"Go to my room and talk." Lingyu was talking, and when he was talking, he miserably glanced at the door of the living room, for fear of being heard.

Does she even know?

Ning Tao's heart was even more curious, and he couldn't help but want to control the minds of the two women, but he couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to hear them speak out.

"My God, come with us." Lang Xianghun and Ling Yu turned and walked up the stairs.

Ning Tao followed them. The sight of the two women in the sight was beautiful. Two dumplings, one with a tail and one without a tail, each had their own mature and attractive beauty. However, he glanced away and looked away. He hadn't eaten meat since he came to Shenshan. Some things looked too bad for his health.

A vegetarian, you hold two pieces of fat barbecue in front of him, can he feel well?

On the second floor, Lingyu came to a room door, looked back at Ning Tao, and opened the door and walked in.

Lang Xianghun also looked back at Ning Tao, and then walked in.

What is it, so mysterious?

Ning Tao's mind had already taken notice, and no longer waited for them to speak out. When she entered the house, she opened her mind and controlled her mind.

However, as soon as he entered the house, he was caught on the spot.

In the room, the tribal queen and the temple priests showed their natural beauty, without any modification, pure and natural, just like the flowers without leaves in the sun.

"You ..." Ning Tao was a little helpless. He didn't know where to look or what to say. He just wanted to come in and use his sense to control everything. But at this time, his brain was unresponsive and there was a lot of blank Place, actually did not listen to his orders.

At some point men's IQs will really diminish 99%, leaving only 1% and one mind.

Lang Xianghun knelt down and fell on his pretty face with a pious and excited expression: "My God, we heard that Zong Er talked about the energy of the soul. The **** crystal can make you stronger, you Requires God Crystal. "

Lingyu also knelt down: "My God, I am willing to give you everything for me, my life, my soul is yours."

The originator of this incident was actually Zhe Er Na.

How can it tell such things to Lang Xianghun and Lingyu?

Ning Tao finally came back to God, he hurried up to help Fu Lingyu and Lang Xianghun, and said, "You get up and talk, don't do this ..."

As soon as his words fell, Lang Xianghun suddenly opened herself, and turned into a flare of energy spots on his skin, then melted into it.

His body froze instantly.

Lingyu lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Ning Tao's eyes, but she summoned the courage to say a word: "Zhong Er said you ... you god, shy, you will leave it to us."

Ning Tao: "..."

Sending the gods in a dignified manner, it was so plainly arranged that it was so nonsense?

He wanted to leave this room with a decent and proper excuse, but a lot of love energy suddenly appeared in his body, and Lingyu took his hand forward, and the decent and proper excuse was I slipped by myself. In this matter, even he himself cannot help himself.

Lingyu took her **** away.

In front of it is the moving station.

It was dark first, and then it was bright again.

Instead of having breakfast, Ning Tao took three **** crystals, one to Lang Xianghun, one to Lingyu, and one to himself.

"This is ... Shen Jing?" Lang Xianghun was very excited. "I've heard of Shen Jing. It's a crystal of God's energy, but I have never seen it before. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"The energy contained in this **** crystal is so powerful!" Lingyu was also very excited, and she knew how much such a **** crystal could help her.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "You also have a share of this **** crystal, and if you need it, go to the Sanshengding."

Drinking water does not forget to dig the well. The gods in the Trinity Ding are related to these two women, and of course they must share with them.

Long Xianghun can't wait to put the **** crystal in her mouth, and then swallow it. At that moment, a faint piece of Jinhui diffused from her body, and she seemed to be in a state of being supernatural.

Lingyu does not have such a situation, because her body is real, and the energy light of Shenjing cannot penetrate her body like the soul of Lang Xiang soul. When stopping at several stations last night, Ning Tao made all the rest of her body. Now, she plans to feel that there are no mechanical parts in her body, nor is it natural bones and flesh. It is a brand new existence, and it feels incredible.

Ning Tao also served the **** crystal, but he finished refining soon. The fatigue of last night was swept away. The whole man was refreshed and in good condition. The two women around him were still concentrating on refining Shenjing. He didn't want to disturb them. He went out alone and went to the temple.

Shenzhou said he had to make some preparations, and all he did was to clear the spiritual materials brought from the immortal world and make room for the Japanese gourd. He had no idea what else to prepare for, but he remembered something when he was not on his way to the temple. At Lang Xianghun's house, he grabbed a sashimi, a **** of pure soul. He always wanted to recreate the burial of the sky. What he lacked was a soul, and he didn't want to use it for Daenerys' **** spirits, so the sashimi became a good substitute.

"Shenzhou said that the **** that disappeared into the Divine Meteor Canyon that year, or the goddess of wisdom Hemia sent Tiemin to find it. Why don't I rebuild that day and take it to the Divine Meteor Canyon?" Ning Tao made up his mind , Into the temple.

