Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1288: Advanced Love Energy

The Mark's family was quiet. Ning Tao entered the courtyard and walked silently to his room. When he came to the door to prepare to open the door, his hands were stiffened in the air, and a headache expression appeared on his face.

There was someone in his room.

That man was Pambu next door.

Didn't she fall asleep in her room, what was she doing in my room?

In the middle of the night, you run into a man's room from a girl's house. This habit is really bad.

Would you like to leave?

Would you like to go in?

Ning Tao's mind was tangled, and he opened the door and walked in a few seconds later.

In his plan, Mark is a very important role. If he left like this, everything he had done before would be in vain. And if Pambu talks about fixing his left arm, it will also cause Mark's skepticism.

Isn't it just a woman?

She is not a tiger.

And even if it is a real tiger, he is not the same as a tiger, and is he hunting for treasure?

He is not afraid of Longtan Tiger's Lair. What a fearful girl!

There were no lights in the room, and the curtains were tightly closed, but such darkness did not present any obstacle to Ning Tao. He could see the situation in the room at a glance. Pambu was not on the chair or on the edge of the bed, but in his quilt. On the chair beside the bed was her clothes and shoes.

Pambu covered his head with a quilt, pretending to hide well. She heard the sound of Ning Tao opening the door, and the footsteps that Ning Tao deliberately made. She was very nervous, which can be seen from the trembling quilt.

This situation makes Ning Tao more headaches.

Why are you doing this?

Ning Tao stiffly came to the bedside, and coughed dryly: "Huh."

Pambu was more nervous, but still stubbornly hid in the bed. She was like an ostrich who was frightened and buried her head in the sand, thinking that she couldn't see her and no one else would see her.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Miss Pambo, did you ... entered the wrong room?"

Can't hide it anymore, Pambu lifted the quilt covered her head. She looked at Ning Tao, but couldn't see clearly because the light was too dark. She seemed to feel that Ning Tao couldn't see her, and her expression relaxed a little, and then she pulled down the quilt a little.

Ning Tao looked away awkwardly.

Pambo then said: "I know you can't ... but I don't care. I don't think there are other girls wanting you like this. I am a lonely person. You are also a person. Let us live together. Right. "

This sentence moved Ning Tao. Before entering the pit of the Tianwai Clinic, he was also a lonely person. He worked hard and worked hard for four years and worked for four years. He finally had the opportunity to work in a large hospital. , But that opportunity was stolen by others. Pambu's words could easily resonate with him, making him unable to bear back to remember the difficult days.

However, he still had to harden his heart: "Miss Pambo, we ..."

Before he finished speaking, Pambu suddenly got out of the bed, wrapped his hands around his waist, and just put it on his back.

At that moment, a trace of the love energy diffused from her body.

The beloved energy released from her is different from any beloved energy he has collected before. The beloved energy diffused from her is extremely pure and faint.

With a little divine energy factor, it is a bit golden-looking.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely high level of soul energy, just like the faithful energy he just collected from Lingyu. Ke Lingyu is a demigod, and she is just an ordinary village aunt and the lowest-level iron man.

The mark of fortune trembled slightly, and a golden vortex appeared, the love energy diffused from Pambu and was sucked into the mark of fortune.

Ning Tao originally wanted to push her away, but from the energy of her beloved reaching out into the mark of creation, he couldn't hardly hold his heart.

On the top of the mountain, he has not had a **** crystal, and he desperately needs the love energy. Moreover, the **** crystal refined by such a high level of soul energy must be different from the **** crystal he refined in fairyland, and he couldn't help but want to try it. Therefore, he didn't do anything, didn't say anything, but just kept upright sitting, wondering why there was such a high level of soul energy in her body.

This question is not difficult to figure out.

Although she is a low-ranking iron man like a slave, she uses a lot of divine spirits, a **** brain, and a devout faith that was set up at the birth of iron people. These are her. The reason why such a high level of soul energy can be produced on the body. In the fairyland, even the undead phoenix does not have these conditions.

People are divided into three, six, and nine, and the world is divided into high and low.

The lowest level is the earth's mortal world, lacking in aura, and human beings have only a few decades of life. Although he is also taking the road of technological development, he is also very weak. Without his help, even the moon base could not be established, let alone go to Mars. If nothing else, the civilization of the world will eventually die on that small ball, and it will not escape the cage from life to death.

