Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1359: Study on the nucleus of a fairy trapper

At night, the lights are bright in Jizo.

For the immortal people living in the shadow of the fairy catcher, a day of life is officially started.

For a **** living in Jizo, his life has just begun.

After the dinner, the eight fairies of Ning's family returned to each house.

Ning Tao walked around in the palace of "Nine Nine Return to One" layout, and finally went to the room where Qingzhui lived.

No matter in heaven or earth or the heavenly mountains of the heavenly world, what he loves most is his first woman, Qingzhui. In his heart, Qingzhui is the wife of an ordinary man, who has gone through all the hardships and pains. He has paid so much for him. How can he not love?

He only knocked on the door and it opened.

Qing Zhui waited at the door, only to open it when he knocked. She looked at Ning Tao a little nervously, with a shy smile on the corner of her mouth: "Brother Ning, I know ... you will come to me."

Ning Tao walked in, covered the door smoothly, and said with a smile, "Miss me?"

Qing Zhui nodded his head: "Yes."

Ning Tao reached out and wrapped Qing Qing's waist, his voice was soft: "Where do you miss me?"

Qing Zhui's face suddenly turned red: "Brother Ning, you ... you know to make fun of me, you know exactly where I miss you."

"Where do you miss me?" Ning Tao likes to see her shy most.

Qing Zhui tilted his lips slightly: "Of course it is in my heart."

Ning Tao sighed: "I only thought of me in my heart, so let's talk by candlelight tonight and talk to you all night."

Qing Zhui turned around suddenly, plunged his head into Ning Tao's arms, buried his head on his shoulders, did not dare to look at him, and called up the courage to say, "I want to be a mother, they are almost going to be mothers, and I am Yes. "

Ning Tao smiled reluctantly: "It turned out to be such a thing, a small thing, wrapped it in me."

"Is it enough to wrap it on you?" Qing Zhui looked up at Ning Tao, his eyes were pulsed.

"Just wrap it on me." Ning Tao looked very sure.

"But that's what you said, then I'll wrap it on you." There was something different in Qing Zhui's eyes, it felt like something was lit in the night, and it was obviously burning. The temperature on her body was also obviously higher than before and she needed to fight fire.

Only then did Ning Tao find out that he took himself around for a long time.

He couldn't bear to tease any more, he held her face, looked at her in pulses, and then approached her a little.

Qing Zhui closed her eyes nervously.

Getting closer.

Just as they were about to touch each other, there was a knock at the door.

Before Ning Tao and Qingzhui had any reaction, the door of the room was pushed open. Lich King Bai Jing came in generously and not only closed the door smoothly, but also bolted the door.

Bai Jing chased Ning Tao and Qing, with a sweet smile on her face: "Fu Jun, I know you are eccentric, and I will be here with my sister tonight. Well, didn't you bother?"

You've bolted the doors and asked if they bothered you. Is this too fake?

"Well, otherwise I'll go back." Bai Jing turned around, looking like he was leaving.

Qing Zhui was about to call Bai Jing out loud, but Ning Tao reached out and covered her lips.

Bai Jing took a step and turned around. Liu Mei raised his head upright: "You two have no conscience, do you really want me to go?"

Ning Tao laughed: "You bolted the doors and said falsely to leave. Can you cheat too much, can you lie to me? You see, you just took one step, even pretending to go on. There is no sincerity. "

"Fu Jun, you are eccentric, you bully!" Bai Jing ran to Ning Tao's side in small steps, waving a pair of pink punches to hit Ning Tao's chest.

咚咚咚, 咚咚, 咚, very rhythmic.

If she goes to the world of mixed entertainment, where is there anything else, a sister.

Ning Tao released Qing Zhui, caught one fist of the Lich King, and shot with the other hand.

A crackling sound and ripples.

"Sister, look at him and hit me again." Bai Jing complained to Qing, a pitiful look, but with eyes you can't hide the joy and comfort you can't hide.

Qing Chai gave Bai Jing a blindfold: "Good fight."

"Oh my God, my god, I am so pitiful, oh ..." Bai Jing cried sadly, but there were no tears in her foxy eyes.

Three consecutive shots of Ning Tao's palm.


Suddenly Bai Jing plunged into Ning Tao's arms, her voice trembled: "I'm going to wrap it on you, husband."

Ning Tao: "..."

Darkness shrouded the vast earth.

Suddenly, two orbs appeared in the sky.

A blue dragon rose from the abyss, spit the dragon's breath, and hurled at the two orbs.

Another white dragon emerged from the abyss, and his teeth danced toward the two orbs.

Qinglong and Bailong fought endlessly, and the two dragons played beads.

In the early morning of the next day, Ning Tao came out of Jizo City, took out the Thunder King Hammer, chose a direction and flew out for hundreds of kilometers, then stopped.

