Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1235: God's program?

The temple was enclosed inside the palace, probably a place where Phillips was used to store books and artifacts. Ning Tao will not know if Zeng Er will take something with her or eat something.

There was a ray of ink smoke in the Sanshengding.

Chong Er muttered something, until Ning Tao and Daenerys entered the temple, they closed their mouths, but then opened again a second later: "Aha! Aunt Ning Aiqing, Mother Danny, what kind of wind has brought you here? Tonight, but on your wedding night, you should have very important things to do, have you already done it? "

The tusks can't vomit out ivory.

This time Daenerys didn't correct Zheji's appellation to her, nor did she abandon her nonsense.

Ning Tao opened the door and said, "Don't play tricks, tell me, what have you found?"

Zerg Zhengzheng said: "The golden light contains a very powerful mana and wants to take the puppet away, but how can the puppet just like what it wants it to do? As soon as the puppet counters it, it runs away."

"You go on," Ning Tao said, "tell me everything you know."

Zhe Er went on to say: "In addition to the extremely powerful mana, there is a sound in the golden light. The sound seems to be a synthetic sound. It says that the first staircase of the holy tomb is empty. Come soon ... "

Ning Tao couldn't help but look at Daenerys, the sound of Zoji Er's confusion from the golden light was the same as that heard by Daenerys. There was curiosity and suspicion in his heart. What message was hidden in this sentence?

Daenerys also seemed surprised, but she said nothing.

Zuji said: "There are also runes in the crystal palace. They seem to have been edited. They are not spells, nor are they large-scale magic squares ..."

With that said, it didn't say any more.

Ning Tao said: "It's not a spell, nor is it a large rule. What is the rune in the golden light?"

"Yeah, you say it quickly," Daenerys urged.

Zuji said: "I think it's a program, a program written in a god-level rune."

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

Program, the word can be seen everywhere on the earth, a small mobile phone contains countless complex programs. But those programs are edited by numbers and programming languages, and no one has ever written any programs with runes. Now, Zuji Er tells him that what is hidden in the golden light is actually a program written by a god-level rune. What a surprise!

Zhe Er went on to say: "If you can stay a little longer in that golden light, you will definitely get more information, but that golden light seems to have spirituality, knowing that you are deciphering it, then it disappears. Something is controlling that golden light, and He found it. "

The more Ning Tao heard, the more surprised he was, it was simply appalling!

"Did you find any information about my father in the golden light?" Daenerys said anxiously.

Zhe Er spread out a pair of short hands: "Mother Danny, I'm sorry, I didn't find any information about your father."

Daenerys' mood dropped suddenly.

Ning Tao comforted: "Don't worry, your father-in-law, Lord Ji Tianxiang, will be fine."

Daenerys nodded, but still looked glum.

Worm II, counted with his finger, and said after half a ring: "Mother Danny, you don't have to worry about it, your finger is counted, your father is dead and should be alive."

Daenerys had another spark of hope in her heart: "Then where are you now?"

Zhe Er said: "I just calculated it, I can't lock it, but I guess your father should be in a more advanced space."

"Are you talking about Mount Shen?" Daenerys asked.

Zhe Er said: "The tadpoles are not sure, but most of them are on the mountain."

Daenerys looked at Ning Tao: "Fu Jun, when are you going up the mountain? I want to go with you, I want to go to Shenshan to find my father."

Ning Tao said for a moment before he said, "Going up the mountain, you will have to cross the mountain. Even if I go up, you can't follow it."


"Your cultivation is too weak, even the ordinary gods can't carry it. If you rush to the mountain, you will die on the mountain. At that time your father was still alive, but you were not there. You want to let Does she send white hair to black people? "Ning Tao said.

"I ..." Daenerys was reluctant to speak, and she was obviously reconciled, but she thought Ning Tao was right. That ’s God Hill. Non-gods ca n’t set foot. She is a little fairy, not even a fairy. How can she go to God Hill to cross the robbery? What's more, she still has a little life in her stomach, how can she take the child to take risks?

Suddenly, Ning Tao remembered something and said, "Love your wife, so my father-in-law was brought to the mountain by the golden light. This is not a bad thing, it is actually a good thing."

"What do you mean?" Daenerys said puzzledly.

Ning Tao said, "You think, Zuji has just made a divination for his father-in-law, and his father-in-law is still alive and alive in a higher space. Otherwise, it means that he has passed the scourge and became a god. Yet?"

Daenerys paused for a moment, and suddenly smiled excitedly: "Hahaha! You really say that is the case, I am not so worried now. However, my father has survived God ’s calamity and became a god, you are afraid Aren't you afraid he will come back to your account? "

Ning Tao: "..."

