Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1291: Divine Beast Funeral

Ning Tao has n’t seen a **** since he went to Shenshan, let alone a god, not even a real person. Man is created by God and man, and there is a **** of pure soul. But even the gods and people who cannot be regarded as real people are only found in the Kingdom of Apocalypse, and it is inside the mountain. There is only the ruins and stones of the temple on the mountain, even a grass.

This is really a strange world.

The Jinfan spacecraft flew out of Tianqi City and continued to fly north. There was no obvious energy barrier when leaving the city, and Ning Tao and Pan Bu did not find any energy barrier when he came. The absence of an energy barrier means that there is no defensive law, and even in the immortal world, let alone the capital of a country, even some small cities have their own defensive law.

An undefended city?

This is also an abnormal place.

Ning Tao accumulated a lot of confusion in his mind, but couldn't find the answer.

The Jinfan spacecraft flew a distance and lowered the flying height.

Ning Tao shifted her eyes to the ground, and the majestic peaks were rolling up and down, which was a large mountain range, and she could not see the end. On one side of the mountain is a plain, with lush grass, and Jinhui on the leaves converging into one piece. The wind blows and fluctuates with the wind, just like a golden ocean. The villages on the plain are scattered, and you can see the iron people farmers working in the fields, iron people miners who have been mining minerals in the mines in the mountains.

This is a magnificent picture.

But I don't know why. Looking at the beautiful golden color of this picture, Ning Tao suddenly developed a strange feeling: "This world ... how do I feel ..."

But even if he felt it, he couldn't describe it.

The Jinfan spacecraft flew a distance in the mountains and landed in a valley.

At the end of the valley is a mining field. The spirit manor is located in the middle of the valley. In the manor, there are trees and streams. The beautiful buildings are located beside the stream. In the tree forest, Jinhui is a fairy. Landscape painting.

The Jinfan spacecraft stopped in the garden of the manor.

Wu Ling disembarked first, and then two blue armored warriors took Ning Tao to a round open field. This round open-air field looks like a reduced version of the Roman gladiatorial field. A god-stone wall encloses a circular open space, and some seats are placed on the high wall.

There is a metal fence on one side of the high wall. Behind the fence is a dark and deep passage, and most people cannot see anything inside. Ke Ningtao is not an ordinary person. Even if the light-free passage turns a corner, he knows what horrible beasts are inside. This can also be seen from a series of huge footprints in front of the fence. In addition to the huge footprints on the ground, there are some broken limbs of the iron people, a broken palm, half a leg or something, blue bloodstains. Mixed with sand, it has solidified into a ball.

"Boy, this is the Colosseum. You can't explain it now, otherwise you won't be able to regret it later." The blue armor warrior who brought Ning Tao into the Colosseum talked and tied Ning Taosong.

Ning Tao didn't even care about him.

"Huh! I don't know if you're a fool!" The blue-armored warrior shoved Ning Tao with a slap and turned away from the iron gate where he entered.

When the iron gate was closed, the spirit and several gods appeared in the stands.

In addition to the spirit and several gods, there are several iron

The children appeared in the stands, both boys and girls. They were holding incense burners and fruit trays. They were obviously child slaves who were waiting for the spirits and the gods.

Ning Tao also saw some Tiemin children in Tianqi City, but the number was not large.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that God created man, and how did the Sky Temple create many children with low cost performance.

Wu Ling took his seat, and several gods sat on his left and right sides.

A few child slaves came to the spirits and gods, kneeled down respectfully, holding the incense burner and fruit plate in their hands.

There is purple smoke in the incense burner, and there are fruits with godly energy in the fruit trays. Some look like grapes, and some look like fairy peaches, but they are definitely not called grapes or peaches.

Ning Tao was curious about how the gods of these pure souls would eat those fruits, and they did not even have a real tooth.

Just when he was curious about this, Wu Ling put his hand into a fruit plate.

A weird scene happened.

He picked up the spiritual fruit, handed it to his mouth, opened his mouth and sucked, and the moisture and divine energy of the spiritual fruit flowed into his mouth in a thread, and it felt like he was holding it. It's like drinking a drink. In a blink of an eye, the spirit fruit dried up quickly in his hands, leaving only a little ash.

Wu Ling flicked around, and that little bit of ash flew out.

Several other gods did the same thing, picking up the spiritual fruit, and then absorbing water and divine energy.

