In a city with millions of people, the time of Liangzhuxiang disappeared.

What kind of power is this?

Even if the immortal catcher came here to wreak havoc on the city and kill the celestial beings and immortals, it would not be possible to do so. And even if it stepped on in the city one day and one night, killing all people and destroying all houses, there are still traces to follow, there will be ruins of buildings, there will be corpses and blood stains, and it will not be like this What it looked like-only a scorched earth was left, as if it had been cleaned with a broom and a vacuum cleaner.

Old Tang De knelt on the ground, his forehead covered with cold sweat. He was lucky, but others in the Holy City were not as lucky as him. The people he knew, and his relatives and friends, all disappeared.

"Father-in-law, let's go aside." Liu Jun lifted up old Tang De.

The queen was crying, and it was not the same to watch as a courtier.

Old Tang De followed Liu Jun and Ivana elsewhere, and the family of three hugged together. Only after the calamity did they realize that each other was the most precious.

"That ... 朕 also went back to thinking about life." Zoji Er also went back.

What it thinks about, only it knows it.

Only Ning Tao and Daenerys remained on the cliff.

Daenerys wept silently, and Ning Tao's mood was extremely bad.

He was uncomfortable.

He rescued the immortal slaves in the holy city from the slave owners. He felt that he had done a great deed and had great merit. But in a blink of an eye, those immortal slaves who had just been freed had not had time to enjoy more of the taste of liberty, and they all turned into ashes.

No, they didn't even have ashes.

This was a huge blow to him. His nose was actually sour, but he was a man and he had to hold back and not cry.

"Wow!" Daenerys couldn't bear it anymore. She plunged into Ning Tao's arms and burst into tears.

Ning Tao held her gently and comforted Wen Wen, "You shouldn't be too sad, just let them go to Bliss Pure Land."

After crying for a while, Daenerys stopped crying, and said with tears in her eyes, "Do you believe in destiny?"

"I ..." Ning Tao didn't know how to answer for a while.

He never believed in fate, but he didn't know how to tell her.

"I believe it," Daenerys said.

Ning Tao nodded his head, but he didn't even know what he wanted to express.

Daenerys choked and said, "Father, I ... I finally heard what that voice said."

Ning Tao said, "What did that voice say?"

When he escaped from the holy city, it wasn't that he didn't want to know what Daenerys heard, but that there was no time for him to listen at all. Now that he was out of danger, his curiosity suddenly became stronger.

Daenerys was silent for a while before she said, "The voice said ... someone was waiting for me, the first step of the Holy Sepulchre, that was where I met that person, and that person would meet me there."

"Who is that person?" Ning Tao said curiously.

Daenerys said: "The goddess of wisdom, Hemia."

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

Before Daenerys said it, he thought of all possible possibilities, but he did not think of it as the goddess of wisdom, Shemia.

How could it be her?

In the story of Shenzhou, the goddess of wisdom Hemia fell in the explosion that destroyed the mountain of God. It's awkward to say that it's dead, but now it's a fraud!

"Do you believe it?" Daenerys asked.

Ning Tao just came back to him, he shook his head.

Daenerys said, "I believe that I'm going to Cold Star City."

Ning Tao said puzzledly, "What are you going to Hanxing City?"

Daenerys said: "The next night, the Holy Light will come again, and the place will be in the Star City. If I weren't there, it would ruin the City of Stars, just like it destroyed the City tonight.

"No!" Ning Tao refused, "I don't allow you to go!"

Daenerys got up from Ning Tao's arms, her eyes were rare and tender: "I can't bear you, but I must go."

"If you are telling the truth, you will die!" Ning Tao was anxious and angry.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Daenerys' mouth: "No, I won't die. I'll go, it won't ruin Winter Star City. Tonight, if I don't run away, it will take me away, The holy city will not be destroyed. This is all my fault. I must make up for the mistakes I have made. I must also bear the responsibilities that I should bear. I am the queen of heaven and I must protect my people. "

"You ..." nothing was said, but two tears slipped from Ning Tao's eyes.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

If it was before the decisive battle in Jizo City, Daenerys was going to see the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and Ning Tao would not be sad, nor would she cry. But now that his affair with Daenerys has become a positive fruit, and after a long love, how can he be willing to let her go to see Hemia?

He knew what that meant.

Hemia is most likely to borrow her to be born again!

With her soul strength, it wasn't just seconds to see Himia!

As long as she goes to see Hemia, there will be no Daenerys ever since.

