Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1297: Goddess garden


Three more knocks came.

Pambu immediately became nervous: "Brother Ali, could it be ... Shenwei?"

Involved in the kidnapping case by the gods, the gods in the sky temple will definitely be dispatched and fall into the hands of the gods. For the iron people at the bottom, it is definitely a disaster.

"Don't worry, it's a friend." Ning Tao walked towards the door, and he opened the door.

A woman in white came in. She was wearing a bucket hat and a black veil on her face. She could not see her face, but she could be identified from the figure. After all, the two big brothers can tell at a glance.

"You ..." Pamp was still nervous.

Ning Tao closed the door and turned back.

The woman in white peeled off the dipper on her head, and a blonde waterfall generally fell down. Her face was beautiful and moving, and her eyes were as deep and bright as two sapphires.

She is Lingyu.

Seeing Lingyu's face, Pambu was stunned, and his eyes were full of excited light: "You, you are ... you are Lingyu girl!"

Tiemin's idol, how could she not know Tiemin? There is a portrait of Lingyu on her bed. Sometimes she dreams of becoming a woman like Lingyu.

Lingyu grinned: "Hello."

"You ... hello." Pambu couldn't even say a word. She was so excited. "I ... I'm Pambu."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "This is the friend I said, it seems that I don't need to introduce it."

Pumbu's mood finally stabilized, she looked at Ning Tao: "Brother Ali, you, you will know Lingyu girl so much? She is our idol of Iron Man."

Lingyu was about to speak, and Ning Tao grabbed her in front: "We knew each other very early. This is not the place to talk. Girl Lingyu, let's leave here and talk."

"Um." Lingyu nodded, looking at Ning Tao's eyes full of reverence.

This is a great god!

Think of her heart fluttering.

At this moment, the couple Mark and Qinse came out of the room, and they were shocked when they saw Lingyu.

Tiemin's idol came to my house!

As a result, the couple were speechless with excitement.

Lingyu said, "This is not the place to talk. My car is outside. Come with me."

Ning Tao, Pan Bu, Mark and Qin Se followed Lingyu out of the door, and a car parked in the alley at the door. That car is a bit similar to Pambu's flatbed, but with more compartments, and the magic engine is also exposed in the air, but it looks much more expensive than Pumbu's flat cabbage.

Five people got on the car and Lingyu lowered the curtain of the carriage to prevent people from seeing the carriage. Then she started the magic engine and drove to the south gate.

No trouble was encountered along the way, Lingyu's car left the city of Qiqi calmly.

To the south is an endless stretch of virgin forest, towering trees can be seen everywhere, and some even require a dozen people to cling together. Such a giant tree, the crown of the tree is like a forest, and the sky cannot penetrate. The divine energy in the forest is much stronger than the divine energy in the Apocalypse City, and it is no wonder that such a huge divine tree can be born.

However, Ning Tao discovered a very strange place, that is, such a dense virgin forest, such a rich divine energy, he actually did not find birds and beasts, not even a bug.

He wanted to ask

However, I felt that this problem would make Pambu, Mark, and Qinser strange, so I dismissed my thoughts and thought about it myself.

"On top of this mountain, there is no real flesh and blood except for the gods. Believers of different gods passed the test of God. After death, they came to the mountain and became gods in pure soul form. But the sky temple does not satisfy the worship of the gods. , So he created the iron people and developed it into a unique civilization. In such a situation, how could the sky temple create birds, beasts and bugs? This has no benefit for the sky temple, no benefit Who would do the right thing. "Ning Tao thought in his heart, he felt quite reliable.

The car flew on the ground in the forest. There was no road between the trees, but the car seemed to have been set up a certain route. The speed of the flight was fast and there was no rubbing or collision with the trees.

Pambu also watched the scene of the forest passing by the window of the car, and after a while he said, "This forest is called the garden of the goddess. I have heard of it, but I have never been there."

"It's so dark and so humid here. What's so nice about it, I'm not rare in such a place." Qin Se clutched the bag in his arms tightly, looked at Ling Yu, and tentatively said: "Girl Ling Yu, you want to Where do we take us? "

Lingyu said, "We are going to the Savage Tribe."

"Ah?" Jensel was shocked and speechless.

Mark was also nervous: "Girl Lingyu, this kind of joke can't be made, savages are robbers who don't blink, we just go like this, they will tear us up!"

Lingyu smiled and said, "Who told you that the savages were robbers who did not blink? I am the leader of the savages. Do you look at me like a robber?"

