Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1224: Holy city of hemia

Holy City of Heaven.

If the fairyland is very beautiful, nine points is in the holy city of Hemia.

Fanxiandi is almost a barren land, Gobi Mountain, Gobi Mountain, and most of the places are bare. There are few plains rich in grass and water suitable for farming, but no one dares to go because of the presence of fairy catchers.

The kingdom of heaven is different, because there is no harassment by immortal catchers, the people of heaven live and work in peace, and because of the combination of technology and cultivation of prehistoric civilization, it is the most developed civilization. The kingdom of heaven is vast and the land is fertile.

In the whole kingdom of heaven, the most prosperous is the holy city of Hemia.

The sky temple suspended in the sky is the landmark of the holy city of Hemia. When the weather is good, it can be seen hundreds of miles away. The majestic main body of the temple, as well as the first-order stairs to the sky, and even the emblem of the goddess of wisdom above the minaret of the temple are all talked about and there are many religious stories.

In addition to the sky temple, there is also the heavenly temple of the highest heavenly god. Although the temple is located on the ground, it occupies almost a tenth of the entire holy city. It is larger, more majestic, and magnificent than the royal palace. It is known as It is the first shrine of fairyland.

At this moment, an army is advancing to the high heaven shrine. This army has thousands of people, wearing golden immortal armor, wearing a white hawk helmet, all three meters tall, one tall and powerful, beautiful and flawless, like the honor guard of the elven country.

This army is the Guardian Corps of the King's Palace, the Bald Eagle Corps, the military force that guards the Royal Palace. They were also hailed as the last barrier to heaven, and this time Phillips's expedition did not bring the Guards. After all, the Holy Army went on a mission, and the holy city of Hemia also needed to be guarded.

The immortal of the Guards Corps, named Peo, is a celestial being. It is said that if the kingdom of heaven comes out again, it must be Peao.

There was a golden horse-drawn carriage in the marching bald eagle legion, which was drawn by eight horses. This golden carriage is the driving of Phillips. It is made of the finest golden immortal gold, with a large umbrella and golden wheels.

It has a name, Thang Long.

Shenglong means that the faucet is upward, soaring into the sky.

Shenshan is in the sky. Phillips gave him such a name for his concubine. His intention is self-evident, and he has the ambition to become a god.

However, he had turned into **** in Zoji Er's belly.

Moreover, Zushi Er will never pull him out.

This is the most terrible.

The dragon car was slowly escorted to the sky temple under the **** of thousands of bald eagle guards, and the new people on the goddess street knelt down. In the Kingdom of Heaven, seeing the dragon car as if to see the fairy king's decree, except Elisabha must kneel.

"Strange, doesn't it mean that the king of the heavens fell in the land of the immortal?"

"Yeah, the whole army is destroyed. It's terrible."

"My neighbour's son has also gone on an expedition this time and can never return."

"Why is that fairy king so powerful? He even killed so many of our children, even our fairy king was killed by him, and I cursed him to hell."

"Do you still need to say? Our Fairy King is very bright, it must be that the immortal King defeated our Fairy King by treacherous schemes."

"Yes, yes, this must be the case."

"So where did it go? I mean, our fairy king has fallen, how did the dragon car of the fairy king come out?"

"Yes, who is sitting in the dragon car?"

"The dragon car went to the sky temple. The sky temple is the place where a major ceremony is held. Is a funeral going to be held?"

"It is necessary to wear white for funerals. These bald eagle warriors wear gold armor, certainly not for funerals."

"It's not a funeral, the dragon truck has come out ... Is it a ceremony?"

"Isn't it so hasty, right? Such a major event should be made known to the world."

"Yeah, I haven't heard of the recent ceremony, not to mention our Emperor Wuxi. If it was the ceremony, who would be in the dragon car?"

"I don't know, don't talk about it, what you say is dangerous."

Among the kneeling crowd, some heavenly people were talking secretly.

In fact, arguments like this are everywhere, and the wind is spreading in the streets of the holy city of Hemia.

This is indeed very strange.

After Phillips was absent, there was no crown prince in heaven. Phillips died in battle. Who will be the fairy king of the kingdom of heaven has been a matter of great debate in the kingdom of the kingdom these days, but there has been no firm statement. Therefore, the dragon car suddenly appeared on the street and was escorted by the Bald Eagle Legion to the Sky Temple. It is no wonder that the heavenly people in the holy city had the speculation of the ascension ceremony.

The Bald Eagle Legion escorted the dragon car to the square under His Highness.

At least 100,000 people in the holy city have gathered on the square. There are gorgeously dressed nobles, ordinary people dressed in heaven, and some heavenly people who take advantage of the flying sword to occupy a favorable position. The celestial beings in the square all came to see the excitement after enquiries. The discussion about whether it was the ascension ceremony and who will become the Heavenly King of the Kingdom was more enthusiastic.

