Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1319: Kobe Ecstasy

There was a sudden alertness in Ning Tao's heart.

Did he see any flaws in the response to this product?

"Lang Weisheng, you're a bit wrong today," said Xu Bian.

Sure enough, what he saw was that the Wushen Puppet in Dengyun Palace became much smarter than that in Tianji Palace.

Before Ning Tao spoke, Lang Xianghun said, "What do you mean by being an adult?"

He said, "Via, why don't you say a word?"

He obviously didn't want to talk to Lang Xianghun.

Ning Tao imitated Long VIA's voice and said, "Sir, what do you want me to say?"

"It's nothing, you can go." Long VIA turned and walked towards the door again, this time without turning back.

Ning Tao was ready to kill, but the shipment was gone. Did he have any doubts just because he didn't hear the voice, and left after confirming the voice?

"Let's go," said Lang Xianghun.

Ning Tao nodded his head, and said deliberately, "Yes, God makes adults."

This was said to the uncles outside the door.

The iron-headed man didn't go far, he was eavesdropping at the corner.

Sure enough, he is a sly and cautious guy.

Lang Xianghun said nothing and led Ning Tao to the back door.

After exiting the back door, step on the ladder and head up again.

The voice of Lang Xianghun came: "My god, that maggot is not right."

Ning Tao replied intently: "Did he have such a reaction before?"

"I didn't realize it, maybe I was too nervous." Lang Xianghun said.

She had never thought that this would happen today. First, she betrayed the Sky Temple, and then invaded the Sky Temple with another god. In such a situation, even a slight wind blowing might make her nervous.

Ning Tao said, "Don't be afraid. If you are spotted, I will immediately open the door to take you back to my temple, and then I demolish the ruined temple."

Lang Xianghun's expression relaxed a little.

The two continued up the road.

Beside Dengyun Palace, a giant with a height of several tens of meters stood at the corner, looking up at Lang Xianghun and Ning Tao, and his blood-stained eyes caught the eyes. No one could see the expression on his face, maybe he had no expression at all.

Ning Tao knew that Baoan was watching him and Lang Xianghun behind him, but he didn't look back.

Kobe Palace is here.

Ning Tao followed Lang Xianghun into the Kobe Palace, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the things enshrined in the Kobe Palace.

It's like a certain kind of item bought by Earthworld, and Beijing Kinetic. It is crystal clear and lifelike.

However, the most critical place was covered with a golden sacred magpie, which was densely covered with runes, adding a little sacred and mysterious breath to the enshrined thing.

Do not know why, Ning Tao's heart has an urge to tear down the golden method.

Now that you are here to receive the worship of the people, what else is there to cover it up?

Lang Xianghun knelt down, muttering something in his mouth.

This time without waiting for her reminder, Ning Tao also followed her knees, set aside the metal box, and learned her muttering.

But he was n’t saying verses and prayers, but blasphemy: “Hemiah, do you remember the battle we had in the sacred market? At that time you were just a weak chicken, even I ca n’t beat it. I did n’t expect you to become a **** in Shenshan, and also a daughter who claimed to be nothing. You cut yourself into twelve pieces to make people worship. How do you say you are abnormal? Do n’t hide, I ’ve already Come, come if you want to kill me. "

Obviously there is no response to what is offered in Kobe.

The door on the side of Kobe Palace opened, and another group of **** guards came in with a warrior.

Ning Tao glanced at Yu Guang at the corner of his eyes, and later found that all the goddess guards were nearly four meters tall, wearing azure armor, and barely covered his arms, lower abdomen and thighs in the air. Their weapons are also different from those of the Goddess of Heavenly Palace and Dengyun Palace. These goddess guards have a long hand in their hands, a quiver on their shoulders, full of arrows, and a sheathed sword hanging from their waist. . The same height, the same equipment, the same face, and even the width of the tail uplift are maintained in a high degree of uniformity, beautiful, mighty, tough, sexy, and heroic.

This Valkyrie in Kobe Palace is also a Valkyrie, also at a height of tens of meters. She wears white armor and wears a white helmet with feathers. The helmet bears the emblem of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia. However, this Valkyrie is not beautiful at all, the skin exposed in the air is yellow, and the whole body is covered with discus-like muscles. A face is also angular, full of masculinity.

Such a Valkyrie, if not wearing this three-point white armor in pursuit of beauty, but wearing a man's full armor, no one can see that she is a woman.

The voice of Lang Xianghun came: "This woman is called Yinshaling, the surname given by Yinshali, the patron saint of the people. She is even harder to deal with. Be careful."

Ning Tao didn't return to her with any intention, but she lowered her head very subtly. It looked as if Yinshaling came in, and he paid his respects to Yinshaling.