Mark and Qin Se glanced at each other, wondering what to say.

Pan Bu stunned Ning Tao: "Brother Ali, are you a savage?"

Lingyu said, "He is ..."

Ning Tao interrupted Lingyu ’s words: "Yes, savages are robbers. This is just the concept that the Sky Temple instills in you. The true savages are iron people who have no choice but to fight for survival. Iron people produced this apocalyptic **** All the material needed by the country as a society does not even have the most basic guarantee of survival. Once the prosthetic limb is broken, it will be executed. Don't you think this is not fair at all? "

Mark, Qin Se, and Pembu are silent.

Tiemin is at the bottom, doing the most tiring work, but without even the lowest guarantee of survival. Once the prosthetic limb is broken and there is no money to replace it, it means death. Gods, people and people do not have to do it, but enjoy the treatment of nobles, and also discriminate against iron people, how can there be fairness in such a society?

Seems to want to understand, Pan Bu broke the silence in the carriage: "I want to join the Savage Tribe, can you take me, Lingyu girl?"

Lingyu smiled: "Why are you joining the Savage Tribe?"

Pambu glanced at Ning Tao and said, "Brother Ali is a savage from a savage tribe. I want to be with him, so I want to join the savage tribe."

With a sigh in her heart, Ning Tao secretly said, "Don't you know what to say is nice, such as I want to fight, I want to rebel, I want to fight for freedom and fairness for the iron people? Really young."

Lingyu smiled: "To join a savage tribe to become a savage, this is not who said that you can join it. It requires a lot of trials and tests, and there is a great risk of surviving that kind of surgery. The chance is only 50%. I told you this, would you like to join? "

"I ..." Obviously Pamp did not expect to join

The savage tribe would be so difficult, and her confidence was suddenly hit and hesitated.

"What is smear surgery?" Mark asked curiously.

Lingyu said: "That is the mark that the Sky Temple has left in our body to track us. This mark will automatically activate after killing your prosthetic limb, and then kill you. After erasing that mark , Even if your prosthetic limb is scrapped, you will not be killed, and will not be taken into the temple to break down. So even if there is only 50% hope of survival, there are still many people who are willing to try, because they are iron They have no choice at all. "

Pamp said with courage, "I want to be an iron man, and I'm going to undergo erasure surgery."

Qin Se grabbed Pambu's hand: "Don't be so impulsive, think clearly."

Now that she has money, she doesn't have to take the risk to do the erasure operation with only 50% certainty. In the future, if her prosthetic limb is broken, she can buy it with money. Therefore, she thought that Pampu should not take risks.

Ning Tao said: "If you really want to take the printing operation, then I will do it for you."

"Huh!" Pan Bu nodded heavily, looking excited and looking forward.

If the operation failed in Ning Tao's hands, that would be a good end.

However, she did not know Ning Tao's true identity. Ning Tao could erase the imprint of the soul of good and evil, and there was no other way to erase it. He had surgery on her, and she had no risk at all.

The car stopped while talking.

"We're here." Ling Yuzhen opened the curtain and went out.

Ning Tao also stepped out of the carriage. Oncoming was a rolling mountain, and any one of the hills had a height of 10,000 meters, soaring into the clouds, soaring and spectacular.

The car stopped in front of a crevice between the two peaks, which resembled a natural road and continued to the valley surrounded by mountains.

When Pambu, Mark, and Qinther came out of the carriage, a large group of iron people came out of the hillsides on the sides of the crack, one by one carrying guns and weapons such as swords. Some have one less arm and some lack a leg. This lineup gives people a terrible feeling, but their eyes are filled with firm and hopeful light, and their spirits are very good.

"Girl Lingyu is back!"

"Girl Lingyu!"

A cheering sound.

Lingyu raised her hand ~ ~ A white cloud with a gold edge appeared at her feet: "You all come up, I will take you to the Savage Tribe."

Ning Tao set foot on her white cloud with gold rims, and Pembu followed him.

Mark and Qin Se were a little hesitant, but they saw Ning Tao and Pembu both standing up, and the couple also stood up.

"Leave." Lingyu whispered a whisper, and the white clouds with gold edges flew towards the crack.

In front of the crack, a large group of iron people savages looked up at the auspicious clouds of Lingyu, one by one excited.

Lingyu said, "Go back, I have something important to announce."

The savage tribe has come to the Great God, and in the future there will be a great **** covering it. She can't wait to tell all the iron folk savages in the tribe. Row.

Ning Tao didn't think about this, he was curious about what the savage tribe was about to present.

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