For the rest of his life, he would never again realize that her passionate joints were locked, and he would never find the queen who had scolded others while pulling his clothes.

The most important thing is that she was pregnant with his child in her stomach. He had never seen his child in any way. How could he be willing?

Daenerys reached over and gently wiped tears for Ning Tao. She was no longer crying, but at this time began to cry again.

As she wept, a smile appeared on her face: "I didn't expect you to cry for me. With these two tears, I have no regrets."

Ning Tao pulled her into his arms and choked, "Don't go, okay? You will die, I can't live without you. I haven't seen anything like my child ... promise me, don't Go, will you? "

Daenerys' voice also choked: "Father, my child's father, I don't want to go, but ... I have no choice. Compared to the heavenly people and fairy people in a city, there are hundreds of thousands of souls. What is your fortune? "

"What about our children?"

"He will understand me."

"He hasn't been born yet, how does he understand you?" Ning Tao's mood was a bit out of control. "Don't you understand? The owner of Jin Guang is Hemia, and she asked you to meet her, that is to borrow you The soul is back! She will kill your soul without hesitation! She will also kill our children! "

Daenerys seemed calm, "If she really wants to erase my soul, I will ask her to save the life of the child in my stomach, and I think she will agree."

"You ..." Ning Tao didn't know how to persuade her.

His mother-in-law was stubborn, and she would not listen to such things.

Daenerys shed tears in her eyes, but smiled at the corners of her mouth: "Master, since I became a maiden, I have known this day

. In fact, I have been waiting for this day. You do n’t need to persuade me anymore. I have to go to the Cold Star City. This is my destiny. I have to face it. "

"I don't allow you to go." Ning Tao was also stubborn. He just hugged her, for fear that she would suddenly leave him.

Daenerys said softly: "Father, think of those innocent people, but that is hundreds of thousands of lives. I am the fairy king of heaven, you are the fairy king of immortals. If you let me kill me , Save those hundreds of thousands, will you do it? "

Ning Tao froze immediately.

Killing a person to save hundreds of thousands of people, will he start?

If it was someone else, even a great man, he would be very hard-hearted, but this time his wife was going to be killed, and his child was still in her stomach, could he still succeed?

He can't do it.

Daenerys also said: "Father, let me face my destiny, you and I can't escape our respective destinies. If I don't go, the Cold Star City will be battered tomorrow. But that is not the end, it will Wait for me in the next city. When will cities end one after another? If one day they wait for me in Jizo City, do you let go or hug me so tightly? "

Ning Tao's hand fell weakly, and tears dripped again silently.

He didn't believe in fate, but the fetters of fate had fallen on his neck.

Daenerys was holding Ning Tao's cheek: "Father, my child's father, go to Shenshan. This world is about to change. You must be strong enough to protect the people around you."

An indescribable mood was brewing in Ning Tao's mind.

Before tonight, he never put anyone in his eyes, looking at the whole immortal world, who is his opponent except the immortal catcher? However, compared to the golden light that appeared tonight, his power was so humble and fragile!

He needs strength!

He must become stronger!

"In the future, we will meet on the mountain," Daenerys said.

"Do you remember me then?" Ning Tao's voice was full of sadness.

Daenerys smiled bitterly: "How can I forget you? I love you."

Since meeting for the first time, she has not spoken her voice until now.

Ning Tao could no longer control her emotions, plunged into her arms, crying like a child.

She is going to face her destiny.

But what is his fate?

Burying the Sun King on Shenshan Mountain?

After Fengshen challenged none, and then was killed in seconds?

he does not know.

For the first time, he was as confused as ever.

Daenerys took Ning Tao's waist with one hand and bent his legs with one hand ~ ~ Suddenly he hugged him and walked towards the temple.

Ning Tao looked at her in surprise: "Where do you ... take me?"

Daenerys' blue eyes sparkled with tears: "I'm leaving. I don't know when you and my couple will meet again. Before leaving, I want to fight with you again."

Ning Tao laughed, but tears burst out.

He and she knew each other because of a fight.

She was leaving, he and her saw him off in a fight.

Liu Jun, Ivana and Old Tang De watched Daenerys holding Ning Tao into the temple, and no one spoke.

The door of the temple was closed.

The night wind blew across the hills, bringing a breath of sadness.

PS: The public account is alive again, updated a chapter, but now I can't follow it. I can only follow it on June 29 ... search for Li Xianyu, you can see it, but I don't know if I can find ... Amitabha.

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