Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1362: Little teacher's wish

After the temple was completed, it was on a cliff on the mountainside of Fengxian Mountain. Like the temple in Jizo City, Ning Tao used the terrain and structure of the mountain to use the earth's magic to directly divide it into the mountain. A thousand-meter-high arch-shaped space, in which a statue is molded, is convenient and simple, but without losing its majesty.

The gate of the temple is located at the bottom of the cliff. There is also a huge bone china square in front of the gate. It is crystal clear and very gorgeous. The temple was completed, and more than 200,000 believers in Fengxian Mountain poured into the temple. The temple couldn't fit, and at least 100,000 people knelt on the square to worship their **** of giving birth.

The beliefs of these immortal people are from the heart, because Ning Tao rescued them from the fire pit. In their hearts, long before Ning Tao became a god, their subconsciousness had actually Ning Tao respected as a god.

The tide of the letter energy generally flows into the seal of the gods standing on the statue standing in the temple. Although Ning Tao is not in the temple, his **** body is always growing.

Ning Tao was not in the Fengxian Mountain Buddhism Palace. When more than 200,000 believers worshipped him, he stood on the top of Fengxian Mountain and looked up at the dark shrouded sky.

It is about to dawn.

After dawn, the believers of Fengxian Mountain will hide in the building, into the cave, or in the abyss at the foot of Fengxian Mountain, and dare not openly move on the mountain.

This kind of day is coming to an end, and at the speed that the body of God is now growing, I believe it won't take long to reach the level he expects—don't expect the high and infinite power of a fairy catcher, he only needs to The level of the Fairy's head-on battle is enough. The rest is left to the super pot to solve, if one pot can not be solved, then two pots.

The sound of footsteps behind him seemed a little hesitant and a little cautious.

Ning Tao thought it was Song Qingyin, but the characteristic of listening to the footsteps was not his serious female disciple. The night breeze blew, a ray of elegant fragrance drifted with the wind, very familiar taste, a warm and comfortable feeling.

He turned away, and in the dark night, a woman in a robe came towards him.

Compassion came, and the plain monk's robe could not cover the graceful curve, it was convex and backward, but it had a bit of greenness in maturity. She is still so clean, like a white lotus growing out of clear water in Haoyue Pond.

Ning Tao did not forget her. The reason why he chose to build a third temple in Fengxian Mountain instead of going elsewhere is because he listened to the soft Tianyin saying that after he went to Shenshan, he followed Song Qingyin to Feng Fairy Mountain. He wanted to see her, so he came.

"You are here." Ning Tao smiled at her, a special kind voice, a special warm smile.

Compassionate, hands folded: "Amitabha, Brother Ning ..."

Brother Ning, she couldn't tell. Before she came, she obviously thought about what to say, but when she came to Ning Tao, he just said hello to her, and she was a bit messy, her mouth was awkward, and her face was mostly red.

She is still so shy.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "What are you doing so politely, we are not outsiders."

He didn't know if he didn't say this. As soon as he said this, his compassion whispered "sin", and suddenly his legs were about to kneel on the ground.

Ning Tao hurriedly stepped forward to support her arm, preventing her from kneeling, and said, "What are you doing?"

Lovingly said timidly: "Brother Ning, all the immortal people on Fengxian Mountain are worshiping you. You are now a god. I am a monk, how can I stop seeing God? You let me go and let me Bye bye. "

Ning Tao did not let go, and smiled bitterly: "My **** is not the kind of **** you worship. Compared to your gods, my **** is not a god, you do n’t worship, you worship me, I will be embarrassed . "

Mercy said: "I heard a lot of legends about you in Fengxian Mountain. You saved all peoples in water and fire with your own power. You not only saved them from the fire pit, you gave them food and gave them treatment. Ill, give them a home to live and work in. For a good act like yours, a bodhisattva heart like you, you are the **** I want to worship. Please let go and let me worship you. "

Ning Tao was so embarrassed that he didn't want to let go.

Compassion still kept on his knees.

The two were so stalemate, the picture was awkward.

There was no stalemate for a few seconds, and a mist of water suddenly appeared in the eyes of compassion, as if the aggrieved child was about to cry.

Where can Ning Tao see her crying, she let go of her hand in a hurry.

Kindhearted took the opportunity to kneel on the ground, worshiped Ning Tao for three times, and then did not get up on his knees. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ning Tao's eyes.

Ning Tao said: "You worship too, get up, we haven't seen you in a long time, let's have a good talk."

The compassionate voice was small: "I and I dare not sit on an equal footing with you, you are a real god."

Ning Tao has a headache, but it's hard to talk about her. In case she talks hard, she won't be able to coax if she really cries. He thought for a while, and kneeled on the opposite side of Mercy with his legs bent: "Since you are not up, let's kneel and talk."

Mercy was suddenly anxious: "Brother Ning, you and you get up, how and how this makes you."

Ning Tao said: "What's wrong with this? It's fair for you to kneel on me, and I kneel on you. If you think I can't kneel on you, then you should treat me as kneeling."

