Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1274: Youshen Mountain

"That temple is my temple." The body of the Sun King was buried, and Ning Tao brought the Shenzhou to his temple.

Pink stone temple, the look of the ancient town hair salon.

Shenzhou looked around and shook his head: "It's too small, not at all magnificent. I'm not my brother to say you. This temple is the coldest temple I've ever seen. How does this fit your identity?"

Ning Tao smiled: "What is my identity? By the way, everyone says that God is on the mountain and I am already on the mountain. Why is no one coming to me?"

Shenzhou said: "Although this mountain is still there, the gods have fallen, and even the gods are gone. Who will come to congratulate you and honor God for you?"

"You say so, is there only one **** on this mountain?"

"I don't know, I have been trapped in the fairyland before, and I have just arrived." Shenzhou said.

Ning Tao said, "How did the former Fengshen seal?"

Shenzhou looked into the sky, as if reminiscing: "Before ... there was a new **** going up the mountain, the **** on the mountain would go to the congratulations, and the highest temple on the top of the mountain would drop the seal book, according to the power of the new **** and hereby God, like this ... this ruin is the ruin of the Yin Temple? "

Ning Tao nodded: "Yes, this is the ruins of the Yin Temple."

Shenzhou went on to say, "For example, the Yin God, she came to the mountain, the gods came to pay homage, the Supreme Temple lowered the seal book, sealed him as the **** of fertility, she knelt to receive the book, worshipped nothing, and after that she was The gods in charge of fertility. "

"So, what about Sunstar?"

Shenzhou said: "It's the same. The gods came to pay homage, and the highest temple on the top of the mountain lowered the seal of the gods, and Fengrui Xingjun was the **** of good and evil."

These stories made Ning Tao feel new and interesting, and he smiled: "If the gods have not fallen, I will probably take over the Sun Xingjun and become a new generation of good and evil gods, in charge of good and evil."

"I think so," said Shenzhou.

"Wait." Ning Tao said again, "I have another question I did n’t want to understand, such as Yin God is in charge of childbearing, and Ji Xingjun is in charge of good and evil. This one is in charge. If there is one, someone will be in charge. Who is in charge? I didn't even see an ant on this mountain of God, let alone a human being. No one of those gods is in charge of this and that. Is n’t that just entertaining me? "

"Hahaha ..." Shenzhou smiled.

Ning Tao puzzled: "Brother Shenzhou, what are you laughing at?"

Shenzhou said, "Xian brother, you are making a joke. Those gods have their own people before going up the mountain, and those people are equal to their followers. They are in charge of their people. A God is in charge of one party, and the Supreme God does not have control over the gods, which means that he controls all the world. God is not immortal, the old **** falls, the new **** succeeds, and some new gods accept the new god, and they control the same world. A certain area of ​​the people. Take Fanxian land as an example. Before you come to Xianxian, there are many gods in Fanxian land, there are people in charge of fertility, there are people in charge of agriculture, there are people in charge of wind and lightning and so on. The gods are in charge and form a system. Of course, it is only a saying. In charge of the brother, whoever asks for rain will rain, and whoever asks for the child will have the child? "

Ning Tao understands that this **** said that it is more like a national system on the earth, with agriculture, industry, education, but not everyone, and some people only take money in the system. Not doing anything, there are people waiting to die.

"There are nine hundred and ninety-nine temples on the mountain, plus nothingness on top of the mountain

There are 10,000 high temples, and the unrepresented is 10,000. There are thousands of worlds in this universe, and thousands of thousands are ahead, thousands of thousands are behind, which represents the supreme existence of thousands, which means that there are 9,999 worlds in this universe. The gods above this mountain come from different worlds. I've seen some gods look weird and strange. I guarantee you haven't seen them. "Said Shenzhou.

"An alien god?"

"It can be understood, but it is not absolute. Some are different worlds." Shenzhou went on, "However, not all people in the world will come to the mountain through the sky and the sky, and some worlds lack faith and eventually You will be forgotten by the gods, and annihilated in time. Brother Xian, where you are, you will not have a new **** to cross the gods on this mountain in the future, and eventually the gods will forget and annihilate in the river of time . "

Ning Tao said, "I can remember it. As for annihilation and not annihilation, the gods on this mountain of God have fallen, what do mortals do over those hearts?"

Shenzhou sighed: "Xiandi is right, this infinite universe, there is no one in thousands of worlds that is eternal, there is no new life without destruction. For example, the temple of the Yin God, Without destruction, where does your temple come from? "

Ning Tao froze for a moment: "Brother Shenzhou, are you suggesting that I am the **** in charge of fertility?"

Shenzhou coughed aloud: "Xian, I didn't say that, yes, don't you invite me to your temple to observe?"

Just then, a voice suddenly heard from the temple.

