Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1307: Light Spirit Ron Xianghun

Three days later, Apocalypse.

A trolley loaded with carriages was parked in front of a courtyard door. The driver was a young iron man, plainly dressed and ordinary in appearance, giving the impression of an honest rural youth.

The carriage opened, and a woman in white came out of the carriage. She was in white clothes, with a graceful figure, and the pedestrians on the street were attracted to her.

The young coachman jumped out of the car, then reached out and stroked Lingyu out of the car.

"Look, that's Lingyu Girl."

"It's really her. I finally saw her live!"

"She is so beautiful. She is the prettiest woman I have ever seen."

"Nonsense, Lingyu is the flower of our iron people. She is not the most beautiful. Who can be the most beautiful?"

The voice of praise is everywhere.

"Her coachman is so ugly. How did Lingyu find such a driver?"

"Yeah, that kid didn't even match up with Lingyu Girl, let alone drive for Lingyu Girl."

"I really want to hit the stinky boy, why should he drive Lingyu girl?"

"It's mad! That stinky boy actually took Lingyu's hand!"

There are also discordant sounds.

The drunk kid driving was Ning Tao.

Of course, the divine gift-giving gods will not exaggerate because of these voices, and they will not be punished. Lingyu has a high reputation in Tiemin's minds, even the fantasy object of thousands of Tiemin men. Although he only got Fulingyu girl to get off the car, he also highlighted the nobleness of Lingyu. In his eyes is the hand holding Lingyu, eating tofu of their idol, jealous is sure.

These days, who hasn't had many diehard fans.

These sounds made Lingyu frown slightly, these are talking about her god, but also the **** who touched her tail.

Ning Tao lowered his voice: "Whoever they say go, and there will be no less meat, the business matters."

Lingyu nodded slightly, then went to the door and knocked.

Ning Tao stood at the door, her hands in front of her crotch, and stood respectfully, waiting honestly.

The courtyard door opened quickly, and a strange-shaped godmind resembling an iron soldier appeared at the door. An armor of energy, looks very strong, domineering exposed.

"Who are you looking for?" Shenmin's tone was not good. The look at Lingyu was normal, but when he looked at Ning Tao, his eyes were full of contempt.

Lingyu politely said, "I am Lingyu. I have an appointment with your family to meet today."

The alien **** said, "I'll go back and ask, you guys wait."

The courtyard door closed again.

This is the **** people, even a subordinate did not put Lingyu in his eyes.

Lingyu looked at Ning Tao, worried that he was angry.

Ning Tao smiled lightly and didn't mind.

As soon as the divine thoughts moved, Lingyu's voice emerged in his mind: "My **** is such a good-tempered god. He is so gentle and not domineering at all. However, it is no wonder that it is a **** of gifts. The **** of a woman giving a child ca n’t be fierce, will he give me a child? Well, what am I thinking ... ”

Yeah, what are you thinking?

Ning Tao was so speechless that she immediately sacrifice her mind.

He knew, knowing what a people believer was thinking, sometimes it was very embarrassing, and this was a **** example.


The door opened again, and the alien **** appeared at the courtyard door again: "My master is affectionate, but ..."

"Wujing, go and take the gift from the car and follow me in." Lingyu said.

"Okay." Ning Tao turned to the scooter, took out a gift box in the compartment, and returned to Lingyu's side with her hands.

The alien gods frowned. He had originally said that the driver was to wait outside the door, but Lingyu asked the driver to get a gift box. If he insists that the driver stay outside to wait, he will take the gift box. Almost ten of the ten divine people have a clean habit, and do not like to be in contact with dusty things. In fact, except that some gods like to look like real people and wear real clothes, they don't like to touch real things. So, although he was a little upset in his heart, what he told the driver to wait outside didn't say it.

"Come with me." The alien gods led the way.

The front yard is very large, but not even a flower tree is planted, just a layer of rare white **** stone floor tiles. Looking ahead, each floor tile is respectful and invisible, even a grain of dust.

Not only the floor tiles of the front yard, all the houses in this yard are built with white **** stones, such as jade stigmas, walls, and even the roof tiles are also made of white **** stones. Wherever you look, everything is white, and everything is spotless.

This mansion is not magnificent, but it is a very famous existence in the city of Apocalypse, and it is also a landmark building in the neighborhood where the people live. It has a very special name, Xianghunju.

last night.

Tribal God Kingdom, Queen's Room.

