good thing for Fanxiandi, but it is not the case for Phillips.

"Boron!" Phillips growled. "What are you doing?"


Long Yin.

The flagship of the Heavenly Fleet was hit by a group of dragon flames, and it immediately burned. The fire became more and more powerful. Some of the flagships were natural, some were burned to death, and some jetties escaped.

This is Polon's response.

In his eyes, Phillips was already a loser, he was not qualified to command him at all, and he did not need to explain anything to Phillips.

"Retreat! Retreat--" Phillips shouted loudly.

There should be a sound of French snails here.

However, the brother blowing the snail was just burned to death by Bolong's flame.

The king's life could not be issued, and the fleet of the kingdom of heaven had already fallen apart, and one battleship escaped in different directions. The immortals and immortals of the immortal land, the beasts of the endless forest took the opportunity to hunt.

Although the battle has not ended, the results of the battle have already been revealed.

Ning Tao waved San Sheng Ding, he and San Sheng Ding disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already Phillips' back from a kilometer away.

A sense of crisis suddenly came, and Phillips turned sharply, and you stabbed the flying sword towards Sanshan Ding, which suddenly came through.

Hit with a sword.

Feijian inch inch break.

Insect two can even scoop down dragon meat, and a flying sword is like sugar cane to it.

"Hey! The king doesn't kill the king." Zuji said.

Phillips froze slightly.

The king does not kill the king.

If Ning Tao spares his life, he will leave here immediately, and he will undoubtedly report this hatred!

The next time he gathers his army to Fanxiandi, he will not give Ning Tao any chance!

But just when he was a god, a hammer suddenly seldom came over and hit him in the head.


Open your head.

Blood splattered.

Almost at the same moment, a phoenix claw stabbed him on the back, was infused, and his chest was pierced.

Phillips's eyes were wide, and his eyes were full of fear and unwillingness, and his mouth tried to make a sound: "The king does not kill the king ..."

Zhe Er said: "The king does not kill the king. He is talking about the king of kings, but the Ning Aiqing is the king of immortals. He can kill you."

"Oh!" Phillips squirted blue blood, his lips trembling, and he couldn't make a sound when he wanted to say something.

The undead phoenix pulled the claws of the phoenix back, and more blood spewed out of Phillips' body.

Without waiting for any reaction from him, Ning Tao drew another hammer on his forehead.


Phillips' head cracked, and blood and brain pattered. His eyes closed at that time, and they closed forever.

Heavenly King Phillips, fallen!

A white tiger came to Ning Tao's side and instantly regained human shape.

"Tiger, how to deal with the surrender of the white flag by the heavenly warship?" Xi'er opened his door and saw the truth.


The three-way army killed them from three directions, and burned and plundered wherever they went, leaving no one to live. Now that they want to surrender, are those fairy people who died in their hands willing to accept? Should those heavenly men and soldiers whose hands are soaked with the blood of the immortal people, do something to destroy humanity, should be forgiven and let go?

Undead Fire Phoenix also regained her human form, and she sustained many injuries, but only minor injuries did not hinder her.

Undead Phoenix is ​​also waiting for Ning Tao to make a decision.

Ning Tao said let go and she didn't have to do anything.

Ning Tao said to kill, she would join the war again.

But without waiting for Ning Tao to make a decision, a flying sword suddenly flew in, and the heavenly man standing on the flying sword held a white flag.

It was the Celestial Agent Celestia who surrendered.

Ning Tao still remembers him. It was this West Asia evening two days ago, when he met Eli Saba, this guy prepared hundreds of immortal hostages and threatened him to hand over Daenerys.

That guy was so arrogant that night, there was no one in his eyes, and he was saying that he would destroy Jizo City, but now he came over with a white flag to surrender. This scene is really ironic.

"Immortal King, I am the Immortal West Asia of the Sacred Legion, the Bishop of the Holy City of Heaven, I deliberately surrendered." West Asia Zhenzhen has a word, although it surrendered, but his tone still has a little high meaning.

After all, he is an arrogant celestial being, and he has a contempt for the immortal people of the immortal land, which is not to say that he can hide.

Ning Tao looked at him, and said lightly, "Surender?"

West Asia said: "You have won, we have defeated, please allow us to leave Fanxian land. I assure you that there will be no war in Heaven and Fanxian land within a hundred years."

Ning Tao smiled: "What about a hundred years later?"

West Asia said: "I can only guarantee you a century of peace, and what it will be like in a hundred years, I do n’t know. Order quickly, let your people stop attacking. We have been defeated. As the highest commander now, I am officially Surrender to you. "

Ning Tao said, "You killed all the way, I think a lot of immortals will surrender to you, I guess, they will not only hold white flags, but also kneel on the ground and ask you to let them go, am I right?"