Followed by the immortal world, the immortal world is infinitely more advanced than the earth's earth, rich in aura, and gave birth to many powerful creatures, even ordinary people can live for hundreds of years. However, the limitations are also great, and there are nowhere to be found. There were immortal hunters who wanted to kill immortal people before, and then black sand devoured the world, which also made people see no hope.

The highest level is this mountain of God, where a tree, a grass, and a stone casually contain divine energy. Even pure soul bodies can evolve to possess abilities that are similar to real bodies. There is no real flesh and blood life here, either the gods and people of the pure soul body, or the iron people created by the bounty. And God is high, and only God has a real body.

It is not difficult to conclude from these analyses that the higher-level world has higher-level energy, and the species bred by the higher-level energy are far more powerful than the species bred by the lower-level world. Ning Tao himself is an example. His experience from the lowest level of the earth to the immortal world, and then to the mountain of God, how difficult his experience. However, someone born in the immortal world, born in the mountain.

There has never been any fairness in this world, only weak meat and strong food.

"That's fine. I like how you feel by my side. You can give me a sense of security." Pan Bu said in Ning Tao's ear.

Ning Tao put away his thoughts, but found that while he was deliberately pondering the problem, Pambu's body continued to deliver him the energy of love.

Is there a source of love on her?

"Well, let me take care of the other arm for you." Ning Tao said.

Pambu said in surprise: "I have no problem with my right arm. Why should I repair it?"

Ning Tao said

"It's better to repair, you lie down, I'll fix it for you."

Pambu thought for a moment: "Then you come up, I will let you repair it."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and climbed to the bed, still sitting.

Pambu had no other requirements. She just rested on Ning Tao's legs and accepted Ning Tao's repair in a very relaxed and comfortable posture.

Ning Tao grabbed her right arm and started to give her health care.

Switching health care to love energy is the best way to solve problems he can think of.

They have provided so much high-level love energy, and they have to give them something in return. He cannot return with love, but with health care. He used the power of good fortune to give her health care, which is tantamount to giving her a great good fortune, and she will never have to replace her prosthetic limbs. She can even practice like Lingyu, pursuing a higher realm of life.

It's just that, he couldn't tell her.

"Well, it's comfortable and warm. What's getting into my body?" Pumbu hummed comfortably, and his voice was very vague.

"Don't talk, enjoy yourself," Ning Tao said.

"Um." Pamp was obedient.

A trace of Jinhui's beloved energy was released from her body, and then she penetrated into Ning Tao's body and was absorbed by the mark of creation.

As soon as this big health care was done, it was dawn.

Qin Se came to the door early in the morning: "Pambu and Ali, breakfast is ready, and you will get up for breakfast soon."

Ning Tao followed and opened the door, saying awkwardly, "Auntie, it's not what you think."

Qin Se glanced over Ning Tao and glanced into the room. Pambu was dressing by the bed. A strange smile suddenly appeared on her face: "Yeah, it's not what I think. You kid, sleep What innocence do you pretend to be together? "

Ning Tao: "..."

Last night he was really pure. He didn't do anything that needed to be coded. He just did one night's health care for Pambu and that's it. However, when such a truth was revealed, Qin Se would not believe it, so he was too lazy to explain it.

Who is he to explain to?

Pambu came out after a while, with a blue face: "Aunt Qinther is early."

Qin Se smiled and said, "Pambu, is it a safe day?"

Pambu's face turned bluer, then he nodded.

However, Ning Tao had a messy feeling in the wind ~ ~ After hearing Qin Se's words, he was confused again. Is it true that Tiemin can still conceive and have children?

I didn't think about this problem last night. It seems that I really need to talk to Lingyu again and ask her how Tiemin has children.

Pambu was embarrassed and shifted the topic: "Aunt Qinse, is Uncle Mark back?"

Qin Se said: "Not yet. I guess you are arresting that robber. I hope I caught it last night, or he will be busy for a while."

While talking, the courtyard door suddenly opened, and Mark came in from the door.

Qin Se smiled on his face: "Here we are, having breakfast together."

Mark said: "What other breakfast is there? I'm here to call Ali. You walked with me. Last night, the **** of spirits stole the warehouse of the master. City guards are going crazy, he wants to see you, and you tell him what you know. "

Ning Tao answered, "Yes, I'll go with you to see the city guards."

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