Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1286: understand deeper

A trace of forging power was injected into Lingyu's body, and the internal structure of her body was shown in the mind of Ning Tao in great detail.

This is Ning Tao's in-depth research. In his mind, Lingyu has no secret at all.

How did an iron man who was created start her cultivation and reach the realm of demigods?

Ning Tao thought he could find the answer by himself, but after in-depth research, the girl Tiemin brought him even greater shock.

In Lingyu's body, those parts have undergone abnormal changes, which are between the flesh and the machine, which is an unprecedented change. Each of her internal organs has not only flesh and blood tissue, but also mechanical components, and those mechanical components have evolved into magical instruments with divine energy.

Yes, the magic weapon, each of her internal organs has rune matrix, which not only gives her internal organs a stronger function, but also coordinates the coexistence of flesh and mechanical components.

The most amazing thing is her brain. Her brain has real blue brain tissue, and the blood-colored stone that should have been in the spherical container has also been mutated, resulting in countless bloodshots, which are connected to her brain. . The rune stone flickered in the **** stone, which was roughly the same as the rune in Pambu's head, but different.

Ning Tao's mind was puzzled: "A Tiemin practiced this way, this is really a miracle. The blood-colored stones in her head have been integrated with her brain, and the rune structure is also slightly different. This Is it because of her own cultivation, or was there something wrong with her when she was born? "

There was only one answer, but he couldn't think of it.

He would tremble in Lingyu's brain with the slightest force of creation.

Lingyu suddenly opened her eyes, and at that moment, a punch hit Ning Tao's face.


A crisp metallic sound came from Ning Tao's face.

His face is also part of the fairy armor.

Compared to all the iron people, he is actually the one most like a robot.

Ning Tao didn't fight back, just slightly tilted his head, then turned over again, looking at Lingyu.

Lingyu said nothing, but raised one foot and kicked Ning Tao's happy terminal.


Another metal sound came from the end of happiness.

Lingyu was immediately shocked.

She determined that she had kicked a metal plate.

This man has chicks.

Ning Tao then said loudly: "You just punched me and kicked me. I apologize to you, but don't hit me any more, otherwise I will fight back."

Lingyu's right hands suddenly snapped together, poking at Ning Tao's throat like a knife.

Ning Tao just looked at her.

Lingyu's hand froze in the air without poking.

Ning Tao did not use the time static technique, in fact he did nothing, but Lingyu gave up on his own.

She shot Ning Tao three times before and after, stabbing a pit in Ning Tao's chest for the first time, and hit Ning Tao's face with a second punch. For the third time, she kicked Ning Tao's happy terminal, but never got the result she wanted. For the first time, Ning Tao stunned her directly. For the second and third times, she simply beat her up, but they still did not fart!

Faced with such an opponent, she hit him a thousand punches, so what's the effect?

Ning Tao reached out and pressed Lingyu's hand down with a smile: "That's right, if you have something to say, don't use your hands."

"Who are you

? "Ling Yu's eyes were full of awe.

She is already a demigod. What is the identity of the person who can subdue her? Does this still take a long time to guess?

Ning Tao said with a smile: "What do you think?"

"You, who are you?"

Ning Tao did not answer. Just watching her.

Lingyu went on to say: "You are definitely not an iron man, you are not a **** man, are you ... a wild god?"

Ye Shen, although this title gives a little discomfort, it can be considered as Ning Tao's identity. He didn't come by accident, and now there is no ceremony to seal the gods on the mountain, otherwise he is the **** of the eight mountains. Even if it is the cleaning management fee for the vegetable market, it is a symbol of joining the organization. This embarrassing situation is really a wild god.

Ning Tao still did not answer her.

"Your body is a spell, please ask the great **** to show his true body!" Lingyu turned up and sat up, then turned to kneel and knelt in front of Ning Tao.

Worship God and kneel.

Ning Tao said, "It's not impossible for you to show me your true body. You answer me a few questions first."

Lingyu hesitated before he nodded his head: "Excuse me, God."

She had no choice. The mysterious **** in front of her could easily kill her, but he didn't do anything. The **** in front of her wanted to destroy her, and to reveal her identity directly, she was also destroyed, but he did not do so, but took her to this valley to talk.

From the practice of an iron man to the realm of demigods, she became the spiritual leader of the iron people. She is not a simple woman. She has judged through Ning Tao's various actions, this wild **** is not her enemy. That's why she nodded her head.

Ning Tao said: "I'm more interested in your experience than your identity as the leader of the iron people. You are an iron man. How can you cultivate into a demigod, what happened to you?"