Yinshaling strode forward, dozens of goddess guards followed, left and right, the steps were adjusted, and the sound of footsteps shook the ears, giving a feeling of well-trained and imposing.

Lang Xianghun bowed his greetings and said politely, "Xiang soul meets Sister Ling."

Such a woman is also called a sister?

There was a chill in Ning Tao's heart.

Yin Sha Ling raised his hand.

Dozens of goddesses stopped for a moment, just sandwiching Ning Tao and Long Xianghun.

Lang Xianghun became nervous: "Sister Ling, you are ..."

Yin Shaling just spoke, "I'll tell you later, VIA you open the box."

"Yes." Ning Tao responded, then reached out and lifted the lid of the metal box.

Fist-sized **** brain nuclei were exposed.

Yin Sha Ling just glanced lightly, then raised his finger and said, "What's that?"

Ning Tao suddenly stunned at the scene.

He certainly knew what it was, but he couldn't say it, neither in written language nor in secular names. He was also surprised and curious. How did this extra-large version of Stallone ask him this question?

You're so smart. What is that in your heart?

How dare you ask me?

When Ning Tao guessed the motives of Yinshaling to ask this question, Lang Xianghun's voice suddenly came: "My God, please answer quickly, that is ... enchanting soul!"

Ning Tao was suddenly speechless.

It turned out that the goddess of Valkyrie was asking about the magpie covered there!

Nima, you didn't say it early!

You make people embarrassed, do you know?

"Huh?" Yin Sha Ling's golden eyes were already very angry.

Ning Tao said, "Sir, isn't that a spiritual fan, why ask me such strange questions?"

Yin Shaling said in a cold voice: "When I ask you, you answer me. What I ask you to do, you just do. How can you ask me?"

Ning Tao closed her mouth and lowered her head.

The evil spirit was just an ant-like being in his eyes, but for his plan, he had to bow his head.

Yin Shaling pointed to the spiritual soul chant and said, "That is the sacred thing left by the great wisdom goddess Hemia. Now you go to take the brain core of the iron people to the spiritual soul chant, and then put the brain core one by one. Go up. "

Ning Tao suddenly understood.

Soul enchantment, enchantment enchantment, isn't this law enchantment?

In the core of Tiemin's brain, the soul of Xianmin was imprisoned. Those iron people died in the reincarnation. Rangxiang soul sent the brain to this Kobe palace, and then turned it back by this spirit.

Although Ning Tao thought in this way, but his face was still, he lifted the metal box and walked to the soul.

Lang Xianghun said suddenly, "Sister Ling, never let VIA do this before, why today ..."

Before she finished speaking, Yin Sha Ling interrupted her: "Shut up for me, and you will speak later."

"I ..." Lang Xianghun stopped talking, she didn't dare to say any more, and Yin Sha Ling looked at her eyes at this moment. She was worried that Yin Sha Ling would kill her if she continued. She looked at Ning Tao's back. Ning Tao was now her only reliance.

Ning Tao's pace is very slow.

He was pondering things.

The heaven is more difficult to go up, and the warrior who guards the heaven is also more powerful.

He and Lang Xianghun passed the Tianji Palace without any problems, and the warrior Langji who guarded the Tianji Palace was indeed a simple-headed product. However, there was a problem when he passed the Dengyun Palace. If the warrior who guarded the Dengyun Palace did not see any flaws in him, how could he let him speak, not just to hear his voice to identify whether he was Longevity?

The evil spirit in front of him may have received the hint or reminder of change, and it will make people surround him and Lang Xianghun, and let him go to the soul to release the iron people's brain. This is actually a sign of action. Already.

"Hurry up!" Yin Shaling snapped.

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

Are you forcing me?

No ~ ~ You are looking for death.

At this time, the voice of Long Xianghun came from Ning Tao's mind: "Oh my god, we are probably ... seeing through, the soul-calling spirit will enchant the soul as soon as it is activated, it is you and my soul!"

Ning Tao did not seem to hear Rang Xianghun's reminder. He came under the relic, opened the box again, and passed a piece of brain to the soul-calling maggot.

Dozens of Valkyrie suddenly recited the mantra in unison, the tone was strange, as if dozens of female niches were chanting Sanskrit verses, transcending the soul.

Suddenly the rune on the Soul of Ecstasy shot out a blast of golden light, a strange suction swept through the holy relics, and swept away the brain of Ning Tao. At that moment, the sucking mana pulled a white energy from the brain.

That is the soul of an immortal!

Not only the soul of the immortal people stored in the brain, but also the soul body of Lang Xiang soul was sucked over and thrown into the spiritual soul!

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