Sia frowned suddenly, and there was a flash of resentment in her eyes, but his face remained calm and still looked calm: "Dear King Fairy, are you making me kneel? ? "

Ning Tao didn't say yes or no, just looked at him.

Xiah Zhenzhen said eloquently: "I come to the Holy Bishop of Heavenly Taoism, I will only be the goddess of wisdom and the supreme heavenly god. You are just a fairy. You are not ... I will not kneel to you."

He originally wanted to say that you were not qualified, but considering the situation at hand, he changed it to be more polite.

He is not a fool who can't understand the situation, but arrogance has penetrated into his bone marrow and cannot be changed, and he doesn't seem to want to change.

Ning Tao suddenly pointed behind West Asia and said, "West Asia Fairy, who do you think?"

West Asia looked back.

The moment he turned around, Ning Tao fell out of his thunder hammer.


The hammer smashed into the back of West Asia, blood and brain splattered.

West Asia turned, her eyes widened, and she said in horror: "You ... mean ..."

Xi'er struck a slap on the back of Xiya's head: "Dare to scold me Tiger Lang, I will kill you!"

West Asia fell from the flying sword.

Even if Xier didn't pat his slap, he would die, but he could live at least a few more seconds, and Xier made up a slap, and he died completely.

Ning Taozhensheng said: "Kill-how many can kill!"

This is his order.

These days, the hands that people buy one are covered with the blood of Xianmin. I do n’t know how many of Xianmin ’s wives and daughters have been harmed. How can they deal with those dead Xianmin if they do not report it?

Moreover, the celestial beings have never seen Xianmin as an adult. This time they failed fiercely. After returning, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not assemble revenge. At that time, would they let the fairy people of Fanxiandi escape?

Longitudinal tigers return to the mountains, and endless troubles.

Then he simply came to cut the roots!

The military power of the kingdom of heaven has been destroyed. And if the immortal people of the immortal land rise, it must have a safe environment!

Xi'er and Undead Fire Phoenix are also engaged in the battle to kill heaven and earth.

"Ning Aiqing, I feel ..." Zhe Er's voice.

Without waiting for the second insect to finish speaking, Ning Tao flew to Jizo City.

He also felt what Zoji felt.

That's not something, but ...


Rocks exploded suddenly, and a mighty figure popped out of the rock pile.

The figure was five meters tall, holding a stick in hand, and wearing thongs. It was the demon king Shijing of Nanwu Marsh.

The previous explosion just buried him and hurt him a little bit, and now he came out.

"Immortal King-You roll out and die for Lao Tzu!" Shi Jing exclaimed, roaring.

His words have just fallen.

A hammer flew down from the top of his head and hit his head.

He sent Ning Tao to death, and Ning Tao came.

Before the person arrives, the hammer comes first.

Shi Jingjing picked it with a stick, and Thunder Gong was swept away by him.

But this is only one of Ning Tao's three hammers, and it is the weakest.

"You go to death!" Ning Tao has reached the top of Shi Jingjing's head, grasping the tripod foot in the middle of San Shengding with both hands, and smashed into Shi Jingjing's head with the thunderous potential.

Shi Jingjing hit another stick.


The Sansheng tripod was mounted together with a stick. The stick was bent momentarily, and in the wild energy release, the human face on the tripod suddenly opened his blood basin, and bite into Shi Jingjing's waist.

At this moment, Shi Jingjing's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Ning Tao's magic weapon actually attacked his chicken!


Blood splattered.

Shi Jingjing's waist was missing a piece of flesh, and even his natal stone went into Zuji's mouth.

"Ah-" Shi Jingjing screamed extremely loudly.

His chicken is gone. What will happen next?

He led troops to attack Fanxian land, not for the territory and money, but to grab Ning Tao's woman, but did not expect that he did not even touch the hand of Ning Tao's woman, and the most important tools in his body were confiscated Already.

I hate it!

"Kill!" Shi Jingjing yelled ~ ~ and kicked at the worm face on Sansheng Ding.

The bug opened her mouth.


Shi Jingjing also lost one leg.

He broke down.

"Want to grab my woman? I smashed you a silly monkey!" Ning Tao smashed down with three lives.


Hammer in the head!

Shi Jingjing's skull cracked blood and splashed his face. He lost one leg and fell into the stone pile. Without waiting for her to get up or make a demon, Ning Tao's hammer fell down again ...


Dangdang ...

There is no more Shi Jingjing in this world, only Shi Jingjing meatloaf.

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