Here is a large mountain whose peaks are tens of thousands of meters high.

Ning Tao Yufeng entered the mountains, ran into a quiet and uninhabited valley, and stopped in the valley.

Photographed with one palm, the seal of chaos fell to the ground, the force of creation spread in all directions, and an energy barrier was immediately supported.

The valley became the absolute realm of Ning Tao, who controlled everything.

After being prepared, Ning Tao picked up the Japanese gourd and released the **** stones stored in it.

This blood-colored stone is the nucleus of a fairy trap. The size of a few human heads is like a piece buckled from the sun. There are golden runes flashing in the blood-colored rocks, one after another, like a waterfall flowing.

As soon as the nucleus of the immortal catcher came out, the terrifying death energy spread out in all directions, and the sand, rocks and soil on the ground were blackened. A bug that had just crawled out of the cave instantly petrified.

However, when this death energy spread to the energy walls of the Seal of Chaos, it ceased to spread, and it was impossible to move forward.

The power of creation represents creation and life. The energy of death represents destruction and death. Two very different types of energy struggle endlessly, but Ning Tao is here. He can continuously provide the power of creation to the seal of creation, and The nucleus of the fairy trap cannot sustain this consumption. The two energies fought for a few minutes, and the death energy released from the nucleus of the immortal was honest, and the tide water generally returned to the nucleus, shrinking and no longer coming out.

However, the place that had been attacked by the death energy did not recover, and the petrified insect still maintained the position of being petrified, and could no longer survive.

The power of creation may bring this place back to life, but it will not allow a petrified worm to come alive, and he will not be idle to do such things.

Ning Tao stared at the giant brain in front of her, secretly saying: "This death energy has great similarities with the death energy I saw on the edge of the fairyland, and the fairy catcher is made by Hemia. Yes, what does she have to do with the energy of death that devours the fairyland? "

No way of knowing.

Ning Tao raised his hand and slowly reached out to the **** giant brain nucleus.

The death energy in the blood-colored giant brain seems to be sensing something, and it emerges from the brain again. In the void, it is condensed into a mass and the tentacles are dancing. The scene is like a vicious serpent. The duel stance is to stop enemies near the snake's den.

Ning Tao froze for a moment. This was the first time he saw such a reaction in the nucleus of an immortal catcher. He was curious in his heart: "Can this nucleus think like a human? It is very possible. If the person imagines a robot, then it is the brain of the robot, and it is also normal to have anthropomorphic thinking. If it is really a CPU and contains magic programs, how can I interpret its programming language? "

Zeng Er also studied the nucleus of the fairy catcher, but it did not produce any results, except that the runes in it were not spells but existed like procedures. At that time, he was stunned and couldn't believe it, but he went up to the mountain, went to the kingdom of Apocalypse created by Hemia, and the **** body she stayed in the twelve heavenly palaces. His view had long changed.

And he also became more and more certain that the level of this thing far exceeded that of Zerg II, and Zerg II could only resolve things lower than its level. After all, Sansheng Ding is just an artifact, and Zong Er is just an instrument. The reason why it knows so many cheats and analyzes so many things is because it eats a lot of people and is eaten by it. The memory and knowledge of those people, as well as those who have been diagnosed by it before, have all become its "data". But the existence of the immortal trapper, except Hemia, I am afraid no one knows its secret. Unless Zerg II eats Hemia, it has no brain that can analyze the fairy trapper and the eye in front of it. Therefore, this matter can not be lazy, he must come in person.

But where do I start?

Many thoughts flashed in Ning Tao's heart, but his hand didn't pause for a second, and plunged directly into the serpent-like dance energy of death.

The death energy eroded Ning Tao's palm crazyly ~ ~ At the moment when he penetrated, his palm seemed to be bitten by the poisonous snake, and his skin ulcerated and flesh became purulent. The pain and pain of death invaded every nerve in his nerves, and he frowned slightly, but did not shrink his hand.

In the past, he shrank his hands, because at that time his power of creation had not yet evolved into divine power, it was only the power of demigods, and it was still in the category of spiritual power. Now he is already a God of Destiny. He The power of good fortune has long evolved into a divine power, and it is quite mature and powerful. He dared to break even the tomb of God, and he was afraid of a brain without a body?

If he shrinks his hands at this time, and he is not worthy of sending a **** of destiny, he will ask Fox Ji for a bowl of blood from the beginning, and then bury his face in, and drown himself.

"Huh! I can't help it!" Ning Tao snorted coldly, the force of fortune rushed to the eroded palms, and flesh and blood were reborn in a moment.


A group of Jincancan's fire broke out from his hands, passed through the snake-like dance energy of death, and landed on his brain with his hands.

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