Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1316: Sky temple

The coachman arranged by the sashimi was replaced, and Ning Tao became a driver, driving a luxury flat car to the sky temple. In the carriage sat Lang Xianghun and Lingyu, both women looked a little nervous.

For Lingyu or Lang Xianghun, this trip to the sky temple has an extraordinary meaning. Especially Lang Xianghun, she needs to give up too much, not just her belief in the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, everything she has, and even her life. In the face of this, how could she be easy?

"You don't need to worry, I will protect you when you reach the Sky Temple." Ning Tao passed the voice into the compartment, but did not spread out.

"You don't know how powerful the Goddess of the Sky Temple is, and the Sky Guardian, Dadao Tianwang Langlang, just the three of us ..." Lang Xianghun's voice, she did not finish, but it was easy to guess behind her What I want to say.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Is the sky guardian sword King Langlang in the sky temple?"

Lang Xianghun said: "I heard the priest Rambo inadvertently leaked. He said that the sky guardian sword, King Lang Lang, was in the sky temple at the highest level of the sky temple. The sky he guarded is actually the sky temple, which is equivalent to He is the guardian of the goddess of wisdom Hemia. "

"Haven't you been to the highest sky temple?" Ning Tao asked.

Lang Xianghun said: "The only one who has permission to go up is the priest Rambo, and I don't have that permission. The Sky Temple has twelve heavenly palaces, which are Tianji, Tengyun, Kobe, Shenzuo, Shuangshan, Tianzhu, Yurong , Tiankou, Shenqi, Tianyan, Linggai, Zodiac of Heaven, and the sky temple is above the 12th palace. With my authority, I can only go to Kobe Palace, which is the third temple in the sky. "

There was a slight disdain in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

Twelve days palace?

Did Goddess of Wisdom really think of herself as the emperor of jade?

"What's in the third house?" Ning Tao asked.

Lang Xianghun said: "A part of the Goddess of Wisdom, there is a part of her in each sky. From head to toe, if you put together the deities in the twelve heavenly palaces, you can put together a complete **** body."

Ning Tao was just a little curious about how the names of the twelve sky temples were so strange. When Jing Lang Xianghun said this, he suddenly understood that what the meaning of the heavenly foundation, spirit, and jade were. But it ’s just how much narcissistic talent is it to worship every part of your own body as a god?

"Apart from the part of the goddess of wisdom, what else?"

Lang Xianghun said: "Of course, there is the Tiangong Valkyrie who guards the shrine, as well as its governing gods. Each Tiangong has eighty gods, one Tiangong warrior."

"Why are eighty Shenwei and a Tiangong Wushen?" Ning Tao asked.

"From the number of ninety-nine." Lang Xianghun said: "The goddess of wisdom Hemia claims to be the daughter of nothing, she is the one below ten thousand, that is, ninety-nine supreme, so each sky temple has eighty Sky gods, a heavenly **** of war. "

This information is very useful.

"How powerful are those gods and warriors?" Ning Tao asked again.

"You ... are you really going to kill it?" Lang Xianghun was more nervous.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "I just got to know it and be prepared for it. But what if you kill it? Except for the goddess of wisdom, Ximia, I haven't put her eyes on her. The goddess and Tiangong Valkyrie you said, still Is there any sky guarding the sword, King Wang Langlang, I

A hammer can kill one. "

He really has this courage and confidence. He is the true **** who came up from the calamity, and he has the power of creation. What are the heavenly gods of the sky temple, the three heavenly kings? In his eyes, only the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, could be compared with him, and her men were nothing more than false gods.

He thought so, but caught a voice from Lang Xianghun in his heart: "Bragging."

There was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lang Xianghun became his follower and he controlled her everything.

Was she a blasphemy?

However, Ning Tao was too lazy to care about it, and he said again: "Soul Soul, will we go directly to the Sky Temple in a moment, or do we have to take any special channel?"

Lang Xianghun said: "You can't go directly in this way. When I go to the temple square, I will go in advanced. You wait for me outside and I arrange for someone to pick you up. You pretend to be iron people who need treatment, so that it won't cause others to doubt. "

"Okay, just as you say." Ning Tao said.

The luxury flat van went across several streets to the square in front of the Sky Temple. Many iron people kneeling on the ground worshipped God at great distances. There are many heavily armed guards around the temple, three steps and one post, and a steel and flesh wall was built around the temple. The same faces of the gods, the same armor, and the same weaponry and equipment give people a strong sense of visual impact.