Lingyu said after a moment of silence: "I am an exception. At that time, my brain had a problem. The runes in it were different from other iron people. I found that I was not restricted by the Temple of the Sky and I could practice. , So I started to try. There are no shortage of cheats and divine spirits in this world, so I have n’t encountered any difficulties in my practice, and I can even describe it by leaps and bounds. This is what happened to me. thing."

It turned out that the **** stone was called the brain nucleus.

Listening to her say, Ning Tao became more and more skeptical that the huge **** stone in the Japanese gourd was the brain of the fairy catcher.

"The ones I said before are all my guesses. I want to hear you say it. Are you really the leader of a wild man?" Ning Tao asked the second question.

Lingyu nodded her head: "Yes."

"Your talent can be said to be an accident, but after all it is a miracle talent. You can hide in the mountains and forests until you become a god, but why do you want to show your face, and those who don't regard you as similar, or even despise? Your God-People?

Lingyu stared straight at Ning Tao: "In that alley, you have already explained the reasons I want to say. Since you want to hear me say it myself, let me say it again." After a little pause, she said, "Tiemin lives in the deep waters. It is an accident. As long as there is no **** crystal to replace the prosthesis, he will die after being judged to have lost labor by the Sky Temple. Tiemin worked hard for This world has contributed almost all the materials, but it has not received any returns. Those gods, they do n’t have to do anything, they only need to go to the temple to worship God to enjoy the privileges of the aristocracy. I think the accident that happened to me is not accidental Yes

Made by heaven. I am a legend of Tiemin, I am their spiritual leader, this world is so unfair, I will fight for their rights for Tiemin! "

Ning Tao said, "Just say this to you, I'm willing to help you."

"You are willing to help me, how can you help me?" Lingyu's eyes were surprised and confused.

Ning Tao reached out and patted the big Japanese gourd on his waist, and said with a smile: "I am the robber. I not only ransacked the spirit prosthetic shop. Before we met, I also ransacked his warehouse, everything in that warehouse. My prosthetics are in my gourd. "

"Ah?" Lingyu was suddenly surprised on the spot.

Ning Tao said, "I can give you those prosthetic limbs whenever you want, and you will transfer them to the iron people who need to replace the prosthetic limbs."

Lingyu took a deep breath and stabilized her mood: "You are too reckless, those prosthetic limbs have fixed models, and Sky Temple can easily track them. Of course you can give them to the iron people in need, but You did not help them, but you harmed them! "

Ning Tao didn't expect this, and was embarrassed for a while. He also secretly rejoiced that he had not replaced Phan Bu with a prosthetic limb, but instead repaired her original prosthetic limb with the power of good fortune. It now appears that if he equips Pambu with a new prosthetic limb, the Mark's yard may be surrounded by the army. Of course he could leave, but Pambu, Mark, and Qinther would be destroyed because of his mistake.

"How did Sky Temple track those prosthetic limbs?" Ning Tao asked.

Lingyu said: "I do n’t know, but such examples are not uncommon. Some iron people have stolen prosthetics because they did n’t have the crystals to replace the prosthetics. Some even stole them, but no matter where they hid The guard was found and executed. No one has ever been activated. "

Ning Tao thought of the positioning system on the earth.

When I heard Ling Yu said that the prosthetic limb would be located and tracked by the Temple of the Sky, he felt it was out of hand, but if you think about it, even mortal civilization on earth can do it, let alone the Apocalypse Kingdom? Is the development of civilization here comparable to the mortal civilization of the earth? Not to mention the iron people who are almost the same as real people, even those spaceships cannot be made by the earth.

"I urge you to find a place to throw away those prosthetic limbs, otherwise they will kill a lot of people." Lingyu said: "I have told you everything you want to know, please show your true body."

Ning Tao wants to know her.

She also wants to know Ning Tao.

"I have one last question," Ning Tao said.

"You said." Lingyu's response was natural ~ ~ doesn't seem to care about Ning Tao asking one more question.

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "What do you know about the fairy catcher?"

"Fair catcher?" Lingyu curiously said, "What kind of catcher?"

Ning Tao stared straight at Lingyu: "Don't you know?"

Lingyu shook her head: "I don't know any fairy catcher, and I have never heard anyone say it."

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "It is a very scary existence. It is tens of thousands of meters high and even higher. Its feet can easily flatten a mountain. The hairs on its legs are like a tree. Rough, such a big god, don't you even know? "

Lingyu still shook her head.

With a sigh in Ning Tao's heart, he believed that Lingyu did not know the existence of the trapper, and if she knew she would tell him. However, even a demigod like Lingyu didn't know the existence of a fairy catcher, where did he go for clues?

Lingyu suddenly said, "Wait, I remember ..."

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