This time, Zoji Er and God were very disciplined, and did nothing to blaspheme the gods.

"Ning Aiqing, good morning, I received a lot of love energy last night, Ning Aiqing worked hard." Worm eyes quickly, Ning Tao snorted as soon as he entered the door.

Ning Tao gave it a blindfold. The originator of last night's story is this one, but what can he do with it? Teach it a meal, and after a few seconds it forgets it. Scolding it is also a waste of saliva.

"Yes, that sashimi is also locked in the dungeon?" Ning Tao shifted the topic to the business.

Zhe Er said: "Yes, I have forgotten to torture it. Ning Aiqing, do you want to interrogate him?"

Ning Tao said: "No, I go to the warehouse, you bring it to the warehouse."

He walked towards the gate of the warehouse.

Zhe Er also said, "Ning Aiqing, there is one more thing."

Ning Tao stopped and looked back at it: "What else?"

Zhe Er said: "Yu has formulated a perfect upgrade plan, which requires a large amount of divine spirits to upgrade the temple. After the upgrade, whether it is the immortal world or the earthly world, everyone who believes in Ning Aiqing and your followers will die after they die. Have the opportunity to go to God Mountain and become your **** people. "

Ning Tao felt a novelty in her heart, and she was also a little excited: "I can also have a **** people? And a **** people from the earth and the immortal world?"

God interjected and said, "Ning Aiqing, you are the God of Heaven and the Son of God. You are a true **** with a **** card. Why ca n’t you have your own **** people? In the past, those gods who were far worse than yours also had their own. God people. "

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, the next day and night thinking, Ning Aiqing, if your kingdom of God wants to grow, only this 10,000 iron people can not do it, you also need a lot of **** people. God people are pure souls , The belief energy of the gods and people will be stronger, and Ning Aiqing will be stronger. If there are millions of gods supporting you, how strong will your gods be? "

The strength of the divine body is directly related to the belief energy of the believer's people. If a **** does not even have the believer's people, then he cannot have the divine body even if he has a deity card. The reason why he has a **** body is also because he has become the patron saint of the Savage Tribe from the beginning, and transformed the Savage Tribe into his tribal **** kingdom. He has more than 10,000 iron people, believers, and people. One hundred meters high.

"That's a good idea. How much divine material do you want?" Ning Tao was excited.

Worm II said: "The more, the better, the best divine material. Ning Aiqing, you gave 朕 enough divine material, 升级 upgraded the temple, expanded the Hall of Spirit, and with the Hall of Spirit, Fairy and Fan The souls of the believers can see the light and come to the Hall of Inspiration. "

"Okay, wait for me to come back from the Meteor Canyon." Ning Tao said, and then entered the warehouse.

Refining the Daily God Stick requires 199,999 jins of Divine Gold, and there are only a lot of divine spiritual materials needed to upgrade the temple to build the Yingling Hall. Where can so many divine spiritual materials go?

I can only hope that this trip to the Meteor Canyon.

The burial of the demigod is placed in the warehouse. It is alive, but it does not have any thoughts and will not move. In Ning Tao's view, its current state is a "living person", or a robot beast without a driver.

Can sashimi soul be spurred into the core of the burial of heaven, can it be activated?

Ning Tao himself didn't know it, but he wanted to try it. His reliance is not on his ingenuity, but on his power of creation. That is the supreme divine power that can bring death back to life and even create life.

Zuji Er quickly brought the sashimi to the warehouse. It locked the sashimi with a lightning chain and dragged a dead dog in front of Ning Tao.

"Ning Aiqing, the criminal was brought here." Zoe Er pulled the lightning chain.

Ning Tao said, "You go out."

"Zhun Zou." Zoji Er left the warehouse with two short legs.

The warehouse door was closed.

The sashimi breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Ning Tao, his eyes full of hatred and aversion: "I spit you! I curse you not to die!"

Ning Tao said lightly: "What then?"

The sashimi was suddenly choked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ning Tao pointed to the burial of heaven and said, "Although you are disrespectful to me, I still want to give you a great fortune. Have you seen this iron beast, it But the iron beast with demigod power is called heavenly burial. I will put your soul into the core of heavenly burial, and you will get this powerful and real body. "

The sashimi shouted in horror: "Dare you--"

"This is not something I dare to dare, nor is it something you are willing to do." Ning Tao said with a smile.

The voice fell, and his hand grabbed the sashimi, and the force of creation poured out, like a large golden net covering the sashimi.

"No-no-" Sashimi screamed in astonishment and struggled, but he couldn't escape the restraint of the power of creation.

Ning Tao compresses the "rope net" of the power of creation. When the fist was about to be big, he inserted the energy light ball of the power of creation and the sashimi into the core of the burial ...

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