"Xiang Hun Ju?" Ning Tao, who was giving Lingyu's right arm a big smile, smiled. "That place must be very fragrant?"

Lingyu's voice was vague: "My god, that place, um, it's not called Xianghunju because it is very fragrant, but um, um, um ..."

Ning Tao paused for a while.

Lingyu's voice returned to normal: "It was because of the name of its master Lang Xianghun, who is also a **** ambassador, known as the flower of the gods and people. It is said to be beautiful and beautiful, but she rarely Make a public appearance, very few people have seen her appearance. "

"Have you met her?"

"I've seen it and talked about it. The **** of the sky temple was kind to me because of my reputation among the iron people, but I knew she looked down on me, but she didn't show it."

"Why did you choose her?" Ning Tao's hands began to meet again.

Lingyu's voice was a little abnormal again: "Because um, she is the **** in charge of the reincarnation, um, she has the right to enter the temple of the sky, um, if we can let her take it, we can um, enter the sky, The temple is eh. "

"Let her take her into the Sky Temple, then we have to look like a trick."

"Uh-huh, I heard that she likes uh-huh spice, especially uh-huh spice that emits special flavors ..."

This is why Ning Tao came here. When he gave Lingyu great health care last night, he had already made a plan.

The alien gods brought Ning Tao and Lingyu to a two-story attic, which was also built by a white **** stone, crystal clear and spotless. A white plaque was hung on the lintel of the loft's door, and it was engraved with a few words never seen before.

"You guys wait for me here,

I'll go in and brief my owner. "The alien gods entered the attic.

Ning Tao looked up at a half-covered window, where a faint scent was flowing out of the window. Very strange scent, it seems to be a scent of orchid and osmanthus. Say it is light, it is strong, say it is strong, it is light. Smelling the scent also gives a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Lingyu looked at the plaque and said to Ning Tao with a tone of voice: "My god, this plaque is written in Guangling language, and it is written by Wen Xiangju. Lang Xianghun is a Guangling man It ’s rare. I do n’t know anyone else, but I only saw her as a light person. "

"You also know Guangling Wen?" Ning Tao felt a little strange when he saw only one Guangling man, but he knew Guangling's text.

Lingyu's voice was in his ear: "Tiemin was born with all the words."

Ning Tao suddenly understood that even Lingyu was made, just like a computer on earth, and the world ’s most important languages ​​were pre-installed before leaving the factory. He was said to be a spiritual jade. I am afraid that even the farmer who pulled a field from the field came over. He also recognized the light words on this plaque.

Light language, light people.

The light spirit Ning Tao was seen, but it is difficult to guess what the light spirit looks like. Lingyu said that the fragrance of the fragrance is the flower of the gods and the people. It must be beautiful. To what extent can it be beautiful? Imagine? Besides, Tiemin and humans have different aesthetic concepts. Lingyu said that it is beautiful. It may not be beautiful from the perspective of his human god.

As I imagined, the alien gods who just entered stepped out of Wenxiangju and said politely, "Go in, but take off your shoes and clean the dust on your body."

Such demands are full of racial discrimination, and the owner's pride is manifested.

However, Lingyu and Ning Tao did.

The plan has only just begun here, and there is no reason to give up.

Ning Tao and Lingyu took off their shoes in front of the door, and then patted their clothes very seriously. There was no dust on the two of them, but the action of the two taking the dust was very serious, and nothing was missed.

"Come in." The alien **** let the door open to the living room.

Lingyu advanced the door. After she took three steps, Ning Tao came in with the gift box.

His current status is not Shazi, a servant of Lingyu.

God stone floor tiles in the living room are also white as jade, which can be seen by people. There is only one chair in the wide living room, and there is a case on the side of the chair ~ ~ On the case, there is a pure white incense burner, and the blue smoke emitting fragrance is coming from that one Rising up among the antique incense burners.

Except for the chair and case, there was nothing else in the large living room.

This place is also called a living room?

There is only one chair, it must be for the host here, and the guests can only stand.

Although he hasn't seen the Langxiang soul, Ning Tao has already made a rough judgment about this mysterious Guangling woman, that is a arrogant and arrogant woman.

Bitches are always hypocritical.

Will she be a slut?

A scent of incense suddenly drifted into the living room from the staircase on the side of the living room. There was no footsteps, but there was a light and shadow in the mouth of the staircase, which slowly moved down.

Ning Tao's eyes moved to the stairs.

Guangling Renlang Xianghun, do you have three rooms and six arms?

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