The compassionate face suddenly turned red, and the voice was even lower: "Brother Ning, do you have to say this, you and me kneel to heaven and earth, then it won't be ... shall we worship heaven and earth?"

The voice behind was so small that only she could hear it.

Ke Ningtao is a god. Of course he can hear it, and he can hear it clearly.

This is awkward.

He just didn't want her to kneel, and found an excuse casually, but was understood by her to worship the heaven and earth with her, which was really worse than Dou'e. He can swear to God that he doesn't have the slightest intention to play tricks on others.

However, he is a god, and he ca n’t wash up by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Well, no matter if I worship the heavens and the earth, if you don't get up, I won't get up." Ning Tao cheated.

Mercy finally looked up at Ning Tao, but there was no red spot on a pretty face: "You, you are God, how can you ... rely such a trick?"

Ning Tao smiled: "I'm a Lai Pi God, you take care of it."

He sighed with compassion: "Oh ... you god, everything is fine, just a little ..."

"What is it?"

"It's a little bit of color, it's a bit of a skinny."

Ning Tao: "..."

This is what Xiao Shitai thinks of him as a child-giving god.

What is he saying?

Compassion finally stopped kneeling, and she sat cross-legged on the ground.

Ning Tao also struck a cross-legged and sat beside her. Under the buttocks was a hard, cold rock, and the night breeze was cold. He took off his coat and put it on her.

When the clothes were on the body, the compassionate body trembled a little, with a flattering response, and a little uncomfortable, but she still did not take Ning Tao's coat over her.

"Why are you here in Fengxian Mountain, isn't it good in Jizo City? Tianyin, Jiang Hao, and Qingyou are all in Jizo City, and you are busy with them." Ning Tao casually found a topic.

After a moment of compassion, she said, "They are all fairies. One is better than the other. I am a monk. I have nothing to do with them. They rarely talk to me. In addition, Master is the oldest person in her life. I wish to come to see the fairyland, I came up, I want to go around the fairyland, take a look, I will talk to Master when going back and forth to the world. "

Speaking of which, she seemed to imagine the reunion with Master, and a little smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"People will have to die a lifetime before they can enter the fairyland. You are now in the fairyland, why ... do you still want to return to the realm?" Ning Tao was surprised.

A kind hearty smile at Ning Tao: "I'm so stupid."

Ning Tao's heart was lost.

He smiled kindly and said, "I used to look forward to the fairy world, but when I came, I saw a different fairy world. I do n’t see any of the gods I believe in here. They are not here, they In mortal world, so I want to go back. Otherwise, what's the point of my being alive? "

Ning Tao said: "You can also insist on your belief here, you don't need to go back, don't you say that there are Buddhas in your heart?"

Mercy shook his head: "I decided, I want to go back and ask Brother Ning for help."

"Are you so anxious?" Ning Tao's heart was even more lost.

Mercy said, "Don't worry, I want to go around all over the fairyland. Brother Ning, you're busy with what you have to do before sending me down. Master is old and needs a careful person to take care of me. Sisters don't worry. "

Ning Tao sighed: "Well, when I kill the fairy catcher, you can safely travel around the fairyland, I will send someone to protect you. When you see enough, I am also busy with my business, I Let Brother Shenzhou take you down. "

"Well, thank you Brother Ning." There was another bright smile on the compassionate face.

Ning Tao said: "During this time, you should hurry up and train. The aura here is abundant, and there is no such training condition in the world. You lay the foundation in the fairy world, and you will not necessarily be able to rely on your true skills He came to the fairyland and became a true fairy. "

"Brother Ning, why are you so good to me?" Loving heart courageously stared at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I'm good to you. Is there any reason for this?"

The compassionate body leaned slightly in the direction of Ning Tao. She avoided Ning Tao's eyes, and her voice was soft: "Brother Ning, there is no **** I believe in here, and I am not a monk."

Ning Tao froze for a moment. What does she mean?

Without waiting for him to understand, the compassionate body completely fell over and fell into his arms.

He was deadlocked. To be honest, he was not so nervous when facing Qingzhui and Bai Jing at the same time, and the whole man was stiffened into a stick ~ ~ The compassion was more tense than him She closed her eyes, and her voice trembled: "I was adopted by a master from a young age, and God gave me a daughter, but I have even experienced the feeling of being a woman ... Sometimes I do strange things at night Dream, chaos my Tao heart, so ... Brother Ning, you are God, so I make a wish to you, can you fulfill my wish, I want to experience the feeling of being a woman, I want to do that, I will I won't have that dream. "

How can all the orders given by the Son of God be these?

Ning Tao's heart was so soft and messy, how could he bear to refuse such a wish?

He said softly, "Are you sure?"

Lovingly closed her eyes nervously, and nodded her biting lips.

Ning Tao couldn't control it anymore, and bowed his head and kissed ...

When he went down the mountain, he went down with compassion.

She can't walk easily.

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