Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1268: Crazy association

The next morning Ning Tao came under the main peak and walked towards the towering tree.

When did Shenzhou return? He didn't know at all. Last night was not easy for him. He had little time and energy to think about other things. As of now, his walking feet are a little soft, and he walks softly.

The trembled in the void, a celestial star came out of the towering ancient tree, and there was no smile on the crumpled face, and his look was dignified.

Ning Tao had a bad hunch: "Brother Shenzhou, what did you find?"

Shenzhou said: "As is the case with Xiandi, the black desert will advance a grain of sand in two minutes. This is a terrible speed. If you continue with this, it won't take long for the entire fairyland to disappear!"

"Where did the black desert come from, and what energy was hidden in that desert?" Ning Tao asked.

Shenzhou shook his head: "I don't know, it exists in Henggu, but this time I went to see it, its area did not know how many times it has expanded, and its speed of swallowing the immortal world is just too scary."

"Then how much time do you estimate it will take to devour the entire Sword?"

"It can't be estimated, but it will get faster and faster." Shenzhou said: "Its area is getting larger and larger, and the area of ​​the fairyland is getting smaller and smaller, like a snowball. In the end, I'm afraid it can't even control it. Its own speed. "

Ning Tao was silent.

Just last night he hadn't taken the matter to heart. He saw it very openly. Everything has a day to end, and this fairyland is no exception. When the Huangquan Desert swallows up here, I'm afraid he's long gone, so why bother with that one million years later?

But when Shenzhou said so, he suddenly realized that the problem was more serious than he thought. It is only a minute or two to advance a grain of sand, then a second a grain of sand, and then a millimeter a grain of sand. If one day develops to swallow up at the speed of light, the fairyland can again How long will it last?

This is not a matter of no one, it is a matter of everything being finished!

Shenzhou looked at Ning Tao: "Brother Xian, go to Shenshan, I suspect Hemia must know something."

Ning Tao said: "Give me another half a month. If I can't get over God, you will take me to Shenshan."

Shenzhou nodded his head: "You don't need to give me Shenjing during this time, go."

Ning Tao opened a door of convenience and returned to the temple.

Golden light in the temple.

Zhe Er's worm's face was full of smiles: "Ning Aiqing, you work hard. Last night when you came to the Quartet, there is a lot of love energy in these three births."

Ning Tao came to San Ding Ding and gave him a handful glance. Indeed, San Ding Ding had a lot more love energy. Seemingly good gain, but only he knew the hardship. The so-called one-minute performance on the stage and the ten-year performance on the stage, others only said he was boundlessly happy, but who knows what he has done?

"Insect two, the fairyland may be destroyed." Ning Tao said.

Zhe Er momentarily stumbled: "Ning Aiqing, don't scare you, you haven't married your daughter-in-law."

Ning Tao said: "It was said by Shenzhou. He went to the end of the fairyland to see it."

Zhe Er said: "He is a terrible old man and he is alarmist. I don't believe it."

What Ning Tao was about to say, Sansheng Dingdong suddenly had a touch of beloved energy, and there was only a touch of a second.

what's going on?

Suddenly, the corner of Ning Tao's mouth cracked slightly, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

This is from none

Measure mountain feedback.

Two foxes are doing morning exercises.

"Ning Aiqing, what's wrong with you?" Zhe Er asked.

"It's okay, you continue to run the runes in the old Chaos Stone. If you can crack a powerful spell before going up the mountain, I will marry your wife ... hiss." Ning Tao's mouth twitched.

"Is this true?"

"Seriously, um."

"Wow ha ha!" Zoji Er shouted with excitement, "I will also retreat!"

The worm face on the Trinity Tripod closed its eyes, and it said that it would be closed.

Ning Tao helped Sansheng Ding sit down and ignite the refining of Shenjing. This process would cause him to shake for some reason, and finally shivered. What's great is that in this difficult state, he insisted on refining Shenjing.

Wuliangshan's two fox spirits also ceased.

Countless mountains.

"I'm gone," Ning Tao said.

"Isn't you going to visit Shi Jingjing's treasure house?"

Ning Tao said: "Wait a few more days for this matter, I have to retreat."

Humei said, "Brother-in-law, are you still here tonight?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment and then nodded: "Come."

Humei said with a smile: "Let's go to the treasure house tonight."

Ning Tao smiled. When the door of convenience opened, he went in.

The avatar returned to the temple and disappeared.

There is actually no difference between avatar and real body.

Ning Tao took a few grains from the Trinity Tripod, swallowed it, and sat cross-legged next to the Trinity Tribe to start practicing.

"Hoo!" A hot breath spit out of Ning Tao's mouth, and it felt like it was on fire, very painful.