His son-in-law killed the sacred legion, killed Phillips, and sharpened Daenerys. If Eli Saba crosses and robs God on the mountain, he will meet every day, and Eli Saba will follow him joyfully. Does this son-in-law have a hug?

In his opinion, Elisaba was more likely to chase him with a fifty-meter machete.

"Well, we already understand the situation. I will open the door for you. Go back first." Ning Tao changed the topic.

Daenerys said, "How does this work? Tonight is your wedding night. Will you let me go back home alone?"

Ning Tao: "..."

"No, either you go back with me or I stay here and sleep with you here," Daenerys said.

A small smile appeared on the face of Zoji Er's big cake: "Ning Aiqing, go back home with your mistress. There are not many **** crystals in the Trinity Tribe, you know."

Ning Tao was too lazy to talk nonsense to it, and only said to Daenerys, "Let's go, I'll go back with you."

After the couple left the temple.

Zerg Er started to mumble again, all it said was the runes in the golden light.

It is also trying to crack the runes in that golden light.

There is a program compiled by god-level runes. What does it represent and what secrets are hidden?

It also wants to know.

As the most intelligent instrumental spirit in the Three Realms, there are certain things that Ning Tao does not need to worry about or order to do at all, and it knows what to do.

That night, Ning Tao stayed one night in Daenerys' boudoir. This night, for the first time, Daenerys turned in a full-scale assignment without joint locks.

In the early morning the next day, Daenerys told the world that she and Ning Tao were married. The celebration was held in the Temple of the Sky in the holy city of Hemia three days later.

As soon as this edict came out, I didn't know elsewhere, but the holy city of Hemia fry directly. The heaven and the people rushed to tell each other, but most of them opposed the queen, and felt that their queen was extremely noble. Even a fairy like Ning Tao was not worthy of their queen. However, the queen's edict has already been issued, and their objection is useless, except for a few grumbles and daring curses, and nothing more.

The slaves in the holy city of Hemia were very happy, and they all felt very face-saving. Most of the immortal slaves have such an idea, aren't your heavens and men very powerful, don't treat us as humans, today our fairy king has your queen!

The words are not rough.

On the same day, the Queen's second decree came down, ordering the whole kingdom of heaven. Anyone who had a fairy slave at home immediately released it, and returned it to freedom. The loss suffered by the slave owner was compensated by the Queen's hand, Liu Jun. If he did not comply, he would be exiled to the immortal and the property confiscated. If you kill a slave, pay your life.

This second injunction came down, and the people of Heaven and Earth who already had a stomachache went to the streets to protest, but they were suppressed by the Bald Eagle Guards Corps.

Ning Tao also took Liu Jun on the golden auspicious clouds, and flew wherever the riots were serious. Anyone who had violent riots smashed them directly with a thunder hammer, killing them and bringing them to life through cremation.

After a few **** crackdowns, those nobles who had been in trouble did not wake up until they had died. There is no more army in Heaven to fight against the immortals, and the Immortal King can do whatever he wants to clean up the heavens. The immortal king didn't come here to add extra burden, but in fact came to be the king.

After paying the price of blood, those aristocrats learned to be good, and they released the fairy slaves at home. Not only that, they also sent relatives in other places to send urgent home letters to remind them what to do to avoid disaster.

If you let go, you can still get compensation and recover the loss. If you do n’t let go, hurt or kill the slaves, not only will you not get the money, the exile will be exiled to the immortal land, and the heavy family will be ruined.

That's it.

That night, the liberated fairy slaves took to the streets to celebrate. They shouted the King of Immortals and Queen Daenerys and indulged in celebration.

Ning Tao came to Old Tang De's home for dinner.

At the table, Old Tang De was very enthusiastic and kept pouring wine to Ning Tao.

Liu Jun and Ivana seem to be somewhat restrained ~ ~ It's not much to say, they are careful to even pick up a dish.

After dinner, Ning Tao smiled and said to old Tang De: "Mr. Old, you have given your precious daughter to my most respected minister, and I have to give you a generous gift in the future. How about managing your business activities? "

"Ouch!" Old Tang Debai fell to the ground and said excitedly: "Thank Your Majesty Ron."

Ning Tao supported the old Tang Defu and said to Liu Jun and Ivana: "You also choose a good day to host the wedding. I will personally give you a marriage certificate."

"Your Majesty!" Liu Jun was grateful, and pulled Ivana down.

Ning Tao waved his hand: "It's not too late, you go to rest, I will go back by myself."

Leaving the old Tang De's home, Ning Tao walked to the temple of the high **** of heaven.

Temple of nothing.

He has to take a look.

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