Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1246: Qing chase's decision

There is a line of white fish belly in the eastern sky. It didn't take long for the whole sky to light up. Then a red sun rose, and today was another good day.

Where should we do business?


One night passed, Ning Tao almost forgot who he was and where he still remembers what was going on.

Several fairies are really good at it, especially the mussel spirit's avatar, which can't say a lot.

"What do I want to do? Oh ... Cook breakfast." Ning Tao finally found something, he got up from the crowd and went out to cook breakfast.

He did not enter the kitchen, so he took out the Xianshi pot in the dining room, and then took some melons, fruits and spirits, and finally picked up the Japanese gourd and poured a half-pot of Lingquan into the Xianshi pot.

He turned on the TV in the dining room and watched the TV while cooking hot pot.

There was no TV in Fairyland, and he almost forgot what it was like to watch TV.

The TV show was showing a news program. The owner of a certain building had protested against the sale of the property and the property had been damaged. Someone was sentenced to three years for beating the bus driver because he missed the site.

"Sentence, have those fools who hit the bus driver never thought that his behavior would endanger a car? Falling in my hands, why did I cut him with both hands and see how he beats him?" Ning Tao commented on the news.

The picture on the TV switched to a sea, but the waves were rolling and no one was seen.

A voiceover said: "Now the international news is broadcast. Last night in the western Pacific Ocean near the East, a nuclear submarine of the lighthouse exploded, and a salvage vessel was affected and sunk into the sea. It is reported that an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine was involved. None of the officers and men survived, and there was only one survivor on the salvage vessel. The incident is still under investigation. This station will follow up and report ... "

what's going on?

Even Beacon ’s strategic nuclear submarine dared to move!

Ning Tao frowned slightly.

In the Western Pacific, are n’t Shenzhou and Worm in the Western Pacific?

Isn't that Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine overturned by Divine China?

This is not random speculation, because absolutely no country in the world dares to overturn a strategic nuclear submarine of a lighthouse. Those terrorist organizations that want to do so have no ability. No matter who Shenzhou and Zuji have that ability, as for motivation ...

What motives are needed for those two goods?

Seeing nothing pleasing to the eye, cut it!

Ning Tao raised his hand, and when he was about to bring back the second insect, a head came in the door: "Brother Ning, why are you up so early?"

It's Qing Chai.

Jiubie won't get married, she is just like a newly-married bride, she replied shamefully.

Ning Tao will move on that hand, said with a smile: "Come here."

Qing Zhui showed his body, but did not come over, "What are you doing here?"

Ning Tao said, "I'm making breakfast for you. Come over and talk to us."

"I'm not here, I'll be bad if you come here." Qing Zhui said playfully.

Ning Tao frowned, pretending to be: "Naughty, isn't it? I'm going to enforce family law no more."

Where else in his heart was the idea of ​​bringing back the second insect, his mind was full of his little wife.

Isn't it an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine for the lighthouse? If you lift it, it will be lifted, and if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. It is not a big deal. Not to mention an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine. Even if the white house was lifted, who would dare to ask him to rebuild it?

Those are trivial matters, and making breakfast for a few fairies at home is the big deal.

Qing Zhui came here before, she glanced at the stool beside Ning Tao, and was about to sit down.

Ning Tao deliberately opened his legs a bit and leaned his thigh against the stool.

Qing Chai gave Ning Tao a charming white eye, then sat on his thigh with one butt.

Ning Tao's heart is so beautiful, the most obedient in the family is Qing Zhui, and he loves her most.

Qing chased after her and said that she was afraid of Ning Tao, but she looked happy now.

How can a wife be afraid of his own man?

"How about eating for me below?" Ning Tao said softly.

There is going to be a doting like that, he intends to chase a small stove for Qing.

Qing Zhui snuggled up in Lin Tao's arms, her face flushed slightly and her voice was small: "Do you still think I haven't eaten enough? Besides, my sisters are all up, and they will come over soon, how much have they seen? Sorry. "

Ning Tao: "?"

He was talking about immortal noodles.

What does she say?

Definitely not noodles.

At this time, the other four fairies also came in from the door, one by one dressed up, showing a beautiful scenery.

Bai Jing said straightforwardly: "Sister, I won't see you when I wake up, and I know you're looking for a husband, haven't you done any bad things?"

Qing Zhui was a little embarrassed and stood up from Ning Tao's thigh.

Ning Tao said: "Lao Bai, where did you want to go early in the morning, I'm making breakfast for you, how can I do anything bad?"

Bai Jing raised his mouth and said, "I gave it to Jing Jing last night, and today I will be called Bai Lao. Am I so old?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Daily beak.

He started to worry a little. They all love to fight so much on earth. If they went to the fairyland and lived with Tang Zixian, Undead Fire Phoenix and Xi'er, those three women would all be strong women, especially the undead fire. Huang and Xi'er, murdering their husbands is all about doing it, without any hesitation. If they get angry, wouldn't they lift the Sungemiya?