"You blunder, you're all peeled off. How many spirits do you need to make up for it?" Shenbi's voice.

"Mother-in-law, there are a lot of spirits in the treasury. You can make up as much as you want," said Zuji's voice.


"of course it's true."

"Let's take our palace!"

"Go knocking in the treasury?"

"up to you!"

"Well ..."

Shenzhou looked surprised and confused: "Xianxi, what's going on?"

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders on Shenzhou: "That's the artifact of the Yin God, and I've allocated it to Zuji."

"It turned out to be like this, then I won't go in, it will be hot eyes." Shenzhou said.

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "Brother Shenzhou, you can fly fast, why don't you take me to the top of the mountain?"

"Do you want to go to the Temple of Nothing?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Can you take me?"

Shenzhou said: "The top of the mountain is a forbidden area for the gods. You can't go up. If you really want to stroll around, I can take you to the place near the top of the mountain."

"OK." Ning Tao answered.

"Let's go to my boat. I actually want to see Shenshan now." Shenzhou said.

The two returned to the sailboat, and then the sailboat took off and flew towards the top of the mountain when rising to a height of 100 meters.

Ning Tao stood on the bow of the ship, watching the huge rocks extending in the field of vision, and the scenery of Shenshan seemed to be the same. There is no dregs in the fairyland, at least there are forests in the sea, but there is nothing on the mountain except stones and dirt. There is no grass, no trees, and no one.

This is a dead world.

Shenzhou said: "Brother Xian, if you can't fly to the top of the mountain for 10,000 years, you can still go into the cabin. I will take you to some places I am familiar with."

Ning Tao was horrified. At this speed, it was also dozens of times faster than the sound. But this speed actually flew.

10,000 years will not fly to the top of the mountain, how big this mountain!

However, he still entered the cabin. As usual, Shenzhou opened a window on the side of the cabin to facilitate him to see the scenery outside. In fact, no scenery can be seen. After Shenzhou entered the void, only a stream of streamers flashed out of the window, and nothing was visible.

After a few seconds, the sailboat stopped.

Ning Tao saw a ruin through the window.

Shenzhou's face emerged from the bulkhead: "This is my temple. Let's go and see."

Ning Tao got out of the boat and followed Shenzhou into the ruins.

There is a huge pit in the ruins. The perimeter of the pit is the ruins of the building. From the size and style of those stones, the temple of Shenzhou is also a very simple temple.

Shenzhou pointed at the big pit and said, "In the ancient times, I grew up in that pit, and later became a god. When gods came to me to help me, I asked them to help me build a little, about 10,000 years ago. Well, this temple was built, but it was ruined. This time I return to the mountain, I am going to settle here and rebuild my temple. "

Ning Tao said, "That's all. Go back and I'll let Zerji move my temple to you. The two of us live together and take care of it."

Shenzhou said, "That's no good. Each **** has his own territory. One territory can't hold two gods. This is a rule. There has never been a battle for gods on the mountain, even verbally."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "This mountain is completely deserted, and there is not even a ghost image. Am I also occupying the land of the Yin god, am I all right? Now it ’s different from before, why be so particular about it. Also Yes, do n’t forget, Heaven and Man have been working on your idea. The town **** monument and the goddess of wisdom are likely to be on this mountain. If you are here, what should you do if something happens? "

Shenzhou was silent for a while: "That way, you can move here, and I feel safe with you by my side. I have seen it here, let's go, I will take you to the Sky Goddess of Wisdom, but I guess That place also collapsed. "

Ning Tao said, "Do you expect the goddess of wisdom to be in her temple?"

Shenzhou said: "If her temple is intact, she will be there. If her temple collapses, she will not be in her temple. In addition, that place is near the top of Shenshan. You want to see On the top of the mountain, you must pass that place. The Sky Temple is the second highest temple on the whole mountain, second only to the Temple of Nothing. Of course, no one has seen the Temple of Nothing. "

Ning Tao said: "She claims to be a daughter of nothing ~ ~ Her temple is normal near the top of the mountain, let's go and take me to see."

He followed the Shenzhou aboard again.

This time, the sailboat stopped flying, and Ning Tao saw the ruins of several temples along the way. There was no one, no trees, and the whole mountain was dead.

The sailing boat stopped again.

Ning Tao looked out across the cabin. The ground was piled with huge stone ruins like hills, and huge pieces of stone were suspended in the sky.

Sure enough, it is the style of the Sky Temple, which is much larger than other temples of the gods, and it is suspended above the sky, and it is extremely powerful.

Ning Tao got down from the sailing boat and walked towards the ruins of the temple of the goddess of wisdom.

Where is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, he didn't really care about it, he was most concerned about the heavenly fairy Daenerys who had used joint locks frequently.

If she is on the mountain, where is she?

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