Ning Tao is not surprised that the people of God can pick up things, because even in this earthly world, his Yuan Ying has five pounds of force, not to mention these people of God on the mountain. The energy form of these gods and people is much higher than his Yuan Ying in the earthly world. I don't know how many times. Last night he also saw a couple of gods and people. Since they can be married, it is also indispensable compared to the life of husband and wife. Now that he saw how the people eat, he did not see how the people would live in husband and wife. Although the idea was a bit unhealthy, he really wanted to see it for himself.

After eating a spiritual fruit, Wu Ling looked at Ning Tao and said lightly, "I will give you one last chance to tell your secrets. I want to know all your secrets."

Ning Tao spread his hands: "God has made everyone, everyone has a secret. What do you want to know?"

Wu Ling snorted coldly: "You still pretend to be stupid in front of me? OK, I directly ask you, who are you from and where do you come from?"

Ning Tao said, "I'm from the countryside of Shimojo Castle."

Wu Ling angrily said, "You dare to lie! I don't believe everything you say in Reading, do you know why?"

Ning Tao shook his head calmly.

There was a sneer in the corner of Xun Ling's mouth: "You can fool Redding because he is just a humble iron man. If it is not for him to have value, I can easily disassemble him into a bunch of parts. But Who am I? I am the **** of the sky temple! I control all the prosthetic sales, and the prosthetic shop in Shimojo Castle is mine, and my prosthetic shop in Shimojo Castle has never been ransacked by a thief. ! "

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "So you are the national general agent of Tiemin's prosthetics. You said that the prosthetic shop of Xiaye City has not been ransacked, then I remember it wrongly."

prior to,

When he went to Reading House, he also deliberately asked Mark about the situation in some distant cities, so he added the content of Shimono Castle. I didn't expect that the story was plump, but it was a complete addition.

But he believed that this was not the only flaw in which Wu Ling doubted him.

Wu Ling continued: "And the portrait you painted, where did you see the woman in the painting?"

Ning Tao tentatively said: "You know her, where did you meet her?"

Xun Ling stood up from her seat: "She's not a big robber at all. You, a humble iron man, dare to insult her, how brave you are!"

Ning Tao got some information he wanted from this sentence.

Wu Ling has seen Daenerys, and he knows Daenerys is her identity, otherwise he would not be able to degrade Ning Tao so much and scold Ning Tao.

Daenerys is in Apocalypse, most likely in the Sky Temple.

Wu Lingyin said idly: "Say, who are you? Where did you come from?"

Ning Tao said, "She's in the Sky Temple, right?"

Pu Ling gave a slight sneer, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, and I don't want to waste my precious time on you as a humble iron man. I killed you and took Go down to your brain and go to the temple, and I can still dig out the secret in your head. "

He waved his hand.

The metal fence slowly opened.

There was a heavy footstep in the dark channel, and the ground would tremble for every step it took.

Ning Tao looked at the exit of the passage, and soon the thing appeared in the passage. It was a monster made up of machinery and bionic flesh. That shape is similar to that of Jin Jinzang. It is also possible to say that it is a unicorn, somewhere in between.

But it doesn't matter what it looks like. What's important is that the components that make it up are even more advanced and powerful than those of Reading!

If Redding is placed here to fight this monster, it is estimated that he can only support it for a few minutes.

"Roar!" The monster came out and yelled at Ning Tao, and his golden eyes were full of fierce light, but also from the disdain in his bones.

Ning Tao deliberately showed an expression of nervousness and fear, and the voice of his voice trembled, "God has made me, what is this?"

Wu Ling sneered: "Are you scared? It's called burial. Do you iron people think that you can overthrow the divine power of the temple? Ridiculous ~ ~ Ridiculous! The temple can create you iron people, it You can create a stronger iron beast, and you will always have the fate of slavery! "

Ning Tao tentatively said, "What kind of existence is the Temple of Sky? Is the goddess of wisdom Hemia in it?"

Wu Ling angrily reprimanded: "Bold! Heaven burial, tear him up!"

Celestial burial suddenly rushed over to Ning Tao.

"Wait!" Ning Tao raised a hand to the burial. "Don't come, I still have something to say!"

Where would the celestial burial listen to Ning Tao's greetings and rushed to Ning Tao.

Wu Ling said scornfully, "Who do you think you are? Heavenly burial only listens to my orders."

His words have just fallen.

The celestial burial stopped suddenly, and Qiqi still maintained this sprinting posture, which was quite weird.

Suddenly he suddenly spotted on the spot: "What's going on?"

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