A lively breakfast for breakfast.

Lin Qingzhang said, "Husband, yesterday you said to take us to the fairyland. Can you talk about it carefully?"

Soft Tianyin was anxious: "Husband, can I go to fairyland?"

"And me, can I go?" Jiang Hao looked anxious.

Ning Tao said: "Of course I can. I brought a friend with me this time."

Jiang Hao interrupted Ning Tao's words: "Who, man and woman?"

She likes to be jealous, this is an instinctive reaction.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's an old man. His name is Shenzhou, and he can travel through the Three Realms. I am thanks to the help of Brother Shenzhou this time. I ca n’t return without him. You have to go to the fairy realm and take him on his boat. Just go, it's very convenient. "

Immediately after listening to the boat, you can go to the fairyland, Lin Qingyin and soft Tianyin hug together excitedly.

Jiang Hao also smiled: "Where is he? Why don't you take him home, and we can do our best to help the landlord."

When she heard that she was an old man, she became much more enthusiastic.

Ning Tao said: "He and Zhe Er are in the western Pacific Ocean, near the east coast. Do n’t worry, I can call them back. I suddenly remembered one thing. I just watched TV and said that an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine was in There was an accident in that area of ​​the sea, and the officers and men on the submarine were dead. You have a way, you can inquire, I suspect that it was the second brother and the second brother Shenzhou. You must be sure that I have a good preparation for the aftermath. "

"I'll call right away." Jiang Hao's expression suddenly became dignified.

This is a big deal. It's hard to start a war!

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing muttered aside.

Even if Ning Tao didn't listen, he knew what the sisters were talking about. He said, "Qing Qing, A Jing, you have to decide on this matter. Are you going over the gang, or are you in the fairy land of Brother Shenzhou?"

Bai Jing said, "I crossed the sky and thundered by myself, of course, I went on a boat. Not to mention, I did not cover the crossing. In case I failed the crossing, would you let me go?"

Qing Zhui did not speak, she seemed to have her own ideas.

Ning Tao said: "There are two consequences of this. If you go up to the calamity by yourself, you will experience the calamity. There is a risk, but you will be baptized in the heavens and the earth. There will be a qualitative transformation of your spirit, body and soul. .If you take the boat to the immortal world, there may be a fall from the sky, but it will be much weaker, you will not be at risk, but there will be no improvement. From my perspective, I certainly do not want you to take risks, but The Tianjie is only once, it is very important to your training, I tell you the truth, you choose. "

Bai Jing stopped talking and she was obviously hesitant.

However, Qingzhui made a decision: "I choose to cross the robbery myself. I want to accept the baptism of heaven and earth. I have the ability to cross the robbery myself. I want to go up to the immortal world."

Soft Tianyin said: "Sister Qing, you have to think clearly, just in case ... well, you have to think clearly."

Lin Qingyi also said, "Yes, Sister Qing, our five sisters must be good, not one of them."

Qing Zhui's eyes were firm. She said, "I've decided, and I can't bear Brother Ning, but I'll give it a try. The only chance I missed is gone."

Soft Tianyin and Lin Qingying looked at each other and stopped advising. They were unable to touch the barrier, and they could not become immortals throughout their lives. Boating was their only option, but Qingzhui and Bai Jing had two options. This matter, they are not easy to persuade, after all, crossing the sky is the biggest dream for the spiritual practitioners in the world.

Bai Jing said: "Well, since my sister chose to cross the gang, I'll accompany her to cross the gang. To be immortal, our sisters will become immortal together, and they will die out. Our sisters will die together. Die together. "

Ning Tao smiled and said, "What are you talking about?" Who is your man? I am your deity, my husband, it is not difficult to help you through the disaster. Since you choose to cross the disaster, then Hey ~ ~ I will help you. By then I will ask Brother Shenzhou to park his boat next to you, and once you are in danger, I will take you to the immortal realm immediately. "

Bai Jing breathed a long sigh of relief, but she was very happy, but she gave Ning Tao a white eye, and then she punched Ning Tao's chest: "You already had this plan, why not say it early, it hurts I am afraid of fear, where has your conscience gone? If you have a gas, you will regret it. "

Qing Zhui said in surprise: "Sister, are you pregnant?"

The sights of the other three fairies all focused on the Lich King, including Jiang Hao, who had just ended the call.

Bai Jing coughed, "I was pregnant last night."

Several fairies pouted together.

Ning Tao knew this was the case, so he was not at all good.

Jiang Hao came over: "Husband, I'm sure, it's true. Our satellite photographed a sailing ship. At present, the navy of the lighthouse in Okinawa is out."

Ning Tao said, "Let's go and see."

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