Ning Tao stopped the car early.

Lang Xianghun got out of the car and pointed Ning Tao to an alleyway next to the square: "You go there and wait, I will send someone to pick you up after I go in. They will ask you if you are sick, and you will answer yes Yourself. "

"Go." Ning Tao said.

Lang Xianghun walked to the gate of Sky Temple alone.

Lingyu leaned her head out of the window: "My ... Brother Wujing, will she?"

She almost called out "My God". Fortunately, she turned around and called out "God Brother". She lurks in Tianqi City all year round, and is almost an old spy. This reaction is still there.

Although she didn't finish her words, but Ning Tao knew what she meant, he said, "Are you worried that she betrayed me?"

Lingyu nodded.

Ning Tao said: "It's useless to worry, just take a step and look now. She also understands the betrayal of me, and I believe she will not."

After speaking with Lingyu for two words, he climbed into the luxury flat car and left the road, and came to the alley designated by Lang Xianghun. Lingyu came down from the carriage, hit two rolls on the ground, and smeared some ash on her face. In a blink of an eye, she changed from a jade girl to a dirty girl. It was completely different from the flower of the iron man Side by side, it looks like a poor village aunt from the countryside outside the city.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "You don't need to do this, Lang Xianghun will arrange everything."

Lingyu said: "I've been to the Sky Temple many times, it's easy to be recognized, so it's okay to disguise it."

When she spoke, she messed up her hair too, and her long blond hair covered most of her face.

Ning Tao said, "Go back and I will preach your armor, and you can gather your armor to change your appearance without having to make yourself dirty."

"Thank you ... Brother Wujing." Lingyu's eyes were full of worship.

Ning Tao shifted her eyes to the Sky Temple,

It is full of majestic ground architecture, and the steps in front of the first hall are hundreds of meters high, which is exaggerated. Further up is the sky part of the sky temple, the twelve sky and the highest sky temple. A sky road connects all the temples and the highest temple in the sky, and its height from the ground is also seven or eight kilometers visually. It is glittering and sacred.

Lingyu came to Ning Tao's side and looked at the heavenly palaces: "Someday, I will build such a temple for my ... Wujing brother."

Ning Tao smiled: "The temple in the tribe's kingdom of God is very good. What is the purpose of building such a temple? Even if it is a god, it will not require such a large temple. It hurts people and hurts their money.

"You are a good god." Lingyu said.

There was a faint trace of fascinating energy from her body, among which was a few fabulous fascinating energies.

There is no need to control her thoughts. Ning Tao also knows what she is thinking at the moment. He can pretend not to notice, but his mark of creation is not polite, and he wakes up automatically and then pulls her energy of faith and love. Enter the Seal of Fortune.

Feelings of faith and love spontaneously arise, and he also has feelings.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Not long after, the two iron people drove a simple flat car to this side, and the two iron people wore white gowns and white hats, and they looked like doctors on earth. .

"Brother Wujing, here comes the reincarnation." Lingyu said, she put away some thoughts, and the energy of her faith and love in her body also disappeared.

Ning Tao said, "When you enter the Sky Temple, follow me. If something unexpected happens, you can come in after I open the door. Don't delay for a second."

Lingyu nodded.

Tiemin from the two reincarnation institutes drove the flatbed into the alley, glanced at Ning Tao and Lingyu, and one of them said, "Are you patients?"

Ning Tao said, "Myself."

The man said, "Come up."

Ning Tao and Lingyu climbed onto the scooter, and the two iron people drove the scooter to the sky temple.

"After entering, don't talk nonsense or walk away," an iron man urged.

"I see." Lingyu said.

The scooter did not go to the main entrance ~ ~ Instead, it bypassed the main entrance, followed the fence for a while, and finally stopped in front of a side entrance. There were several guards on the side door, and the door was closed. A Tiemin handed over a **** stone token, a **** guard took a look and opened the door for release.

The Tiemin collected the Shenshi token and drove the scooter into the door.

Behind the door is a garden with a lot of exotic flowers and weeds. A little further past, at the end of the garden is a temple, and there are more normal houses built around the temple.

Two iron people drove a scooter to the towering upper temple. In the garden, some iron people in white gowns appeared around the houses.

The towering temple and the buildings around it are the reincarnation.

In fact, it is also possible to treat it as a hospital and a waste recycling treatment station.

Most of the iron people who come here will be disposed of, and only a few lucky people can be regarded as typical releases.

Anyway, this is even entering the Sky Temple.

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