Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1350: Despicable war


"Seal!" Hemia roared suddenly.

This honeycomb-like space suddenly collapsed toward the middle, and the scene was like a big hand squeezing a ball in the middle!

This space is not her absolute field, and this is her home field!

A tide of energy with death breathe from all directions, and Ning Tao's body originally fell at the bottom of the statue. The speed is not much worse than a meteor. But such a speed, after a "sealing" by Hemia, it suddenly stopped, as if it was a time static!

"God cut!" Hemia fought the machete of the wings of the sky, and swooped down towards Ning Tao with his head and feet. Before the person has arrived, the wings of the sky have cut through the void, and they have been chopped down with thunder.

Take your life while you are blocked!

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the seal of God's standard was activated, and his body shot a mighty golden light, and the huge **** body appeared in the golden light. The super pot in his hand also became larger. The ordinary pan suddenly became hundreds of thousands of times larger.

The winged machete of the sky that flew to the sky before entering the superb pot of the magic weapon was as small as a small spoon that dug its ears.


The wings of the sky smashed onto the super pot, Mars splashed like a waterfall, the force of creation and the tide of energy carrying the breath of death generally rushed in all directions.

The wings of the sky were bounced back, but there was no trace of hacking left on the pan.

As far as the magic weapon is concerned, Ning Tao's pan is more powerful than the sky-winged machete of Hemia. After all, it is the **** of the earth and the **** of the two fierce gods. Device, combined.

"Kill you, your weapon is mine!" Hemia's eyes were all gold instantly, and two golden lights shot out from her eyes, extremely fierce.

Ning Tao didn't say a word, a pan was pumped up.

A kilometer-high **** body, a few hundred meters in diameter of a super pan, his blow is like shooting a fly!

"Hmm! This is my place, your **** body is useless." Yin Luo, Hemia leaped back, and the void behind her suddenly tore a crack, and her body disappeared into the crack instantly.


Empty the pan.

"Give me down!" Suddenly, a big white foot came out in the void, and one of them kicked Ning Tao's head.

Ning Tao raised his hand to block the block, and Kankan blocked the big feet of Hemia.


The pan trembled and Ning Tao's arm trembled.

Nothing else, just because the big-footed girl is not much smaller than his frying pan, at least two or three hundred meters long, dozens of meters wide, and one toe is longer than what he has!

The giant leg took the lead, pierced through the void, stepped on the pan and pressed down, first one, then two, and then the whole body. The deity of Hemia was far more than the one enshrined in the 12 Temples of the Sky Temple. God's body is even bigger!

At this moment, it was like a giant giant stepping on a child holding a toy saucepan, and stepping hard into the mud. This is not to say, the energy of space here swarms, suppresses Ning Tao, and blasts Ning Tao to the bottom of this space with Hemia!

At the bottom is a huge vortex of energy, with countless runes flashing like a galaxy in the starry sky. And it, it turned out to have a strong suction, pulling Ning Tao's legs down!

With three strengths, Ning Tao had nowhere to run.

But he's not the uncle's uncle

At the end of the crisis, he opened his mouth and blew a divine wind against Hemiah's super giant legs.

This is not a hot breeze, but a hurricane with thunder and lightning!


The wind blows grass and cattle and sheep.

Hemia's legs were lifted open, and her body lost balance and fell to one side. Her body is too huge, she has no flexibility at all, and she cannot avoid it.

"You go to death!" Ning Tao drew a pan on Hemia's leg.


The entire space was shaking, and the dark blue energy barrier was torn out of several horrible cracks.

The ink-like dark tide is usually poured in, and the breath of death is unprecedentedly strong!

Where did Ning Tao dare to fall in love with war, a movement of divine thought, activated the seal of chaos, closed the body, opened the door with a detective.

The energy barrier of the door of convenience and the Seal of Chaos opened at the same time, but before he stepped in, the space suddenly collapsed completely. Dark energy like ink instantly surrounded the energy barrier of the Seal of Chaos, wrapped with Ning Tao flew down.

Hemia also disappeared and was no longer visible.

what's going on?

Ning Tao flashed this thought in his mind, but at this moment where he still has time to think about it, he plunged to the door of convenience.

However, the door of convenience at this moment was like a pale golden mirror, which he broke when he mounted it. In the past, Bailian tried the convenient door of Bailing, but this time it actually failed, and it was in the absolute realm he built!

What is going on here?


The energy barrier propped up by the seal of chaos sent a crackling sound, and cracks appeared on the golden spherical energy barrier. The dark energy like ink on the outside is like a **** cockroach, desperately drilling .

This is a crisis of life and death!