The bald eagle guarded the road, and the heavens and men in the square conceded. The dragon car continued to advance through the square, and finally stopped before climbing the ladder.

The eyes of everyone gathered on the curtain of the dragon car.

Who will come out of the dragon car?


In a boat building next to the square, a window opened a gap. An immortal slave looked at the dragon car while holding a sailing mile.

This person is not someone else, it is Liu Jun who is the No. 1 Huajianzi.

After Ning Tao rescued him from Ovisamp the same day, he took the initiative to invite the Holy City of Hemia to gather information for Ning Tao.

However, he has not gained much since this time.

until today.

The new king of heaven ascended the throne!

This is important information!

Liu Jun's mind is already writing information on how to write to Jizo City ...

"Arjun, what are you looking at?" A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, not the standard Xianmin language, but the tone was delicate and delicate, with a sultry taste.

Liu Jun retracted his miles and turned to the past.

He actually knew who was calling him, but he had to deal with it.

In the room came a lady of noble nature, gorgeously dressed, and a delicate and beautiful face. The disadvantage is that she is not tall, which is just one meter and nine inches. Although it is also very forward and backward, it is a dwarf in the heavenly world.

However, even with such a dwarf, Liu Jun stood short with her.

This natural woman is called Ivana. Her father is a businessman who runs grain and cloth in the holy city. The business is very big and the family is quite rich. By the standards of the earth, that is the billionaire. Only a rich man like him can buy a luxury home in a prime location next to the Sky Temple Square.

Ivana's father was named Donaldson.

Ivana became a heart attack of Tang Desen, but there were hundreds of millions of real estate but he couldn't find his son-in-law.

In the celestial world, even the poor live a very nourishing life. Even without labor, they can live comfortably, and the folks have no way to compare themselves. Who would marry an elf woman for money? What's more, the status of businessmen in the heavenly world is not high. Those who control the kingdom of heaven are those aristocrats and immortals Xianwu, and those talents are considered elite.

So Liu Jun came to fill the vacancy.

The first time was to add medicine and force.

The second time was willing.

Ivana was lonely. It was during the emptiness that Huajianzi broke into her world. Even if she knew it was unlikely to have results, she still loved to die. Externally, Liu Jun is her fairy slave. When there were no outsiders, she was the slave of Liu Jun.

Therefore, Liu Jun was able to investigate in her boudoir with valuable miles.

In fact, Liu Jun didn't want her to come, but everyone came, and he could only receive it.

Liu Jun walked towards Ivana with a smile: "My sweetheart, didn't you say you want to take a bath?"

Ivana's face was filled with a sweet smile: "My heart is all about you, I can't wait to be with you, so I wash very fast, I don't believe you smell it." She raised an arm , Handed the beautiful jade-carved jade hand to Liu Jun's nostril, "I sprinkle rose perfume, is it fragrant?"

Even if she didn't raise her hand, Liu Jun could smell the roses on her body, but he still sniffed very gently.

With a tiger in his heart, he sniffed the rose.

Ivana got into his arms, closed her eyes, and waited shyly.

Liu Jun stomped his feet ...

After a brief warming, Liu Jun said, "My sweetheart, there is a ceremony on the outside. Would you like to see it outside the window?"

Ivana said, "I don't want to see any ceremony, I want to see you."

Liu Jun said with emotion: "I'll watch the ceremony at the window, will you look at me beside me?"

Ivana raised her mouth, but nodded.

Liu Jun returned to the window again and raised his eyes to look.

Ivana snuggled up next to Liu Jun and looked at Liu Jun with a jerk.

In the eyes of her lover, Shih-shih, in her heart, her Liu Lang is the best-looking man in the world.

Where did Liu Jun go to see Ivana? His thoughts were all on the golden dragon car.

Until now, the curtain of the dragon car has not been opened.

Who wants to inherit Datong ~ ~ and become the new king of heaven?

At this moment, the people in the square suddenly rioted.

Liu Jun hurriedly moved his eyes.

A thousand miles away, a red flying horse came to the sky. The fairy sitting on horseback is wearing gold armor and a white helmet, and her cloak dances with the wind.

The bald eagle legionnaire suddenly shouted, "Peo! Peo! Peo!"

The voice was neat and uniform.

At first, only the soldiers of the Bald Eagle Legion shouted, but soon the people in the whole square shouted at the wind, the sound was like a mountain shouting tsunami!

Phillips fell and Eli Saba disappeared. Now Peo has become the most powerful person in the whole kingdom of heaven, and it can even be said to be the mainstay of the whole kingdom of heaven. He certainly did not dare to allow the soldiers of the Bald Eagle Legion to act like this, but now he should not do the same.

No tiger in the mountain is called king!

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