Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1309: Settled in Wenxiang Tower

"This is your room." Sashimi led Ning Tao into a partial room in the backyard.

This Shunbian room is obviously for the people to live in. The ordinary stone walls are gray tiles, the doors and windows are simple, and there is no furniture in the room. It is just a room that can barely live in people. In this case, the Shun Pian room is also intentionally separated from the backyard. The isolated wall is white **** stone, which is high-end in the atmosphere.

This is the ultimate use of the level, the place where the subordinates of Xianghun Curie can not even compare with a brick on the wall.

Ning Tao glanced over the simple wooden bed. There was only one table in the room, not even a stool. He sent his divine destiny so that he could live in such a place?

"Although the Lord kept you here, you must not forget your identity, you are just a humble iron slave. I said the ugly things in the front, stay here honestly, and go to the scary place when I eat. Eat in the cafeteria, do n’t walk around. This house is very strict. If you commit one, I will treat which one. ”The sashimi spoke in one breath, his eyes full of scorn and disdain, and he turned and turned Just leave, don't want to stay in this kind of place for even a second.

"Wait." Ning Tao said.

"Huh?" Sashimi stopped and turned to look at Ning Tao with an angry look in his eyes. "What tone are you using to talk to me?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "You're not a senior official or a noble person. What tone should I use to speak to you? Aren't you also a servant in this house?"

"You—" The sashimi was stunned, so speechless that when a humble iron man dare to speak to him in this tone!

However, Ning Tao also poured a scoop of oil on his fire: "I haven't finished talking yet. Why are you in a hurry?"

"Damn! How dare you hit me!" Sashimi waved to Ning Tao's face.

Ning Tao took a step back and avoided it easily, and then said, "I miss you as a first offender and don't care about you for the time being. If you dare to disrespect me again, I will leave immediately. The spice that your master wants, I won't even have a single spice Refining. If your master asks me what's going on, I'll tell him, it's you who hinder me, guess what your master will do to you? "

The sashimi hand had been raised again, but after hearing Ning Tao's words, he let it go again. However, the hatred in his eyes was obviously stronger.

Ning Tao went on to say, "Also, I'm going to live in the front yard and change my room right away, or I'll leave right away."

"You, you, you just touch your nose!" Sashimi couldn't help but, "Who do you think you are? There isn't you here yet ..."

"Chang him a room." A voice came from the door.

The waist of the sashimi bent down instantly, and the anger stunned and wiped out: "Yes, master."

Long Xianghun appeared at the door, covered his nose and mouth with a plain white handkerchief, and did not enter.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Thank you God for your help."

Lang Xianghun seemed to hate this place very much. She stepped back and covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said, "Come out and talk."

"Okay." Ning Tao went out.

There was no word in his heart.

Even if I can pretend to be strong, I never thought you could pretend to be better!

Do you have a godsend?

Of course, this is impossible to say. When he went out, he stood in front of Lang Xianghun, and deliberately lowered his head. He was wearing a sacred armor, two meters tall, even with his head down. It is a lot higher than Long Xianghun, and the inevitable gain of sight

A touch of white, still Nike.

"Just go live in my Xiangfang. There are a lot of ingredients for making incense. You can also make spices there when you live there. If you lack any materials, I will let you be prepared." All are Ning Tao's drunk incense soul, otherwise she would invite Ning Tao to live in her Xiangfang, a woman so proud that her tail is up in the sky, I'm afraid she won't even look at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Okay, I will make a new drunk incense soul as soon as possible and present it to God for adults."

Lang Xianghun was no longer willing to talk to Ning Tao. She gave a sashimi glance, and said lightly, "What are you still doing here without taking him to Xiangfang?"

"Yes." Sashimi's mind clearly had opinions, but he was afraid to do anything.

The subordinates often care most about the favor of the master. He considers himself to be the most favored person of Xiangxiang Curie in Xiangxiang Curie, but never expected that Xiang Xianghun would scold him for a humble iron man. The most hateful thing is that the Tiemin kid looked at him with a smile, and his eyes were obviously provoking him!

However, he could only endure.

In this way, Ning Tao followed the sashimi and came to a room on the second floor of Wenxiang Curie who had met Lang Xianghun before.

Lang Xianghun also lives on the second floor, and the Xiangfang, which is used to make incense, happens to be right next to her. As for Lingyu, she was not eligible to live with Lang Xianghun and was placed in a room next to Wen Xiangju, but her treatment was already treated as a VIP.

The sashimi opened the door of Xiangfang and said indignantly, "Go in, you will live here, but I warn you, the rules here ..."

Ning Tao interrupted him: "I'm a bit hungry. Go get me some food."

"You ..." The sashimi was aired again.