Ning Tao instantly cleared away the thoughts in the hollow, and supported her hands on the seal of chaos, and continuously injected the power of creation into the seal of France.

It's also a strange thing. The dark energy outside retreated when encountering the power of creation, but the others rushed forward to meet them. After contact, they were "panicked" and returned, so repeatedly.

But Ning Tao still didn't dare to have the slightest care. He didn't know when this fall would end, and he wouldn't know where he would fall, but his power of creation is not infinite, and he needs to rest if he consumes too much. But at that time, the energy barrier propped up by the Seal of Chaos broke, and the dark energy outside would pinch him with no bones left!

Suddenly, a line of light appeared below, getting brighter and wider.

The end of darkness is light.

The closer the falling energy ball is to the light, the weaker the dark energy is.

At a blink of an eye, the darkness disappeared, and Ning Tao's vision was a sky of light and a surging ash cloud.

here is?

Ning Tao hurriedly bowed his head, an endless land came into his sight, rolling up and down, covering the sight, as well as forests and rivers.

"Here is ... the fairyland!" Ning Tao suddenly understood.

Just now, the city of the sky is in the gap between the mountain and the fairyland, which is in the sky barrier. Hemia's resurrected space collapsed, and he fell down, and naturally fell into the fairyland.

In retrospect, it is no wonder that his portal of convenience has lost its mana, because it is not in the same space world at all, and the energy channel of the portal of convenience cannot penetrate the barrier between Shenshan and the immortal world and bring him back

In the Sendzi Temple among the mountains.

Such a thing has actually happened before, he can not use the door of convenience to return to the world and the fairy realm on the Shenshan Mountain, and needs the help of Shenzhou.

Now, he fell back to the immortal world again. If there were only two paths for him to go to Shenshan, the first path was naturally Shenzhou's help. But this needs to know that he returned to the fairy realm, otherwise Shenzhou could not come to the fairy realm to pick him back. Another path is to touch the gods again and cross the gods to the mountain.

The golden energy ball continued to fall to the ground. The air rubbed against the wall of the energy ball. The flames burned, and a trail of fire of several hundred meters was drawn behind the energy ball.

Ning Tao's hands evacuated the Seal of Fortune, but just as he was about to remove the energy barrier of the Seal of Chaos, a thunder blast suddenly sounded above his head, followed by a thick bucket of lightning flashing down.

Lightning was completely blocked by the energy barrier of the Mark of Chaos, and it was unscathed.

Immediately afterwards, golden beams of light penetrated down, such as knives like spears, all pierced on the energy ball.

This time, some cracks appeared on the energy ball, but there was still some distance from the damage.

Ning Tao was too lazy to remove the energy barrier. Although God ’s disaster is now a house for him, it ’s not a problem to just casually go a few times. Why might he avoid it? He was not a masochist, and his head was not caught by Gate 11.


The energy light ball fell at the foot of a large mountain, and a large pit appeared on the ground amidst the violent explosion.

Ning Tao jumped out of the pit and observed the surrounding environment.

The mountains of Fanxiandi are mostly bare, and the mountains here are covered with dense virgin forests, which are either endless forests or the border areas of the south without swamps.


An arrow suddenly flew into a forest, part of it stuck on Ning Tao's body, part of it fell, and stuck on the trunk beside the big pit.

Ning Tao turned to look.


On his turn, hundreds of arrows and crossbows shot on him, from his face to the door to his feet. If his body hadn't shattered those arrows, he might have become a human hedgehog at this moment.

The trees were shaking, camouflage was painted on their faces, and they wore animal skins, straw skirts, and even a fairy wearing nothing. They came out of the woods, some were bull heads, some were head horses, and others were dragging one. The wonderfully aged woman with a python body is diverse and has all kinds of fairies. These fairies also have a variety of weapons, some holding bows and arrows, some holding crossbows, some holding knives, some holding spears, and some have no weapons, just pinch a stone in their hands.

Seeing these fairies, Ning Tao already knew where he was.

This is where he fell to the site of two daughters.

"Bold! I still don't kneel down when I see Niu Ye!" A fairy with a tauren waved a mace in his hand ~ ~ I'm the ox-headed general of King Fox's King, kneel to me! "

Ning Tao grinned. "I'm the godfather of your king."

哐 Dang!

The mace fell on the instep of the minotaur, who called himself Niuye.

Suddenly someone in the fairy group recognized Ning Tao and exclaimed, "That, that ... that's the immortal king!"

"It's an immortal king!"

"Our kings are dreaming of the immortal king's name."

"What the **** are you silly doing, kneel with me!"

All the fairies knelt down.

End of this chapter)

Open a clinic


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