Ning Tao has been used to this feeling for half a month, refining the energy of Shenjing without hesitation. The Seal of Creation also acted, absorbing the divine energy contained in the **** crystal. The power of creation is also alive, devouring good and evil spirits and dragon spirit energy at a faster rate.

The energy of a few grains of God was refined, and Ning Tao entered his inner world.

In the inner world, the golden seal of the creation is brilliant, and the force of the creation is still devouring the energy of good and evil and the energy of the dragon spirit. A little bit, a minute or two. The site of good and evil spirit power and dragon spirit energy is getting smaller and smaller, while the land of good power is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of devouring is also accelerating.

"and many more……"

How familiar this scene is!

At the end of the fairyland, didn't the Huangquan Desert devour the fairyland like this? At one or two minutes, the site of the Huangquan Desert is getting bigger and bigger, and the site of the fairyland is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of swallowing is also accelerating with the increase in volume!

Ning Tao watched quietly as the power of creation engulfing the energy of good and evil and the power of dragon spirit, and at the same time converted the divine energy of the previously refined **** crystal into the power of creation. At this time, he seemed as if What kind of thread is caught and what is to be pulled out.

"In this way, the energy contained in the Huangquan Desert devours the immortal realm, and the creative power in my body also devours the energy of good and evil spirits and dragon spirits I have cultivated in this way. Is it the energy contained in the Huangquan Desert? Is the same level of energy as the creative power in my body? "Ning Tao thought in his heart, with many thoughts.

The power of creation, like a golden soup, is not affected by Ning Tao's thinking. What you think of you, I devour me, never stop.

"The energy contained in the Huangquan Desert is the energy of death. It devours the earth and destroys everything. The creative force in my body is the energy that nurtures life, which is the opposite of that energy of death.

On the other side of the opposite ... "Ning Tao's mind flashed a lot of people, a lot of things," The true king, the good and evil lord, Hemia, the town monument ... and no Is all this related to the disappearance of the fairyland? I ’m here. Is there a big deal for this or is it my own? "

For a while, Ning Tao could not control his thinking, and a single thought could lead to a series of characters and events.

But no matter how he combed and guessed, he couldn't get the answer.

No matter what he finds a breakthrough point, it is the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Then he remembered one of his women who was not in the establishment, the Queen of Heaven, Daenerys.

Is she good at using joint locks? Is she on the mountain or where?

Is she okay?

Ning Tao shook his head, cleared out the messy thoughts and emotions in his mind, and then he took a few grains from the Trinity and swallowed it.

Continue to cultivate.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, has become a key figure. To find her, she must go to the mountain.

What he has to do now is not to analyze and guess, but to cultivate.

Time and time again, from dawn to darkness.

The last few **** crystals were exhausted, and Ning Tao stood up from the ground.

Zhe Ertiantian did not open his eyes and whispered to him, it seems that the goods are really closed.

In order to marry a daughter-in-law, the goods were also put together.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, and said secretly, "If I said that it would crack a powerful spell before going to Shenshan, I would marry a daughter-in-law. I made this promise, but in case this product really cracked What powerful spell, where do I give it to a daughter-in-law? Is it going to marry a woman or a woman? "

This is really a problem.

How can a woman marry a tripod?

If it is going to marry a female tripod, where should the female tripod go?

No solution.

A convenient door to the void was opened, and Ning Tao walked in.

Quietly in the void, a round of bright moon was empty, and the cold moonlight shrouded everything in this little world.

The first thing Ning Tao went to was the cabin in the woods.

Uh ...

The little teacher's banging on the wooden fish kept sounding, very rhythmic.

Ning Tao came to the door, reached out and knocked.

This time, Mercy didn't ask who it was, and hesitated. When he heard the knock, he got up and opened the door.

"Well, are you still sleeping?" Ning Tao said the opening remarks.

Mercy pouted and smiled, "I'm asleep, who will open the door for you."

Ning Tao smiled a little awkwardly: "Pass by here, come to see you by the way."

Compassion is much more natural than yesterday: "Come in ~ ~ I'll make tea for you."

Ning Tao entered the room and reached out to cover the door.

To make tea with kindness, a trace of love energy erupted like the heat of tea soup in a tea cup.

Ning Tao sighed.

How is this good?

He had a cup of tea here at Mercy, chatted for a while, then got up to leave.

Mercy didn't leave him, and sent him out.

"Go back, don't send me." Ning Tao said.

Mercy still looked at him, and went back to the house until he could see him.

The wooden door was closed.

Compassion also sighed softly, then went to the futon and knelt down, began to knock on the wooden fish, and chanted the Buddha.

Uh ...

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