Ning Tao added: "I remind you, my mouth is very fiddly, you better not perfuse me, otherwise I can't make the spice your family wants."

"You remember to me!" Sashimi snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Ning Tao just smiled slightly.

He is not a cautious person, but he will stay here for a while and not give this silly a little look, I'm afraid he will be annoyed every day by this silly. He was worried that if he couldn't help it one day, he slapped the guy with a slap, affecting his plan.

After the sashimi left, Ning Tao looked at Xiangfang.

There are a lot of incense-making materials and tools stored in this fragrant house, as well as an inner room for people to rest. There are beds and chairs, and a window. When you open it, you can see the view of the backyard.

After observing the environment, Ning Tao casually took some of the spice materials for making spices and submerged them into powder. The main ingredient of his drunk incense soul is fox fairy wine, and other spice ingredients are free to mix, so there is nothing particular about it.

In fact, the drunk incense soul had such a strong effect on Lang incense soul that this was not even thought of by himself. Before coming, he was still worried that his sinful incense soul would not have much appeal to Lang Xianghun, for which he also prepared a backup plan specifically to kidnap Lang Xianghun directly. However, he did not expect that he devoted a little bit of drunk incense to Lang Xianghun, who fell into it and could not pull it out.

Now, the reason is actually very simple.

Fox Fairy Wine already has intoxicating factors and mana, and its power has been improved a lot after his refining. In addition, Lang Xianghun is a pure soul body, there is no body to resist the intoxicating soul factor and mana of Fox Fairy Wine, so the amount that Lingyu can bear, Lang Xianghun and thorn

The body couldn't bear it at all and was drunk.

It didn't take long for the sashimi to send several foods, which were quite particular about it, not perfunctory him.

However, Ning Tao looked at it with a glance, and the medicine had been taken from those foods.

Sashimi smiled: "Master Wujing, this is the food you want. I brought it to you personally. Eat it while you are hot."

Ning Tao said lightly: "You put it down."

"I think you should eat it while it's hot, but it won't taste good when it's cold," Sashimi said.

Ning Tao frowned. "Did you not see that I was busy? Would you like me to go to the Fragrant Soul God now and say that you would interfere with my spice making?"

"Huh!" Sashimi lowered the tray and turned out of the door.

Ning Tao went up and closed the door and plugged it in.

Within two minutes, the sashimi returned, and the ghost usually stood in the doorway, peeping through the crack of the door.

Ning Tao pretended not to know, and still took the ingredients for making spices and ground them into powder. From time to time, he still sniffs, and dips it with his tongue to taste it. The master's forcing is vivid.

The sashimi stood at the door for a long time and peeped at the time before leaving, it is estimated that it was boring before leaving.

A cold smile emerged from the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "You guy poisoned me first, then watched, you are blasphemy. I originally wanted to pry the spirit into the burial of heaven, now I will change you. , You come to be an experimental mouse. "

After the sashimi left, Ning Tao took off the Japanese gourd and released a large porcelain bottle.

This bottle contains fox fairy wine.

Later, he took out the Xianshi pot, poured a little fox fairy wine into the pot, and then added a lot of spices powder he just ground.

This is ready.

Ning Tao calmed down, and God's consciousness diffused in all directions. Everything he passed was under his control. The **** stone bricks on the ground, the soil under the stone bricks, the wind in the air, and the people walking on the road, everything As he saw it, as he heard it, nothing was missed.

In a room next to Wen Xiangju, Lingyu was talking to Lang Xianghun.

"Girl Lingyu, you brought me that master perfumer. Is there anything you want me to do?" Lang Xianghun opened his door and saw the truth.

Suddenly, Lingyu looked at Wen Xiangju, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

She obviously noticed something ~ ~ After all, she is a demigod, and it is a demigod that Ning Tao has taken care of, and her strength is far beyond that of Lang Xianghun.

However, Lingyu only glanced back and looked away: "My sister really has something to ask her for help."

"You said." Lang Xianghun didn't mind Lingyu calling her sister.

Lingyu said, "My sister will always have a dream in these days. In that dream, the great goddess of wisdom asked me to see her at the Temple of the Sky, and said that there was a **** to me. I did n’t believe it, but repeated dream , I have to believe. I want to go to the sky temple to worship God, but the sky temple is still in a closed state, I can't enter, so I want to ask my sister to take me in. "

"This ..." Lang Xianghun said for a moment before he said, "I think about it."

Ning Tao withdrew her consciousness, stuck her palms on the Xianshi pot, and lightened the spice powder and fox fairy wine in the Xianshi pot with the magic fire.


Tonight, a drop of drunk incense can make you overturned. After you are addicted, I see how you think about it.

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